.\" $NetBSD: ntptime.8,v 1.2 1998/03/06 18:17:20 christos Exp $ .\" Converted from HTML to mandoc by Christos Zoulas .Dd June 23, 1997 .Dt NTPTIME 8 .Os NetBSD .Sh NAME .Nm ntptime .Nd read kernel time variables .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Fl cdhr .Op Fl e Ar est_error .Op Fl f Ar frequency .Op Fl m Ar max_error .Op Fl o Ar offset .Op Fl s Ar status .Op Fl t Ar time_constant .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm reads and displays time-related kernel variables using the .Ar ntp_gettime system call. A similar display can be obtained using the .Xr xntpdc 8 program. .Pp The options are as follows: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Fl c Display the execution time of .Nm itself. .It Fl d Turn on debugging. .It Fl e Ar est_error Specify estimated error, in microseconds. .It Fl f Ar frequency Specify frequency offset, in parts per million. .It Fl h Display help information. .It Fl m Ar max_error Specify maximum error, in microseconds. .It Fl o Ar offset Specify clock offset, in microseconds. .It Fl r Display Unix and NTP times in raw format. .It Fl s Ar status Specify clock status. Better know what you are doing. .It Fl t Ar time_constant Specify time constant, an integer in the range 0-4. .El .Pp .Sh AUTHOR David L. Mills (mills@udel.edu)