# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 1997/10/17 14:54:24 lukem Exp $ # Original from FreeBSD, no rcs id. LIB= install SRCS= exec.c file.c global.c msg.c pen.c plist.c str.c SRCS+= ftpio.c ftperr.c CLEANFILES+= ftperr.c # Don't need to install ftpio.3 NOMAN= yes NOPROFILE= yes NOPIC= yes # only needed during build - prevent installation of library libinstall:: ftperr.c: ftp.errors @echo '#include ' > ${.TARGET} @echo '#include "ftpio.h"' >> ${.TARGET} @echo "struct ftperr ftpErrList[] = {" \ >> ${.TARGET} @cat ${.ALLSRC} \ | grep -v ^# \ | sort \ | while read NUM STRING; do \ echo " { $${NUM}, \"$${STRING}\" },"; \ done >> ${.TARGET} @echo "};" >> ${.TARGET} @echo -n "int const ftpErrListLength = " >> ${.TARGET} @echo "sizeof(ftpErrList) / sizeof(*ftpErrList);" >> ${.TARGET} .include