$NetBSD: TODO,v 1.4 2006/04/08 23:56:39 wiz Exp $ Hopefully this program can become a full drop-in replacement for GNU grep. If you want to help out, please let me (cjep@) know so that we can organise our efforts efficiently. 1. Add functionality and maybe change flags to match GNU grep. * --include,--exclude possibly use code from pax for this. 2. Binary file detection needs to be better (as currently this grep thinks its own source code is binary...). This implementation looks at the first few bytes to determine whether a file is binary. GNU grep seems to search for a byte worth 0 or 128 (depending on -z). (3. Merge in improvements from OpenBSD. Mostly done. Main improvement left is the speed up for simple regex's.) (4. Make code style more consistent with the NetBSD source tree. Have done a few fixes. Could probably do with more.) 5. Maybe revisit symbolic link handling and -S, -P. 6. Sort out any performance issues, e.g. i) this is slower than GNU grep; ii) we probably stat wastefully. 7. Fix the manual page. 8. Possible look at regex libc speedups from FreeBSD. 9. The -v option is currently broken (i.e. does not invert the logic).