.\" @(#)bindresvport.3n 2.2 88/08/02 4.0 RPCSRC; from 1.7 88/03/14 SMI .\" $NetBSD: bindresvport.3,v 1.5 1998/02/05 18:49:05 perry Exp $ .\" .Dd November 22, 1987 .Dt BINDRESVPORT 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm bindresvport .Nd bind a socket to a privileged IP port .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libc .Sh SYNOPSIS .Fd #include .Fd #include .Ft int .Fn bindresvport "int sd" "struct sockaddr_in *sin" .Sh DESCRIPTION .Fn bindresvport is used to bind a socket descriptor to a privileged .Tn IP port, that is, a port number in the range 0-1023. The routine returns 0 if it is successful, otherwise -1 is returned and .Va errno set to reflect the cause of the error. .Pp If .Fa sin is a pointer to a .Ft "struct sockaddr_in" then the appropriate fields in the structure should be defined. If .Fa sin.sin_port is .Sq 0 then an anonymous port (in the range 600-1023) will be chosen, and if .Xr bind 2 is successful, the .Fa sin.sin_port will be updated to contain the allocated port. .Pp If .Fa sin is the .Dv NULL pointer, an anonymous port will be allocated (as above). However, there is no way for .Fn bindresvport to return the allocated port in this case. .Pp Only root can bind to a privileged port; this call will fail for any other users. .Sh RETURN VALUES If the bind is successful, a 0 value is returned. A return value of -1 indicates an error, which is further specified in the global .Va errno . .Sh ERRORS .Bl -tag -width Er .It Bq Er EPFNOSUPPORT If .Fa sin was supplied, and .Fa sin.sin_family isn't .Dv AF_INET . .El .Pp .Fn bindresvport may also fail and set .Va errno for any of the errors specified for the calls .Xr bind 2 , .Xr getsockopt 2 , or .Xr setsockopt 2 . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr bind 2 , .Xr getsockopt 2 , .Xr setsockopt 2 , .Xr ip 4 .