INSTALLATION NOTES for NetBSD/MACHINE 1.0 Be sure to read _ALL_ of this document before you try to install NetBSD/MACHINE. What is NetBSD? ---- -- ------ NetBSD is a Berkeley Networking Release 2 (Net/2) and 4.4BSD-Lite -derived system. It is a fully functional UN*X-like system which runs on several architectures and is being ported to more. NetBSD, as the name implies, is a creation of the members of the network community and without the net it's likely that this release wouldn't have come about. NetBSD 1.0 is a milestone release. The hardest part of the 4.4BSD-Lite integration, the kernel, has been completed and has been running in "production use" for quite some time. Also, NetBSD 1.0 is the first true multi-architecture release of NetBSD. At the time of NetBSD 0.9, the i386 port was considered 'production quality' and the hp300 port was barely working. The NetBSD 1.0 source supports nine architectures, and complete binary releases for most of them will be made available. NetBSD 1.0 supports many new and improved features, the most important relating to file systems. New and improved versions of both the Berkeley Fast File System and the free implementation of the NFS protocol were provided, as part of the 4.4-Lite release. The new versions include such improvements as support for 64-bit file sizes, for local files, and "lease" support for NFS, to improve performance. In addition to the file system improvements, many other parts of the system have been improved considerably. For instance, the virtual memory code has substantially improved performance, and many of the kernel's interfaces have been cleaned up. Many new user programs have been added in NetBSD 1.0, as well, bringing it closer to our goal of supplying a complete UN*X-like environment. Additionally, support for shared libraries has been added, for most architectures, allowing a significant savings in both RAM consumption and disk space. #include "whatis" The Future of NetBSD: --- ------ -- ------ We hope to have regular releases of the full binary and source trees, but as these are difficult to coordinate, especially with all of the architectures which we now support! We hope to support even _more_ hardware in the future, and have a rather large number of other ideas about what can be done to improve NetBSD. We intend to continue our current practice of making the NetBSD-current development source available on a daily or nearly-daily basis. We intend to integrate free, positive changes from whatever sources will provide them, providing that they are well thought-out and increase the usability of the system. This includes integrating the remainder of the 4.4BSD-Lite tape, as quickly as we can insure that everything works properly. Above all, we hope to create a stable and accessible system, and to be responsive to the needs and desires of NetBSD users, because it is for and because of them that NetBSD exists. Sources of NetBSD: ------- -- ------ #include "mirrors" (If you wish to become a distribution site for NetBSD, contact Chris Demetriou, cgd@NetBSD.ORG.) NetBSD 1.0 Release Contents: ------ --- ------- -------- The NetBSD 1.0 release is organized in the following way: .../NetBSD-1.0/ BUGS Known bugs list (incomplete). CHANGES Changes since NetBSD's last release (and before). LAST_MINUTE Last minute changes. README.files README describing the distribution's contents. TODO NetBSD's todo list. patches/ Post-release source code patches. source/ Source distribution sets; see below. In addition to the files and directories listed above, there is one directory per architecture, for each of the architectures that NetBSD 1.0 has a binary distribution for. There are also 'README.export-control' files sprinkled liberally throughout the distribution tree, which point out that there are some portions of the distribution (e.g. those containing crypt(3)) that should not be exported from the United States, and that if you do export them, it's your fault, not ours. The source distribution sets can be found in subdirectories of the "source" subdirectory of the distribution tree. They contain the complete sources to the system, excluding those portions which should not be exported from the U.S. (Those are contained in each architecture's "security" binary distribution set.) The source distribution sets are as follows: gsrc10 This set contains the "gnu" sources, including the source for the compiler, assembler, groff, and the other GNU utilities in the binary distribution sets. [ XXXM gzipped, XXXM uncompressed ] ksrc10 This set contains the sources to the NetBSD 1.0 kernel, config(8), and dbsym(8). [ XXXM gzipped, XXXM uncompressed ] ssrc10 This set contains the "share" sources, which include the sources for the man pages not associated with any particular program, the sources for the typesettable document set, the dictionaries, and more. [ XXXM gzipped, XXXM uncompressed ] src10 This set contains all of the NetBSD 1.0 sources which are not mentioned above. [ XXXM gzipped, XXXM uncompressed ] It is worth noting that unless all of the source distribution sets are installed, you can't rebuild and install the system from scratch, straight out of the box. However, all that is required to rebuild the system in that case is a trivial modification to one Makefile. The source distribution sets are distributed as groups of files named "set_name.xx" where "set_name" is the distribution set name, and "xx" is the sequence number of the file, starting with "aa" for the first file in the distribution set, then "ab" for the next, and so on. All of these files except the last one of each set should be exactly 240,640 bytes long. (The last file is just long enough to contain the remainder of the data for that distribution set.) Catted together, the files belonging to a source distribution set comprise a gzipped tar file. If you want to look at list of the files contained in the set, you could use the command: cat set_name.?? | gunzip | tar tvf - or to actually extract the files contained in the set: cat set_name.?? | gunzip | tar xfp - In each of the source distribution set directories, there is a file named "CKSUMS" which contains the checksums of the files in that directory, as generated by the cksum(1) command. You can use cksum to check the integrity of the archives, if you suspect that one of the files is corrupt and have access to a cksum binary. #include "contents" NetBSD System Requirements and Supported Devices: ------ ------ ------------ --- --------- ------- #include "hardware" Getting the NetBSD System on to Useful Media: ------- --- ------ ------ -- -- ------ ----- #include "xfer" Preparing your System for NetBSD Installation: --------- ---- ------ --- ------ ------------ #include "prep" Installing the NetBSD System: ---------- --- ------ ------ #include "install" Upgrading a previously-installed NetBSD System: --------- - ---------- --------- ------ ------ #include "upgrade" Administrivia: ------------- Registration? What's that? If you've got something to say, do so! We'd like your input. There are various mailing lists available via the mailing list server at . To get help on using the mailing list server, send mail to that address with an empty body, and it will reply with instructions. There are various mailing lists set up to deal with comments and questions about this release. Please send comments to: netbsd-comments@NetBSD.ORG and send bug reports, etc. to: netbsd-bugs@NetBSD.ORG (Bug reports may also be filed with the 'send-pr' program included in the base distribution.) There are also port-specific mailing lists, to discuss aspects of each port of NetBSD. Use majordomo to find their addresses. If you'd like to help with this effort, and have an idea as to how you could be useful, send mail and/or subscribe to: netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG As a favor, please avoid mailing huge documents or files to these mailing lists. Instead, put the material you would have sent up for FTP somewhere, then mail the appropriate list about it, or, if you'd rather not do that, mail the list saying you'll send the data to those who want it. Thanks go to: ------ -- -- Members and former members of UCB's Computer Systems Research Group, including (but not limited to): Keith Bostic Ralph Campbell Mike Karels Marshall Kirk McKusick for their ongoing work on BSD systems, support, and encouragement. Also, our thanks go to: Mike Hibler Rick Macklem Jan-Simon Pendry Chris Torek for answering lots of questions, fixing bugs, and doing the various work they've done. UC Berkeley's Experimental Computing Facility has provided a home for sun-lamp, people to look after it, and a sense of humor. Rob Robertson, too, has added his unique sense of humor to things, and for a long time provided the primary FTP site for NetBSD. Without CVS, this project would be impossible to manage, so our hats go off to Brian Berliner, Jeff Polk, and the various other people who've had a hand in making CVS a useful tool. The following people (in alphabetical order) have made donations or loans of hardware and/or money, to support NetBSD development, and deserve credit for it: #include "donations" (If you're not on that list and should be, tell us! We probably were not able to get in touch with you, to verify that you wanted to be listed.) Dave Burgess has been maintaining the 386BSD/NetBSD/FreeBSD FAQ for quite some time, and deserves to be recognized for it. Finally, we thank all of the people who've put sweat and tears into developing NetBSD since its inception in January, 1993. (Obviously, there are a lot more people who deserve thanks here. If you're one of them, and would like to mentioned, tell us!) We are: -- --- (in alphabetical order) The NetBSD core team: Chris G. Demetriou Theo de Raadt Adam Glass Charles Hannum The port-masters (and their ports): Allen Briggs (mac68k) (and the rest of the 'Alice' group) Theo de Raadt (sparc) Charles Hannum (i386, hp300) Chris Hopps (amiga) Adam Glass (pmax) Paul Mackerras (da30) Anders Magnusson (vax) Phil Nelson (pc532) Gordon Ross (sun3) Supporting cast: Steve Allen John Brezak Dave Burgess J.T. Conklin Hubert Feyrer Brad Grantham Lawrence Kesteloot Paul Kranenburg Herb Peyerl Matthias Pfaller Chris Provenzano Wolfgang Solfrank Legal Mumbo-jumbo: ----- ----- ----- The following notices are required to satisfy the license terms of the software that we have mentioned in this document: #include "legal.common" #include "legal"