divert(-1) -*-Text-*- ` Copyright (c) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.' ` This file defines and documents the M4 macros used ' ` to preprocess some GNU manuals' ` $Id: pretex.m4,v 1.1 1993/10/02 21:00:25 pk Exp $' I. INTRODUCTION This collection of M4 macros is meant to help in pre-processing texinfo files to allow configuring them by hosts; for example, the reader of an as manual who only has access to a 386 may not really want to see crud about VAXen. A preprocessor is used, rather than extending texinfo, because this way we can hack the conditionals in only one place; otherwise we would have to write TeX macros, update makeinfo, and update the Emacs info-formatting functions. II. COMPATIBILITY These macros should work with GNU m4 and System V m4; they do not work with Sun or Berkeley M4. III. USAGE A. M4 INVOCATION Assume this file is called "pretex.m4". Then, to preprocess a document "mybook.texinfo" you might do something like the following: m4 pretex.m4 none.m4 PARTIC.m4 mybook.texinfo >mybook-PARTIC.texinfo ---where your path is set to find GNU or SysV "m4", and the other m4 files mentioned are as follows: none.m4: A file that defines, as 0, all the options you might want to turn on using the conditionals defined below. Unlike the C preprocessor, m4 does not default undefined macros to 0. For example, here is a "none.m4" I have been using: _divert__(-1) _define__(<_ALL_ARCH__>,<0>) _define__(<_INTERNALS__>,<0>) _define__(<_AMD29K__>,<0>) _define__(<_I80386__>,<0>) _define__(<_I960__>,<0>) _define__(<_M680X0__>,<0>) _define__(<_SPARC__>,<0>) _define__(<_VAX__>,<0>) _divert__<> PARTIC.m4: A file that turns on whichever options you actually want the manual configured for, in this particular instance. Its contents are similar to one or more of the lines in "none.m4", but of course the second argument to _define__ is <1> rather than <0>. This is also a convenient place to _define__ any macros that you want to expand to different text for different configurations---for example, the name of the program being described. Naturally, these are just suggested conventions; you could put your macro definitions in any files or combinations of files you like. These macros use the characters < and > as m4 quotes; if you need these characters in your text, you will also want to use the macros _0__ and _1__ from this package---see the description of "Quote Handling" in the "Implementation" section below. B. WHAT GOES IN THE PRE-TEXINFO SOURCE For the most part, the text of your book. In addition, you can have text that is included only conditionally, using the macros _if__ and _fi__ defined below. They BOTH take an argument! This is primarily meant for readability (so a human can more easily see what conditional end matches what conditional beginning), but the argument is actually used in the _fi__ as well as the _if__ implementation. You should always give a _fi__ the same argument as its matching _if__. Other arguments may appear to work for a while, but are almost certain to produce the wrong output for some configurations. For example, here is an excerpt from the very beginning of the documentation for GNU as, to name the info file appropriately for different configurations: _if__(_ALL_ARCH__) @setfilename as.info _fi__(_ALL_ARCH__) _if__(_M680X0__ && !_ALL_ARCH__) @setfilename as-m680x0.info _fi__(_M680X0__ && !_ALL_ARCH__) _if__(_AMD29K__ && !_ALL_ARCH__) @setfilename as-29k.info _fi__(_AMD29K__ && !_ALL_ARCH__) Note that you can use Boolean expressions in the arguments; the expression language is that of the built-in m4 macro `eval', described in the m4 manual. IV. IMPLEMENTATION A.PRIMITIVE RENAMING First, we redefine m4's built-ins to avoid conflict with plain text. The naming convention used is that our macros all begin with a single underbar and end with two underbars. The asymmetry is meant to avoid conflict with some other conventions (which we may want to document) that are intended to avoid conflict, like ANSI C predefined macros. define(`_undefine__',defn(`undefine')) define(`_define__',defn(`define')) define(`_defn__',defn(`defn')) define(`_ppf__',`_define__(`_$1__',_defn__(`$1'))_undefine__(`$1')') _ppf__(`builtin') _ppf__(`changecom') _ppf__(`changequote') _ppf__(`decr') _ppf__(`define') _ppf__(`defn') _ppf__(`divert') _ppf__(`divnum') _ppf__(`dnl') _ppf__(`dumpdef') _ppf__(`errprint') _ppf__(`esyscmd') _ppf__(`eval') _ppf__(`format') _ppf__(`ifdef') _ppf__(`ifelse') _ppf__(`include') _ppf__(`incr') _ppf__(`index') _ppf__(`len') _ppf__(`m4exit') _ppf__(`m4wrap') _ppf__(`maketemp') _ppf__(`patsubst') _ppf__(`popdef') _ppf__(`pushdef') _ppf__(`regexp') _ppf__(`shift') _ppf__(`sinclude') _ppf__(`substr') _ppf__(`syscmd') _ppf__(`sysval') _ppf__(`traceoff') _ppf__(`traceon') _ppf__(`translit') _ppf__(`undefine') _ppf__(`undivert') _ppf__(`unix') B. QUOTE HANDLING. The characters used as quotes by M4, by default, are unfortunately quite likely to occur in ordinary text. To avoid surprises, we will use the characters <> ---which are just as suggestive (more so to Francophones, perhaps) but a little less common in text (save for those poor Francophones. You win some, you lose some). Still, we expect also to have to set < and > occasionally in text; to do that, we define a macro to turn off quote handling (_0__) and a macro to turn it back on (_1__), according to our convention. BEWARE: This seems to make < and > unusable as relational operations in calls to the builtin "eval". So far I've gotten along without; but a better choice may be possible. Note that we postponed this for a while, for convenience in discussing the issue and in the primitive renaming---not to mention in defining _0__ and _1__ themselves! However, the quote redefinitions MUST precede the _if__ / _fi__ definitions, because M4 will expand the text as given---if we use the wrong quotes here, we will get the wrong quotes when we use the conditionals. _define__(_0__,`_changequote__(,)')_define__(_1__,`_changequote__(<,>)') _1__ C. CONDITIONALS We define two macros, _if__ and _fi__. BOTH take arguments! This is meant both to help the human reader match up a _fi__ with its corresponding _if__ and to aid in the implementation. You may use the full expression syntax supported by M4 (see docn of `eval' builtin in the m4 manual). The conditional macros are carefully defined to avoid introducing extra whitespace (i.e., blank lines or blank characters). One side effect exists--- BEWARE: text following an `_if__' on the same line is DISCARDED even if the condition is true; text following a `_fi__' on the same line is also always discarded. The recommended convention is to always place _if__ and _fi__ on a line by themselves. This will also aid the human reader. TeX won't care about the line breaks; as for info, you may want to insert calls to `@refill' at the end of paragraphs containing conditionalized text, where you don't want line breaks separating unconditional from conditional text. info formatting will then give you nice looking paragraphs in the info file. Nesting: conditionals are designed to nest, in the following way: *nothing* is output between an outer pair of false conditionals, even if there are true conditionals inside. A false conditional "defeats" all conditionals within it. The counter _IF_FS__ is used to implement this; kindly avoid redefining it directly. _define__(<_IF_FS__>,<0>) NOTE: The definitions for our "pushf" and "popf" macros use eval rather than incr and decr, because GNU m4 (0.75) tries to call eval for us when we say "incr" or "decr"---but doesn't notice we've changed eval's name. _define__( <_pushf__>, <_define__(<_IF_FS__>, _eval__((_IF_FS__)+1))>) _define__( <_popf__>, <_ifelse__(0,_IF_FS__, <<>_dnl__<>>, <_define__(<_IF_FS__>,_eval__((_IF_FS__)-1))>)>) _define__( <_if__>, <_ifelse__(1,_eval__( ($1) ), <<>_dnl__<>>, <_pushf__<>_divert__(-1)>)>) _define__( <_fi__>, <_ifelse__(1,_eval__( ($1) ), <<>_dnl__<>>, <_popf__<>_ifelse__(0,_IF_FS__, <_divert__<>_dnl__<>>,<>)>)>) D. CHAPTER/SECTION MACRO In a parametrized manual, the heading level may need to be calculated; for example, a manual that has a chapter on machine dependencies should be conditionally structured as follows: - IF the manual is configured for a SINGLE machine type, use the chapter heading for that machine type, and run headings down from there (top level for a particular machine is chapter, then within that we have section, subsection etc); - ELSE, if MANY machine types are described in the chapter, use a generic chapter heading such as "@chapter Machine Dependencies", use "section" for the top level description of EACH machine, and run headings down from there (top level for a particular machine is section, then within that we have subsection, subsubsection etc). The macro <_CHAPSEC__> is for this purpose: its argument is evaluated (so you can construct expressions to express choices such as above), then expands as follows: 0: @chapter 1: @section 2: @subsection 3: @subsubsection ...and so on. _define__(<_CHAPSEC__>,<@_cs__(_eval__($1))>) _define__(<_cs__>,<_ifelse__( 0, $1, , 1, $1,
, _cs__(_eval__($1 - 1))>)>) _divert__<>_dnl__<>