Info file, produced by Makeinfo, -*- Text -*- from input file uucp.texi. This file documents Taylor UUCP, version 1.03. Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "Copying" are included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "Copying" may be included in a translation approved by the author instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Final Handshake, Prev: File Requests, Up: UUCP Protocol Final Handshake --------------- After the protocol has been shut down, the final handshake is performed. This handshake has no real purpose, and some UUCP packages simply drop the connection rather than do it (in fact, some will drop the connection immediately after both sides agree to hangup, without even closing down the protocol). Taylor UUCP always sends the appropriate final handshake string (in `fdo_call' or `faccept_call') but ignores the handshake string from the other side unless it is in `handshake' debugging mode. caller: `\020OOOOOO\000' called: `\020OOOOOOO\000' That is, the calling UUCP sends six letter O's and the called UUCP replies with seven letter O's. Some UUCP packages always send six O's.  File:, Node: g Protocol, Next: f Protocol, Prev: UUCP Protocol, Up: Protocols The UUCP `g' Protocol ===================== The `g' protocol is a packet based flow controlled error correcting protocol that requires an eight bit clear connection. It is the original UUCP protocol, and is supported by all UUCP implementations. Many implementations of it are only able to support small window and packet sizes, specifically a window size of 3 and a packet size of 64 bytes, but the protocol itself can support up to a window size of 7 and a packet size of 4096 bytes. Complaints about the inefficiency of the `g' protocol generally refer to specific implementations, rather than the correctly implemented protocol. The `g' protocol was originally designed for general packet drivers, and thus contains some features that are not used by UUCP, including an alternate data channel and the ability to renegotiate packet and window sizes during the communication session. The `g' protocol is spoofed by many Telebit modems. When spoofing is in effect, each Telebit modem uses the `g' protocol to communicate with the attached computer, but the data between the modems is sent using a Telebit proprietary error correcting protocol. This allows for very high throughput over the Telebit connection, which, because it is half-duplex, would not normally be able to handle the `g' protocol very well at all. This discussion of the `g' protocol explains how it works, but does not discuss useful error handling techniques. Some discussion of this can be found in Jamie E. Hanrahan's paper (*note Documentation references::.). A detailed examination of the source code would also be profitable. The Taylor UUCP code to handle the `g' protocol is in the file `protg.c'. There are a number of functions; the most important ones are `fgstart', `fgsend_control', `fgsenddata', and `fgprocess_data'. All `g' protocol communication is done with packets. Each packet begins with a six byte header. Control packets consist only of the header. Data packets contain additional data. The header is as follows: `\020' Every packet begins with a `^P'. K (1 <= K <= 9) The K value is always 9 for a control packet. For a data packet, the K value indicates how must data follows the six byte header. The amount of data is 2 ** (K + 4), where ** indicates exponentiation. Thus a K value of 1 means 32 data bytes and a K value of 8 means 4096 data bytes. The K value for a data packet must be between 1 and 8 inclusive. checksum low byte checksum high byte The checksum value is described below. control byte The control packet indicates the type of packet, and is described below. xor byte This byte is the xor of K, the checksum low byte, the checksum high byte and the control byte (i.e. the second, third, fourth and fifth header bytes). It is used to ensure that the header data is valid. The control byte in the header is composed of three bit fields, referred to here as TT (two bits), XXX (three bits) and YYY (three bits). The complete byte is TTXXXYYY, or (TT << 6) + (XXX << 3) + YYY. The TT field takes on the following values: 0 This is a control packet. In this case the K byte in the header must be 9. The XXX field indicates the type of control packet; the types are described below. 1 This is an alternate data channel packet. This is not used by UUCP. 2 This is a data packet, and the entire contents of the attached data field (whose length is given by the K byte in the header) are valid. The XXX and YYY fields are described below. 3 This is a short data packet. Let the length of the data field (as given by the K byte in the header) be `l'. Let the first byte in the data field be `b1'. If `b1' is less than 128 (if the most significant bit of `b1' is 0), then there are `l - b1' valid bytes of data in the data field, beginning with the second byte. If `b1 >= 128', let `b2' be the second byte in the data field. Then there are `l - ((b1 & 0x7f) + (b2 << 7))' valid bytes of data in the data field, beginning with the third byte. In all cases `l' bytes of data are sent (and all data bytes participate in the checksum calculation) but some of the trailing bytes may be dropped by the receiver. The XXX and YYY fields are described below. In a data packet (short or not) the XXX field gives the sequence number of the packet. Thus sequence numbers can range from 0 to 7, inclusive. The YYY field gives the sequence number of the last correctly received packet. Each communication direction uses a window which indicates how many unacknowledged packets may be transmitted before waiting for an acknowledgement. The window may range from 1 to 7 packets, and may be different in each direction. For example, if the window is 3 and the last packet acknowledged was packet number 6, packet numbers 7, 0 and 1 may be sent but the sender must wait for an acknowledgement before sending packet number 2. This acknowledgement could come as the YYY field of a data packet or as the YYY field of a `RJ' or `RR' control packet (described below). Each packet must be transmitted in order (the sender may not skip sequence numbers). Each packet must be acknowledged, and each packet must be acknowledged in order. In a control packet, the XXX field takes on the following values: 1 `CLOSE' The connection should be closed immediately. This is typically sent when one side has seen too many errors and wants to give up. It is also sent when shutting down the protocol. If an unexpected `CLOSE' packet is received, a `CLOSE' packet should be sent in reply and the `g' protocol should halt, causing UUCP to enter the final handshake. 2 `RJ' or `NAK' The last packet was not received correctly. The YYY field contains the sequence number of the last correctly received packet. 3 `SRJ' Selective reject. The YYY field contains the sequence number of a packet that was not received correctly, and should be retransmitted. This is not used by UUCP, and most implementations will not recognize it. Taylor UUCP will recognize it but not generate it. 4 `RR' or `ACK' Packet acknowledgement. The YYY field contains the sequence number of the last correctly received packet. 5 `INITC' Third initialization packet. The YYY field contains the maximum window size to use. 6 `INITB' Second initialization packet. The YYY field contains the packet size to use. It requests a size of 2 ** (YYY + 5). Note that this is not the same coding used for the K byte in the packet header (it is 1 less). Some UUCP implementations can handle any packet size up to that specified; some can only handled exactly the size specified. Taylor UUCP will always accept any packet size. 7 `INITA' First initialization packet. The YYY field contains the maximum window size to use. To compute the checksum, call the control byte (the fifth byte in the header) `c'. The checksum of a control packet is simply `0xaaaa - c'. The checksum of a data packet is `0xaaaa - (CHECK ^ c)' (`^' denotes exclusive or, as in C), and `CHECK' is the result of the following routine run on the contents of the data field (every byte in the data field participates in the checksum, even for a short data packet). Below is the routine used by Taylor UUCP; it is a slightly modified version of a routine which John Gilmore patched from G.L. Chesson's original paper. The `z' argument points to the data and the `c' argument indicates how much data there is. int igchecksum (z, c) register const char *z; register int c; { register unsigned int ichk1, ichk2; ichk1 = 0xffff; ichk2 = 0; do { register unsigned int b; /* Rotate ichk1 left. */ if ((ichk1 & 0x8000) == 0) ichk1 <<= 1; else { ichk1 <<= 1; ++ichk1; } /* Add the next character to ichk1. */ b = *z++ & 0xff; ichk1 += b; /* Add ichk1 xor the character position in the buffer counting from the back to ichk2. */ ichk2 += ichk1 ^ c; /* If the character was zero, or adding it to ichk1 caused an overflow, xor ichk2 to ichk1. */ if (b == 0 || (ichk1 & 0xffff) < b) ichk1 ^= ichk2; } while (--c > 0); return ichk1 & 0xffff; } When the `g' protocol is started, the calling UUCP sends an INITA control packet with the window size it wishes the called UUCP to use. The called UUCP responds with an INITA packet with the window size it wishes the calling UUCP to use. Pairs of INITB and INITC packets are then similarly exchanged. When these exchanges are completed, the protocol is considered to have been started. The window size is sent twice, with both the INITA and the INITC packets. When a UUCP package transmits a command, it sends one or more data packets. All the data packets will normally be complete, although some UUCP packages may send the last one as a short packet. The command string is sent with a trailing null byte, to let the receiving package know when the command is finished. Some UUCP packages require the last byte of the last packet sent to be null, even if the command ends earlier in the packet. Some packages may require all the trailing bytes in the last packet to be null, but I have not confirmed this. When a UUCP package sends a file, it will send a sequence of data packets. The end of the file is signalled by a short data packet containing zero valid bytes (it will normally be preceeded by a short data packet containing the last few bytes in the file). Note that the sequence numbers cover the entire communication session, including both command and file data. When the protocol is shut down, each UUCP package sends a `CLOSE' control packet.  File:, Node: f Protocol, Next: t Protocol, Prev: g Protocol, Up: Protocols The UUCP `f' Protocol ===================== The `f' protocol is a seven bit protocol which checksums an entire file at a time. It only uses the characters between \040 and \176 (ASCII space and `~') inclusive as well as the carriage return character. It can be very efficient for transferring text only data, but it is very inefficient at transferring eight bit data (such as compressed news). It is not flow controlled, and the checksum is fairly insecure over large files, so using it over a serial connection requires handshaking (`XON'/`XOFF' can be used) and error correcting modems. Some people think it should not be used even under those circumstances. I believe the `f' protocol originated in BSD versions of UUCP. It was originally intended for transmission over X.25 PAD links. The Taylor UUCP code for the `f' protocol is in `protf.c'. The `f' protocol has no startup or finish protocol. However, both sides typically sleep for a couple of seconds before starting up, because they switch the terminal into `XON'/`XOFF' mode and want to allow the changes to settle before beginning transmission. When a UUCP package transmits a command, it simply sends a string terminated by a carriage return. When a UUCP package transmits a file, each byte b of the file is translated according to the following table: 0 <= b <= 037: 0172, b + 0100 (0100 to 0137) 040 <= b <= 0171: b ( 040 to 0171) 0172 <= b <= 0177: 0173, b - 0100 ( 072 to 077) 0200 <= b <= 0237: 0174, b - 0100 (0100 to 0137) 0240 <= b <= 0371: 0175, b - 0200 ( 040 to 0171) 0372 <= b <= 0377: 0176, b - 0300 ( 072 to 077) That is, a byte between \040 and \171 inclusive is transmitted as is, and all other bytes are prefixed and modified as shown. When all the file data is sent, a seven byte sequence is sent: two bytes of \176 followed by four ASCII bytes of the checksum as printed in base 16 followed by a carriage return. For example, if the checksum was 0x1234, this would be sent: "\176\1761234\r". The checksum is initialized to 0xffff. For each byte that is sent it is modified as follows (where `b' is the byte before it has been transformed as described above): /* Rotate the checksum left. */ if ((ichk & 0x8000) == 0) ichk <<= 1; else { ichk <<= 1; ++ichk; } /* Add the next byte into the checksum. */ ichk += b; When the receiving UUCP sees the checksum, it compares it against its own calculated checksum and replies with a single character followed by a carriage return. `G' The file was received correctly. `R' The checksum did not match, and the file should be resent from the beginning. `Q' The checksum did not match, but too many retries have occurred and the communication session should be abandoned. The sending UUCP checks the returned character and acts accordingly.  File:, Node: t Protocol, Next: e Protocol, Prev: f Protocol, Up: Protocols The UUCP `t' Protocol ===================== The `t' protocol is intended for TCP links. It does no error checking or flow control, and requires an eight bit clear channel. I believe the `t' protocol originated in BSD versions of UUCP. The Taylor UUCP code for the `t' protocol is in `prott.c'. When a UUCP package transmits a command, it first gets the length of the command string, C. It then sends ((C / 512) + 1) * 512 bytes (the smallest multiple of 512 which can hold C bytes plus a null byte) consisting of the command string itself followed by trailing null bytes. When a UUCP package sends a file, it sends it in blocks. Each block contains at most 1024 bytes of data. Each block consists of four bytes containing the amount of data in binary (most significant byte first, the same format as used by the Unix function `htonl') followed by that amount of data. The end of the file is signalled by a block containing zero bytes of data.  File:, Node: e Protocol, Next: x Protocol, Prev: t Protocol, Up: Protocols The UUCP `e' Protocol ===================== The `e' protocol is similar to the `t' protocol. It does no flow control or error checking and is intended for use over TCP. The `e' protocol originated in versions of BNU UUCP. The Taylor UUCP code for the `e' protocol is in `prote.c'. When a UUCP package transmits a command, it simply sends the command as an ASCII string terminated by a null byte. When a UUCP package transmits a file, it sends the complete size of the file as an ASCII decimal number. The ASCII string is padded out to 20 bytes with null bytes (i.e., if the file is 1000 bytes long, it sends `1000\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0'). It then sends the entire file.  File:, Node: x Protocol, Next: d Protocol, Prev: e Protocol, Up: Protocols The UUCP `x' Protocol ===================== I believe that the `x' protocol was intended for use over X.25 virtual circuits. It relies on a write of zero bytes being read as zero bytes without stopping communication. I have heard that it does not work correctly. If someone would care to fill this in more, I would be grateful. Taylor UUCP does not implement the `x' protocol.  File:, Node: d Protocol, Next: Capital G Protocol, Prev: x Protocol, Up: Protocols The UUCP `d' Protocol ===================== This is apparently used for DataKit connections, and relies on a write of zero bytes being read as zero bytes, much as the `x' protocol does. I don't really know anything else about it. Taylor UUCP does not implement the `d' protocol.  File:, Node: Capital G Protocol, Next: Documentation References, Prev: d Protocol, Up: Protocols The UUCP `G' Protocol ===================== The `G' protocol is apparently simply the `g' protocol, except that it is known to support all possible window and packet sizes. It was introduced by SVR4 UUCP; the SVR4 implementation of the `g' protocol is apparently fixed at a packet size of 64 and a window size of 7. Taylor UUCP does not recognize the `G' protocol. It does support all window and packet sizes for the `g' protocol.  File:, Node: Documentation References, Prev: Capital G Protocol, Up: Protocols Documentation References ======================== I took a lot of the information from Jamie E. Hanrahan's paper in the Fall 1990 DECUS Symposium, and from Managing UUCP and Usenet by Tim O'Reilly and Grace Todino (with contributions by several other people). The latter includes most of the former, and is published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Some information is originally due to a Usenet article by Chuck Wegrzyn. The information on the `g' protocol comes partially from a paper by G.L. Chesson of Bell Laboratories, partially from Jamie E. Hanrahan's paper, and partially from source code by John Gilmore. The information on the `f' protocol comes from the source code by Piet Berteema. The information on the `t' protocol comes from the source code by Rick Adams. The information on the `e' protocol comes from a Usenet article by Matthias Urlichs.  File:, Node: Hacking, Next: Acknowledgements, Prev: Protocols, Up: Top Hacking Taylor UUCP ******************* This chapter provides the briefest of guides to the Taylor UUCP source code itself. * Menu: * System Dependence:: System Dependence * Naming Conventions:: Naming Conventions * Patches:: Patches  File:, Node: System Dependence, Next: Naming Conventions, Prev: Hacking, Up: Hacking System Dependence ================= The code is carefully segregated into a system independent portion and a system dependent portion. The system dependent code is in `sys?.*' and `tcp.c'. Note that `sysh.*' is included as `sysdep.h'. Currently the only system dependent files are for Unix, and the file name for all of them ends in `.unx'. Hopefully the code will eventually be ported to other systems. With the right configuration parameters, the system independent code calls only ANSI C functions. Some of the less common ANSI C functions are also provided in `util.c'. The replacement function `strtol' in `util.c' assumes that the characters `A' to `F' and `a' to `f' appear in strictly sequential order. The function `igradecmp' in `config.c' assumes that the upper and lower case letters appear in order. Both assumptions are true for ASCII and EBCDIC, but neither is guaranteed by ANSI C. The replacement function `memmove' in `util.c' assumes that two arbitrary pointers may be safely compared. Disregarding these caveats, I believe that the system independent portion of the code is strictly conforming. That's not too exciting, since all the work is done in the system dependent code. I think that this code can conform to POSIX 1003.1, given the right compilation parameters. I'm a bit less certain about this, though. The code is in use on a 16 bit segmented system with no function prototypes, so I'm certain that all casts to long and pointers are done when necessary. The code uses alloca extensively. It comes with a simple replacement, in `alloca.c' (otherwise I would lost ANSI C conformance, after all). Using a real `alloca' function will be considerably more efficient. It will also cause significant stack usage, which may be a problem on systems without virtual memory.  File:, Node: Naming Conventions, Next: Patches, Prev: System Dependence, Up: Hacking Naming Conventions ================== I use a modified Hungarian naming convention for my variables and functions. As with all naming conventions, the code is rather opaque if you are not familiar with it, but becomes clear and easy to use with time. The first character indicates the type of the variable (or function return value). Sometimes additional characters are used. I use the following type prefixes: `a' array; the next character is the type of an element `b' byte or character `c' count of something `e' stdio FILE * `f' boolean `i' generic integer `l' double `o' file descriptor (as returned by open, creat, etc.) `p' generic pointer `q' pointer to structure `s' structure `u' void (function return values only) `z' character string A generic pointer ('p') is sometimes a `void *', sometimes a function pointer in which case the prefix is pf, and sometimes a pointer to another type, in which case the next character is the type to which it points (pf is overloaded). An array of strings (`char *[]') would be named `az' (array of string). If this array were passed to a function, the function parameter would be named `paz' (pointer to array of string). Note that the variable name prefixes do not necessarily indicate the type of the variable. For example, a variable prefixed with i may be int, long or short. Similarly, a variable prefixed with b may be a char or an int; for example, the return value of getchar would be caught in an int variable prefixed with b. For a non-local variable (extern or file static), the first character after the type prefix is capitalized. Most static variables and functions use another letter after the type prefix to indicate which module they come from. This is to help distinguish different names in the debugger. For example, all static functions in `protg.c', the `g' protocol source code, use a module prefix of `g'. This isn't too useful, as a number of modules use a module prefix of `s'.  File:, Node: Patches, Prev: Naming Conventions, Up: Hacking Patches ======= I am always grateful for any patches sent in. Much of the flexibility and portability of the code is due to other people. Please do not hesitate to send me any changes you have found necessary or useful. I rarely apply the patches directly. Instead I work my way through them and apply each one separately. This ensures that the naming remains consistent and that I understand all the code.  File:, Node: Acknowledgements, Next: Index (concepts), Prev: Hacking, Up: Top Acknowledgements **************** This is a list of people who gave help or suggestions while I was working on the Taylor UUCP project. Appearance on this list does not constitute endorsement of the program, particularly since some of the comments were criticisms. I've probably left some people off, and I apologize for any oversight; it does not mean your contribution was unappreciated. First of all, I would like to thank the people at Infinity Development Systems (formerly AIRS, which lives on in the domain name, at least for now) for permitting me to use their computers and `uunet' access. I would also like to thank Richard Stallman `' for founding the Free Software Foundation and John Gilmore `' for writing the initial version of gnuucp which was a direct inspiration for this somewhat larger project. Chip Salzenberg `' contributed many early patches. Franc,ois Pinard `' tirelessly tested the code and suggested many improvements. He also put together the initial version of this document. Finally, Verbus M. Counts `' and Centel Federal Systems, Inc. deserve special thanks, since they actually paid me money to port this code to System III. In alphabetical order: "Earle F. Ake - SAIC" `' `' (Michael Almond) `' (Christopher J. Ambler) Brian W. Antoine `' `' (John Antypas) `nba@sysware.DK' (Niels Baggesen) `uunet!hotmomma!sdb' (Scott Ballantyne) `magus!dolphin!zack' (Zacharias Beckman) `' (Mike Bernson) `' (Roberto Biancardi) Marc Boucher `' `' (Dean Brooks) `' (Dave Buck) `' (Gordon Burditt) `' (Michael I Bushnell) Brian Campbell `' `' (Verbus M. Counts) `cbmvax!!cowan' (John Cowan) `' (Bob Denny) `' (Doug Evans) `' (Bill Fenner) "David J. Fiander" `' Thomas Fischer `' `' (Erik Forsberg) Lele Gaifax `' `' `' (James Gardiner [hunter]) Terry Gardner `' `' (Jim Gottlieb) `' (Daniel R. Guilderson) `' (Gregory Gulik) Michael Haberler `' `' (Guy Harris) Petri Helenius `' Peter Honeyman `' `' (Bob Izenberg) `harvee!esj' (Eric S Johansson) `' (Christof Junge) `tron@Veritas.COM' (Ronald S. Karr) `kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM' (Kent Landfield) `' (Gregory LeBaron) `karl@sugar.NeoSoft.Com' (Karl Lehenbauer) `' (Jay Vassos-Libove) `bruce%blilly@Broadcast.Sony.COM' (Bruce Lilly) Ted Lindgreen `' "Arne Ludwig" `' Matthew Lyle `' `' (David J. MacKenzie) John R MacMillan `' `mem@mv.MV.COM' (Mark E. Mallett) `' (Alex Martelli) Yanek Martinson `' `' (Leslie Mikesell) `' (Mitch Mitchell) `' (Rupert Mohr) `' (Dirk Musstopf) `' (Lyndon Nerenberg) `' (Michael Nolan) david nugent `' `abekas!dragoman!' (Mike Park) "Mark Pizzolato 415-369-9366" `' `' (Dave Platt) `eldorado@tharr.UUCP' (Mark Powell) `' (Tim Pozar) `' (Jeff Putsch) Jarmo Raiha `' `mcr@Sandelman.OCUnix.On.Ca' (Michael Richardson) `' (Jeff Ross) Aleksey P. Rudnev `' `' (Wolfgang S. Rupprecht) `' (Tom Rushworth) `' (Rich Salz) `sojurn!' (Mike Sangrey) `' `s4mjs!' (M. J. Shannon Jr.) `' (Peter da Silva) `frumious!pat' (Patrick Smith) `roscom!' (Monty Solomon) `' (Hannu Strang) `' (Ralf E. Stranzenbach) Oleg Tabarovsky `' John Theus `' `' (Richard Todd) Len Tower `' `' (Marc Unangst) `' (Johan Vromans) `rna-nl!' (Drs. Gerben C. Th. Wierda) `frnkmth!!bill' (T. William Wells) `mauxci!eci386!' (Greg A. Woods) `' (Jon Zeeff) Eric Ziegast `'  File:, Node: Index (concepts), Next: Index (configuration file), Prev: Acknowledgements, Up: Top Concept Index ************* * Menu: * /usr/spool/uucp: Miscellaneous (config). * /usr/spool/uucppublic: Miscellaneous (config). * UUCP protocol: UUCP Protocol. * UUCP system name: Miscellaneous (config). * anonymous UUCP: config File Examples. * call configuration file: Configuration File Names. * call in login name: Configuration File Names. * call in password: Configuration File Names. * call out file: Configuration File Names. * call out login name: Configuration File Names. * call out password: Configuration File Names. * changing spool directory: config File Examples. * chat scripts: Chat Scripts. * config file: config File. * config file examples: config File Examples. * configuration file (call): Configuration File Names. * configuration file (config): config File. * configuration file (dial): dial File. * configuration file (dialcode): Configuration File Names. * configuration file (passwd): Configuration File Names. * configuration file (port): port File. * configuration file (sys): sys File. * debugging file: Log File Names. * dial file: dial File. * dialcode configuration file: Configuration File Names. * dialcode file: Configuration File Names. * dialer configuration file: dial File. * e protocol: e Protocol. * f protocol: f Protocol. * g protocol: g Protocol. * gateway: Gateway Example. * grades: Grades. * handshake: UUCP Protocol. * leaf site: Leaf Example. * lock files: Lock Files. * log file: Log File Names. * main configuration file: config File. * passwd configuration file: Configuration File Names. * passwd file: Configuration File Names. * port configuration file: port File. * port file: port File. * protocol (UUCP): UUCP Protocol. * protocol (e): e Protocol. * protocol (f): f Protocol. * protocol (g): g Protocol. * protocol (t): t Protocol. * public directory: Miscellaneous (config). * spool directory: Miscellaneous (config). * spool directory (changing): config File Examples. * statistics file: Log File Names. * sys file: sys File. * sys file example (gateway): Gateway Example. * sys file example (leaf): Leaf Example. * system configuration file: sys File. * system name: Miscellaneous (config). * t protocol: t Protocol. * time strings: Time Strings. * unknown systems: Miscellaneous (config). * uucppublic: Miscellaneous (config).  File:, Node: Index (configuration file), Prev: Index (concepts), Up: Top Index to New Configuration File ******************************* * Menu: * abort: dial File. * abort-chat: dial File. * abort-chat-fail: dial File. * abort-chat-program: dial File. * abort-chat-seven-bit: dial File. * abort-chat-timeout: dial File. * address: Placing the Call. * alias: Naming the System. * alternate: Naming the System. * baud in port file: port File. * baud in sys file: Placing the Call. * baud-range: port File. * bnu-files: Miscellaneous (config). * call-local-size: File Transfer Control. * call-login: Logging In. * call-password: Logging In. * call-remote-size: File Transfer Control. * call-request: File Transfer Control. * call-timegrade: When to Call. * call-transfer: File Transfer Control. * callback: Accepting a Call. * called-chat: Accepting a Call. * called-chat-fail: Accepting a Call. * called-chat-program: Accepting a Call. * called-chat-seven-bit: Accepting a Call. * called-chat-timeout: Accepting a Call. * called-local-size: File Transfer Control. * called-login: Accepting a Call. * called-remote-size: File Transfer Control. * called-request: File Transfer Control. * called-transfer: File Transfer Control. * callfile: Configuration File Names. * carrier in dial file: dial File. * carrier in port file: port File. * carrier-wait: dial File. * chat: Chat Scripts. * chat in dial file: dial File. * chat in sys file: Logging In. * chat-fail: Chat Scripts. * chat-fail in dial file: dial File. * chat-fail in sys file: Logging In. * chat-program in dial file: dial File. * chat-program in sys file: Logging In. * chat-program in sys file: Chat Scripts. * chat-seven-bit: Chat Scripts. * chat-seven-bit in dial file: dial File. * chat-seven-bit in sys file: Logging In. * chat-timeout: Chat Scripts. * chat-timeout in dial file: dial File. * chat-timeout in sys file: Logging In. * command-path: Miscellaneous (sys). * commands: Miscellaneous (sys). * complete: dial File. * complete-chat: dial File. * complete-chat-fail: dial File. * complete-chat-program: dial File. * complete-chat-seven-bit: dial File. * complete-chat-timeout: dial File. * debug in config file: Debugging Levels. * debug in sys file: Miscellaneous (sys). * debugfile: Log File Names. * default-alternates: Naming the System. * device: port File. * dial-device: port File. * dialcodefile: Configuration File Names. * dialer in dial file: dial File. * dialer in port file: port File. * dialer-sequence: port File. * dialfile: Configuration File Names. * dialtone: dial File. * dtr-toggle: dial File. * free-space: Miscellaneous (sys). * hostname: Miscellaneous (config). * local-receive: File Transfer Control. * local-send: File Transfer Control. * lockname: port File. * logfile: Log File Names. * max-remote-debug: Miscellaneous (sys). * max-uuxqts: Miscellaneous (config). * myname: Naming the System. * nodename: Miscellaneous (config). * passwdfile: Configuration File Names. * pause: dial File. * phone: Placing the Call. * port in port file: port File. * port in sys file: Placing the Call. * portfile: Configuration File Names. * protocol in port file: port File. * protocol in sys file: Protocol Selection. * protocol-parameter in dial file: dial File. * protocol-parameter in port file: port File. * protocol-parameter in sys file: Protocol Selection. * pubdir in config file: Miscellaneous (config). * pubdir in sys file: Miscellaneous (sys). * reliable in dial file: dial File. * reliable in port file: port File. * remote-receive: File Transfer Control. * remote-send: File Transfer Control. * request: File Transfer Control. * sequence: Miscellaneous (sys). * service: port File. * seven-bit in dial file: dial File. * seven-bit in port file: port File. * speed in port file: port File. * speed in sys file: Placing the Call. * speed-range: port File. * spool: Miscellaneous (config). * statfile: Log File Names. * sysfile: Configuration File Names. * system: Naming the System. * time: When to Call. * timegrade: When to Call. * timetable: Miscellaneous (sys). * transfer: File Transfer Control. * type: port File. * unknown: Miscellaneous (config). * uuname: Miscellaneous (config). * v2-files: Miscellaneous (config).