$NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.61 2005/03/28 15:07:16 jschauma Exp $ 3WHS three-way handshake ABI application binary interface ACL access control list ACPI advanced configuration and power interface ADC analog [to] digital converter ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line AGP accelerated graphics port AM amplitude modulation AMI alternate mark inversion ANSI american national standards institute AP access point API application programming interface APIC advanced programmable interrupt controller ARP address resolution protocol ARQ automatic repeat request AS autonomous system ASN autonomous system number ASCII american standard code for information interchange AT advanced technology ATA advanced technology attachment ATAPI advanced technology attachment packet interface ATM asynchronous transfer mode ATX advanced technology extended BEDO burst extended data output BER basic encoding rules BER bit error rate BGP border gateway protocol BIOS basic input/output system BLOB binary large object BPS bits per second BSD berkeley software distribution CAD computer-aided design CAV constant angular velocity (as opposed to CLV) CCD charge coupled device CD compact disc CDDA compact disc digital audio CDRAM cache dynamic random access memory CER canonical encoding rules CGA color graphics array CGI common gateway interface CHS cylinder/head/sector CIDR classless inter-domain routing CIS contact image sensor CLI command line interface CLUT color look-up table CLV constant linear velocity (as opposed to CAV) CMYK cyan magenta yellow black COFF common object file format COW copy-on-write CPU central processing unit CRLF carriage return line feed CRT cathode ray tube CSMA carrier sense multiple access CSMA/CA carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access with collision detection CSS cascading style sheets CTS clear to send CVS concurrent versions system DAC digital [to] analog converter DCE data control equipment DCE distributed computing environment DCT discrete cosine transform DDC display data channel DDR double data rate DDWG digital display working group DER distinguished encoding rules DFT discrete fourier transform DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol DIFS distributed inter-frame space DLE data link escape DMA direct memory access DNS domain name system DOS denial of service DPCM differential pulse code modulation DPI dots per inch DRAM dynamic random access memory DSL digital subscriber line DSSS direct sequence spread spectrum DTD document type definition DTE data terminal equipment DTE dumb terminal emulator DVD digital versatile disc DVI digital visual interface ECP enhanced capability port EDID extended display identification data EDO extended data out EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read only memory EFM eight to fourteen modulation EGA enhanced graphics array EGP exterior gateway protocol EISA extended industry standard architecture ELF executable and linking format EPP enhanced parallel port EPRML extended partial response, maximum likelihood EPROM erasable programmable read only memory ESDRAM enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory E-XER extended XML encoding rules FAT file allocation table FBRAM frame buffer random access memory FCS frame check sequence FDDI fiber distributed data interface FFS fast file system FHSS frequency hop spread spectrum FIR fast infrared FLOPS floating [point] operations per second FM frequency modulation FPM fast page mode FQDN fully qualified domain name FTP file transfer protocol GC garbage collector GCR group-coded recording GIF graphics interchange format GNU gnu's not unix GPL gnu/general public license GPU graphics processing unit GRE generic routing encapsulation GUI graphics user interface HDCP high-bandwidth digital content protection HTML hyper-text markup language HTTP hyper-text transfer protocol I2O intelligent input/output IANA internet assigned number authority IC integrated circuit ICB internet citizen's band ICMP internet control message protocol IDE integrated drive electronics IDRP inter-domain routing protocol IEC international electrotechnical commission IEEE institute [of] electrical [and] electronics engineers IESG internet engineering steering group IETF internet engineering task force IGP interior gateway protocol IKE internet key exchange IMAP internet mail access protocol INCITS international committee on information technology standards IPC interprocess communication IO input/output IOCTL input/output control IP internet protocol IPNG internet protocol, next generation IPSEC internet protocol security IRC internet relay chat IRQ interrupt request IRTF internet research task force ISA industry standard architecture ISDN integrated services digital network ISI inter-symbol interference ISM industrial, scientific and medical ISN initial serial number ISO international standards organization ISOC internet society ISP internet service provider JPEG joint photographic experts group KVA kernel virtual address LAN local area network LBA logical block addressing LCD liquid crystal display LCP link control protocol LDAP lightweight directory access protocol LED light emitting diode LIR local internet registry LLC logical link control LRC longitudinal redundancy check LSB least significant bit [or: byte] LUN logical unit number LZW Lempel Ziv Welch MAC medium access control MBR master boot record MDRAM multibank dynamic random access memory MFM modified frequency modulation MIDI musical instrument digital interface MIME multipurpose internet mail extensions MIPS million instructions per second MMU memory management unit MPEG moving picture experts group MSB most significant bit [or: byte] MSF minutes seconds frames MSS maximum segment size MTA mail transfer agent MTU maximum transmission unit MUA mail user agent MWE module width encoding NAT network address translation NAV network allocation vector NCP network control protocol NFS network file system NIC network interface card NIS network information service NRZ non-return to zero NUMA non uniform memory access OCL object constraint language OCR optical character recognition OEM original equipment manufacturer OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing OSF open software foundation OSI open systems interconnection OTP one time password PAM pluggable authentication modules PAM pulse amplitude modulation PAT port address translation PAX portable archive exchange PC personal computer PCI peripheral component interconnect PCM pulse code modulation PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association PDU protocol data unit PDP page descriptor page PER packed encoding rules PERL practical extraction [and] report language PGP pretty good privacy PIC programmable interrupt controller PID process id PIN personal identification number PIO programmed input/output PLL phase locked loop PMT photo-multiplier tube PNG portable network graphics POP post office protocol POSIX portable operating system interface [for] unix POST power on self test POTS plain old telephone system PPP point-to-point protocol PPPOA point-to-point protocol over ATM PPPOE point-to-point protocol over ethernet PRML partial response, maximum likelihood PROM programmable read only memory PTE page table entry PTLA pseudo top level aggregator PTP page table page PSTN public switched telephone network PWM pulse width modulation QOS quality of service RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks RAM random access memory RCS revision control system RFC request for comments RGB red green blue RIFF Resource Interchange File Format RIP routing information protocol RIR regional internet registry RISC reduced instruction set computing RLE run length encoding RLL run length limited ROM read only memory RPM revolutions per minute RTF rich text format RTS request to send RTT round time trip S/PDIF sony/phillips digital interface SACD super audio compact disc SAM serial access memory SASI shugart associates system interface (predecessor to SCSI) SATA serial advanced technology attachment SCSI small computer system interface SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory SGRAM synchronous graphics random access memory SIFS short inter-frame space SIP session initiation protocol SIR slow infrared SLDRAM synchronous-link dynamic random access memory SMART self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology SMP symmetric multiprocessing SMTP simple mail transfer protocol SNMP simple network management protocol SPD serial presence detect SRAM static random access memory SSFDC solid state floppy disc card SSH secure shell SSL secure sockets layer STP shielded twisted pair SVGA super video graphics array TCL tool command language TCP transmission control protocol TDD test driven development TFT thin film transistor TIFF tagged image file format TLA top level aggregator TLB transition lookaside buffer TLD top level domain TLS transport layer security TMDS transition minimized differential signaling TR token ring TTL time to live TTY teletype TZ time zone UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter UC uncacheable UDO ultra density optical (storage) UDP user datagram protocol UFS unix file system UML unified modeling language UPS uninterruptible power supply URI uniform resource identifier URL uniform resource locator USART universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter USB universal serial bus USWC uncacheable speculative write combining UTP unshielded twisted pair UUCP unix-to-unix copy protocol VAX virtual address extension VCM virtual channel memory VESA video electronics standards association VGA video graphics array VLAN virtual local area network VLSM variable length subnetting mask VM virtual memory VPN virtual private network VRAM video random access memory WAN wide area network WAP wireless application protocol WLAN wireless local area network WRAM window random access memory WWW world wide web XER XML encoding rules XGA extended graphics array XML extensible markup language XSL extensible stylesheet language XT extended technology ZFOD zero-filled on demand