$NetBSD: hardware,v 1.2 1998/01/09 18:47:53 perry Exp $ Hardware supported by NetBSD/vax _VER includes (but may not be limited to): CPU types: VAX 11/750, VAX 11/78{0,5}, VAX 8200/8250/8300/8350, VAX 8600/8650, MicroVAX II, MicroVAX III, MicroVAX 3600/3800/3900, MicroVAX 3300/3400/3500, MicroVAX 2000/VAXstation 2000 and some VAXstation 3100. Networking: DEUNA/DELUA Unibus ethernet, DEQNA/DELQA Q22 bus ethernet and LANCE chip where available. Serial lines: DHU11/DHV11/DL11/DLV11/DZ11/DZQ11/DZV11 Unibus/Q22 bus asynchronous lines and DZ11-compatible lines on VAXstations. Disks: UDA50 Unibus MSCP controller, KDA50/RQDX1/2/3 Q22 bus MSCP controller, KDB50 BI-bus MSCP controller, MFM and SCSI controllers on VAXstations, RP04/05/06/07 and RM02/03/05/80 Massbus disks, and Console RL02 on VAX 8600. Some third-party controllers are also known to work, other do not. Tapes: TMSCP on Q22 bus (TK50/70), SCSI tapes on VAXstations. The minimal configuration requires 2M of RAM and ~40MB of disk space, but the installation requires at least 4MB RAM and you probably do not want to run with anything less than that. Here is a table of recommended HD partition sizes for a full install: partition: advise needed root (/) 20M 10M user (/usr) 80M 45M swap (2 or 3 * RAM) Anything else is up to you!