/* * Copyright (c) 1992 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software_Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * scan.c - sup list file scanner * ********************************************************************** * HISTORY * $Log: scan.c,v $ * Revision 1993/05/21 14:52:17 cgd * initial import of CMU's SUP to NetBSD * * Revision 1.8 92/08/11 12:04:28 mrt * Brad's changes: delinted, added forward declarations of static * functions.Added Copyright. * [92/07/24 mrt] * * 18-Mar-88 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added host= support to releases file. * * 11-Mar-88 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added "rsymlink" recursive symbolic link quoting directive. * * 28-Jun-87 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added code for "release" support. * * 26-May-87 Doug Philips (dwp) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Lets see if we'll be able to write the scan file BEFORE * we collect the data for it. Include sys/file.h and use * new definitions for access check codes. * * 20-May-87 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added type casting information for lint. * * 21-Jan-86 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added check for newonly upgrade when lasttime is the same as * scantime. This will save us the trouble of parsing the scanfile * when the client has successfully received everything in the * scanfile already. * * 16-Jan-86 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Clear Texec pointers in execT so that Tfree of execT will not * free command trees associated with files in listT. * * 06-Jan-86 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added code to omit scanned files from list if we want new files * only and they are old. * * 29-Dec-85 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Major rewrite for protocol version 4. Added version numbers to * scan file. Also added mode of file in addition to flags. * Execute commands are now immediately after file information. * * 13-Dec-85 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added comments to list file format. * * 08-Dec-85 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Added code to implement omitany. Currently doesn't know about * {a,b,c} patterns. * * 07-Oct-85 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University * Created. * ********************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sup.h" /************************* *** M A C R O S *** *************************/ #define SPECNUMBER 1000 /* number of filenames produced by a single spec in the list file */ /******************************************* *** D A T A S T R U C T U R E S *** *******************************************/ typedef enum { /* release options */ ONEXT, OPREFIX, OLIST, OSCAN, OHOST } OPTION; static char *options[] = { "next", "prefix", "list", "scan", "host", 0 }; typedef enum { /* /list file lines */ LUPGRADE, LOMIT, LBACKUP, LEXECUTE, LINCLUDE, LNOACCT, LOMITANY, LALWAYS, LSYMLINK, LRSYMLINK } LISTTYPE; static char *ltname[] = { "upgrade", "omit", "backup", "execute", "include", "noaccount", "omitany", "always", "symlink", "rsymlink", 0 }; #define FALWAYS FUPDATE /* list file lines */ static TREE *upgT; /* files to upgrade */ static TREE *flagsT; /* special flags: BACKUP NOACCT */ static TREE *omitT; /* recursize file omition list */ static TREE *omanyT; /* non-recursize file omition list */ static TREE *symT; /* symbolic links to quote */ static TREE *rsymT; /* recursive symbolic links to quote */ static TREE *execT; /* execute command list */ /************************* *** E X T E R N *** *************************/ #ifdef lint static char _argbreak; #else extern char _argbreak; /* break character from nxtarg */ #endif extern TREELIST *listTL; /* list of trees for scanning */ extern TREE *listT; /* final list of files in collection */ extern TREE *refuseT; /* files refused by client */ extern char *collname; /* collection name */ extern char *basedir; /* base directory name */ extern char *prefix; /* collection pathname prefix */ extern long lasttime; /* time of last upgrade */ extern long scantime; /* time of this scan */ extern int trace; /* trace directories */ extern int newonly; /* new files only */ extern long time(); /************************************************* *** STATIC R O U T I N E S *** *************************************************/ static makescan(); static getscan(); static doscan(); static readlistfile(); static expTinsert(); static listone(); static listentry(); static listname(); static listdir(); static omitanyone(); static anyglob(); static int getscanfile(); static chkscanfile(); static makescanfile(); static recordone(); static recordexec(); /************************************************* *** L I S T S C A N R O U T I N E S *** *************************************************/ static passdelim (ptr,delim) /* skip over delimiter */ char **ptr,delim; { *ptr = skipover (*ptr, " \t"); if (_argbreak != delim && **ptr == delim) { (*ptr)++; *ptr = skipover (*ptr, " \t"); } } static char *parserelease(tlp,relname,args) TREELIST **tlp; char *relname,*args; { register TREELIST *tl; register char *arg; register OPTION option; int opno; char *nextrel; tl = (TREELIST *) malloc (sizeof(TREELIST)); if ((*tlp = tl) == NULL) goaway ("Couldn't allocate TREELIST"); tl->TLnext = NULL; tl->TLname = salloc (relname); tl->TLprefix = NULL; tl->TLlist = NULL; tl->TLscan = NULL; tl->TLhost = NULL; nextrel = NULL; args = skipover (args," \t"); while (*(arg=nxtarg(&args," \t="))) { for (opno = 0; options[opno] != NULL; opno++) if (strcmp (arg,options[opno]) == 0) break; if (options[opno] == NULL) goaway ("Invalid release option %s for release %s", arg,relname); option = (OPTION) opno; switch (option) { case ONEXT: passdelim (&args,'='); arg = nxtarg (&args," \t"); nextrel = salloc (arg); break; case OPREFIX: passdelim (&args,'='); arg = nxtarg (&args," \t"); tl->TLprefix = salloc (arg); break; case OLIST: passdelim (&args,'='); arg = nxtarg (&args," \t"); tl->TLlist = salloc (arg); break; case OSCAN: passdelim (&args,'='); arg = nxtarg (&args," \t"); tl->TLscan = salloc (arg); break; case OHOST: passdelim (&args,'='); arg = nxtarg (&args," \t"); tl->TLhost = salloc (arg); break; } } return (nextrel); } getrelease (release) char *release; { TREELIST *tl; char buf[STRINGLENGTH]; char *p,*q; int rewound; FILE *f; if (release == NULL) release = salloc (DEFRELEASE); listTL = NULL; (void) sprintf (buf,FILERELEASES,collname); f = fopen (buf,"r"); if (f != NULL) { rewound = TRUE; for (;;) { p = fgets (buf,STRINGLENGTH,f); if (p == NULL) { if (rewound) break; rewind (f); rewound = TRUE; continue; } q = index (p,'\n'); if (q) *q = 0; if (index ("#;:",*p)) continue; q = nxtarg (&p," \t"); if (strcmp (q,release) != 0) continue; release = parserelease (&tl,release,p); if (tl->TLprefix == NULL) tl->TLprefix = prefix; else if (chdir (tl->TLprefix) < 0) return (FALSE); else (void) chdir (basedir); tl->TLnext = listTL; listTL = tl; if (release == NULL) break; rewound = FALSE; } (void) fclose (f); } if (release == NULL) return (TRUE); if (strcmp (release,DEFRELEASE) != 0) return (FALSE); (void) parserelease (&tl,release,""); tl->TLprefix = prefix; tl->TLnext = listTL; listTL = tl; return (TRUE); } makescanlists () { TREELIST *tl; char buf[STRINGLENGTH]; char *p,*q; FILE *f; char *saveprefix = prefix; int count = 0; (void) sprintf (buf,FILERELEASES,collname); f = fopen (buf,"r"); if (f != NULL) { while (p = fgets (buf,STRINGLENGTH,f)) { q = index (p,'\n'); if (q) *q = 0; if (index ("#;:",*p)) continue; q = nxtarg (&p," \t"); (void) parserelease (&tl,q,p); if ((prefix = tl->TLprefix) == NULL) prefix = saveprefix; if (prefix != NULL) { if (chdir (prefix) < 0) goaway ("Can't chdir to %s",prefix); (void) chdir (basedir); } makescan (tl->TLlist,tl->TLscan); free ((char *)tl); count++; } (void) fclose (f); } if (count == 0) makescan ((char *)NULL,(char *)NULL); } static scanone (t) register TREE *t; { register TREE *newt; if (newonly && (t->Tflags&FNEW) == 0) return (SCMOK); newt = Tinsert (&listT,t->Tname,FALSE); if (newt == NULL) return (SCMOK); newt->Tmode = t->Tmode; newt->Tflags = t->Tflags; newt->Tmtime = t->Tmtime; return (SCMOK); } getscanlists () { TREELIST *tl,*stl; stl = listTL; listTL = NULL; while ((tl = stl) != NULL) { prefix = tl->TLprefix; getscan (tl->TLlist,tl->TLscan); tl->TLtree = listT; stl = tl->TLnext; tl->TLnext = listTL; listTL = tl; } listT = NULL; for (tl = listTL; tl != NULL; tl = tl->TLnext) (void) Tprocess (tl->TLtree,scanone); } static makescan (listfile,scanfile) char *listfile,*scanfile; { listT = NULL; chkscanfile (scanfile); /* can we can write a scan file? */ doscan (listfile); /* read list file and scan disk */ makescanfile (scanfile); /* record names in scan file */ Tfree (&listT); /* free file list tree */ } static getscan (listfile,scanfile) char *listfile,*scanfile; { listT = NULL; if (!getscanfile(scanfile)) { /* check for pre-scanned file list */ scantime = time ((long *)NULL); doscan (listfile); /* read list file and scan disk */ } } static doscan (listfile) char *listfile; { char buf[STRINGLENGTH]; int listone (); upgT = NULL; flagsT = NULL; omitT = NULL; omanyT = NULL; execT = NULL; symT = NULL; rsymT = NULL; if (listfile == NULL) listfile = FILELISTDEF; (void) sprintf (buf,FILELIST,collname,listfile); readlistfile (buf); /* get contents of list file */ (void) Tprocess (upgT,listone); /* build list of files specified */ cdprefix ((char *)NULL); Tfree (&upgT); Tfree (&flagsT); Tfree (&omitT); Tfree (&omanyT); Tfree (&execT); Tfree (&symT); Tfree (&rsymT); } static readlistfile (fname) char *fname; { char buf[STRINGLENGTH],*p; register char *q,*r; register FILE *f; register int ltn,n,i,flags; register TREE **t; register LISTTYPE lt; char *speclist[SPECNUMBER]; f = fopen (fname,"r"); if (f == NULL) goaway ("Can't read list file %s",fname); cdprefix (prefix); while (p = fgets (buf,STRINGLENGTH,f)) { if (q = index (p,'\n')) *q = '\0'; if (index ("#;:",*p)) continue; q = nxtarg (&p," \t"); if (*q == '\0') continue; for (ltn = 0; ltname[ltn] && strcmp(q,ltname[ltn]) != 0; ltn++); if (ltname[ltn] == NULL) goaway ("Invalid list file keyword %s",q); lt = (LISTTYPE) ltn; flags = 0; switch (lt) { case LUPGRADE: t = &upgT; break; case LBACKUP: t = &flagsT; flags = FBACKUP; break; case LNOACCT: t = &flagsT; flags = FNOACCT; break; case LSYMLINK: t = &symT; break; case LRSYMLINK: t = &rsymT; break; case LOMIT: t = &omitT; break; case LOMITANY: t = &omanyT; break; case LALWAYS: t = &upgT; flags = FALWAYS; break; case LINCLUDE: while (*(q=nxtarg(&p," \t"))) { cdprefix ((char *)NULL); n = expand (q,speclist,SPECNUMBER); for (i = 0; i < n && i < SPECNUMBER; i++) { readlistfile (speclist[i]); cdprefix ((char *)NULL); free (speclist[i]); } cdprefix (prefix); } continue; case LEXECUTE: r = p = q = skipover (p," \t"); do { q = p = skipto (p," \t("); p = skipover (p," \t"); } while (*p != '(' && *p != '\0'); if (*p++ == '(') { *q = '\0'; do { q = nxtarg (&p," \t)"); if (*q == 0) _argbreak = ')'; else expTinsert (q,&execT,0,r); } while (_argbreak != ')'); continue; } /* fall through */ default: goaway ("Error in handling list file keyword %d",ltn); } while (*(q=nxtarg(&p," \t"))) { if (lt == LOMITANY) (void) Tinsert (t,q,FALSE); else expTinsert (q,t,flags,(char *)NULL); } } (void) fclose (f); } static expTinsert (p,t,flags,exec) char *p; TREE **t; int flags; char *exec; { register int n, i; register TREE *newt; char *speclist[SPECNUMBER]; char buf[STRINGLENGTH]; n = expand (p,speclist,SPECNUMBER); for (i = 0; i < n && i < SPECNUMBER; i++) { newt = Tinsert (t,speclist[i],TRUE); newt->Tflags |= flags; if (exec) { (void) sprintf (buf,exec,speclist[i]); (void) Tinsert (&newt->Texec,buf,FALSE); } free (speclist[i]); } } static listone (t) /* expand and add one name from upgrade list */ TREE *t; { listentry(t->Tname,t->Tname,(char *)NULL,(t->Tflags&FALWAYS) != 0); return (SCMOK); } static listentry(name,fullname,updir,always) register char *name, *fullname, *updir; int always; { struct stat statbuf; int link = 0; int omitanyone (); if (Tlookup (refuseT,fullname)) return; if (!always) { if (Tsearch (omitT,fullname)) return; if (Tprocess (omanyT,omitanyone,fullname) != SCMOK) return; } if (lstat(name,&statbuf) < 0) return; if ((statbuf.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) { if (Tsearch (symT,fullname)) { listname (fullname,&statbuf); return; } if (Tlookup (rsymT,fullname)) { listname (fullname,&statbuf); return; } if (updir) link++; if (stat(name,&statbuf) < 0) return; } if ((statbuf.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { if (access(name,R_OK|X_OK) < 0) return; if (chdir(name) < 0) return; listname (fullname,&statbuf); if (trace) { printf ("Scanning directory %s\n",fullname); (void) fflush (stdout); } listdir (fullname,always); if (updir == 0 || link) { (void) chdir (basedir); if (prefix) (void) chdir (prefix); if (updir && *updir) (void) chdir (updir); } else (void) chdir (".."); return; } if (access(name,R_OK) < 0) return; listname (fullname,&statbuf); } static listname (name,st) register char *name; register struct stat *st; { register TREE *t,*ts; register int new; register TREELIST *tl; new = st->st_ctime > lasttime; if (newonly && !new) { for (tl = listTL; tl != NULL; tl = tl->TLnext) if (ts = Tsearch (tl->TLtree,name)) ts->Tflags &= ~FNEW; return; } t = Tinsert (&listT,name,FALSE); if (t == NULL) return; t->Tmode = st->st_mode; t->Tctime = st->st_ctime; t->Tmtime = st->st_mtime; if (new) t->Tflags |= FNEW; if (ts = Tsearch (flagsT,name)) t->Tflags |= ts->Tflags; if (ts = Tsearch (execT,name)) { t->Texec = ts->Texec; ts->Texec = NULL; } } static listdir (name,always) /* expand directory */ char *name; int always; { struct direct *dentry; register DIR *dirp; char ename[STRINGLENGTH],newname[STRINGLENGTH],filename[STRINGLENGTH]; register char *p,*newp; register int i; dirp = opendir ("."); if (dirp == 0) return; /* unreadable: probably protected */ p = name; /* punt leading ./ and trailing / */ newp = newname; if (p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '/') { p += 2; while (*p == '/') p++; } while (*newp++ = *p++) ; /* copy string */ --newp; /* trailing null */ while (newp > newname && newp[-1] == '/') --newp; /* trailing / */ *newp = 0; if (strcmp (newname,".") == 0) newname[0] = 0; /* "." ==> "" */ while (dentry=readdir(dirp)) { if (dentry->d_ino == 0) continue; if (strcmp(dentry->d_name,".") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(dentry->d_name,"..") == 0) continue; for (i=0; i<=MAXNAMLEN && dentry->d_name[i]; i++) ename[i] = dentry->d_name[i]; ename[i] = 0; if (*newname) (void) sprintf (filename,"%s/%s",newname,ename); else (void) strcpy (filename,ename); listentry(ename,filename,newname,always); } closedir (dirp); } static omitanyone (t,filename) TREE *t; char **filename; { if (anyglob (t->Tname,*filename)) return (SCMERR); return (SCMOK); } static anyglob (pattern,match) char *pattern,*match; { register char *p,*m; register char *pb,*pe; p = pattern; m = match; while (*m && *p == *m ) { p++; m++; } if (*p == '\0' && *m == '\0') return (TRUE); switch (*p++) { case '*': for (;;) { if (*p == '\0') return (TRUE); if (*m == '\0') return (*p == '\0'); if (anyglob (p,++m)) return (TRUE); } case '?': return (anyglob (p,++m)); case '[': pb = p; while (*(++p) != ']') if (*p == '\0') return (FALSE); pe = p; for (p = pb + 1; p != pe; p++) { switch (*p) { case '-': if (p == pb && *m == '-') { p = pe + 1; return (anyglob (p,++m)); } if (p == pb) continue; if ((p + 1) == pe) return (FALSE); if (*m > *(p - 1) && *m <= *(p + 1)) { p = pe + 1; return (anyglob (p,++m)); } continue; default: if (*m == *p) { p = pe + 1; return (anyglob (p,++m)); } } } return (FALSE); default: return (FALSE); } } /***************************************** *** R E A D S C A N F I L E *** *****************************************/ static int getscanfile (scanfile) char *scanfile; { char buf[STRINGLENGTH]; struct stat sbuf; register FILE *f; TREE ts; register char *p,*q; register TREE *tmp, *t = NULL; register notwanted; register TREELIST *tl; if (scanfile == NULL) scanfile = FILESCANDEF; (void) sprintf (buf,FILESCAN,collname,scanfile); if (stat(buf,&sbuf) < 0) return (FALSE); if ((f = fopen (buf,"r")) == NULL) return (FALSE); if ((p = fgets (buf,STRINGLENGTH,f)) == NULL) { (void) fclose (f); return (FALSE); } if (q = index (p,'\n')) *q = '\0'; if (*p++ != 'V') { (void) fclose (f); return (FALSE); } if (atoi (p) != SCANVERSION) { (void) fclose (f); return (FALSE); } scantime = sbuf.st_mtime; /* upgrade time is time of supscan, * i.e. time of creation of scanfile */ if (newonly && scantime == lasttime) { (void) fclose (f); return (TRUE); } notwanted = FALSE; while (p = fgets (buf,STRINGLENGTH,f)) { q = index (p,'\n'); if (q) *q = 0; ts.Tflags = 0; if (*p == 'X') { if (notwanted) continue; if (t == NULL) goaway ("scanfile format inconsistant"); (void) Tinsert (&t->Texec,++p,FALSE); continue; } notwanted = FALSE; if (*p == 'B') { p++; ts.Tflags |= FBACKUP; } if (*p == 'N') { p++; ts.Tflags |= FNOACCT; } if ((q = index (p,' ')) == NULL) goaway ("scanfile format inconsistant"); *q++ = '\0'; ts.Tmode = atoo (p); p = q; if ((q = index (p,' ')) == NULL) goaway ("scanfile format inconsistant"); *q++ = '\0'; ts.Tctime = atoi (p); p = q; if ((q = index (p,' ')) == NULL) goaway ("scanfile format inconsistant"); *q++ = 0; ts.Tmtime = atoi (p); if (ts.Tctime > lasttime) ts.Tflags |= FNEW; else if (newonly) { for (tl = listTL; tl != NULL; tl = tl->TLnext) if (tmp = Tsearch (tl->TLtree,q)) tmp->Tflags &= ~FNEW; notwanted = TRUE; continue; } if (Tlookup (refuseT,q)) { notwanted = TRUE; continue; } t = Tinsert (&listT,q,TRUE); t->Tmode = ts.Tmode; t->Tflags = ts.Tflags; t->Tctime = ts.Tctime; t->Tmtime = ts.Tmtime; } (void) fclose (f); return (TRUE); } /******************************************* *** W R I T E S C A N F I L E *** *******************************************/ static chkscanfile (scanfile) char *scanfile; { char tname[STRINGLENGTH], fname[STRINGLENGTH]; FILE *f; if (scanfile == NULL) scanfile = FILESCANDEF; (void) sprintf (fname,FILESCAN,collname,scanfile); (void) sprintf (tname,"%s.temp",fname); if (NULL == (f = fopen (tname, "w"))) goaway ("Can't test scan file temp %s for %s",tname,collname); else { (void) unlink (tname); (void) fclose (f); } } static makescanfile (scanfile) char *scanfile; { char tname[STRINGLENGTH],fname[STRINGLENGTH]; struct timeval tbuf[2]; FILE *scanF; /* output file for scanned file list */ int recordone (); if (scanfile == NULL) scanfile = FILESCANDEF; (void) sprintf (fname,FILESCAN,collname,scanfile); (void) sprintf (tname,"%s.temp",fname); scanF = fopen (tname,"w"); if (scanF == NULL) goaway ("Can't write scan file temp %s for %s",tname,collname); fprintf (scanF,"V%d\n",SCANVERSION); (void) Tprocess (listT,recordone,scanF); (void) fclose (scanF); if (rename (tname,fname) < 0) goaway ("Can't change %s to %s",tname,fname); (void) unlink (tname); tbuf[0].tv_sec = time((long *)NULL); tbuf[0].tv_usec = 0; tbuf[1].tv_sec = scantime; tbuf[1].tv_usec = 0; (void) utimes (fname,tbuf); } static recordone (t,scanF) TREE *t; FILE **scanF; { int recordexec (); if (t->Tflags&FBACKUP) fprintf (*scanF,"B"); if (t->Tflags&FNOACCT) fprintf (*scanF,"N"); fprintf (*scanF,"%o %d %d %s\n", t->Tmode,t->Tctime,t->Tmtime,t->Tname); (void) Tprocess (t->Texec,recordexec,*scanF); return (SCMOK); } static recordexec (t,scanF) TREE *t; FILE **scanF; { fprintf(*scanF,"X%s\n",t->Tname); return (SCMOK); } cdprefix (prefix) char *prefix; { static char *curprefix = NULL; if (curprefix == NULL) { if (prefix == NULL) return; (void) chdir (prefix); curprefix = prefix; return; } if (prefix == NULL) { (void) chdir (basedir); curprefix = NULL; return; } if (prefix == curprefix) return; if (strcmp (prefix, curprefix) == 0) { curprefix = prefix; return; } (void) chdir (basedir); (void) chdir (prefix); curprefix = prefix; }