/* $NetBSD: gtidmacreg.h,v 1.3 2012/07/23 06:09:47 kiyohara Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 KIYOHARA Takashi * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _GTIDMACREG_H_ #define _GTIDMACREG_H_ /* * IDMA Controller Interface Registers / XOR Engine Control Registers */ #define GTIDMAC_SIZE 0x1000 #define GTIDMAC_NWINDOW 8 #define GTIDMAC_NREMAP 4 #define GTIDMAC_NACCPROT 4 /* Num Access Protect */ #define GTIDMAC_NINTRRUPT 4 #define GTIDMAC_MAXXFER (16 * 1024 * 1024 - 1) /* 16M - 1 Byte */ #define MVXORE_NWINDOW 8 #define MVXORE_NREMAP 4 #define MVXORE_MAXXFER (16 * 1024 * 1024 - 1) /* 16M - 1 Byte */ #define MVXORE_NSRC 8 #define GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) ((((c) & 0x4) << 6) + (((c) & 0x3) << 2)) #define MVXORE_PORT2BASE(sc, p) \ (((sc)->sc_gtidmac_nchan == 0 && (p) == 0) ? -0x100 : 0x000) #define MVXORE_CHAN2BASE(sc, c) \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE(sc, (c) & 0x4) + (((c) & 0x3) << 2)) /* IDMA Descriptor Register Map */ #define GTIDMAC_CIDMABCR(c) /* Chan IDMA Byte Count */ \ (GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) + 0x0800) #define GTIDMAC_CIDMABCR_BYTECNT_MASK 0x00ffffff #define GTIDMAC_CIDMABCR_BCLEFT (1 << 30) /* Left Byte Count */ #define GTIDMAC_CIDMABCR_OWN (1 << 31) /* Ownership Bit */ #define GTIDMAC_CIDMASAR(c) /* Chan IDMA Source Address */ \ (GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) + 0x0810) #define GTIDMAC_CIDMADAR(c) /* Chan IDMA Destination Address */ \ (GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) + 0x0820) #define GTIDMAC_CNDPR(c) /* Chan Next Descriptor Pointer */ \ (GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) + 0x0830) #define GTIDMAC_CCDPR(c) /* Chan Current Descriptor Pointer */ \ (GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) + 0x0870) /* IDMA Control Register Map */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR(c) /* Chan Control Low */ \ (GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) + 0x0840) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DBL_MASK (7 << 0) /* DstBurstLimit */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DBL_8B (0 << 0) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DBL_16B (1 << 0) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DBL_32B (3 << 0) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DBL_64B (7 << 0) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DBL_128B (4 << 0) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SRCHOLD (1 << 3) /* Source Hold */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DESTHOLD (1 << 5) /* Destination Hold */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SBL_MASK (7 << 6) /* SrcBurstLimit */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SBL_8B (0 << 6) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SBL_16B (1 << 6) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SBL_32B (3 << 6) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SBL_64B (7 << 6) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SBL_128B (4 << 6) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_CHAINMODE_C (0 << 9) /* Chained Mode */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_CHAINMODE_NC (1 << 9) /* Non-Chained Mode */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_INTMODE (1 << 10) /* Interrupt Mode */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_INTMODE_NULL (1 << 10) /* Next Desc NULL */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_TRANSFERMODE_D (0 << 11) /* Transfer Mode */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_TRANSFERMODE_B (1 << 11) /* Demand/Block */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_CHANEN (1 << 12) /* Channel Enable */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_FETCHND (1 << 13) /* Fetch Next Desc */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_CHANACT (1 << 14) /* IDMA Chan Active */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_CDEN (1 << 17) /* Close Desc Enable */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_ABR (1 << 20) /* Channel Abort */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SADDROVR_MASK (3 << 21) /* Override Src Addr */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SADDROVR_NO (0 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SADDROVR_BAR1 (1 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SADDROVR_BAR2 (2 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_SADDROVR_BAR3 (3 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_NADDROVR_MASK (3 << 21) /* Override Next Addr */ #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_NADDROVR_NO (0 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_NADDROVR_BAR1 (1 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_NADDROVR_BAR2 (2 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_NADDROVR_BAR3 (3 << 21) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DESCMODE_64K (0 << 31) #define GTIDMAC_CCLR_DESCMODE_16M (1 << 31) #define GTIDMAC_CCHR(c) /* Chan Control High */ \ (GTIDMAC_CHAN2BASE(c) + 0x0880) #define GTIDMAC_CCHR_ENDIAN_BE (0 << 0) /* big endian */ #define GTIDMAC_CCHR_ENDIAN_LE (1 << 0) /* little endian */ #define GTIDMAC_CCHR_DESCBYTESWAP (1 << 1) /* Desc Byte Swap */ #define GTIDMAC_ARBR(c) (0x0860 + (((c) & 0x04) << 6)) /* Arbitrate ??*/ #define GTIDMAC_XTOR(c) (0x08d0 + (((c) & 0x04) << 6)) /* x-bar t/o?? */ /* IDMA Interrupt Register Map */ #define GTIDMAC_ICR(c) (0x08c0 + (((c) & 0x04) << 6)) /* Intr Cause */ #define GTIDMAC_IMR(c) (0x08c4 + (((c) & 0x04) << 6)) /* Intr Mask */ #define GTIDMAC_I_BITS 8 #define GTIDMAC_I(c, b) ((b) << (GTIDMAC_I_BITS * ((c) & 0x3))) #define GTIDMAC_I_COMP (1 << 0) /* Completion */ #define GTIDMAC_I_ADDRMISS (1 << 1) /* Address Miss */ #define GTIDMAC_I_ACCPROT (1 << 2) /* Acc Prot Violation */ #define GTIDMAC_I_WRPROT (1 << 3) /* Write Protect */ #define GTIDMAC_I_OWN (1 << 4) /* Ownership Violation*/ #define GTIDMAC_EAR(c) (0x08c8 + (((c) & 0x04) << 6)) /* Err Address */ #define GTIDMAC_ESR(c) (0x08cc + (((c) & 0x04) << 6)) /* Err Select */ #define GTIDMAC_ESR_SEL 0x1f /* XOR Engine Control Registers */ #define MVXORE_XECHAR(sc, p) /* Channel Arbiter */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0900) #define MVXORE_XECHAR_SLICEOWN(s, c) ((c) << (s)) #define MVXORE_XEXCR(sc, x) /* Configuration */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0910) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_OM_MASK (7 << 0) /* Operation Mode */ #define MVXORE_XEXCR_OM_XOR (0 << 0) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_OM_CRC32 (1 << 0) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_OM_DMA (2 << 0) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_OM_ECC (3 << 0) /* ECC cleanup ope */ #define MVXORE_XEXCR_OM_MEMINIT (4 << 0) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_SBL_MASK (7 << 4) /* SrcBurstLimit */ #define MVXORE_XEXCR_SBL_32B (2 << 4) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_SBL_64B (3 << 4) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_SBL_128B (4 << 4) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_DBL_MASK (7 << 8) /* SrcBurstLimit */ #define MVXORE_XEXCR_DBL_32B (2 << 8) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_DBL_64B (3 << 8) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_DBL_128B (4 << 8) #define MVXORE_XEXCR_DRDRESSWP (1 << 12) /* Endianess Swap */ #define MVXORE_XEXCR_DWRREQSWP (1 << 13) /* ReadReq/WriteRes */ #define MVXORE_XEXCR_DESSWP (1 << 14) /* Desc read/write */ #define MVXORE_XEXCR_REGACCPROTECT (1 << 15) /* Reg Access protect */ #define MVXORE_XEXACTR(sc, x) /* Activation */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0920) #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XESTART (1 << 0) #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XESTOP (1 << 1) #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XEPAUSE (1 << 2) #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XERESTART (1 << 3) #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XESTATUS_MASK (3 << 4) #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XESTATUS_NA (0 << 4) /* not active */ #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XESTATUS_ACT (1 << 4) /* active */ #define MVXORE_XEXACTR_XESTATUS_P (2 << 4) /* paused */ /* XOR Engine Interrupt Registers */ #define MVXORE_XEICR(sc, p) /* Interrupt Cause */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0930) #define MVXORE_XEIMR(sc, p) /* Interrupt Mask */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0940) #define MVXORE_I_BITS 16 #define MVXORE_I(c, b) ((b) << (MVXORE_I_BITS * (c))) #define MVXORE_I_EOD (1 << 0) /* End of Descriptor */ #define MVXORE_I_EOC (1 << 1) /* End of Chain */ #define MVXORE_I_STOPPED (1 << 2) #define MVXORE_I_PAUSED (1 << 3) #define MVXORE_I_ADDRDECODE (1 << 4) #define MVXORE_I_ACCPROT (1 << 5) /* Access Protect */ #define MVXORE_I_WRPROT (1 << 6) /* Write Protect */ #define MVXORE_I_OWN (1 << 7) /* Ownership */ #define MVXORE_I_INTPARITY (1 << 8) /* Parity error */ #define MVXORE_I_XBAR (1 << 9) /* Crossbar Parity E */ #define MVXORE_XEECR(sc, p) /* Error Cause */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0950) #define MVXORE_XEECR_ERRORTYPE_MASK 0x0000001f #define MVXORE_XEEAR(sc, p) /* Error Address */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0960) /* IDMA Address Decoding Registers Map */ #define GTIDMAC_BARX(r) (0x0a00 + ((r) << 3)) /* Base Address x */ #define GTIDMAC_BARX_TARGET(t) ((t) & 0xf) #define GTIDMAC_BARX_ATTR(a) (((a) & 0xff) << 8) #define GTIDMAC_BARX_BASE(b) ((b) & 0xffff0000) #define GTIDMAC_SRX(r) (0x0a04 + ((r) << 3)) /* Size x */ #define GTIDMAC_SRX_SIZE(s) (((s) - 1) & 0xffff0000) #define GTIDMAC_HARXR(x) (0x0a60 + ((x) << 2)) /* High Addr Remap x */ #define GTIDMAC_BAER 0x0a80 /* Base Addr Enable */ #define GTIDMAC_BAER_EN(w) (1 << (w)) #define GTIDMAC_CXAPR(x) (0x0a70 + ((x) << 2)) /* Chan x Acs Protect */ #define GTIDMAC_CXAPR_WINACC(w, ac) ((ac) << ((w) << 1)) #define GTIDMAC_CXAPR_WINACC_NOAA 0x0 /* No access allowed */ #define GTIDMAC_CXAPR_WINACC_RO 0x1 /* Read Only */ #define GTIDMAC_CXAPR_WINACC_RESV 0x2 /* Reserved */ #define GTIDMAC_CXAPR_WINACC_FA 0x3 /* Full access */ /* XOR Engine Descriptor Registers */ #define MVXORE_XEXNDPR(sc, x) /* Next Desc Pointer */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0b00) #define MVXORE_XEXCDPR(sc, x) /* Current Desc Ptr */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0b10) #define MVXORE_XEXBCR(sc, x) /* Byte Count */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0b20) /* XOR Engine Address Decording Registers */ #define MVXORE_XEXWCR(sc, x) /* Window Control */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0b40) #define MVXORE_XEXWCR_WINEN(w) (1 << (w)) #define MVXORE_XEXWCR_WINACC(w, ac) ((ac) << (((w) << 1) + 16)) #define MVXORE_XEXWCR_WINACC_NOAA 0x0 /* No access allowed */ #define MVXORE_XEXWCR_WINACC_RO 0x1 /* Read Only */ #define MVXORE_XEXWCR_WINACC_RESV 0x2 /* Reserved */ #define MVXORE_XEXWCR_WINACC_FA 0x3 /* Full access */ #define MVXORE_XEBARX(sc, p, w) /* Base Address */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0b50 + ((w) << 2)) #define MVXORE_XEBARX_TARGET(t) ((t) & 0xf) #define MVXORE_XEBARX_ATTR(a) (((a) & 0xff) << 8) #define MVXORE_XEBARX_BASE(b) ((b) & 0xffff0000) #define MVXORE_XESMRX(sc, p, w) /* Size Mask */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0b70 + ((w) << 2)) #define MVXORE_XESMRX_SIZE(s) (((s) - 1) & 0xffff0000) #define MVXORE_XEHARRX(sc, p, w)/* High Address Remap */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0b90 + ((w) << 2)) #define MVXORE_XEXAOCR(sc, x) /* Addr Override Ctrl */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0ba0) /* XOR Engine ECC/MemInit Registers */ #define MVXORE_XEXDPR(sc, x) /* Destination Ptr */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0bb0) #define MVXORE_XEXBSR(sc, x) /* Block Size */ \ (MVXORE_CHAN2BASE((sc), (x)) + 0x0bc0) #define MVXORE_XETMCR(sc, p) /* Timer Mode Control */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0bd0) #define MVXORE_XETMCR_TIMEREN (1 << 0) #define MVXORE_XETMCR_SECTIONSIZECTRL_MASK 0x1f #define MVXORE_XETMCR_SECTIONSIZECTRL_SHIFT 8 #define MVXORE_XETMIVR(sc, p) /* Tmr Mode Init Val */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0bd4) #define MVXORE_XETMCVR(sc, p) /* Tmr Mode Curr Val */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0bd8) #define MVXORE_XEIVRL(sc, p) /* Initial Value Low */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0be0) #define MVXORE_XEIVRH(sc, p) /* Initial Value High */ \ (MVXORE_PORT2BASE((sc), (p)) + 0x0be4) struct gtidmac_desc { #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN union { struct { uint16_t rbc; /* Remind BC */ uint16_t bcnt; } mode64k; struct { uint32_t bcnt; } mode16m; } bc; /* Byte Count */ uint32_t srcaddr; /* Source Address */ uint32_t dstaddr; /* Destination Address */ uint32_t nextdp; /* Next Descriptor Pointer */ #else uint32_t srcaddr; /* Source Address */ union { struct { uint16_t rbc; /* Remind BC */ uint16_t bcnt; } mode64k; struct { uint32_t bcnt; } mode16m; } bc; /* Byte Count */ uint32_t nextdp; /* Next Descriptor Pointer */ uint32_t dstaddr; /* Destination Address */ #endif } __packed; #define GTIDMAC_DESC_BYTECOUNT_MASK 0x00ffffff struct mvxore_desc { uint32_t stat; /* Status */ uint32_t result; /* CRC-32 Result */ uint32_t cmd; /* Command */ uint32_t nextda; /* Next Descriptor Address */ uint32_t bcnt; /* Byte Count */ uint32_t dstaddr; /* Destination Address */ uint32_t srcaddr[MVXORE_NSRC]; /* Source Address #0-7 */ uint32_t reserved[2]; } __packed; #define MVXORE_DESC_STAT_SUCCESS (1 << 30) #define MVXORE_DESC_STAT_OWN (1 << 31) #define MVXORE_DESC_CMD_SRCCMD(s) (1 << (s)) #define MVXORE_DESC_CMD_CRCLAST (1 << 30) /* Indicate last desc CRC32 */ #define MVXORE_DESC_CMD_EODINTEN (1 << 31) /* End of Desc Intr Enable */ #define MVXORE_DESC_BCNT_MASK 0x00ffffff #endif /* _GTIDMACREG_H_ */