/*- * Copyright (c) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)res_debug.c 5.36 (Berkeley) 3/6/91 */ #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) static char sccsid[] = "@(#)res_debug.c 5.36 (Berkeley) 3/6/91"; #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void __fp_query(); char *__p_class(), *__p_time(), *__p_type(); static char *p_cdname(), *p_rr(); char *_res_opcodes[] = { "QUERY", "IQUERY", "CQUERYM", "CQUERYU", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "UPDATEA", "UPDATED", "UPDATEDA", "UPDATEM", "UPDATEMA", "ZONEINIT", "ZONEREF", }; char *_res_resultcodes[] = { "NOERROR", "FORMERR", "SERVFAIL", "NXDOMAIN", "NOTIMP", "REFUSED", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "NOCHANGE", }; __p_query(msg) char *msg; { __fp_query(msg,stdout); } /* * Print the contents of a query. * This is intended to be primarily a debugging routine. */ void __fp_query(msg,file) char *msg; FILE *file; { register char *cp; register HEADER *hp; register int n; /* * Print header fields. */ hp = (HEADER *)msg; cp = msg + sizeof(HEADER); fprintf(file,"HEADER:\n"); fprintf(file,"\topcode = %s", _res_opcodes[hp->opcode]); fprintf(file,", id = %d", ntohs(hp->id)); fprintf(file,", rcode = %s\n", _res_resultcodes[hp->rcode]); fprintf(file,"\theader flags: "); if (hp->qr) fprintf(file," qr"); if (hp->aa) fprintf(file," aa"); if (hp->tc) fprintf(file," tc"); if (hp->rd) fprintf(file," rd"); if (hp->ra) fprintf(file," ra"); if (hp->pr) fprintf(file," pr"); fprintf(file,"\n\tqdcount = %d", ntohs(hp->qdcount)); fprintf(file,", ancount = %d", ntohs(hp->ancount)); fprintf(file,", nscount = %d", ntohs(hp->nscount)); fprintf(file,", arcount = %d\n\n", ntohs(hp->arcount)); /* * Print question records. */ if (n = ntohs(hp->qdcount)) { fprintf(file,"QUESTIONS:\n"); while (--n >= 0) { fprintf(file,"\t"); cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file); if (cp == NULL) return; fprintf(file,", type = %s", __p_type(_getshort(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_short); fprintf(file, ", class = %s\n\n", __p_class(_getshort(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_short); } } /* * Print authoritative answer records */ if (n = ntohs(hp->ancount)) { fprintf(file,"ANSWERS:\n"); while (--n >= 0) { fprintf(file,"\t"); cp = p_rr(cp, msg, file); if (cp == NULL) return; } } /* * print name server records */ if (n = ntohs(hp->nscount)) { fprintf(file,"NAME SERVERS:\n"); while (--n >= 0) { fprintf(file,"\t"); cp = p_rr(cp, msg, file); if (cp == NULL) return; } } /* * print additional records */ if (n = ntohs(hp->arcount)) { fprintf(file,"ADDITIONAL RECORDS:\n"); while (--n >= 0) { fprintf(file,"\t"); cp = p_rr(cp, msg, file); if (cp == NULL) return; } } } static char * p_cdname(cp, msg, file) char *cp, *msg; FILE *file; { char name[MAXDNAME]; int n; if ((n = dn_expand((u_char *)msg, (u_char *)msg + 512, (u_char *)cp, (u_char *)name, sizeof(name))) < 0) return (NULL); if (name[0] == '\0') { name[0] = '.'; name[1] = '\0'; } fputs(name, file); return (cp + n); } /* * Print resource record fields in human readable form. */ static char * p_rr(cp, msg, file) char *cp, *msg; FILE *file; { int type, class, dlen, n, c; struct in_addr inaddr; char *cp1, *cp2; if ((cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file)) == NULL) return (NULL); /* compression error */ fprintf(file,"\n\ttype = %s", __p_type(type = _getshort(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_short); fprintf(file,", class = %s", __p_class(class = _getshort(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_short); fprintf(file,", ttl = %s", __p_time(_getlong(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(file,", dlen = %d\n", dlen = _getshort(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_short); cp1 = cp; /* * Print type specific data, if appropriate */ switch (type) { case T_A: switch (class) { case C_IN: case C_HS: bcopy(cp, (char *)&inaddr, sizeof(inaddr)); if (dlen == 4) { fprintf(file,"\tinternet address = %s\n", inet_ntoa(inaddr)); cp += dlen; } else if (dlen == 7) { fprintf(file,"\tinternet address = %s", inet_ntoa(inaddr)); fprintf(file,", protocol = %d", cp[4]); fprintf(file,", port = %d\n", (cp[5] << 8) + cp[6]); cp += dlen; } break; default: cp += dlen; } break; case T_CNAME: case T_MB: case T_MG: case T_MR: case T_NS: case T_PTR: fprintf(file,"\tdomain name = "); cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file); fprintf(file,"\n"); break; case T_HINFO: if (n = *cp++) { fprintf(file,"\tCPU=%.*s\n", n, cp); cp += n; } if (n = *cp++) { fprintf(file,"\tOS=%.*s\n", n, cp); cp += n; } break; case T_SOA: fprintf(file,"\torigin = "); cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file); fprintf(file,"\n\tmail addr = "); cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file); fprintf(file,"\n\tserial = %ld", _getlong(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(file,"\n\trefresh = %s", __p_time(_getlong(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(file,"\n\tretry = %s", __p_time(_getlong(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(file,"\n\texpire = %s", __p_time(_getlong(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(file,"\n\tmin = %s\n", __p_time(_getlong(cp))); cp += sizeof(u_long); break; case T_MX: fprintf(file,"\tpreference = %ld,",_getshort(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_short); fprintf(file," name = "); cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file); break; case T_TXT: (void) fputs("\t\"", file); cp2 = cp1 + dlen; while (cp < cp2) { if (n = (unsigned char) *cp++) { for (c = n; c > 0 && cp < cp2; c--) if (*cp == '\n') { (void) putc('\\', file); (void) putc(*cp++, file); } else (void) putc(*cp++, file); } } (void) fputs("\"\n", file); break; case T_MINFO: fprintf(file,"\trequests = "); cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file); fprintf(file,"\n\terrors = "); cp = p_cdname(cp, msg, file); break; case T_UINFO: fprintf(file,"\t%s\n", cp); cp += dlen; break; case T_UID: case T_GID: if (dlen == 4) { fprintf(file,"\t%ld\n", _getlong(cp)); cp += sizeof(int); } break; case T_WKS: if (dlen < sizeof(u_long) + 1) break; bcopy(cp, (char *)&inaddr, sizeof(inaddr)); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(file,"\tinternet address = %s, protocol = %d\n\t", inet_ntoa(inaddr), *cp++); n = 0; while (cp < cp1 + dlen) { c = *cp++; do { if (c & 0200) fprintf(file," %d", n); c <<= 1; } while (++n & 07); } putc('\n',file); break; #ifdef ALLOW_T_UNSPEC case T_UNSPEC: { int NumBytes = 8; char *DataPtr; int i; if (dlen < NumBytes) NumBytes = dlen; fprintf(file, "\tFirst %d bytes of hex data:", NumBytes); for (i = 0, DataPtr = cp; i < NumBytes; i++, DataPtr++) fprintf(file, " %x", *DataPtr); fputs("\n", file); cp += dlen; } break; #endif /* ALLOW_T_UNSPEC */ default: fprintf(file,"\t???\n"); cp += dlen; } if (cp != cp1 + dlen) { fprintf(file,"packet size error (%#x != %#x)\n", cp, cp1+dlen); cp = NULL; } fprintf(file,"\n"); return (cp); } static char nbuf[40]; /* * Return a string for the type */ char * __p_type(type) int type; { switch (type) { case T_A: return("A"); case T_NS: /* authoritative server */ return("NS"); case T_CNAME: /* canonical name */ return("CNAME"); case T_SOA: /* start of authority zone */ return("SOA"); case T_MB: /* mailbox domain name */ return("MB"); case T_MG: /* mail group member */ return("MG"); case T_MR: /* mail rename name */ return("MR"); case T_NULL: /* null resource record */ return("NULL"); case T_WKS: /* well known service */ return("WKS"); case T_PTR: /* domain name pointer */ return("PTR"); case T_HINFO: /* host information */ return("HINFO"); case T_MINFO: /* mailbox information */ return("MINFO"); case T_MX: /* mail routing info */ return("MX"); case T_TXT: /* text */ return("TXT"); case T_AXFR: /* zone transfer */ return("AXFR"); case T_MAILB: /* mail box */ return("MAILB"); case T_MAILA: /* mail address */ return("MAILA"); case T_ANY: /* matches any type */ return("ANY"); case T_UINFO: return("UINFO"); case T_UID: return("UID"); case T_GID: return("GID"); #ifdef ALLOW_T_UNSPEC case T_UNSPEC: return("UNSPEC"); #endif /* ALLOW_T_UNSPEC */ default: (void)sprintf(nbuf, "%d", type); return(nbuf); } } /* * Return a mnemonic for class */ char * __p_class(class) int class; { switch (class) { case C_IN: /* internet class */ return("IN"); case C_HS: /* hesiod class */ return("HS"); case C_ANY: /* matches any class */ return("ANY"); default: (void)sprintf(nbuf, "%d", class); return(nbuf); } } /* * Return a mnemonic for a time to live */ char * __p_time(value) u_long value; { int secs, mins, hours; register char *p; if (value == 0) { strcpy(nbuf, "0 secs"); return(nbuf); } secs = value % 60; value /= 60; mins = value % 60; value /= 60; hours = value % 24; value /= 24; #define PLURALIZE(x) x, (x == 1) ? "" : "s" p = nbuf; if (value) { (void)sprintf(p, "%d day%s", PLURALIZE(value)); while (*++p); } if (hours) { if (value) *p++ = ' '; (void)sprintf(p, "%d hour%s", PLURALIZE(hours)); while (*++p); } if (mins) { if (value || hours) *p++ = ' '; (void)sprintf(p, "%d min%s", PLURALIZE(mins)); while (*++p); } if (secs || ! (value || hours || mins)) { if (value || hours || mins) *p++ = ' '; (void)sprintf(p, "%d sec%s", PLURALIZE(secs)); } return(nbuf); }