/* $NetBSD: ssh-keyscan.c,v 1.16 2002/07/01 06:17:12 itojun Exp $ */ /* * Copyright 1995, 1996 by David Mazieres . * * Modification and redistribution in source and binary forms is * permitted provided that due credit is given to the author and the * OpenBSD project by leaving this copyright notice intact. */ #include "includes.h" RCSID("$OpenBSD: ssh-keyscan.c,v 1.38 2002/06/27 19:49:08 stevesk Exp $"); #include #include #include #include #include "xmalloc.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "ssh1.h" #include "key.h" #include "kex.h" #include "compat.h" #include "myproposal.h" #include "packet.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "bufaux.h" #include "log.h" #include "atomicio.h" #include "misc.h" /* Flag indicating whether IPv4 or IPv6. This can be set on the command line. Default value is AF_UNSPEC means both IPv4 and IPv6. */ int IPv4or6 = AF_UNSPEC; int ssh_port = SSH_DEFAULT_PORT; #define KT_RSA1 1 #define KT_DSA 2 #define KT_RSA 4 int get_keytypes = KT_RSA1; /* Get only RSA1 keys by default */ #define MAXMAXFD 256 /* The number of seconds after which to give up on a TCP connection */ int timeout = 5; int maxfd; #define MAXCON (maxfd - 10) extern char *__progname; fd_set *read_wait; size_t read_wait_size; int ncon; int nonfatal_fatal = 0; jmp_buf kexjmp; Key *kexjmp_key; /* * Keep a connection structure for each file descriptor. The state * associated with file descriptor n is held in fdcon[n]. */ typedef struct Connection { u_char c_status; /* State of connection on this file desc. */ #define CS_UNUSED 0 /* File descriptor unused */ #define CS_CON 1 /* Waiting to connect/read greeting */ #define CS_SIZE 2 /* Waiting to read initial packet size */ #define CS_KEYS 3 /* Waiting to read public key packet */ int c_fd; /* Quick lookup: c->c_fd == c - fdcon */ int c_plen; /* Packet length field for ssh packet */ int c_len; /* Total bytes which must be read. */ int c_off; /* Length of data read so far. */ int c_keytype; /* Only one of KT_RSA1, KT_DSA, or KT_RSA */ char *c_namebase; /* Address to free for c_name and c_namelist */ char *c_name; /* Hostname of connection for errors */ char *c_namelist; /* Pointer to other possible addresses */ char *c_output_name; /* Hostname of connection for output */ char *c_data; /* Data read from this fd */ Kex *c_kex; /* The key-exchange struct for ssh2 */ struct timeval c_tv; /* Time at which connection gets aborted */ TAILQ_ENTRY(Connection) c_link; /* List of connections in timeout order. */ } con; TAILQ_HEAD(conlist, Connection) tq; /* Timeout Queue */ con *fdcon; /* * This is just a wrapper around fgets() to make it usable. */ /* Stress-test. Increase this later. */ #define LINEBUF_SIZE 16 typedef struct { char *buf; u_int size; int lineno; const char *filename; FILE *stream; void (*errfun) (const char *,...); } Linebuf; static Linebuf * Linebuf_alloc(const char *filename, void (*errfun) (const char *,...)) { Linebuf *lb; if (!(lb = malloc(sizeof(*lb)))) { if (errfun) (*errfun) ("linebuf (%s): malloc failed\n", filename ? filename : "(stdin)"); return (NULL); } if (filename) { lb->filename = filename; if (!(lb->stream = fopen(filename, "r"))) { xfree(lb); if (errfun) (*errfun) ("%s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return (NULL); } } else { lb->filename = "(stdin)"; lb->stream = stdin; } if (!(lb->buf = malloc(lb->size = LINEBUF_SIZE))) { if (errfun) (*errfun) ("linebuf (%s): malloc failed\n", lb->filename); xfree(lb); return (NULL); } lb->errfun = errfun; lb->lineno = 0; return (lb); } static void Linebuf_free(Linebuf * lb) { fclose(lb->stream); xfree(lb->buf); xfree(lb); } #if 0 static void Linebuf_restart(Linebuf * lb) { clearerr(lb->stream); rewind(lb->stream); lb->lineno = 0; } static int Linebuf_lineno(Linebuf * lb) { return (lb->lineno); } #endif static char * Linebuf_getline(Linebuf * lb) { int n = 0; lb->lineno++; for (;;) { /* Read a line */ if (!fgets(&lb->buf[n], lb->size - n, lb->stream)) { if (ferror(lb->stream) && lb->errfun) (*lb->errfun) ("%s: %s\n", lb->filename, strerror(errno)); return (NULL); } n = strlen(lb->buf); /* Return it or an error if it fits */ if (n > 0 && lb->buf[n - 1] == '\n') { lb->buf[n - 1] = '\0'; return (lb->buf); } if (n != lb->size - 1) { if (lb->errfun) (*lb->errfun) ("%s: skipping incomplete last line\n", lb->filename); return (NULL); } /* Double the buffer if we need more space */ if (!(lb->buf = realloc(lb->buf, (lb->size *= 2)))) { if (lb->errfun) (*lb->errfun) ("linebuf (%s): realloc failed\n", lb->filename); return (NULL); } } } static int fdlim_get(int hard) { struct rlimit rlfd; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlfd) < 0) return (-1); if ((hard ? rlfd.rlim_max : rlfd.rlim_cur) == RLIM_INFINITY) return 10000; else return hard ? rlfd.rlim_max : rlfd.rlim_cur; } static int fdlim_set(int lim) { struct rlimit rlfd; if (lim <= 0) return (-1); if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlfd) < 0) return (-1); rlfd.rlim_cur = lim; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlfd) < 0) return (-1); return (0); } /* * This is an strsep function that returns a null field for adjacent * separators. This is the same as the 4.4BSD strsep, but different from the * one in the GNU libc. */ static char * xstrsep(char **str, const char *delim) { char *s, *e; if (!**str) return (NULL); s = *str; e = s + strcspn(s, delim); if (*e != '\0') *e++ = '\0'; *str = e; return (s); } /* * Get the next non-null token (like GNU strsep). Strsep() will return a * null token for two adjacent separators, so we may have to loop. */ static char * strnnsep(char **stringp, char *delim) { char *tok; do { tok = xstrsep(stringp, delim); } while (tok && *tok == '\0'); return (tok); } static Key * keygrab_ssh1(con *c) { static Key *rsa; static Buffer msg; if (rsa == NULL) { buffer_init(&msg); rsa = key_new(KEY_RSA1); } buffer_append(&msg, c->c_data, c->c_plen); buffer_consume(&msg, 8 - (c->c_plen & 7)); /* padding */ if (buffer_get_char(&msg) != (int) SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY) { error("%s: invalid packet type", c->c_name); buffer_clear(&msg); return NULL; } buffer_consume(&msg, 8); /* cookie */ /* server key */ (void) buffer_get_int(&msg); buffer_get_bignum(&msg, rsa->rsa->e); buffer_get_bignum(&msg, rsa->rsa->n); /* host key */ (void) buffer_get_int(&msg); buffer_get_bignum(&msg, rsa->rsa->e); buffer_get_bignum(&msg, rsa->rsa->n); buffer_clear(&msg); return (rsa); } static int hostjump(Key *hostkey) { kexjmp_key = hostkey; longjmp(kexjmp, 1); } static int ssh2_capable(int remote_major, int remote_minor) { switch (remote_major) { case 1: if (remote_minor == 99) return 1; break; case 2: return 1; default: break; } return 0; } static Key * keygrab_ssh2(con *c) { int j; packet_set_connection(c->c_fd, c->c_fd); enable_compat20(); myproposal[PROPOSAL_SERVER_HOST_KEY_ALGS] = c->c_keytype == KT_DSA? "ssh-dss": "ssh-rsa"; c->c_kex = kex_setup(myproposal); c->c_kex->verify_host_key = hostjump; if (!(j = setjmp(kexjmp))) { nonfatal_fatal = 1; dispatch_run(DISPATCH_BLOCK, &c->c_kex->done, c->c_kex); fprintf(stderr, "Impossible! dispatch_run() returned!\n"); exit(1); } nonfatal_fatal = 0; xfree(c->c_kex); c->c_kex = NULL; packet_close(); return j < 0? NULL : kexjmp_key; } static void keyprint(con *c, Key *key) { if (!key) return; fprintf(stdout, "%s ", c->c_output_name ? c->c_output_name : c->c_name); key_write(key, stdout); fputs("\n", stdout); } static int tcpconnect(char *host) { struct addrinfo hints, *ai, *aitop; char strport[NI_MAXSERV]; int gaierr, s = -1; snprintf(strport, sizeof strport, "%d", ssh_port); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = IPv4or6; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if ((gaierr = getaddrinfo(host, strport, &hints, &aitop)) != 0) fatal("getaddrinfo %s: %s", host, gai_strerror(gaierr)); for (ai = aitop; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) { s = socket(ai->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { error("socket: %s", strerror(errno)); continue; } if (fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) fatal("F_SETFL: %s", strerror(errno)); if (connect(s, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen) < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS) error("connect (`%s'): %s", host, strerror(errno)); else break; close(s); s = -1; } freeaddrinfo(aitop); return s; } static int conalloc(char *iname, char *oname, int keytype) { int s; char *namebase, *name, *namelist; namebase = namelist = xstrdup(iname); do { name = xstrsep(&namelist, ","); if (!name) { xfree(namebase); return (-1); } } while ((s = tcpconnect(name)) < 0); if (s >= maxfd) fatal("conalloc: fdno %d too high", s); if (fdcon[s].c_status) fatal("conalloc: attempt to reuse fdno %d", s); fdcon[s].c_fd = s; fdcon[s].c_status = CS_CON; fdcon[s].c_namebase = namebase; fdcon[s].c_name = name; fdcon[s].c_namelist = namelist; fdcon[s].c_output_name = xstrdup(oname); fdcon[s].c_data = (char *) &fdcon[s].c_plen; fdcon[s].c_len = 4; fdcon[s].c_off = 0; fdcon[s].c_keytype = keytype; gettimeofday(&fdcon[s].c_tv, NULL); fdcon[s].c_tv.tv_sec += timeout; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tq, &fdcon[s], c_link); FD_SET(s, read_wait); ncon++; return (s); } static void confree(int s) { if (s >= maxfd || fdcon[s].c_status == CS_UNUSED) fatal("confree: attempt to free bad fdno %d", s); close(s); xfree(fdcon[s].c_namebase); xfree(fdcon[s].c_output_name); if (fdcon[s].c_status == CS_KEYS) xfree(fdcon[s].c_data); fdcon[s].c_status = CS_UNUSED; fdcon[s].c_keytype = 0; TAILQ_REMOVE(&tq, &fdcon[s], c_link); FD_CLR(s, read_wait); ncon--; } static void contouch(int s) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&tq, &fdcon[s], c_link); gettimeofday(&fdcon[s].c_tv, NULL); fdcon[s].c_tv.tv_sec += timeout; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tq, &fdcon[s], c_link); } static int conrecycle(int s) { int ret; con *c = &fdcon[s]; ret = conalloc(c->c_namelist, c->c_output_name, c->c_keytype); confree(s); return (ret); } static void congreet(int s) { char buf[256], *cp; char remote_version[sizeof buf]; size_t bufsiz; int remote_major, remote_minor, n = 0; con *c = &fdcon[s]; bufsiz = sizeof(buf); cp = buf; while (bufsiz-- && (n = read(s, cp, 1)) == 1 && *cp != '\n') { if (*cp == '\r') *cp = '\n'; cp++; } if (n < 0) { if (errno != ECONNREFUSED) error("read (%s): %s", c->c_name, strerror(errno)); conrecycle(s); return; } if (n == 0) { error("%s: Connection closed by remote host", c->c_name); conrecycle(s); return; } if (*cp != '\n' && *cp != '\r') { error("%s: bad greeting", c->c_name); confree(s); return; } *cp = '\0'; if (sscanf(buf, "SSH-%d.%d-%[^\n]\n", &remote_major, &remote_minor, remote_version) == 3) compat_datafellows(remote_version); else datafellows = 0; if (c->c_keytype != KT_RSA1) { if (!ssh2_capable(remote_major, remote_minor)) { debug("%s doesn't support ssh2", c->c_name); confree(s); return; } } else if (remote_major != 1) { debug("%s doesn't support ssh1", c->c_name); confree(s); return; } fprintf(stderr, "# %s %s\n", c->c_name, chop(buf)); n = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "SSH-%d.%d-OpenSSH-keyscan\r\n", c->c_keytype == KT_RSA1? PROTOCOL_MAJOR_1 : PROTOCOL_MAJOR_2, c->c_keytype == KT_RSA1? PROTOCOL_MINOR_1 : PROTOCOL_MINOR_2); if (atomic_write(s, buf, n) != n) { error("write (%s): %s", c->c_name, strerror(errno)); confree(s); return; } if (c->c_keytype != KT_RSA1) { keyprint(c, keygrab_ssh2(c)); confree(s); return; } c->c_status = CS_SIZE; contouch(s); } static void conread(int s) { int n; con *c = &fdcon[s]; if (c->c_status == CS_CON) { congreet(s); return; } n = read(s, c->c_data + c->c_off, c->c_len - c->c_off); if (n < 0) { error("read (%s): %s", c->c_name, strerror(errno)); confree(s); return; } c->c_off += n; if (c->c_off == c->c_len) switch (c->c_status) { case CS_SIZE: c->c_plen = htonl(c->c_plen); c->c_len = c->c_plen + 8 - (c->c_plen & 7); c->c_off = 0; c->c_data = xmalloc(c->c_len); c->c_status = CS_KEYS; break; case CS_KEYS: keyprint(c, keygrab_ssh1(c)); confree(s); return; break; default: fatal("conread: invalid status %d", c->c_status); break; } contouch(s); } static void conloop(void) { fd_set *r, *e; struct timeval seltime, now; int i; con *c; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); c = TAILQ_FIRST(&tq); if (c && (c->c_tv.tv_sec > now.tv_sec || (c->c_tv.tv_sec == now.tv_sec && c->c_tv.tv_usec > now.tv_usec))) { seltime = c->c_tv; seltime.tv_sec -= now.tv_sec; seltime.tv_usec -= now.tv_usec; if (seltime.tv_usec < 0) { seltime.tv_usec += 1000000; seltime.tv_sec--; } } else seltime.tv_sec = seltime.tv_usec = 0; r = xmalloc(read_wait_size); memcpy(r, read_wait, read_wait_size); e = xmalloc(read_wait_size); memcpy(e, read_wait, read_wait_size); while (select(maxfd, r, NULL, e, &seltime) == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) ; for (i = 0; i < maxfd; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(i, e)) { error("%s: exception!", fdcon[i].c_name); confree(i); } else if (FD_ISSET(i, r)) conread(i); } xfree(r); xfree(e); c = TAILQ_FIRST(&tq); while (c && (c->c_tv.tv_sec < now.tv_sec || (c->c_tv.tv_sec == now.tv_sec && c->c_tv.tv_usec < now.tv_usec))) { int s = c->c_fd; c = TAILQ_NEXT(c, c_link); conrecycle(s); } } static void do_host(char *host) { char *name = strnnsep(&host, " \t\n"); int j; if (name == NULL) return; for (j = KT_RSA1; j <= KT_RSA; j *= 2) { if (get_keytypes & j) { while (ncon >= MAXCON) conloop(); conalloc(name, *host ? host : name, j); } } } void fatal(const char *fmt,...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); do_log(SYSLOG_LEVEL_FATAL, fmt, args); va_end(args); if (nonfatal_fatal) longjmp(kexjmp, -1); else fatal_cleanup(); } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] host ...\n", __progname); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f file Read hosts or addresses from file.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p port Connect to the specified port.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t keytype Specify the host key type.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -T timeout Set connection timeout.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v Verbose; display verbose debugging messages.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -4 Use IPv4 only.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -6 Use IPv6 only.\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int debug_flag = 0, log_level = SYSLOG_LEVEL_INFO; int opt, fopt_count = 0; char *tname; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; TAILQ_INIT(&tq); if (argc <= 1) usage(); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "v46p:T:t:f:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'p': ssh_port = a2port(optarg); if (ssh_port == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad port '%s'\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'T': timeout = convtime(optarg); if (timeout == -1 || timeout == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad timeout '%s'\n", optarg); usage(); } break; case 'v': if (!debug_flag) { debug_flag = 1; log_level = SYSLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG1; } else if (log_level < SYSLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG3) log_level++; else fatal("Too high debugging level."); break; case 'f': if (strcmp(optarg, "-") == 0) optarg = NULL; argv[fopt_count++] = optarg; break; case 't': get_keytypes = 0; tname = strtok(optarg, ","); while (tname) { int type = key_type_from_name(tname); switch (type) { case KEY_RSA1: get_keytypes |= KT_RSA1; break; case KEY_DSA: get_keytypes |= KT_DSA; break; case KEY_RSA: get_keytypes |= KT_RSA; break; case KEY_UNSPEC: fatal("unknown key type %s", tname); } tname = strtok(NULL, ","); } break; case '4': IPv4or6 = AF_INET; break; case '6': IPv4or6 = AF_INET6; break; case '?': default: usage(); } } if (optind == argc && !fopt_count) usage(); log_init("ssh-keyscan", log_level, SYSLOG_FACILITY_USER, 1); maxfd = fdlim_get(1); if (maxfd < 0) fatal("%s: fdlim_get: bad value", __progname); if (maxfd > MAXMAXFD) maxfd = MAXMAXFD; if (MAXCON <= 0) fatal("%s: not enough file descriptors", __progname); if (maxfd > fdlim_get(0)) fdlim_set(maxfd); fdcon = xmalloc(maxfd * sizeof(con)); memset(fdcon, 0, maxfd * sizeof(con)); read_wait_size = howmany(maxfd, NFDBITS) * sizeof(fd_mask); read_wait = xmalloc(read_wait_size); memset(read_wait, 0, read_wait_size); if (fopt_count) { Linebuf *lb; char *line; int j; for (j = 0; j < fopt_count; j++) { lb = Linebuf_alloc(argv[j], error); if (!lb) continue; while ((line = Linebuf_getline(lb)) != NULL) do_host(line); Linebuf_free(lb); } } while (optind < argc) do_host(argv[optind++]); while (ncon > 0) conloop(); return (0); }