.\" $NetBSD: net_serv.nr,v 1.2 1998/01/09 06:34:33 perry Exp $ .\" .NC "Network Service Interface" .sh 1 "Connectionless Network Service" .pp This section describes the interface to the ISO connectionless network service. There are really two interfaces to the CLNS: the internal interface and the IPC interface. The internal interface is based on procedure calls. It is used only within the kernel. The IPC interface allows a user process to access the CLNS directly. This is used only for testing and debugging purposes. .sh 2 "Primitives" .pp The CLNS is, by definition, connectionless. Therefore, there are no primitives associated with connection establishment or connection release. There is one primitive associated with data transfer: N-UNITDATA. The parameters to a N-UNITDATA request are: source NSAP address, destination NSAP address, quality of service, and user data. The parameters of a N-UNITDATA indication are identical to those of the request. In this implementation, the quality of service parameter is not supported. .sh 2 "Internal Interface" .pp Within the kernel, an N-UNITDATA request is effected by the procedure \fIclnp_output()\fR: .(b \fC .TS tab(+); l s s. clnp_output(m0, isop, datalen, flags) .T& l l l. +struct mbuf+*m0;+/* data */ +struct isopcb+*isop;+/* ISO protocol control block */ +int+datalen;+ +int+flags;+/* flags */ .TE \fR .)b This procedure will construct a DT NPDU, route it, and transmit it on the appropriate subnetwork. \fIM0\fR is an mbuf chain containing the user data portion of the N-UNITDATA request. \fIIsopcb\fR is the iso protocol control block previously allocated. \fIClnp_output\fR will use the following fields: \fIisop_laddr\fR, isop_faddr, isop_route, isop_options, isop_optindex, \fI and \fRisop_clnpcache\fR. \fIDatalen\fR specifies the number of bytes of user data. The \fIflags\fR parameter will be discussed in a subsequent chapter. .pp A N-UNITDATA indication occurs when a DT NPDU arrives. The indication is generated by calling the appropriate upper layer protocol input routine. In the case of TP, the procedure \fItpclnp_input()\fR is called: .(b \fC .TS tab(+); l s s. tpclnp_input(m, src, dst, len) .T& l l l. +struct mbuf+*m;+/* DT NPDU */ +struct iso_addr+*src;+/* source of packet */ +struct iso_addr+*dst;+/* destination of packet */ +int+len;+/* length of clnp header */ .TE \fR .)b \fIM\fR contains the entire DT NPDU packet. \fILen\fR indicates the size of the CLNP header. In other words, the user data of the DT NPDU begins \fIlen\fR bytes into \fIm\fR. \fISrc\fR and \fIdst\fR indicate the source and destination NSAP addresses of the packet. .sh 3 "CLNP/Subnetwork Interface" .pp The design of the interface between the subnetwork and the CLNP is determined by the design of the Unix network interface drivers. CLNP follows the conventional mechanisms for exchanging packets with a network interface. See the section on Network Interface Drivers in Chapter Five for more information on these conventions. .sh 2 "IPC (\*(lqRaw\*(rq) Interface" .pp The IPC interface to the CLNS allows direct (called \*(lqraw\*(rq) access to CLNP. This interface is intended for testing and debugging only. Its use results in the transmission of CLNP datagrams with nonstandard identification fields. These raw packets may be rejected by a system not employing the same convention. See the section on network implementation for more information about the conventions. .pp In order to gain access to the raw interface a \fIsocket\fR, with address family AF_ISO and type SOCK_RAW must be created. With this socket in hand, the system calls \fIsendto()\fR and \fIrecvfrom()\fR can be used to transmit and receive raw CLNP datagrams. .sh 3 "Sending raw datagrams" .pp The format of the \fIsendto()\fR system call is: .(b \fC .TS tab(+); l s s. cc = sendto(s, msg, len, flags, to, tolen) .T& l l l. int+cc,s; char+*msg; int+len,flags; struct sockaddr+*to; int+to; .TE \fR .)b \f\fIS\fR is the socket previously created. \fIMsg\fR is a pointer to the data for the NPDU. CLNP will prepend a header to this data before transmission. \fILen\fR specifies the number of bytes of data. The \fIflags\fR parameter is unused and should be zero. \fITo\fR specifies the NSAP address to be used as the destination address. The size (in bytes) of \fIto\fR is given in \fItolen\fR. CLNP will automatically insert the source address based upon the route taken by the packet. The number of user data bytes transmitted is returned as \fIcc\fR. See \fIsendto(2)\fR for more information on this system call. .sh 3 "Receiving raw datagrams" .pp The format of the \fIrecvfrom()\fR system call is: .(b \fC .TS tab(+); l s s. cc = recvfrom(s, buf, len, flags, from, fromlen) .T& l l l. int+cc,s; char+*buf; int+len,flags; struct sockaddr+*from; int+*fromlen; .TE \fR .)b When used with a CLNP raw socket \fIs\fR, \fIrecvfrom()\fR will read a NPDU from the CLNS. If no packet is available, the call will block. \fIBuf\fR specifies a buffer of \fIlen\fR bytes into which the NPDU will be read. The entire packet, including the header, will be read into the buffer. The \fIflags\fR parameter is unused, and should be zero. If \fIfrom\fR is non-zero, the source address of the NPDU is filled in. \fIFromlen\fR is a value-result parameter, initialized to the size of the buffer associated with \fIfrom\fR, and modified on return to indicate the actual size of the address stored there. The total number of bytes received (header and data) is returned as \fIcc\fR. See \fIrecvfrom(2)\fR for more information about this system call. .sh 1 "Connection Oriented Network Service" .pp The ARGO Connection Oriented Network Service (CONS) is not a complete implementation of the OSI network service. It is that subset of the OSI network service that is used by ARGO Transport and by ARGO CLNP. .\" FIGURE .so ../wisc/figs/NS_primitives.nr .pp .CF shows which CONS service elements are provided.