# LIST OF CHANGES FROM LAST RELEASE: <$Revision: 1.1671 $> # # # [Note: This file does not mention every change made to the NetBSD source tree. # For an exhaustive list, please subscribe to the `source-changes' mailing list, # or see the mailing list archives. For more information, send a message # containing just the word `help' to `majordomo@NetBSD.org'.] # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING STYLE WHEN ADDING ITEMS: # # theme: Content ... # more content ... # more content. [developer DATE-FORMAT] # # That's it, one tab to start an item, and two tabs to indent the content. # Also please start the content with a capital and end it with a dot. # # This is very important for the www scripts, otherwise it won't be able to # parse the file and the HTML output will be mangled. # # See htutils/changes/changes2html script for more details. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes from NetBSD 6.0 to NetBSD 7.0: