/*- * Copyright (C) 1993 Allen K. Briggs, Chris P. Caputo, * Michael L. Finch, Bradley A. Grantham, and * Lawrence A. Kesteloot * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the Alice Group. * 4. The names of the Alice Group or any of its members may not be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ALICE GROUP ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ALICE GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* * The console device driver for Alice. * $Id: console.c,v 1.5 1993/12/21 03:16:01 briggs Exp $ * * April 11th, 1992 LK * Original * August 20-Sep 9, 1993 MF * Added support for nubus, multiple monitors * Added different width screen info * ability to scroll on two monitors * ioctls to move monitors * September 19th, 1993 LK * Added multi-font support * Integrated AKB 19 Sept. * September 28th-ish, 1993 LK * Added reversepixel and updated reversecursor. * Integrated AKB 1 Oct. * October 12th, 1993 AKB * Fixed bugs in 6-bit code. Also changed x,y in VT * structure to SIGNED ints because of VT100 parsing... * (see ESC [ ; H, e.g.) * October 14th, 1993 AKB * Added support for T_REVERSE and T_UNDERLINE * for drawweirdcharacter. */ /* Received from MacBSDBoot, stored by Locore: */ long videoaddr; long videorowbytes; long videobitdepth; char serial_boot_echo=0; #include "8x14.h" #include "6x10.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "device.h" #include "../mac68k/cons.h" #include "../mac68k/myframe.h" #include "serreg.h" #include "console.h" #include "asc.h" /* for sound */ #include "grf.h" #include "grfioctl.h" #include "grfvar.h" extern struct grf_softc grf_softc[NGRF]; #define NFONT 2 #define OUTBUFLEN 128 #define CONBUFLEN 128 #define SCROLLBACK 16384 /* Size of scrollback buffer */ #include "con.h" #define CL *(to++)=*(from++) struct font { int width; /* In pixels */ int height; /* In pixels */ unsigned char *normalfont; /* Pointer to bitmap for font */ unsigned char *boldfont; /* Pointer to bitmap for bold font */ int sevenbit; /* True if the font only has 0..127 */ }; struct vt { int x; /* Cursor position [0..numtcols-1] */ int y; /* Cursor position [0..numtrows-1] */ unsigned int oldx, oldy; /* Saved cursor position */ unsigned int attr, fgcolor, bgcolor; /* Current attribute & color */ unsigned int hanging_cursor; /* Cursor at last column */ unsigned int vt100; /* Status/length of vt100 sequence */ unsigned char vtstr[200]; /* vt100 sequence */ unsigned char scr[50][132]; /* Contents of screen */ unsigned char att[50][132]; /* Attributes of screen */ unsigned char sb[SCROLLBACK]; /* Scrollback buffer */ unsigned int sbhead, sbtail, sblen; /* Scrollback is ring buffer */ unsigned int numtcols; /* # of text columns on the screen */ unsigned int numtrows; /* # of text lines on the screen */ unsigned int toptrow; /* Top line of text scroll region */ unsigned int bottrow; /* Bottom line of text scroll region */ unsigned int numgcols; /* # of visible pixels across */ unsigned int numgrows; /* # of visible pixels down */ unsigned int linelen; /* # of bytes/line (incl. non-visible) */ unsigned int numbits; /* # of bits per pixel */ unsigned char *screen; /* Pointer to the screen */ struct font *font; /* Current font for this vt */ int visible; /* Is this vt visible (on a screen) ? */ }; extern long videoaddr; /* in srt0.c */ unsigned long videosize; extern int gNumGrfDev; extern long videoaddr; /* in srt0.c */ static unsigned char outbuf[OUTBUFLEN]; static unsigned char conbuf[OUTBUFLEN]; static int outhead = 0, outtail = 0, outlen = 0, write_ack = 0; static int conhead = 0, contail = 0, conlen = 0, do_conintr = 0, intr_enabled = 0; static unsigned char *sccaddr = (unsigned char *)0x50004000; static struct vt vt[NCON]; static struct font font[NFONT]; /* for now, 0 = large, 1 = small */ int curvt; /* Current virtual terminal -- Used by adb */ int numsb; /* Number of lines scrolling back -- Used by adb */ static int cursoron, cursorlit, cursortype = C_BLOCK | C_SOLID; void macconputchar(int, u_char); static getvideoparams() { /* Get these from hardware and set video to 1 bit if possible */ int i=0; /* numgcols=640; */ /* numgrows=480; */ for(i=0;i>16) & 0xffff; vt[i].numbits=videobitdepth; vt[i].linelen=videorowbytes; vt[i].screen = (unsigned char *)videoaddr; } vt[0].visible=1; } static putpixel(struct vt *v, int xx, int yy, int c) { unsigned int mask, i; mask = (1<numbits)-1; c &= mask; switch (v->numbits) { case 1: i = 7 - (xx & 7); c <<= i; mask <<= i; i = yy * v->linelen + (xx>>3); v->screen[i] &= ~mask; v->screen[i] |= c; break; case 2: i = 6 - ((xx & 3) << 1); c <<= i; mask <<= i; i = yy * v->linelen + (xx>>2); v->screen[i] &= ~mask; v->screen[i] |= c; break; case 4: i = 4 - ((xx & 1) << 2); c <<= i; mask <<= i; i = yy * v->linelen + (xx>>1); v->screen[i] &= ~mask; v->screen[i] |= c; break; case 8: v->screen[yy * v->linelen + xx] = c; break; } } static void reversepixel (struct vt *v, unsigned int xx, unsigned int yy) { unsigned int i; switch (v->numbits) { case 1: i = yy * v->linelen + (xx / 8); v->screen[i] ^= 0x80 >> (xx % 8); break; case 2: i = yy * v->linelen + (xx / 4); v->screen[i] ^= 0xC0 >> ((xx % 4) * 2); break; case 4: i = yy * v->linelen + (xx / 2); v->screen[i] ^= 0xF0 >> ((xx % 2) * 4); break; case 8: v->screen[yy * v->linelen + xx] ^= 0xFF; break; } } static reversecursor(int vtnum) { unsigned int i, p, linelongs, px, py, offset, plx; int x, y; struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; register unsigned long *sc; unsigned long mask; static int __p=0; if (v->y + numsb >= v->numtrows) { cursorlit = 0; return; } cursorlit = !cursorlit; px = v->x * v->font->width; linelongs = v->linelen/4; switch (v->numbits) { case 1: plx = px & ~31; if (((px + v->font->width - 1) & ~31) > plx) plx += 16; p = (v->y+numsb) * v->font->height * v->linelen + plx/8; offset = 32 - v->font->width + (plx % 32) - (px % 32); mask = ((1L << v->font->width) - 1) << offset; if (cursortype & C_BLOCK) { sc = (unsigned long *)&(v->screen[p]); if (v->font->height == 14) { #define RL *sc ^= mask; sc += linelongs; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; RL; #undef RL } else { for (i = 0; i < v->font->height; i++) { *sc ^= mask; sc += linelongs; } } } else { sc = (unsigned long *)&(v->screen[p+(v->font->height-2)*v->linelen]); *sc ^= mask; *(sc+linelongs) ^= mask; } break; case 2: case 4: case 8: /* Okay, this is a real quick hack so that people in non-1-bit mode will see a cursor. It's real slow and should be fixed later. */ px = v->x * v->font->width; py = v->y * v->font->height; for (y = v->font->height-1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = v->font->width-1; x >= 0; x--) { reversepixel (v, x + px, y + py); } } break; } } static drawcursor(int vtnum) { if (vtnum != curvt) return; if (!cursorlit) reversecursor(vtnum); cursoron = 1; } static erasecursor(int vtnum) { if (!vt[vtnum].visible) return; if (cursorlit) reversecursor(vtnum); cursoron = 0; } static void cls(struct vt *v) { register int i; register unsigned long *sc; for (sc = (unsigned long *)v->screen, i = v->linelen*v->numgrows/4; i; i--) *sc++ = 0; } static clearscreen(int vtnum, int which) { /* which=0=to end of screen, 1=to beginning of screen, 2=all screen */ int i, j, start, end; struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; switch (which) { case 0: start = v->y; end = v->numtrows; break; case 1: start = 0; end = v->y; break; case 2: start = 0; end = v->numtrows; break; } for (i = start; i < end; i++) for (j = 0; j < v->numtcols; j++) { v->scr[i][j] = ' '; v->att[i][j] = T_NORMAL; } if (!v->visible ) return; switch (which) { case 0: start=v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen; end=v->linelen*v->numgrows; break; case 1: start=0; end=v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen; break; case 2: cls(v); return; } for (i = start; i < end; i++) v->screen[i] = 0; } extern void conattach(int n) { static int initt=0; int i; if (initt) { return; } initt = 1; getvideoparams(); cursoron = 0; cursorlit = 0; font[0].width = 8; font[0].height = 14; font[0].normalfont = Font8x14; /* In chars.h */ font[0].boldfont = Font8x14B; /* In chars.h */ font[0].sevenbit = 0; font[1].width = 6; font[1].height = 10; font[1].normalfont = Font6x10; /* In 6x10.h */ font[1].boldfont = Font6x10; /* Same font for now */ font[1].sevenbit = 1; curvt = 0; /* Start at vt 0 */ for (i = 0; i < NCON; i++) { vt[i].x = 0; vt[i].y = 0; vt[i].oldx = 0; vt[i].oldy = 0; vt[i].attr = T_NORMAL; vt[i].fgcolor = 37; vt[i].bgcolor = 40; vt[i].hanging_cursor = 0; vt[i].vt100 = 0; vt[i].vtstr[0] = 0; vt[i].sbhead = 0; vt[i].sbtail = 0; vt[i].sblen = 0; /* BARF: Here should check if SE/30 and set it to font[1] as default: */ if (vt[i].numgcols >= 640) vt[i].font = &font[0]; else vt[i].font = &font[1]; vt[i].numtcols = vt[i].numgcols/vt[i].font->width; vt[i].numtrows = vt[i].numgrows/vt[i].font->height; vt[i].toptrow = 1; vt[i].bottrow = vt[i].numtrows; if (i==0) { vt[i].visible=1; } else vt[i].visible=0; clearscreen(i,2); } drawcursor(curvt); } static void flashscreen(int vtnum) { register int i; register unsigned long *sc; struct vt *v=&vt[vtnum]; if (!v->visible ) return; for (sc = (unsigned long *)v->screen, i = v->linelen*v->numgrows/4; i; i--) *sc++ ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; for (sc = (unsigned long *)v->screen, i = v->linelen*v->numgrows/4; i; i--) *sc++ ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; } static beep(int vtnum) { struct vt *v=&vt[vtnum]; if (v->visible) asc_ringbell(); } static void drawweirdcharacter (struct vt *v, int x, int y, int attr, unsigned char *ca) { /* * LAK: This function is for character sets that are not 8 pixels across. * Does GCC have inline functions? If so, we should make this inline to * save a function call (it's only called from one place). */ unsigned int px, py; signed int offset; unsigned long mask, attrmask; register unsigned long *sc, *savesc; unsigned char *saveca; struct font *font = v->font; /* Position of the upper-left hand of the character, in pixels: */ px = x * font->width; py = y * font->height; sc = (unsigned long *) (v->screen + (px/32)*4 + py*v->linelen); /* offset is the distance (right of the char) to the next long boundary */ offset = 31 - font->width - px % 32; /* e.g.: px = 25, font->width = 6, offset = 32-6-25 = 1 */ /* 0 1 2 3 */ /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567 */ /* ^ ****** ^ */ /* +------ Long Boundary ----------+ */ /* * If offset < 0, then the character is split across long boundaries, and * we must do two writes. I don't know how much more expensive a long * write is than a word or byte write, but if it's much more expensive, we * may want to check to see if the character can be written with one word * write or one byte write. */ /* * The following loops should be optimized in assembly (eventually...). * Maybe the case for height = 10 should be unrolled. A minimal * effort has been made to make it easy for the compiler to optimize this. */ attrmask = (((unsigned long) 1 << (font->width+1)) - 1); if (offset >= 0) { /* Easy case first... */ /* Thank goodness mac is big-endian... :-) */ mask = ~((((unsigned long) 1 << font->width) - 1) << (offset+1)); if (attr & T_REVERSE) { for (y = font->height; y > 0; y--) { *sc &= mask; *sc |= ((unsigned long)*ca ^ attrmask) << offset; ca++; sc += v->linelen/4; } } else { for (y = font->height; y > 0; y--) { *sc &= mask; *sc |= (unsigned long)*ca << offset; ca++; sc += v->linelen/4; } } if (attr & T_UNDERLINE) { sc -= v->linelen/4; *sc |= (attrmask << offset); } } else { /* First long... */ offset = -offset; mask = ~((((unsigned long) 1 << font->width) - 1) >> (offset-1)); savesc = sc; saveca = ca; if (attr & T_REVERSE) { for (y = font->height; y > 0; y--) { *sc &= mask; *sc |= ((unsigned long)*ca ^ attrmask) >> offset; ca++; sc += v->linelen/4; } } else { for (y = font->height; y > 0; y--) { *sc &= mask; *sc |= (unsigned long)*ca >> offset; ca++; sc += v->linelen/4; } } if (attr & T_UNDERLINE) { sc -= v->linelen/4; *sc |= (attrmask >> offset); } /* Second long... */ offset = 32 - offset; mask = ~((((unsigned long) 1 << font->width) - 1) << offset); sc = savesc + 1; ca = saveca; if (attr & T_REVERSE) { for (y = font->height; y > 0; y--) { *sc &= mask; *sc |= ((unsigned long)*ca ^ attrmask) << offset; ca++; sc += v->linelen/4; } } else { for (y = font->height; y > 0; y--) { *sc &= mask; *sc |= (unsigned long)*ca << offset; ca++; sc += v->linelen/4; } } if (attr & T_UNDERLINE) { sc -= v->linelen/4; *sc |= (attrmask << offset); } } } static drawcharacter(struct vt *v, int x, int y, int attr, unsigned char c) { register unsigned int i, j, width, height, linelen; register unsigned char *ca, *sc; struct font *font; font = v->font; width = font->width; height = font->height; linelen = v->linelen; if (font->sevenbit && c >= 128) { /* LAK: What should we do here? Maybe c &= 0x7F. */ c = ' '; } if (attr & T_BOLD) ca = &font->boldfont[c*(long)height]; else ca = &font->normalfont[c*(long)height]; /* * LAK: The fastest way to do this is to have a horrible tree of * possible cases. If numbits != 1, then we put up each pixel (yuk). * Otherwise, if width != 8, then we have to do fancy shifting. If * width == 8, then we can just stick it up there. Also handle reverse * video and underlining. Plus unroll common heights (10 and 14). */ if (v->numbits == 1) { if (width == 8) { j = y * height * linelen + (x * width) / 8; if (attr & T_REVERSE) { for (i = 0; i < height; i++) v->screen[j + i * linelen] = ~ca[i]; } else { if (height == 14) { /* Look at assembly to optimize this: */ sc = &v->screen[j]; #define CB *sc = *ca++; sc += linelen CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; CB; #undef CB } else { for (i = 0; i < height; i++) v->screen[j + i * linelen] = ca[i]; } } if (attr & T_UNDERLINE) v->screen[j + (height - 1) * linelen] = 255; /* ^= 255 ? */ } else /* width != 8 */ { drawweirdcharacter (v, x, y, attr, ca); } } else { for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (ca[i] & (1<sblen; head = v->sbhead; i = numsb+1; while (i) { if (len == 0) { i--; break; } head--; if (head < 0) head = SCROLLBACK - 1; len--; if (v->sb[head] == '\n') i--; if (i == 0) head = (head + 1) % SCROLLBACK; } numsb -= i; /* Can't scroll back more than what's in buffer */ for (y = 0; y < numsb && y < v->numtrows; y++) { for (x = 0; v->sb[head] != '\n'; x++) { drawcharacter(v,x, y, 0, v->sb[head]); head = (head + 1) % SCROLLBACK; } head = (head + 1) % SCROLLBACK; /* Skip \n */ } /* Draw part of screen: */ if (numsb < v->numtrows) { for (y = 0; y < v->numtrows - numsb; y++) for (x = 0; x < v->numtcols; x++) drawcharacter(v, x, y+numsb, v->att[y][x], v->scr[y][x]); } if (cursoron) { if (cursortype & (C_FAST|C_SLOW)) cursorlit = 0; else if (cursorlit) { cursorlit = 1; reversecursor(vtnum); } } } static void restoresb(void) { /* Turn off scrollback. */ /* Don't do if numsb == 0 because this routine is called a lot */ if (numsb) { numsb = 0; drawsb(curvt); } } static putcharacter(int vtnum, char c) { struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; v->scr[v->y][v->x] = c; v->att[v->y][v->x] = v->attr; if (v->visible ) drawcharacter(v, v->x, v->y, v->attr, c); } #define splconsole spl3 static scrollup(int vtnum) { /* scrolls the screen up by one text line */ register int i, j, x, maxx; register long *from, *to; register struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; char tempbuf[129]; int buflen, s; /* Save the top line: */ for (j = 0; j < v->numtcols; j++) tempbuf[j] = v->scr[v->toptrow-1][j]; tempbuf[j++] = '\n'; /* End of line */ buflen = j; if (v->toptrow == 1) { s = splconsole(); /* Exclusive access to sblen */ while (v->sblen + buflen > SCROLLBACK) { while (v->sb[v->sbtail] != '\n') { v->sbtail = (v->sbtail + 1) % SCROLLBACK; v->sblen--; } v->sbtail = (v->sbtail + 1) % SCROLLBACK; v->sblen--; } for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) { v->sb[v->sbhead] = tempbuf[i]; v->sbhead = (v->sbhead + 1) % SCROLLBACK; v->sblen++; } splx(s); } /* Scroll: */ for (i = v->toptrow-1; i < v->bottrow-1; i++) for (j = 0; j < v->numtcols; j++) { v->scr[i][j] = v->scr[i+1][j]; v->att[i][j] = v->att[i+1][j]; } for (j = 0; j < v->numtcols; j++) { v->scr[v->bottrow-1][j] = 32; v->att[v->bottrow-1][j] = T_NORMAL; } if (!v->visible) return; from = (long *)&v->screen[v->toptrow*v->font->height * v->linelen]; to = (long *)&v->screen[(v->toptrow-1)*v->font->height * v->linelen]; maxx = v->numbits*(v->numgcols+31)/32; j = v->linelen / 4 - maxx; for (i = (v->bottrow-v->toptrow)*v->font->height; i; i--) { int depth; for (depth = v->numbits ; depth ; depth --) { x = maxx; while (x >= 16) { /* assume at least 512 pixel wide screen. */ CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; x -= 16; } if (x) switch (x) { case 15: CL; case 14: CL; case 13: CL; case 12: CL; case 11: CL; case 10: CL; case 9: CL; case 8: CL; case 7: CL; case 6: CL; case 5: CL; case 4: CL; case 3: CL; case 2: CL; case 1: CL; default:; } } to += j; from += j; } to = (long *)&v->screen[(v->bottrow-1)*v->font->height * v->linelen]; for (i = v->font->height * v->linelen/4; i; i--) *to++ = 0; } static clearline(int vtnum, int which) { /* which=0=to end of line, 1=to beginning of line, 2=all line */ int start , end, i, j, b; struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; switch (which) { case 0: start=v->x; end=v->numtcols-1; break; case 1: start=0; end=v->x; break; case 2: start=0; end=v->numtcols-1; break; } for (j = start; j <= end; j++) { v->scr[v->y][j] = 32; v->att[v->y][j] = T_NORMAL; } if (!v->visible ) return; if (v->font->width%8 == 0 || v->numbits == 8) { start = v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen + start*v->font->width*v->numbits/8; end = v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen + end*v->font->width*v->numbits/8; for (i = start; i <= end; i++) for (j = 0; j < v->font->height; j++) v->screen[i + j * v->linelen] = 0; } else { if (b = (start*v->font->width*v->numbits % 8)) { start = i = v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen + start*v->font->width*v->numbits/8; for (j = 0; j < v->font->height; j++) v->screen[i + j * v->linelen] &= ~((1<<(8-b))-1); start++; } else { start = v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen + start*v->font->width*v->numbits/8; } end = v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen + end*v->font->width*v->numbits/8; for (i = start; i <= end; i++) for (j = 0; j < v->font->height; j++) v->screen[i + j * v->linelen] = 0; } } static movecursordown(int vtnum) { struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; v->y++; if (v->y >= v->numtrows) { v->y--; scrollup(vtnum); } } static movecursorforward(int vtnum) { struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; /* If x == numtcols - 1, then we were just on the last column. We should stay there until the next character. If the next character is a C/R, then don't do the movecursordown(). Otherwise, wrap around. */ if (v->hanging_cursor) { v->x = 0; movecursordown(vtnum); v->hanging_cursor = 0; } if (v->x == v->numtcols - 1) v->hanging_cursor = 1; else v->x++; } static scrolldown(int vtnum) { /* scrolls the screen down by one text line */ register int i, j, x, maxx; register long *from, *to; struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; for (i = v->bottrow - 1; i >= v->toptrow; i--) for (j = 0; j < v->numtcols; j++) { v->scr[i][j] = v->scr[i-1][j]; v->att[i][j] = v->att[i-1][j]; } for (j = 0; j < v->numtcols; j++) { v->scr[v->toptrow-1][j] = 32; v->att[v->toptrow-1][j] = T_NORMAL; } if (!v->visible ) return; from = (long *)&v->screen[(v->bottrow-1)*v->font->height*v->linelen-v->linelen]; to = (long *)&v->screen[v->bottrow*v->font->height*v->linelen-v->linelen]; maxx = v->numbits*(v->numgcols+31)/32; j = v->linelen / 4 + maxx; for (i = (v->bottrow-v->toptrow)*v->font->height; i; i--) { int depth; for (depth = v->numbits ; depth ; depth --) { x = maxx; while (x >= 16) { /* assume at least 512 pixel wide screen. */ CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; CL; x -= 16; } if (x) switch (x) { case 15: CL; case 14: CL; case 13: CL; case 12: CL; case 11: CL; case 10: CL; case 9: CL; case 8: CL; case 7: CL; case 6: CL; case 5: CL; case 4: CL; case 3: CL; case 2: CL; case 1: CL; default:; } } to -= j; from -= j; } to = (long *)&v->screen[(v->toptrow-1)*v->font->height*v->linelen]; for (i = v->font->height*v->linelen/4; i; i--) *to++ = 0; } static deletechar(int vtnum, int n) { int i, j, p, endp; struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; if (n == 0) return; for (j = v->x; j < v->numtcols-1; j++) { v->scr[v->y][j] = v->scr[v->y][j+1]; v->att[v->y][j] = v->att[v->y][j+1]; } v->scr[v->y][v->numtcols-1] = 32; v->att[v->y][v->numtcols-1] = T_NORMAL; if (!v->visible ) return; p = v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen + v->x*v->font->width*v->numbits/8; endp = v->y*v->font->height*v->linelen + (v->numtcols-1)*v->font->width*v->numbits/8; for (i = p; i < endp; i++) { for (j = 0; j < v->font->height; j++) v->screen[i+j*v->linelen] = v->screen[i+j*v->linelen+1]; } for (j = 0; j < v->font->height; j++) v->screen[endp+j*v->linelen] = 0; } static savecursorpos(int vtnum, int save) { /* Should we save more here, e.g., text attribute, etc. ? */ struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; if (save) { v->oldx = v->x; v->oldy = v->y; } else { v->x = v->oldx; v->y = v->oldy; } } static setcolor(int vtnum, int col) { struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; switch (col) { case 0: v->attr = T_NORMAL; v->fgcolor = 37; v->bgcolor = 40; break; case 1: v->attr |= T_BOLD; break; /* This isn't documented anywhere. */ case 2: break; /* Half bright */ /* We could do this */ case 4: v->attr |= T_UNDERLINE; break; case 5: break; /* Blink */ /* Should we do this? :-) */ case 7: v->attr |= T_REVERSE; break; default: /* 0 = Black * 1 = Red * 2 = Green * 3 = Yellow + 30 = Foreground * 4 = Blue + 40 = Background * 5 = Magenta * 6 = Cyan * 7 = White */ if (col >= 30 && col <= 37) { v->fgcolor = col; /* Clip to white for B/W screen: */ if (v->fgcolor > 30) v->fgcolor = 37; } else if (col >= 40 && col <= 47) { v->bgcolor = col; /* Clip to white for B/W screen: */ if (v->bgcolor > 40) v->bgcolor = 47; } if (v->fgcolor == 30 && v->bgcolor == 47) /* effective reverse */ { /* Elvis uses 30,43 for reverse: (Black on Yellow) */ v->fgcolor = 37; v->bgcolor = 40; v->attr |= T_REVERSE; } break; } } static int isalpha(char c) { return(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'); } static int isdigit(char c) { return(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } static void puts(int vtnum, char *s) { /* This function is for functions called by printf(). It seems that printf() in the kernel is non-reentrant, so I wrote this so that parseVT100 could print stuff. Same as puts() except that it doesn't print a \n at the end. */ while (*s) macconputchar(vtnum, (unsigned char)(*s++)); } static parseVT100(int vtnum, char *s) { int n[100], num, i, ques; char *old=s; struct vt *v = &vt[vtnum]; ques = (*s == '?'); if (ques) s++; for (num = 0; num < 100; num++) n[num] = 0; num = 0; /* Parse all of the numbers at the start of the sequence: */ if (isdigit(*s) || *s == ';') { do { if (*s == ';') { s++; num++; } while (isdigit(*s)) { n[num] = n[num]*10 + (*s-'0'); s++; } } while (*s == ';'); num++; } switch (*s) { case 'H': /* Move Cursor */ case 'f': /* Move cursor */ v->x=n[1]-1; v->y=n[0]-1 + v->toptrow-1; if (v->x < 0) v->x=0; if (v->y < 0) v->y=0; if (v->x >= v->numtcols) v->x = v->numtcols-1; if (v->y >= v->numtrows) v->y = v->numtrows-1; break; case 's': savecursorpos(vtnum, 1); break; /* Save cursor pos */ case 'u': savecursorpos(vtnum, 0); break; /* Restore cursor pos */ case 'J': /* Clear part of screen */ clearscreen(vtnum, n[0]); break; case 'K': /* Clear part of line */ clearline(vtnum, n[0]); break; case 'P': /* Delete character */ deletechar(vtnum, n[0]); break; case 'A': /* Cursor up */ if (num == 0) n[0] = 1; v->y -= n[0]; if (v->y < 0) v->y = 0; break; case 'B': /* Cursor down */ if (num == 0) n[0] = 1; v->y += n[0]; if (v->y >= v->numtrows) v->y = v->numtrows; break; case 'C': /* Cursor right */ if (num == 0) n[0] = 1; v->x -= n[0]; if (v->x < 0) v->x = 0; break; case 'c': /* What are you? */ /* Say something like ^[[?5c (I am GIGI) */ break; case 'D': /* Cursor left */ if (num == 0) n[0]=1; v->x += n[0]; if (v->x >= v->numtcols) v->y =v-> numtcols; break; case 'h': break; /* Keyboard enable? */ case 'l': break; /* Keyboard disable? */ case 'm': /* Set color */ if (num == 0) setcolor(vtnum, 0); /* Should this always be done? */ else for (i = 0; i < num; i++) setcolor(vtnum, n[i]); break; case 'n': /* Reports */ if (n[0] == 5) /* Status report */ /* Returns ^[0n */; if (n[0] == 6) /* Cursor position report */ /* Returns ^[[Pl;PcR */; break; case 'r': if (num == 0) { /* I think this should return something like ncols;nrows */ } else { if (num == 1) n[1] = v->bottrow; if (n[0] < 1) n[0] = 1; if (n[1] < 1) n[1] = 1; if (n[0] > v->bottrow) n[0] = v->bottrow; if (n[1] > v->bottrow) n[1] = v->bottrow; if (n[0] < n[1]) { v->toptrow = n[0]; v->bottrow = n[1]; } else { /* This isn't right. */ /* But it's better than nothing :-) */ /* And I don't know what "right" is */ v->toptrow = n[1]; v->bottrow = n[0]; } } break; default: puts (vtnum, "Unknown VT100 code: \""); puts (vtnum, old); puts (vtnum, "\", \""); puts (vtnum, s); puts (vtnum, "\".\n"); } } static int writechar(int vtnum, unsigned char c) { char s[20]; struct vt *v; if (c == 0) return; /* Ignore nulls */ v = &vt[vtnum]; if (v->vt100 >= 2) /* Got ESC and [ */ { if (c < 32) /* Invalid character in VT100 sequence -- Abort */ v->vt100 = 0; else { v->vtstr[v->vt100++ - 2] = c; if (isalpha(c)) { v->vtstr[v->vt100 - 2] = 0; v->vt100 = 0; parseVT100(vtnum, v->vtstr); } return; } } if (v->vt100 == 1) /* Only got ESC */ { v->vt100 = 0; /* This should finish sequence except if [ */ switch (c) { case '=': break; /* Turn keypad on */ case '>': break; /* Turn keypad off */ case 'D': movecursordown(vtnum); break; /* Line feed */ case 'E': break; /* New line */ case 'M': scrolldown(vtnum); break; /* Scroll down */ case '7': savecursorpos(vtnum,1); break; /* Save cursor pos */ case '8': savecursorpos(vtnum,0); break; /* Restore cursor pos */ case '[': /* Misc stuff */ v->vt100 = 2; v->vtstr[0] = 0; break; } return; } switch (c) { case 7: beep(vtnum); /* Bell */ break; case 8: if (v->x > 0) v->x--; /* Backspace (^H) */ v->hanging_cursor = 0; break; case 9: v->hanging_cursor = 0; /* Tab */ do writechar(vtnum, ' '); while (v->x%8); break; case 10: movecursordown(vtnum); /* Line feed */ /* v->x=0; <-- Should not always do this, but when? */ v->hanging_cursor = 0; /* Should I do this here? */ break; case 13: v->x=0; /* Carriage return */ v->hanging_cursor = 0; break; case 27: v->vt100 = 1; /* Start of VT-100 */ v->hanging_cursor = 0; break; case 127: break; /* Rubout (Delete) */ default: if (c < 32) { /*c=1;*/ /* smiley face */ sprintf (s, "<%d>", (int)c); puts(vtnum, s); } else { if (v->hanging_cursor) { v->x = 0; movecursordown(vtnum); v->hanging_cursor = 0; } putcharacter(vtnum, c); movecursorforward(vtnum); } break; } } static void make_visible(unsigned char *screen) { /* try to find a vt that belongs on this screen, and make it visible */ /* in order to redraw we call vtselect, but that changes the curvt, */ /* so save that and restore it, what the heck i'm already going to hell */ /* make sure that is the screen is not changing, that we do nothing */ int i=0; if (screen==vt[curvt].screen) return; for(i=0;i< NCON;i++) { if ((vt[i].screen==screen) ) { int realcurvt=curvt; if (i == curvt) return; vt[i].visible=1; vtselect(i); erasecursor(i); curvt=realcurvt; return; } } } static void fix_visible(struct vt *v) { /* make sure there is only one visible vt per screen */ int i=0; unsigned char *screen=v->screen; for(i=0;i< NCON;i++) { if ((vt[i].screen==screen) && vt[i].visible) vt[i].visible=0; } v->visible=1; } vtselect(int newvt) { /* ADB calls this when you select a virtual terminal */ int x, y; struct vt *v; if (newvt == curvt) restoresb(); if (newvt < 0 || newvt >= NCON || newvt == curvt) return; numsb = 0; erasecursor(curvt); curvt = newvt; v = &vt[curvt]; fix_visible(v); #if 1 cls(v); for (y = 0; y < v->numtrows; y++) for (x = 0; x < v->numtcols; x++) if (v->scr[y][x] != ' ' || v->att[y][x] != T_NORMAL) drawcharacter(v,x, y, v->att[y][x], v->scr[y][x]); #else for (y = 0; y < numtrows; y++) for (x = 0; x < numtcols; x++) drawcharacter(x, y, v->att[y][x], v->scr[y][x]); #endif drawcursor(curvt); } static struct tty *maccon_tty[NCON]; static int maccon_flags = 0; /* These routines are the actual device driver: */ static char maccon_id_string[128] ; coninit(register struct macdriver *md) { md->hwfound = 1; /* md->name = maccon_id_string; sprintf(md->name,"Video Device -- Width: %d Height: %d Depth: %d Bit%c", vt[0].numgcols, vt[0].numgrows, videobitdepth, videobitdepth==1?' ':'s'); */ grfconfig(); } constart(register struct tty *tp) { void ttrstrt(struct tty *); int s, unit, c, buflen, i; u_char buf[CONBUFLEN]; unit = minor(tp->t_dev); if (unit >= NCON) return ENODEV; if (unit == curvt) restoresb(); s = spltty(); if (tp->t_state & (TS_TIMEOUT|TS_BUSY|TS_TTSTOP)) goto out; tp->t_state |= TS_BUSY; splx(s); buflen = q_to_b(&tp->t_outq, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0])); for (i=0 ; it_dev, buf[i]&0xff); s = spltty(); tp->t_state &= ~TS_BUSY; if (tp->t_outq.c_cc) { tp->t_state |= TS_TIMEOUT; timeout((timeout_t) ttrstrt, (caddr_t) tp, 1); } if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= tp->t_lowat) { if (tp->t_state&TS_ASLEEP) { tp->t_state &= ~TS_ASLEEP; wakeup((caddr_t)&tp->t_outq); } selwakeup(&(tp->t_wsel)); } out: splx(s); } conparam( register struct tty *tp, register struct termios *t) { register int cfcr, cflag; int unit; int ospeed; cflag = t->c_cflag; unit = minor(tp->t_dev); if (unit >= NCON) return ENODEV; /* check requested parameters */ if (t->c_ispeed && t->c_ispeed != t->c_ospeed) return (EINVAL); /* and copy to tty */ tp->t_ispeed = t->c_ispeed; tp->t_ospeed = t->c_ospeed; tp->t_cflag = cflag; return (0); } int adb_poll_setup = 0; static void flashcursor(caddr_t unused) { if (cursortype & C_SOLID) { /* Turn it back on for solid */ if (cursoron && !cursorlit) reversecursor(curvt); } else { if (cursoron) reversecursor(curvt); timeout(flashcursor, 0, (cursortype & C_SLOW) ? 30 : 15); } } conopen(dev_t dev, int mode, int flag, struct proc *p) { register struct tty *tp; register int unit = minor(dev); int error = 0; char s[100]; if (unit >= NCON) return (ENODEV); if (!maccon_tty[unit]) { tp = maccon_tty[unit] = ttymalloc(); } else { tp = maccon_tty[unit]; } tp->t_oproc = constart; tp->t_param = conparam; tp->t_dev = dev; /* MF BARF This is gonna be zeroed later, where does this go? */ /* tp->t_winsize.ws_xpixel=numgcols; */ /* tp->t_winsize.ws_ypixel=numgrows; */ if ((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0) { tp->t_state |= TS_WOPEN | TS_CARR_ON; ttychars(tp); if (tp->t_ispeed == 0) { tp->t_iflag = TTYDEF_IFLAG; tp->t_oflag = TTYDEF_OFLAG; tp->t_cflag = TTYDEF_CFLAG; tp->t_lflag = TTYDEF_LFLAG; tp->t_ispeed = tp->t_ospeed = TTYDEF_SPEED; } conparam(tp, &tp->t_termios); ttsetwater(tp); } else if (tp->t_state&TS_XCLUDE && p->p_ucred->cr_uid != 0) return (EBUSY); (void) spltty(); /* BARF -- mutual exclusion. */ while ((mode&O_NONBLOCK) == 0 && (tp->t_cflag&CLOCAL) == 0 && (tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) { tp->t_state |= TS_WOPEN; if (error = ttysleep(tp, (caddr_t)&tp->t_rawq, TTIPRI | PCATCH, ttopen, 0)) break; } (void) spl0(); if (error == 0) { error = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_open)(dev, tp); if(!adb_poll_setup){ adb_poll_timeout(); adb_poll_setup = 1; } } return (error); } conclose(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p) { register struct tty *tp; register struct dcadevice *dca; register int unit = minor(dev); char s[100]; if (unit >= NCON) return (ENODEV); tp = maccon_tty[unit]; (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_close)(tp, flag); ttyclose(tp); ttyfree(tp); maccon_tty[unit] = NULL; return (0); } conread(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag) { u_int unit = minor(dev); if (unit >= NCON) return (ENODEV); return ((*linesw[maccon_tty[unit]->t_line].l_read)(maccon_tty[unit], uio, flag)); } conwrite(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag) { int unit = minor(dev); if (unit >= NCON) return (ENODEV); return ((*linesw[maccon_tty[unit]->t_line].l_write)(maccon_tty[unit], uio, flag)); } conioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t data, int flag) { register struct tty *tp; register int unit = minor(dev); register struct dcadevice *dca; register int error; int tmp, oldcursoron, oldcursortype; if (unit >= NCON) return (ENODEV); tp = maccon_tty[unit]; error = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_ioctl)(tp, cmd, data, flag); if (error >= 0) return (error); error = ttioctl(tp, cmd, data, flag); if (error >= 0) return (error); switch (cmd) { case CON_SETCURSOR: /* Change cursor type */ tmp = *(int *)data; if (tmp != cursortype) { oldcursoron = cursoron; oldcursortype = cursortype; if (oldcursoron) erasecursor(curvt); cursortype = tmp; if (oldcursoron) drawcursor(curvt); if ((oldcursortype & C_SOLID) && (cursortype & (C_SLOW | C_FAST))) timeout(flashcursor, 0, 1); } break; case CON_GETCURSOR: /* Get cursor type */ *(int *)data = cursortype; break; case CON_SETVT: /* MF this is hacked, The interface should be better, fix later */ { int i=*(int *)data; unsigned char *oldscreen; if ( (i <0) || (i >=gNumGrfDev) ) { return EINVAL; } /* printf("set vt to %d\n",*(int *)data ); */ /* printf("address %x\n",grf_softc[*(int *)data].g_display.gd_fbaddr); */ /* printf("rowbytes = %d\n",grf_softc[*(int *)data].g_display.gd_fbrowbytes); */ /* set numgcols, numgrows, numtcols, numtrows, screen, linelen, numbits */ oldscreen=vt[curvt].screen; vt[curvt].screen=(unsigned char *)grf_softc[i].g_display.gd_fbaddr; vt[curvt].linelen=grf_softc[i].g_display.gd_fbrowbytes; vt[curvt].numgcols=grf_softc[i].g_display.gd_fbwidth; vt[curvt].numgrows=grf_softc[i].g_display.gd_fbheight; vt[curvt].numbits=grf_softc[i].g_display.gd_planes; if (vt[curvt].numgcols >= 640) /* Big screen */ vt[curvt].font=&font[0]; else vt[curvt].font=&font[1]; vt[curvt].numtrows=vt[curvt].numgrows/vt[curvt].font->height; vt[curvt].numtcols=vt[curvt].numgcols/vt[curvt].font->width; make_visible(oldscreen); /* redraw screen at new place */ /* all this is to trick it into redrawing the screen */ { int newvt=curvt; curvt++; vtselect(newvt); } /* printf("screen = %x, rowbytes= %d\n", */ /* vt[curvt].screen, */ /* vt[curvt].linelen); */ /* printf("gcol %d, grow %d, tcol %d, trow %d\n", */ /* vt[curvt].numgcols, */ /* vt[curvt].numgrows, */ /* vt[curvt].numtcols, */ /* vt[curvt].numtrows); */ } break; case CON_SETBEEP: { struct beeps beep; int i; beep = *(struct beeps *) data; return (asc_setbellparams(beep.freq, beep.length, beep.vol)); } break; case CON_GETBEEP: { int freq, len, vol; asc_getbellparams(&freq, &len, &vol); ((struct beeps *)data)->freq = freq; ((struct beeps *)data)->length = len; ((struct beeps *)data)->vol = vol; } break; default: printf ("ioctl(): default cmd = 0x%x\n",cmd); return (ENOTTY); } return (0); } conselect(dev_t dev, int rw, struct proc *p) { long len; unsigned char buf[8]; if (minor(dev) >= NCON) return ENODEV; return (ttselect(dev, rw, p)); } conintr(register int unit, int data) { /* Jeez. Should this be doing more? -XXX */ if (unit >= NCON) return 0; if ((maccon_tty[unit]->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) != 0) (*linesw[maccon_tty[unit]->t_line].l_rint)(data, maccon_tty[unit]); return 1; } ser_intr(struct my_frame *fp) { /* This function is called by locore.s on a level 4 interrupt. */ int reg0, ch, s; unsigned char c; char str[20]; if(!serial_boot_echo) return(serintr()); while(*sccaddr & SER_R0_RXREADY) { ch = *(sccaddr+4); *sccaddr = SER_W0_RSTESINTS; /* Reset external/status interrupt */ conintr(0, ch); } reg0 = *sccaddr; /* Get status */ if(reg0 & SER_R0_TXUNDERRUN) { *sccaddr = SER_W0_RSTTXUNDERRUN; *sccaddr = SER_W0_RSTESINTS; /* macconputchar(0, (int)'!'); */ } if(reg0 & SER_R0_TXREADY) { /* sprintf(str,"<%d>",outlen); puts(vtnum, str); */ write_ack = 0; *sccaddr = SER_W0_RSTTXPND; *sccaddr = SER_W0_RSTIUS; /* Reset highest interrupt pending */ if (outlen > 0) { c = outbuf[outtail]; outtail = (outtail + 1) % OUTBUFLEN; s = splhigh(); *(sccaddr+4) = c; write_ack = 1; outlen--; splx(s); } } return(1); } /* Routines to link with cons.c of standalone stuff */ static unsigned char ser_init_str[]={ 9,0x64, 10,0, 11,0x50, 4,0x44, 3,0xc0, 5,0xea, 14,0x83, 15,0, 12,0x04, 13,0, 1,0xa, 0,0x10, 0,0x20, }; macprobe(struct consdev *cp) { int maj, unit; /* * macprobe(): This function returns a priority to tell the console * init function cninit() whether it is functional or not. In the * standalone this is all we must do, but I think that in the kernel * we must also fill in the rest of the *cp structure, especially * the tty pointer. It should also set the cn_dev field. I don't * exactly know how this function should pick a number, but 0 seems * just fine to me. */ /* locate the major number */ for (maj = 0; maj < nchrdev; maj++) if (cdevsw[maj].d_open == conopen) break; /* BARF -- what happens if maj == nchrdev? */ if (maj == nchrdev) return; cdevsw[maj].d_ttys = maccon_tty; /* double BARF panic -- I guess we can assume 0 */ unit = 0; /* initialize required fields */ cp->cn_dev = makedev(maj, unit); cp->cn_tp = NULL; /* Was maccon_tty[unit] but this isn't allocated yet. */ /* Hopefully we don't need the tty structure until the */ /* open routine is called after VM is setup. */ cp->cn_pri = CN_INTERNAL; } macinit(struct consdev *cntab) { unsigned char *chr; static int alreadyinit = 0; /* is this necessary? */ if (alreadyinit) return; alreadyinit = 1; conattach(NCON); if (serial_boot_echo) { chr = ser_init_str; while (chr < ser_init_str + sizeof(ser_init_str)) { *sccaddr = *chr++; *sccaddr = *chr++; } } } #if 0 extern unsigned char keyboard[128][3]; int mactestkey(unsigned char key) { /* Naturally we assume that this array is initialized to zero: */ /* Which is fine since UNIX stupidly zeros the bss. Thanks, UCB.. -XXX */ static unsigned char keydown[128]; if (key != 255) { if (key & 0x80) keydown[key & 0x7F] = 0; else { keydown[key] = 1; if (keyboard[key][0] != 0) { if (keydown[0x36]) /* CTRL */ return(keyboard[key][2]); else if (keydown[0x38]) /* SHIFT */ return(keyboard[key][1]); else return(keyboard[key][0]); } } } return(-1); } #endif macgetchar() /* THIS WILL BLOCK!!!! */ { char c; c = adb_poll_for_char(); return c; } enable_interrupt_console() { intr_enabled = 1; } void con_intr(caddr_t unused) /* One arg here we could use */ { int s; char str[20], *ss; if (conlen > 0) { s = splconsole(); erasecursor(0); while (conlen > 0) { writechar(0, (char)conbuf[contail]); contail = (contail + 1) % CONBUFLEN; conlen--; } drawcursor(0); /* <-- Fix vtnum */ splx(s); } do_conintr = 0; } void macconputchar(int vtnum, u_char c) { int s; if (0 && intr_enabled) /* Disable for now because of vt */ { /* Put character in queue: */ while (conlen == CONBUFLEN) /* Wait if buffer full */ /* DO NOTHING */; conbuf[conhead] = c; conhead = (conhead + 1) % CONBUFLEN; s = splconsole(); conlen++; /* Must be exclusive access to "conlen" */ splx(s); /* Schedule the interrupt: */ if (!do_conintr) { do_conintr = 1; timeout(con_intr, 0, 1); } } else { /* This should be atomic because interrupt could want to display something: */ s = splconsole(); erasecursor(vtnum); writechar(vtnum, (char)c); drawcursor(vtnum); splx(s); } } macserputchar(unsigned char c) { int delay, s; #if 0 delay = 100000; while (outlen == OUTBUFLEN && delay--) /* Wait if buffer full */ /* DO NOTHING */; if (outlen < OUTBUFLEN) { outbuf[outhead] = c; outhead = (outhead + 1) % OUTBUFLEN; s = splhigh(); outlen++; /* Must be exclusive access to "outlen" */ splx(s); } /* If delay == 0, then we timed out and output next character: */ if (write_ack == 0 || delay == 0) /* If nothing pending */ { c = outbuf[outtail]; outtail = (outtail + 1) % OUTBUFLEN; s = splhigh(); /* Don't want interrupt after write: */ *(sccaddr+4) = c; write_ack = 1; outlen--; splx(s); } #endif /* What was there and working before: */ for(delay = 1; delay < 3000 && write_ack == 0; delay++); write_ack = 0; *(sccaddr+4) = c; } void macputchar(dev_t dev, u_char c) { if (serial_boot_echo && minor(dev) == 0) macserputchar((unsigned char)c); restoresb(); /* Try to take this line out */ macconputchar(minor(dev), c); } macconputstr(char *str) { char *s=str; vtselect(0); while (*s) macconputchar(0, *s++); }