/* $NetBSD: token.l,v 1.1 2000/06/13 15:15:28 itojun Exp $ */ /* $KAME: token.l,v 1.13 2000/06/07 00:29:14 itojun Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 WIDE Project. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vchar.h" #include "y.tab.h" #define DECHO \ if (f_debug) {printf("<%d>", yy_start); ECHO ; printf("\n"); } #define CMDARG \ { \ char *__buf__ = strdup(yytext), *__p__; \ for (__p__ = __buf__; *__p__ != NULL; __p__++) \ if (*__p__ == '\n' || *__p__ == '\t') \ *__p__ = ' '; \ strcat(cmdarg, __buf__); \ free(__buf__); \ } #define PREPROC DECHO CMDARG int lineno = 1; char cmdarg[8192]; /* XXX: BUFSIZ is the better ? */ extern u_char m_buf[BUFSIZ]; extern u_int m_len; extern int f_debug; int yylex __P((void)); void yyfatal __P((const char *s)); void yyerror __P((const char *s)); extern void parse_init __P((void)); int parse __P((FILE **)); int yyparse __P((void)); %} /* common section */ nl \n ws [ \t]+ digit [0-9] letter [0-9A-Za-z] hexdigit [0-9A-Fa-f] /*octet (([01]?{digit}?{digit})|((2([0-4]{digit}))|(25[0-5])))*/ special [()+\|\?\*,] dot \. comma \, hyphen \- colon \: slash \/ bcl \{ ecl \} blcl \[ elcl \] percent \% semi \; usec {dot}{digit}{1,6} comment \#.* ccomment "/*" bracketstring \<[^>]*\> quotedstring \"[^"]*\" decstring {digit}+ hexpair {hexdigit}{hexdigit} hexstring 0[xX]{hexdigit}+ octetstring {octet}({dot}{octet})+ ipaddress [a-fA-F0-9:]([a-fA-F0-9:\.]*|[a-fA-F0-9:\.]*%[a-zA-Z0-9]*) ipaddrmask {slash}{digit}{1,3} ipaddrport {blcl}{decstring}{elcl} keyword {letter}{letter}+ name {letter}(({letter}|{digit}|{hyphen})*({letter}|{digit}))* hostname {name}(({dot}{name})+{dot}?)? %s S_PL %% add { PREPROC; return(ADD); } delete { PREPROC; return(DELETE); } get { PREPROC; return(GET); } flush { PREPROC; return(FLUSH); } dump { PREPROC; return(DUMP); } /* for management SPD */ spdadd { PREPROC; return(SPDADD); } spddelete { PREPROC; return(SPDDELETE); } spddump { PREPROC; return(SPDDUMP); } spdflush { PREPROC; return(SPDFLUSH); } {hyphen}P { BEGIN S_PL; PREPROC; return(F_POLICY); } [a-zA-Z0-9:\.\-_/ \n\t][a-zA-Z0-9:\.\-_/ \n\t]* { yymore(); /* count up for nl */ { char *p; for (p = yytext; *p != NULL; p++) if (*p == '\n') lineno++; } yylval.val.len = strlen(yytext); yylval.val.buf = strdup(yytext); return(PL_REQUESTS); } {semi} { PREPROC; BEGIN INITIAL; return(EOT); } /* security protocols */ ah { PREPROC; yylval.num = 0; return(PR_AH); } esp { PREPROC; yylval.num = 0; return(PR_ESP); } ah-old { PREPROC; yylval.num = 1; return(PR_AH); } esp-old { PREPROC; yylval.num = 1; return(PR_ESP); } ipcomp { PREPROC; yylval.num = 0; return(PR_IPCOMP); } /* authentication alogorithm */ {hyphen}A { PREPROC; return(F_AUTH); } hmac-md5 { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_AALG_MD5HMAC; return(ALG_AUTH); } hmac-sha1 { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_AALG_SHA1HMAC; return(ALG_AUTH); } keyed-md5 { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_AALG_MD5; return(ALG_AUTH); } keyed-sha1 { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_AALG_SHA; return(ALG_AUTH); } null { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_AALG_NULL; return(ALG_AUTH); } /* encryption alogorithm */ {hyphen}E { PREPROC; return(F_ENC); } des-cbc { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_EALG_DESCBC; return(ALG_ENC); } 3des-cbc { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_EALG_3DESCBC; return(ALG_ENC); } simple { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_EALG_NULL; return(ALG_ENC); } blowfish-cbc { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_EALG_BLOWFISHCBC; return(ALG_ENC); } cast128-cbc { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_EALG_CAST128CBC; return(ALG_ENC); } des-deriv { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_EALG_DESCBC; return(ALG_ENC_DESDERIV); } des-32iv { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_EALG_DESCBC; return(ALG_ENC_DES32IV); } /* compression algorithms */ {hyphen}C { PREPROC; return(F_COMP); } oui { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_X_CALG_OUI; return(ALG_COMP); } deflate { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_X_CALG_DEFLATE; return(ALG_COMP); } lzs { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_X_CALG_LZS; return(ALG_COMP); } {hyphen}R { PREPROC; return(F_RAWCPI); } /* extension */ {hyphen}m { PREPROC; return(F_MODE); } transport { PREPROC; yylval.num = IPSEC_MODE_TRANSPORT; return(MODE); } tunnel { PREPROC; yylval.num = IPSEC_MODE_TUNNEL; return(MODE); } {hyphen}u { PREPROC; return(F_REQID); } {hyphen}f { PREPROC; return(F_EXT); } random-pad { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_X_EXT_PRAND; return(EXTENSION); } seq-pad { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_X_EXT_PSEQ; return(EXTENSION); } zero-pad { PREPROC; yylval.num = SADB_X_EXT_PZERO; return(EXTENSION); } nocyclic-seq { PREPROC; return(NOCYCLICSEQ); } {hyphen}r { PREPROC; return(F_REPLAY); } {hyphen}lh { PREPROC; return(F_LIFETIME_HARD); } {hyphen}ls { PREPROC; return(F_LIFETIME_SOFT); } /* upper layer protocols */ icmp { PREPROC; yylval.num = IPPROTO_ICMP; return(UP_PROTO); } icmp6 { PREPROC; yylval.num = IPPROTO_ICMPV6; return(UP_PROTO); } tcp { PREPROC; yylval.num = IPPROTO_TCP; return(UP_PROTO); } udp { PREPROC; yylval.num = IPPROTO_UDP; return(UP_PROTO); } /* ... */ any { PREPROC; return(ANY); } {ws} { PREPROC; } {nl} { lineno++; } {comment} {semi} { PREPROC; return(EOT); } /* parameter */ {decstring} { char *bp; PREPROC; yylval.num = strtoul(yytext, &bp, 10); return(DECSTRING); } {ipaddress} { PREPROC; yylval.val.len = yyleng; yylval.val.buf = strdup(yytext); return(ADDRESS); } {ipaddrmask} { PREPROC; yytext++; yylval.num = atoi(yytext); return(PREFIX); } {ipaddrport} { char *p = yytext; PREPROC; while (*++p != ']') ; *p = NULL; yytext++; yylval.num = atoi(yytext); return(PORT); } {blcl}any{elcl} { PREPROC; return(PORTANY); } {hexstring} { int len = yyleng - 2; /* (str - "0x") */ PREPROC; yylval.val.len = (len & 1) + (len / 2); /* fixed string if length is odd. */ if (len & 1) { yytext[1] = '0'; yylval.val.buf = strdup(yytext + 1); } else yylval.val.buf = strdup(yytext + 2); return(HEXSTRING); } {quotedstring} { char *p = yytext; PREPROC; while (*++p != '"') ; *p = NULL; yytext++; yylval.val.len = yyleng - 2; yylval.val.buf = strdup(yytext); return(QUOTEDSTRING); } . { yyfatal("Syntax error"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } %% void yyfatal(s) const char *s; { yyerror(s); exit(1); } void yyerror(s) const char *s; { printf("line %d: %s at [%s]\n", lineno, s, yytext); } int parse(fp) FILE **fp; { yyin = *fp; parse_init(); if (yyparse()) { printf("parse failed, line %d.\n", lineno); return(-1); } return(0); }