.de It .br .ie \\n(.$>=3 .ne \\$3 .el .ne 3 .IP "\\$1" \\$2 .. .TH cdk_screen 3 "05 Dec 1995" .SH NAME initCDKScreen, initCDKColor, registerCDKObject, unregisterCDKObject, raiseCDKObject, lowerCDKObject, refreshCDKScreen, eraseCDKScreen, destroyCDKScreen, endCDK - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .B cc .RI "[ " "flag" " \|.\|.\|. ] " "file" " \|.\|.\|." .B \-lcdk .RI "[ " "library" " \|.\|.\|. ]" .LP #include .LP .BI "CDKSCREEN *initCDKScreen (WINDOW *" "cursesWindow "); .LP .BI "void initCDKColor ()"; .LP .BI "void registerCDKObject (CDKSCREEN *" "screen ", .BI "EObjectType " "widgetType ", .BI "void *" "object"); .LP .BI "void unregisterCDKObject(EObjectType " "widgetType ", .BI "void *" "object"); .LP .BI "void raiseCDKObject(EObjectType " "widgetType ", .BI "void *" "object"); .LP .BI "void lowerCDKObject(EObjectType " "widgetType ", .BI "void *" "object"); .LP .BI "void refreshCDKScreen(CDKSCREEN *" "screen"); .LP .BI "void eraseCDKScreen(CDKSCREEN *" "screen"); .LP .BI "void destroyCDKScreen(CDKSCREEN *" "screen"); .LP .BI "void endCDK()"; .LP .SH DESCRIPTION One of the features of Cdk is that it will manage all of the widgets for you. These functions perform some of the management of the widgets in a screen. The following outline each function and it's purpose. .SH AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS CDKSCREEN *initCDKScreen (WINDOW *\f2cursesWindow\f1); .RS 3 This function takes a \f4WINDOW *\f1 (\f2cursesWindow\f1) and returns a pointer to a \f4CDKSCREEN *\f1. Since all of the widgets take a \f4CDKSCREEN\f1 pointer as a first argument, this is also one of the first calls made. This also starts curses, so no curses initialization calls have to be made when using Cdk. .RE void initCDKColor (); .RS 3 This call starts the Cdk color capabilities. It defines 64 color pairs each of which is accessible using the COLOR_PAIR macro. If you do not have color support, this function call makes no difference. .RE void registerCDKObject (CDKSCREEN *\f2screen\f1, EObjectType \f2widgetType\f1, void *\f2object\f1); .RS 3 This function is called automatically when a widget is created. If for some reason an object does get unregistered, by calling \f4unregisterCDKObject\f1, the widget can be registered again by calling this function. The \f2widgetType\f1 parameter states what Cdk widget type this object is. The \f2object\f1 parameter is a void pointer to the object. .RE void unregisterCDKObject (EObjectType \f2cdktype\f1, void *\f2object\f1); .RS 3 This function removes the widget from the screen. This does \f4NOT\f1 destroy the object, it removes the widget from any further refreshes by the function \f4refreshCDKScreen\f1. The \f2widgetType\f1 parameter states what Cdk widget type this object is. The \f2object\f1 parameter is a void pointer to the object. .RE void raiseCDKObject (EObjectType \f2cdktype\f1, void *\f2object\f1); .RS 3 This function raises the widget to the top of the screen. If there are any widgets which overlap the given object when a refresh is done, calling this function has the effect of raiding the object so no other widgets obstruct it. The \f2widgetType\f1 parameter states what Cdk widget type this object is. The \f2object\f1 parameter is a void pointer to the object. .RE void lowerCDKObject (EObjectType \f2cdktype\f1, void *\f2object\f1); .RS This function has the opposite effect of the \f4raiseCDKObject\f1 function call. .RE void refreshCDKScreen (CDKSCREEN *\f2screen\f1); .RS 3 This function redraws all of the widgets which are currently associated to the given screen. .RE void eraseCDKScreen (CDKSCREEN *\f2screen\f1); .RS 3 This function erases all of the widgets which are currently associated to the given screen. This does \f4NOT\f1 destroy the widgets. .RE void destroyCDKScreen (CDKSCREEN *\f2screen\f1); .RS 3 This function destroys any memory allocated by the Cdk screen pointer. .RE void endCDK(); .RS 3 This function cleans up any memory created by starting Cdk and shuts down curses. .RE .SH SEE ALSO .BR cdk (3), .BR cdk_binding (3), .BR cdk_display (3) .SH NOTES .PP The header file \f4\f1 automatically includes the header files \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, \f4\f1, and \f4\f1. The \f4\f1 header file includes \f4\f1 and \f4\f1. .PP If you have \f4Ncurses\f1 installed on your machine add -DNCURSES to the compile line to include the Ncurses header files instead.