.\" $NetBSD: pcnfsd.8,v 1.5 1997/11/11 10:08:10 mrg Exp $ .\" @(#) @(#)pcnfsd.8c 1.1 9/3/91; .TH PCNFSD 8C "25 April 1991" .SH NAME pcnfsd, rpc.pcnfsd \- (PC)NFS authentication and print request server .SH SYNOPSIS .B /usr/sbin/rpc.pcnfsd .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .B pcnfsd is an .SM RPC server that supports Sun ONC clients on PC (DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, and other) systems. This page describes version two of the .B pcnfsd server. .LP .B rpc.pcnfsd may be started from .B /etc/rc.local or by the .BR inetd (8) superdaemon. It reads the configuration file .B /etc/pcnfsd.conf if present, and then services RPC requests directed to program number 150001. This release of the .B pcnfsd daemon supports both version 1 and version 2 of the pcnfsd protocol. Consult the .B rpcgen source file .B pcnfsd.x for details of the protocols. .LP The requests serviced by .B pcnfsd fall into three categories: authentication, printing, and other. Only the authentication and printing services have administrative significance. .SH AUTHENTICATION When .B pcnfsd receives a .B PCNFSD_AUTH or .B PCNFSD2_AUTH request\**, it will "log in" the user by validating the username and password and returning the corresponding uid, gids, home directory, and umask. If .B pcnfsd was built with the .B WTMP compile-time option, it will also append a record to the .BR wtmp (5) data base. If you do not wish to record PC "logins" in this way, you should add a line of the form .RS .sp \fBwtmp off\fP .sp .RE to the .B /etc/pcnfsd.conf file. .SH PRINTING .LP .B pcnfsd supports a printing model based on the use of NFS to transfer the actual print data from the client to the server. The client system issues a .B PCNFSD_PR_INIT or .B PCNFSD2_PR_INIT request, and the server returns the path to a spool directory which the client may use and which is exported by NFS. .B pcnfsd creates a subdirectory for each of its clients: the parent directory is normally .B /export/pcnfs and the subdirectory is the hostname of the client system. If you wish to use a different parent directory, you should add a line of the form .RS .sp \fBspooldir\fP \fIpath\fP .sp .RE to the .B /etc/pcnfsd.conf file. .LP Once a client has mounted the spool directory using NFS and has transferred print data to a file in this directory, it will issue a .B PCNFSD_PR_START or .B PCNFSD2_PR_START request. .B pcnfsd handles this, and most other print-related requests, by constructing a command based on the printing services of the server operating system and executing the command using the identity of the PC user. Since this involves set-user-id privileges, .B pcnfsd must be run as root. .LP Every print request from the client includes the name of the printer which is to be used. In SunOS, this name corresponds to a printer definition in the .BR /etc/printcap (5) database. If you wish to define a non-standard way of processing print data, you should define a new printer and arrange for the client to print to this printer. There are two ways of setting up a new printer. The first involves the addition of an entry to .BR /etc/printcap (5) and the creation of filters to perform the required processing. This is outside the scope of this discussion. In addition, .B pcnfsd includes a mechanism by which you can define virtual printers known only to .B pcnfsd clients. Each printer is defined by a line in the .B /etc/pcnfsd.conf file of the following form .RS .sp \fBprinter\fP \fIname alias-for command\fP .sp .RE \fIname\fP is the name of the printer you want to define. \fIalias-for\fP is the name of a "real" printer which corresponds to this printer. For example, a request to display the queue for \fIname\fP will be translated into the corresponding request for the printer \fIalias-for\fP. If you have defined a printer in such a way that there is no "real" printer to which it corresponds, use a single "-" for this field. (See the definition of the printer .B test below for an example.) \fIcommand\fP is a command which will be executed whenever a file is printed on \fIname\fP. This command is executed by the Bourne shell, .B /bin/sh using the .B -c option. For complex operations you should construct an executable shell program and invoke that in \fIcommand\fP. Within \fIcommand\fP the following tokens will be replaced: .LP .TP 10 .B Token .B Substitution .TP .SB $FILE Replaced by the full path name of the print data file. When the command has been executed, the file will be unlinked. .TP .SB $USER Replaced by the username of the user logged in to the client system. .TP .SB $HOST Replaced by the host name of the client system. .LP Consider the following example .B /etc/pcnfsd.conf file: .RS .sp printer rotated lw /usr/local/bin/enscript -2r \s-2$FILE\s0 .br printer test - /usr/bin/cp \s-2$FILE\s0 /usr/tmp/\s-2$HOST\s0-\s-2$USER\s0 .sp .RE If a client system prints a job on the printer .B rotated the utility .B enscript will be invoked to pre-process the file \s-2$FILE\s0. In this case, the .B -2r option causes the file to be printed in two-column rotated format on the default PostScript\(rg printer. If the client requests a list of the print queue for the printer .B rotated the .B pcnfsd daemon will translate this into a request for a listing for the printer .B lw. .LP The printer .B test is used only for testing. Any file sent to this printer will be copied into .B /usr/tmp. Any request to list the queue, check the status, etc. of printer .B test will be rejected because the \fIalias-for\fP has been specified as "-". .SH FILES .PD 0 .TP 20 .B /etc/pcnfsd.conf configuration file .TP 20 .B /export/pcnfs default print spool directory .PD .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR lpr (1), .BR lpc (8) .SH HISTORY The .B pcnfsd source code is distributed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. with their .SM PC/NFS product under terms described in common.h in that source code. Those terms require that you be informed that this version of .B pcnfsd was modified to run on NetBSD and is NOT supported by Sun.