If at all possible, you should consult the ``Installation Guide'' document on the NetBSD/pmax web page, at http://www.netbsd.org/ports/pmax. Installing NetBSD is a relatively complex process, but if you have the above document in hand it shouldn't be too much trouble. It has not been possible to reproduce the pmax installation Web page in fixed-font hardcopy format for the 1.2 release. You must either visit the URL above, or request a rendered version (e.g, PostScript). Please follow the dinstructions at http://111.netbsd.org/ports/pmax/pmax-install.html, now,and return to this document when you used those instructions to install a miniroot, label a disk, and extract the NetBSD/pmax 1.2 installation tar sets. Post-intallation notes: ---------------------- Some of the files in the NetBSD 1.2 distribution might need to be tailored for your site. In particular, the /etc/sendmail.cf file will almost definitely need to be adjusted, and other files in /etc will probably need to be modified. If you are unfamiliar with UN*X-like system administration, it's recommended that you buy a book that discusses it.