.XS 1 INTRODUCTION What \*E does, Copyright, How to compile \*E, Overview .XA 2 VISUAL MODE COMMANDS Normal interactive editing, Input mode, Arrow keys, Digraphs, Abbreviations, Auto-indentation .XA 3 COLON MODE COMMANDS Line specifiers, Text entry, Cut & paste, Display text, Global operations, Line editing, Undo, Configuration & status, Multiple files, Switching files, Working with a compiler, Exiting, File I/O, Directory & shell, Debugging .XA 4 REGULAR EXPRESSIONS Syntax, Options, Substitutions, Examples .XA 5 OPTIONS Autoindent, Autoprint, etc. .XA 6 CUT BUFFERS Putting text into a cut buffer, Pasting from a cut buffer, Macros, The effect of switching files .XA 7 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN \*E AND THE REAL VI/EX Extensions, Omissions .XA 8 INTERNAL For programmers only, The temporary file, Implementation of editing, Marks and the cursor, Colon command interpretation, Screen control, Portability .XA 9 MAKEFILE .XA 10 CFLAGS .XA 11 TERMCAP .XA 12 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .XA 13 VERSIONS .XA 14 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS .XE .PX .sp 0.3i .ce 1 UNIX-style "man" pages appear at the end of this manual.