/* $NetBSD: propdelay.c,v 2000/03/29 12:38:45 simonb Exp $ */ /* propdelay.c,v 3.1 1993/07/06 01:05:24 jbj Exp * propdelay - compute propagation delays * * cc -o propdelay propdelay.c -lm * * "Time and Frequency Users' Manual", NBS Technical Note 695 (1977). */ /* * This can be used to get a rough idea of the HF propagation delay * between two points (usually between you and the radio station). * The usage is * * propdelay latitudeA longitudeA latitudeB longitudeB * * where points A and B are the locations in question. You obviously * need to know the latitude and longitude of each of the places. * The program expects the latitude to be preceded by an 'n' or 's' * and the longitude to be preceded by an 'e' or 'w'. It understands * either decimal degrees or degrees:minutes:seconds. Thus to compute * the delay between the WWVH (21:59:26N, 159:46:00W) and WWV (40:40:49N, * 105:02:27W) you could use: * * propdelay n21:59:26 w159:46 n40:40:49 w105:02:27 * * By default it prints out a summer (F2 average virtual height 350 km) and * winter (F2 average virtual height 250 km) number. The results will be * quite approximate but are about as good as you can do with HF time anyway. * You might pick a number between the values to use, or use the summer * value in the summer and switch to the winter value when the static * above 10 MHz starts to drop off in the fall. You can also use the * -h switch if you want to specify your own virtual height. * * You can also do a * * propdelay -W n45:17:47 w75:45:22 * * to find the propagation delays to WWV and WWVH (from CHU in this * case), a * * propdelay -C n40:40:49 w105:02:27 * * to find the delays to CHU, and a * * propdelay -G n52:03:17 w98:34:18 * * to find delays to GOES via each of the three satellites. */ #include #include #include "ntp_stdlib.h" extern double sin (double); extern double cos (double); extern double acos (double); extern double tan (double); extern double atan (double); extern double sqrt (double); #define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0) /* * Program constants */ #define EARTHRADIUS (6370.0) /* raduis of earth (km) */ #define LIGHTSPEED (299800.0) /* speed of light, km/s */ #define PI (3.1415926536) #define RADPERDEG (PI/180.0) /* radians per degree */ #define MILE (1.609344) /* km in a mile */ #define SUMMERHEIGHT (350.0) /* summer height in km */ #define WINTERHEIGHT (250.0) /* winter height in km */ #define SATHEIGHT (6.6110 * 6378.0) /* geosync satellite height in km from centre of earth */ #define WWVLAT "n40:40:49" #define WWVLONG "w105:02:27" #define WWVHLAT "n21:59:26" #define WWVHLONG "w159:46:00" #define CHULAT "n45:17:47" #define CHULONG "w75:45:22" #define GOES_UP_LAT "n37:52:00" #define GOES_UP_LONG "w75:27:00" #define GOES_EAST_LONG "w75:00:00" #define GOES_STBY_LONG "w105:00:00" #define GOES_WEST_LONG "w135:00:00" #define GOES_SAT_LAT "n00:00:00" char *wwvlat = WWVLAT; char *wwvlong = WWVLONG; char *wwvhlat = WWVHLAT; char *wwvhlong = WWVHLONG; char *chulat = CHULAT; char *chulong = CHULONG; char *goes_up_lat = GOES_UP_LAT; char *goes_up_long = GOES_UP_LONG; char *goes_east_long = GOES_EAST_LONG; char *goes_stby_long = GOES_STBY_LONG; char *goes_west_long = GOES_WEST_LONG; char *goes_sat_lat = GOES_SAT_LAT; int hflag = 0; int Wflag = 0; int Cflag = 0; int Gflag = 0; int height; char *progname; int debug; static void doit (double, double, double, double, double, char *); static double latlong (char *, int); static double greatcircle (double, double, double, double); static double waveangle (double, double, int); static double propdelay (double, double, int); static int finddelay (double, double, double, double, double, double *); static void satdoit (double, double, double, double, double, double, char *); static void satfinddelay (double, double, double, double, double *); static double satpropdelay (double); /* * main - parse arguments and handle options */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int c; int errflg = 0; double lat1, long1; double lat2, long2; double lat3, long3; progname = argv[0]; while ((c = ntp_getopt(argc, argv, "dh:CWG")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'd': ++debug; break; case 'h': hflag++; height = atof(ntp_optarg); if (height <= 0.0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "height %s unlikely\n", ntp_optarg); errflg++; } break; case 'C': Cflag++; break; case 'W': Wflag++; break; case 'G': Gflag++; break; default: errflg++; break; } if (errflg || (!(Cflag || Wflag || Gflag) && ntp_optind+4 != argc) || ((Cflag || Wflag || Gflag) && ntp_optind+2 != argc)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-d] [-h height] lat1 long1 lat2 long2\n", progname); (void) fprintf(stderr," - or -\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -CWG [-d] lat long\n", progname); exit(2); } if (!(Cflag || Wflag || Gflag)) { lat1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1); long1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0); lat2 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 2], 1); long2 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 3], 0); if (hflag) { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, ""); } else { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT, "summer propagation, "); doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT, "winter propagation, "); } } else if (Wflag) { /* * Compute delay from WWV */ lat1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1); long1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0); lat2 = latlong(wwvlat, 1); long2 = latlong(wwvlong, 0); if (hflag) { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, "WWV "); } else { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT, "WWV summer propagation, "); doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT, "WWV winter propagation, "); } /* * Compute delay from WWVH */ lat2 = latlong(wwvhlat, 1); long2 = latlong(wwvhlong, 0); if (hflag) { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, "WWVH "); } else { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT, "WWVH summer propagation, "); doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT, "WWVH winter propagation, "); } } else if (Cflag) { lat1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1); long1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0); lat2 = latlong(chulat, 1); long2 = latlong(chulong, 0); if (hflag) { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, "CHU "); } else { doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT, "CHU summer propagation, "); doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT, "CHU winter propagation, "); } } else if (Gflag) { lat1 = latlong(goes_up_lat, 1); long1 = latlong(goes_up_long, 0); lat3 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1); long3 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0); lat2 = latlong(goes_sat_lat, 1); long2 = latlong(goes_west_long, 0); satdoit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, lat3, long3, "GOES Delay via WEST"); long2 = latlong(goes_stby_long, 0); satdoit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, lat3, long3, "GOES Delay via STBY"); long2 = latlong(goes_east_long, 0); satdoit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, lat3, long3, "GOES Delay via EAST"); } exit(0); } /* * doit - compute a delay and print it */ static void doit( double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2, double h, char *str ) { int hops; double delay; hops = finddelay(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, h, &delay); printf("%sheight %g km, hops %d, delay %g seconds\n", str, h, hops, delay); } /* * latlong - decode a latitude/longitude value */ static double latlong( char *str, int islat ) { register char *cp; register char *bp; double arg; double div; int isneg; char buf[32]; char *colon; if (islat) { /* * Must be north or south */ if (*str == 'N' || *str == 'n') isneg = 0; else if (*str == 'S' || *str == 's') isneg = 1; else isneg = -1; } else { /* * East is positive, west is negative */ if (*str == 'E' || *str == 'e') isneg = 0; else if (*str == 'W' || *str == 'w') isneg = 1; else isneg = -1; } if (isneg >= 0) str++; colon = strchr(str, ':'); if (colon != NULL) { /* * in hhh:mm:ss form */ cp = str; bp = buf; while (cp < colon) *bp++ = *cp++; *bp = '\0'; cp++; arg = atof(buf); div = 60.0; colon = strchr(cp, ':'); if (colon != NULL) { bp = buf; while (cp < colon) *bp++ = *cp++; *bp = '\0'; cp++; arg += atof(buf) / div; div = 3600.0; } if (*cp != '\0') arg += atof(cp) / div; } else { arg = atof(str); } if (isneg == 1) arg = -arg; if (debug > 2) (void) printf("latitude/longitude %s = %g\n", str, arg); return arg; } /* * greatcircle - compute the great circle distance in kilometers */ static double greatcircle( double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2 ) { double dg; double l1r, l2r; l1r = lat1 * RADPERDEG; l2r = lat2 * RADPERDEG; dg = EARTHRADIUS * acos( (cos(l1r) * cos(l2r) * cos((long2-long1)*RADPERDEG)) + (sin(l1r) * sin(l2r))); if (debug >= 2) printf( "greatcircle lat1 %g long1 %g lat2 %g long2 %g dist %g\n", lat1, long1, lat2, long2, dg); return dg; } /* * waveangle - compute the wave angle for the given distance, virtual * height and number of hops. */ static double waveangle( double dg, double h, int n ) { double theta; double delta; theta = dg / (EARTHRADIUS * (double)(2 * n)); delta = atan((h / (EARTHRADIUS * sin(theta))) + tan(theta/2)) - theta; if (debug >= 2) printf("waveangle dist %g height %g hops %d angle %g\n", dg, h, n, delta / RADPERDEG); return delta; } /* * propdelay - compute the propagation delay */ static double propdelay( double dg, double h, int n ) { double phi; double theta; double td; theta = dg / (EARTHRADIUS * (double)(2 * n)); phi = (PI/2.0) - atan((h / (EARTHRADIUS * sin(theta))) + tan(theta/2)); td = dg / (LIGHTSPEED * sin(phi)); if (debug >= 2) printf("propdelay dist %g height %g hops %d time %g\n", dg, h, n, td); return td; } /* * finddelay - find the propagation delay */ static int finddelay( double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2, double h, double *delay ) { double dg; /* great circle distance */ double delta; /* wave angle */ int n; /* number of hops */ dg = greatcircle(lat1, long1, lat2, long2); if (debug) printf("great circle distance %g km %g miles\n", dg, dg/MILE); n = 1; while ((delta = waveangle(dg, h, n)) < 0.0) { if (debug) printf("tried %d hop%s, no good\n", n, n>1?"s":""); n++; } if (debug) printf("%d hop%s okay, wave angle is %g\n", n, n>1?"s":"", delta / RADPERDEG); *delay = propdelay(dg, h, n); return n; } /* * satdoit - compute a delay and print it */ static void satdoit( double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2, double lat3, double long3, char *str ) { double up_delay,down_delay; satfinddelay(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, &up_delay); satfinddelay(lat3, long3, lat2, long2, &down_delay); printf("%s, delay %g seconds\n", str, up_delay + down_delay); } /* * satfinddelay - calculate the one-way delay time between a ground station * and a satellite */ static void satfinddelay( double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2, double *delay ) { double dg; /* great circle distance */ dg = greatcircle(lat1, long1, lat2, long2); *delay = satpropdelay(dg); } /* * satpropdelay - calculate the one-way delay time between a ground station * and a satellite */ static double satpropdelay( double dg ) { double k1, k2, dist; double theta; double td; theta = dg / (EARTHRADIUS); k1 = EARTHRADIUS * sin(theta); k2 = SATHEIGHT - (EARTHRADIUS * cos(theta)); if (debug >= 2) printf("Theta %g k1 %g k2 %g\n", theta, k1, k2); dist = sqrt(k1*k1 + k2*k2); td = dist / LIGHTSPEED; if (debug >= 2) printf("propdelay dist %g height %g time %g\n", dg, dist, td); return td; }