// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "pic.h" #include "common.h" const double RELATIVE_THICKNESS = -1.0; const double BAD_THICKNESS = -2.0; class simple_output : public common_output { virtual void simple_line(const position &, const position &) = 0; virtual void simple_spline(const position &, const position *, int n) = 0; virtual void simple_arc(const position &, const position &, const position &) = 0; virtual void simple_circle(int, const position &, double rad) = 0; virtual void simple_ellipse(int, const position &, const distance &) = 0; virtual void simple_polygon(int, const position *, int) = 0; virtual void line_thickness(double) = 0; virtual void set_fill(double) = 0; void dot(const position &, const line_type &) = 0; public: void start_picture(double sc, const position &ll, const position &ur) = 0; void finish_picture() = 0; void text(const position &, text_piece *, int, double) = 0; void line(const position &, const position *, int n, const line_type &); void polygon(const position *, int n, const line_type &, double); void spline(const position &, const position *, int n, const line_type &); void arc(const position &, const position &, const position &, const line_type &); void circle(const position &, double rad, const line_type &, double); void ellipse(const position &, const distance &, const line_type &, double); int supports_filled_polygons(); }; int simple_output::supports_filled_polygons() { return driver_extension_flag != 0; } void simple_output::arc(const position &start, const position ¢, const position &end, const line_type <) { switch (lt.type) { case line_type::solid: line_thickness(lt.thickness); simple_arc(start, cent, end); break; case line_type::invisible: break; case line_type::dashed: dashed_arc(start, cent, end, lt); break; case line_type::dotted: dotted_arc(start, cent, end, lt); break; } } void simple_output::line(const position &start, const position *v, int n, const line_type <) { position pos = start; line_thickness(lt.thickness); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { switch (lt.type) { case line_type::solid: simple_line(pos, v[i]); break; case line_type::dotted: { distance vec(v[i] - pos); double dist = hypot(vec); int ndots = int(dist/lt.dash_width + .5); if (ndots == 0) dot(pos, lt); else { vec /= double(ndots); for (int j = 0; j <= ndots; j++) dot(pos + vec*j, lt); } } break; case line_type::dashed: { distance vec(v[i] - pos); double dist = hypot(vec); if (dist <= lt.dash_width*2.0) simple_line(pos, v[i]); else { int ndashes = int((dist - lt.dash_width)/(lt.dash_width*2.0) + .5); distance dash_vec = vec*(lt.dash_width/dist); double dash_gap = (dist - lt.dash_width)/ndashes; distance dash_gap_vec = vec*(dash_gap/dist); for (int j = 0; j <= ndashes; j++) { position s(pos + dash_gap_vec*j); simple_line(s, s + dash_vec); } } } break; case line_type::invisible: break; default: assert(0); } pos = v[i]; } } void simple_output::spline(const position &start, const position *v, int n, const line_type <) { line_thickness(lt.thickness); simple_spline(start, v, n); } void simple_output::polygon(const position *v, int n, const line_type <, double fill) { if (driver_extension_flag) { if (fill >= 0.0) { set_fill(fill); simple_polygon(1, v, n); } } if (lt.type == line_type::solid && driver_extension_flag) { line_thickness(lt.thickness); simple_polygon(0, v, n); } else if (lt.type != line_type::invisible) { line_thickness(lt.thickness); line(v[n - 1], v, n, lt); } } void simple_output::circle(const position ¢, double rad, const line_type <, double fill) { if (driver_extension_flag && fill >= 0.0) { set_fill(fill); simple_circle(1, cent, rad); } line_thickness(lt.thickness); switch (lt.type) { case line_type::invisible: break; case line_type::dashed: dashed_circle(cent, rad, lt); break; case line_type::dotted: dotted_circle(cent, rad, lt); break; case line_type::solid: simple_circle(0, cent, rad); break; default: assert(0); } } void simple_output::ellipse(const position ¢, const distance &dim, const line_type <, double fill) { if (driver_extension_flag && fill >= 0.0) { set_fill(fill); simple_ellipse(1, cent, dim); } if (lt.type != line_type::invisible) line_thickness(lt.thickness); switch (lt.type) { case line_type::invisible: break; case line_type::dotted: case line_type::dashed: case line_type::solid: simple_ellipse(0, cent, dim); break; default: assert(0); } } #define FILL_MAX 1000 class troff_output : public simple_output { const char *last_filename; position upper_left; double height; double scale; double last_line_thickness; double last_fill; public: troff_output(); ~troff_output(); void start_picture(double, const position &ll, const position &ur); void finish_picture(); void text(const position &, text_piece *, int, double); void dot(const position &, const line_type &); void command(const char *, const char *, int); void set_location(const char *, int); void simple_line(const position &, const position &); void simple_spline(const position &, const position *, int n); void simple_arc(const position &, const position &, const position &); void simple_circle(int, const position &, double rad); void simple_ellipse(int, const position &, const distance &); void simple_polygon(int, const position *, int); void line_thickness(double p); void set_fill(double); position transform(const position &); }; output *make_troff_output() { return new troff_output; } troff_output::troff_output() : last_filename(0), last_line_thickness(BAD_THICKNESS), last_fill(-1.0) { } troff_output::~troff_output() { } inline position troff_output::transform(const position &pos) { return position((pos.x - upper_left.x)/scale, (upper_left.y - pos.y)/scale); } #define FILL_REG "00" // If this register > 0, then pic will generate \X'ps: ...' commands // if the aligned attribute is used. #define GROPS_REG "0p" // If this register is defined, geqn won't produce `\x's. #define EQN_NO_EXTRA_SPACE_REG "0x" void troff_output::start_picture(double sc, const position &ll, const position &ur) { upper_left.x = ll.x; upper_left.y = ur.y; scale = compute_scale(sc, ll, ur); height = (ur.y - ll.y)/scale; double width = (ur.x - ll.x)/scale; printf(".PS %.3fi %.3fi", height, width); if (args) printf(" %s\n", args); else putchar('\n'); printf(".\\\" %g %g %g %g\n", ll.x, ll.y, ur.x, ur.y); printf(".\\\" %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi\n", 0.0, height, width, 0.0); printf(".nr " FILL_REG " \\n(.u\n.nf\n"); printf(".nr " EQN_NO_EXTRA_SPACE_REG " 1\n"); // This guarantees that if the picture is used in a diversion it will // have the right width. printf("\\h'%.3fi'\n.sp -1\n", width); } void troff_output::finish_picture() { line_thickness(BAD_THICKNESS); last_fill = -1.0; // force it to be reset for each picture if (!flyback_flag) printf(".sp %.3fi+1\n", height); printf(".if \\n(" FILL_REG " .fi\n"); printf(".br\n"); printf(".nr " EQN_NO_EXTRA_SPACE_REG " 0\n"); // this is a little gross set_location(current_filename, current_lineno); fputs(flyback_flag ? ".PF\n" : ".PE\n", stdout); } void troff_output::command(const char *s, const char *filename, int lineno) { if (filename != 0) set_location(filename, lineno); fputs(s, stdout); putchar('\n'); } void troff_output::simple_circle(int filled, const position ¢, double rad) { position c = transform(cent); printf("\\h'%.3fi'" "\\v'%.3fi'" "\\D'%c%.3fi'" "\n.sp -1\n", c.x - rad/scale, c.y, (filled ? 'C' : 'c'), rad*2.0/scale); } void troff_output::simple_ellipse(int filled, const position ¢, const distance &dim) { position c = transform(cent); printf("\\h'%.3fi'" "\\v'%.3fi'" "\\D'%c%.3fi %.3fi'" "\n.sp -1\n", c.x - dim.x/(2.0*scale), c.y, (filled ? 'E' : 'e'), dim.x/scale, dim.y/scale); } void troff_output::simple_arc(const position &start, const distance ¢, const distance &end) { position s = transform(start); position c = transform(cent); distance cv = c - s; distance ev = transform(end) - c; printf("\\h'%.3fi'" "\\v'%.3fi'" "\\D'a%.3fi %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi'" "\n.sp -1\n", s.x, s.y, cv.x, cv.y, ev.x, ev.y); } void troff_output::simple_line(const position &start, const position &end) { position s = transform(start); distance ev = transform(end) - s; printf("\\h'%.3fi'" "\\v'%.3fi'" "\\D'l%.3fi %.3fi'" "\n.sp -1\n", s.x, s.y, ev.x, ev.y); } void troff_output::simple_spline(const position &start, const position *v, int n) { position pos = transform(start); printf("\\h'%.3fi'" "\\v'%.3fi'", pos.x, pos.y); fputs("\\D'~", stdout); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { position temp = transform(v[i]); distance d = temp - pos; pos = temp; if (i != 0) putchar(' '); printf("%.3fi %.3fi", d.x, d.y); } printf("'\n.sp -1\n"); } // a solid polygon void troff_output::simple_polygon(int filled, const position *v, int n) { position pos = transform(v[0]); printf("\\h'%.3fi'" "\\v'%.3fi'", pos.x, pos.y); printf("\\D'%c", (filled ? 'P' : 'p')); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { position temp = transform(v[i]); distance d = temp - pos; pos = temp; if (i != 1) putchar(' '); printf("%.3fi %.3fi", d.x, d.y); } printf("'\n.sp -1\n"); } const double TEXT_AXIS = 0.22; // in ems static const char *choose_delimiter(const char *text) { if (strchr(text, '\'') == 0) return "'"; else return "\\(ts"; } void troff_output::text(const position ¢er, text_piece *v, int n, double ang) { int rotate_flag = 0; if (driver_extension_flag && ang != 0.0) { rotate_flag = 1; position c = transform(center); printf(".if \\n(" GROPS_REG " \\{\\\n" "\\h'%.3fi'" "\\v'%.3fi'" "\\X'ps: exec gsave currentpoint 2 copy translate %.4f rotate neg exch neg exch translate'" "\n.sp -1\n" ".\\}\n", c.x, c.y, -ang*180.0/M_PI); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (v[i].text != 0 && *v[i].text != '\0') { position c = transform(center); if (v[i].filename != 0) set_location(v[i].filename, v[i].lineno); printf("\\h'%.3fi", c.x); const char *delim = choose_delimiter(v[i].text); if (v[i].adj.h == RIGHT_ADJUST) printf("-\\w%s%s%su", delim, v[i].text, delim); else if (v[i].adj.h != LEFT_ADJUST) printf("-(\\w%s%s%su/2u)", delim, v[i].text, delim); putchar('\''); printf("\\v'%.3fi-(%dv/2u)+%dv+%.2fm", c.y, n - 1, i, TEXT_AXIS); if (v[i].adj.v == ABOVE_ADJUST) printf("-.5v"); else if (v[i].adj.v == BELOW_ADJUST) printf("+.5v"); putchar('\''); fputs(v[i].text, stdout); fputs("\n.sp -1\n", stdout); } if (rotate_flag) printf(".if '\\*(.T'ps' \\{\\\n" "\\X'ps: exec grestore'\n.sp -1\n" ".\\}\n"); } void troff_output::line_thickness(double p) { if (p < 0.0) p = RELATIVE_THICKNESS; if (driver_extension_flag && p != last_line_thickness) { printf("\\D't %.3fp'\\h'%.3fp'\n.sp -1\n", p, -p); last_line_thickness = p; } } void troff_output::set_fill(double f) { if (driver_extension_flag && f != last_fill) { printf("\\D'f %du'\\h'%du'\n.sp -1\n", int(f*FILL_MAX), -int(f*FILL_MAX)); last_fill = f; } } const double DOT_AXIS = .044; void troff_output::dot(const position ¢, const line_type <) { if (driver_extension_flag) { line_thickness(lt.thickness); simple_line(cent, cent); } else { position c = transform(cent); printf("\\h'%.3fi-(\\w'.'u/2u)'" "\\v'%.3fi+%.2fm'" ".\n.sp -1\n", c.x, c.y, DOT_AXIS); } } void troff_output::set_location(const char *s, int n) { if (last_filename != 0 && strcmp(s, last_filename) == 0) printf(".lf %d\n", n); else { printf(".lf %d %s\n", n, s); last_filename = s; } }