.TH IDENT 1L "" "Purdue University" .SH NAME ident \- identify files .SH SYNOPSIS \fBident\fR [ \fB\-q\fR ] [ file ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Ident searches the named files or, if no file name appears, the standard input for all occurrences of the pattern \fI$keyword:...$\fR, where \fIkeyword\fR is one of .nf Author Date Header Id Locker Log Revision RCSfile Source State .fi These patterns are normally inserted automatically by the RCS command .IR co (1L), but can also be inserted manually. The option \fB\-q\fR suppresses the warning given if there are no patterns in a file. .PP \fIIdent\fR works on text files as well as object files and dumps. For example, if the C program in file f.c contains .nf char rcsid[] = "$\&Header: Header information $"; .fi and f.c is compiled into f.o, then the command .nf ident f.c f.o will print f.c: $\&Header: Header information $ f.o: $\&Header: Header information $ .SH IDENTIFICATION .de VL \\$2 .. Author: Walter F. Tichy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907. .sp 0 Revision Number: .VL $Revision: $ ; Release Date: .VL $Date: 1993/03/21 09:45:37 $ \&. .sp 0 Copyright \(co 1982, 1988, 1989 by Walter F. Tichy. .SH SEE ALSO ci(1L), co(1L), rcs(1L), rcsdiff(1L), rcsintro(1L), rcsmerge(1L), rlog(1L), rcsfile(5L), .sp 0 Walter F. Tichy, "Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Revision Control System," in \fIProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Engineering\fR, IEEE, Tokyo, Sept. 1982.