Cdk New Widget Guide Copyright Mike Glover, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to create a new widget for Cdk, and want it in the standard dist of Cdk, you will have to follow some requisites that I have. I state these because Cdk has been worked on for quite some time and I finally got it to a state where the functions calls are somewhat consistent. Any new widgets should adhere to this. The requirements are as follows: * The function names should be like: newCDKXXX, destroyCDKXXX, setCDKXXX, drawCDKXX,... Any widgets with functions not in this format should be 'private'. If this is not the case one of three things will happen: 1) The widget will not get accepted 2) I will mail you back asking you to follow the standards. 3) I will do it myself. (HIGHLY unlikely) * The first parameter of the newCDKXXX function should be of type CDKSCREEN. * If applicable, the next two parameters should be xpos and ypos in that order. * If applicable, the next two parameters should be the height and width of the widget. * If the widget has a title, the next parameter should be a char * for the title. * If the widget has a label, the next parameter should be a char * for the label. * The last two parameters of the newCDKXXX function should be: Boolean box, Boolean shadow if the parameters apply. * The drawCDKXXX function should only have the pointer to the object and a Boolean box as it's parameters. (in that order) * The first parameters of any other function relating to the widget should be a pointer to the widget type. ie: CDKRADIO *, CDKFSELECT *... * A destroyCDKXXX function has to be provided as well as a drawCDKXXX function. * Try to contain anything specific to the widget in a single file. This keeps the overhead of misc. files from floating around. * Create a standalone header file which includes cdk.h if needed. If you follow the guidelines, then the files you need to change to sew the new widget into Cdk, are: cdkscreen.c So this widget will get refreshed on a refreshCDKScreen function call. binding.c To allow key bindings for the widget. If it is possible to have key bindings I stress that this be incorporated. cdk.h To add in the function def's to the header file. (ie: include the newly created header file.) Makefile Add in the new widget files. If you have done all of this then what I need from you is the following: * A diff of all the files from the dist. that you modified. Use patch, I prefer it. If you haven't got it, get it and use it. It makes life easy. * A copy of the new widget file. * tar this up and send it to me at or at I will mail you back when I get it and I will tell you if everything is OK or not. I hate to be such a nit pick, but if we follow the above standards, Cdk will evolve into a very nice library, with a lot of really nice widgets. If you want to get a hold of me mail me at one of the following: The CDK Web page has several homes. They are: (official) (Sponsored by the nice folks at Datasoft) ttfn, Mike