____ __ _ ____ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ / | / /__ _/ /_ / |/ __\ / _ | __ / |/ // _\/_ _/ / ' / \_ \ / / / _ / /| // __/ / /_ / , | __/ // / ,/ /_/ |__/_\__/__\__//___/__\__//___' -- Greywolf % - What's up? - All the NetBSD servers, of course.. -- Gavan Fantom % A _Real_ Operating System for _Real_ Hackers. -- Greywolf % Anagrams for NetBSD core team: Breasted cot men Embraces dot net Strobed teen cam Aborted men sect Emtomb DEC tears -- Julian Assange % Anagrams for NetBSD core team: Crested Boatmen Resented Combat Boast Decrement Basement DEC rot -- Julian Assange % Anagrams for NetBSD-core: Bent Coders Secret Bond Robs DECNet Cost Bender -- Julian Assange % Anagrams for NetBSD-core: Cot Benders Be stern, Doc. Net robs DEC DEC robs Net -- Julian Assange % http://www.imrryr.org/NetBSD/logo -- R. C. Dowdeswell % I didn't get where I am today without using NetBSD -- Dave Tyson % My other computer runs NetBSD -- Allen Briggs % NetBSD - a devil of an operating system. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - A Mycroft in every port. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - a server in every port. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - because Unix isn't just #include , i386, ELF, ...! -- Hubert Feyrer % NetBSD - big, isn't it? -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - daemonic power -- R. C. Dowdeswell % NetBSD: Flying into the heart of the Sun. And the i386, and alpha, and mac, and powerpc, and... -- Greywolf % NetBSD - free yourself from all Stallmanist thought! -- Julian Assange % NetBSD: Got source? % NetBSD - hackers tested, mom approved -- Ken Nakata % NetBSD - here today and in the middle of 2038 tomorrow. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - Mach 3 stealthOS, undetectable by media radar. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - more is more. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD: No Windows or Gates, but lots of doors, portals and tunnels. -- Greywolf % NetBSD - penguin flesh never tasted so good. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - posix me harder. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD: Post No Bills. -- Greywolf % NetBSD - safe ports in a storm. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - Scalability Does Matter. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - Serious Other, or Serious Operating system. Your choice. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the Berkeley redemption. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the cathedral versus the bizarre. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the cure. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the devil finds work for idle cycles. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the devil made me do it. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the devil's advocate. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the devil's not just in vaudeville. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the power to suave. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - the power to swerve (penguins, worse than cane toads). -- Julian Assange % NetBSD: The Source is out there. -- Greywolf % NetBSD - The undiscriminated geek UNIX -- Richard Rauch % NetBSD - we have nothing to declare but our benchmarks. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - we put the Net in NetBSD. -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - We're not in canvas anymore, toto -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - where do you want to go Tuesday? -- Julian Assange % NetBSD - Will even run on i386 -- Brian Hechinger % NetBSD - your basement or mine? -- Julian Assange % NetBSD: A drinking group with a serious computing problem. % NetBSD: A pmap for every occasion. -- David Brownlee % NetBSD: Abandon all hype, oh ye who enter here. % NetBSD: Agnostics in the Platform Religious Wars. -- Erik E. Fair % NetBSD: An Operating System For Everyone -- Mike Latinovich % NetBSD: Are you old enough to run it? -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: Beyond Windows -- Johan Ihren % NetBSD: CD-ROMs? We don't need no stinkin' CD-ROMs! -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: Choose Your Own Slogan -- Dirk Myers % NetBSD: Compatible with the Real World. -- Greywolf % NetBSD: Dave Barry is working on our motto -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: demonic power. -- R. C. Dowdeswell % NetBSD: Designed to be {secure, reliable, portable, CORRECT} -- Matthew Orgass % NetBSD: Download one, get ${NUMPORTS}-1 for free. -- Antti Kantee % NetBSD: Empowering the VAX generation. -- Andy Doran % NetBSD: Everyone else is doin' it. But we're doin' it right. -- Herb Peyerl % NetBSD, Feed The Computer. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Flexible and free! -- Lars-Johan Liman % NetBSD: For The Network Generation -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Get Over It. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Groovy Baby! -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD home page: Ultra-heavy use of blink text, hot colours, and Flash plug-ins. All shockwave, all the time. Background music ought to be a mixture of Phillip Glass overlaid on top of Sublime. -- Mason Loring Bliss % NetBSD: I Wanna Be Sedated -- Curt Sampson % NetBSD: If you look through Windows -- Johan Ihren % NetBSD: If your server could choose, it would choose NetBSD -- Tim Rightnour % NetBSD, In Stalls Anywhere -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD is full. Go away. -- Chris Baird % NetBSD is much like a tipi: No windows, no gates, and an apache inside. % NetBSD is PAR -- Powerful, Advanced, Reliable. Is your OS up to PAR? -- Frank Warren % NetBSD is the bomb. (ok, bad idea) -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: It keeps on going...and going...and going... -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: It spanks the knickers off those other operating systems -- Brian D Chase % NetBSD: it'll be there when you're ready for it -- Greg Lehey % NetBSD: it's not free beer, but it's free % NetBSD: Its not Windows. -- Paul Wain % NetBSD: It's...uh...well...have you heard of linux? -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: lets get it right -- David Brownlee % NetBSD: Linux without the hype. -- Hubert Feyrer % NetBSD: making all computer hardware a commodity. -- Erik E. Fair % NetBSD: Making your net work, and its free to boot! -- Steve Woodford % NetBSD: Masterly with distinction. Striking also. -- Andy Doran % NetBSD: May the Source be with you -- Greg Earle % NetBSD: Microsoft ask you where you want to go, NetBSD gets you there -- David Brownlee % NetBSD, More Nines. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Multi-platform OS % NetBSD: My Computer Runs! -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: My Computer Works! -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: My other computer also runs NetBSD. -- David Brownlee % NetBSD, Net Improvement. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD, Net Profit. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD, Net Some Nines. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Network Power Unleashed. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Network Your World. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Networking Space -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: No hype required. -- David Brownlee % NetBSD, No Worries! -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Not all of the First Ones have gone away. -- Antti Kantee % NetBSD. Not Guano. -- Hubert Feyrer % NetBSD: Not your mother's OS (unless you are P. Seebach) -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: Oh my god! They support my hardware! You hackers! -- Antti Kantee % NetBSD: Perpetual performance! -- Lars-Johan Liman % NetBSD: Pink fluffy chunks or green bits - the choice is yours. -- Andy Doran % NetBSD: Ports to * boards. -- Steve Woodford % NetBSD: Power Your Net. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: preferred by Rocket Scientists and Moms! -- Steven J. Dovich % NetBSD: priapic OS -- Perry Metzger % NetBSD: Professionalpower! -- Lars-Johan Liman % NetBSD: "Progress on your system is closer than it appears." % NetBSD: Re: NetBSD Slogans -- Mirian Crzig Lennox % NetBSD: Resistance is futile! You will be supported. -- Peter Seebach % NetBSD: Resistance is NOT futile! -- Hubert Feyrer % NetBSD: Rock solid! -- Lars-Johan Liman % NetBSD: Servers' choice! -- Lars-Johan Liman % NetBSD: serves you right. -- Herb Peyerl % NetBSD short theme, for stickers and tattoos: NetBSD... Bitchin'! -- Mason Loring Bliss % NetBSD, SIMMs Like Good Code -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: Someday, we won't burn your toast -- Herb Peyerl % NetBSD: Stable and strong! -- Lars-Johan Liman % NetBSD: Stop, Drop, and Load -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD, Tap The Power -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: The choice of hundreds worldwide -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: The Final Frontier -- Chris Jones % NetBSD: The free OS with a money back guarantee! -- Tim Rightnour % NetBSD: the free unix for the rest of us -- Bob Nestor % NetBSD: The Last Bastion of the true UNIX Religion. -- Miles Nordin % NetBSD: The OS WORM - Write Once, Run Many -- Antti Kantee % NetBSD: The Power of Code -- Mason Loring Bliss % NetBSD: The power to Connect -- Feico Dillema % NetBSD: The power to serve, also -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: The power to serve, on the platform of your choice -- John Darrow % NetBSD: the second best thing you can get for free % NetBSD: the server is up -- David Brownlee % NetBSD: The Worlds Most Portable Operating System % NetBSD: To serve the power. -- Herb Peyerl % NetBSD: true inheritors of the UNIX(tm) legacy. -- Erik E. Fair % NetBSD: Twice the Bits-Clean of other Leading OSes -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: Two guys with a vax -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: u_long uptime; -- Herb Peyerl % NetBSD: unshackling hardware designers and users from the bondage of WinTel. -- Erik E. Fair % NetBSD: Use the ENTIRE computer! -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: userland included -- Antti Kantee % NetBSD: We Come In Peace. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: We come in peace. We offer reliability. -- David Maxwell % NetBSD: We do it right. -- Perry Metzger % NetBSD: We don't negotiate with terrorists. -- Miles Nordin % NetBSD: We put the "Net" in "BSD", and took out the "Free" -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: We Stay Up. -- Andrew Gillham % NetBSD: We Suck Less % NetBSD: We're so committed to it being free, we won't sell it to you even if you ask! -- Charles M. Hannum % NetBSD: What do you want to serve today? -- Hubert Feyrer % NetBSD: When Linux ports to that platform, they will discover - WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE -- David Maxwell % NetBSD: Where do you want to have the power to serve, tomorrow? -- Tom Harvey % NetBSD: Who do you Serve? And who do you Trust? -- David Maxwell % NetBSD will put hair on a UNIX admin's chest -- Jason R. Fink % NetBSD: Write Once, Run Everywhere. Java optional. -- Todd Whitesel % NetBSD: You can't handle it. -- Paul Newhouse % NetBSD: You choose the hardware, we'll bring the OS. -- David Brownlee % Of course it runs NetBSD. % Portable. Supportable. NetBSD. -- Jim Wise % Software is like sex - it should be free -- Hubert Feyrer % We're BSD. If you want System V, you know where to get it. -- Greywolf % Where would you have rather been today, tomorrow? NetBSD. -- Allen Briggs % With many thanks to the core team and UCB CSRG. -- Greywolf % Young or old; cutting edge or yesterday's NeWS, NetBSD is the UNIX for you. It can be a hulking monster in your basement, or fit in the palm of your hand. -- Richard Rauch %