.\" @(#)rpc_clnt_calls.3n 1.30 93/08/31 SMI; from SVr4 .\" Copyright 1989 AT&T .\" @(#)rpc_clnt_calls 1.4 89/07/20 SMI; .\" Copyright (c) 1988 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. .\" $NetBSD: rpc_clnt_calls.3,v 1.1 2000/06/02 23:11:12 fvdl Exp $ .Dd May 7, 1993 .Dt RPC_CLNT_CALLS 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm rpc_clnt_calls, .Nm clnt_call, .Nm clnt_freeres, .Nm clnt_geterr, .Nm clnt_perrno, .Nm clnt_perror, .Nm clnt_sperrno, .Nm clnt_sperror, .Nm rpc_broadcast, .Nm rpc_broadcast_exp, .Nm rpc_call .Nd library routines for client side calls .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libc .Sh SYNOPSIS .Fd #include .Ft "enum clnt_stat" .Fn clnt_call "CLIENT *clnt" "const rpcproc_t procnum" "const xdrproc_t inproc" "const caddr_t in" "const xdrproc_t outproc" "caddr_t out" "const struct timeval tout" .Ft bool_t .Fn clnt_freeres "CLIENT *clnt" "const xdrproc_t outproc" "caddr_t out" .Ft void .Fn clnt_geterr "const CLIENT * clnt" "struct rpc_err * errp" .Ft void .Fn clnt_perrno "const enum clnt_stat stat" .Ft void .Fn clnt_perror "const CLIENT * clnt" "const char *s" .Ft "char *" .Fn clnt_sperrno "const enum clnt_stat stat" .Ft "char *" .Fn clnt_sperror "const CLIENT *clnt" "const char * s" .\" Note the clustered Fn arguments. It can't take more than 9. XXX .Ft "enum clnt_stat" .Fn rpc_broadcast "const rpcprog_t prognum, const rpcvers_t versnum" "const rpcproc_t procnum" "const xdrproc_t inproc" "const caddr_t in" "const xdrproc_t outproc" "caddr_t out" "const resultproc_t eachresult" "const char *nettype" .Ft "enum clnt_stat" .Fn rpc_broadcast_exp "rpcprog_t prognum, const rpcvers_t versnum" "const rpcproc_t procnum, const xdrproc_t xargs" "caddr_t argsp, const xdrproc_t xresults" "caddr_t resultsp" "const int inittime" "const int waittime" "const resultproc_t eachresult" "const char * nettype" .Ft "enum clnt_stat" .Fn rpc_call "const char *host, const rpcprog_t prognum" "const rpcvers_t versnum" "const rpcproc_t procnum, const xdrproc_t inproc" "const char *in" "const xdrproc_t outproc" "char *out" "const char *nettype" .Sh DESCRIPTION RPC library routines allow C language programs to make procedure calls on other machines across the network. First, the client calls a procedure to send a request to the server. Upon receipt of the request, the server calls a dispatch routine to perform the requested service, and then sends back a reply. .Pp The .Fn clnt_call , .Fn rpc_call , and .Fn rpc_broadcast routines handle the client side of the procedure call. The remaining routines deal with error handling in the case of errors. .Pp Some of the routines take a .Dv CLIENT handle as one of the parameters. A .Dv CLIENT handle can be created by an RPC creation routine such as .Fn clnt_create (see .Xr rpc_clnt_create 3 ). .Pp These routines are safe for use in multithreaded applications. .Dv CLIENT handles can be shared between threads, however in this implementation requests by different threads are serialized (that is, the first request will receive its results before the second request is sent). .Sh Routines See .Xr rpc 3 for the definition of the .Dv CLIENT data structure. .Pp .Bl -tag -width XXXXX .It Fn clnt_call A function macro that calls the remote procedure .Fa procnum associated with the client handle, .Fa clnt , which is obtained with an RPC client creation routine such as .Fn clnt_create (see .Xr rpc_clnt_create 3 ). The parameter .Fn inproc is the XDR function used to encode the procedure's parameters, and .Fn outproc is the XDR function used to decode the procedure's results; .Fn in is the address of the procedure's argument(s), and .Fn out is the address of where to place the result(s). .Fn tout is the time allowed for results to be returned, which is overridden by a time-out set explicitly through .Fn clnt_control , see .Xr rpc_clnt_create 3 . If the remote call succeeds, the status returned is .Dv RPC_SUCCESS , otherwise an appropriate status is returned. .Pp .It Fn clnt_freeres A function macro that frees any data allocated by the RPC/XDR system when it decoded the results of an RPC call. The parameter .Fa out is the address of the results, and .Fa outproc is the XDR routine describing the results. This routine returns 1 if the results were successfully freed, and 0 otherwise. .Pp .It Fn clnt_geterr A function macro that copies the error structure out of the client handle to the structure at address .Fa errp . .Pp .It Fn clnt_perrno Print a message to standard error corresponding to the condition indicated by .Fa stat . A newline is appended. Normally used after a procedure call fails for a routine for which a client handle is not needed, for instance .Fn rpc_call . .Pp .It Fn clnt_perror Print a message to the standard error indicating why an RPC call failed; .Fa clnt is the handle used to do the call. The message is prepended with string .Fa s and a colon. A newline is appended. Normally used after a remote procedure call fails for a routine which requires a client handle, for instance .Fn clnt_call . .Pp .It Fn clnt_sperrno Take the same arguments as .Fn clnt_perrno , but instead of sending a message to the standard error indicating why an RPC call failed, return a pointer to a string which contains the message. .Fn clnt_sperrno is normally used instead of .Fn clnt_perrno when the program does not have a standard error (as a program running as a server quite likely does not), or if the programmer does not want the message to be output with .Fn printf (see .Xr printf 3 ), or if a message format different than that supported by .Fn clnt_perrno is to be used. Note: unlike .Fn clnt_sperror and .Fn clnt_spcreaterror (see .Xr rpc_clnt_create 3 ), .Fn clnt_sperrno does not return pointer to static data so the result will not get overwritten on each call. .Pp .It Fn clnt_sperror Like .Fn clnt_perror , except that (like .Fn clnt_sperrno ) it returns a string instead of printing to standard error. However, .Fn clnt_sperror does not append a newline at the end of the message. Warning: returns pointer to a buffer that is overwritten on each call. .Pp .It Fn rpc_broadcast Like .Fn rpc_call , except the call message is broadcast to all the connectionless transports specified by .Fa nettype . If .Fa nettype is .Dv NULL , it defaults to ``netpath'' . Each time it receives a response, this routine calls .Fn eachresult , whose form is: .Ft bool_t .Fn eachresult "caddr_t out" "const struct netbuf * addr" "const struct netconfig * netconf" where .Fa out is the same as .Fa out passed to .Fn rpc_broadcast , except that the remote procedure's output is decoded there; .Fa addr points to the address of the machine that sent the results, and .Fa netconf is the netconfig structure of the transport on which the remote server responded. If .Fn eachresult returns 0, .Fn rpc_broadcast waits for more replies; otherwise it returns with appropriate status. Warning: broadcast file descriptors are limited in size to the maximum transfer size of that transport. For Ethernet, this value is 1500 bytes. .Fn rpc_broadcast uses .Dv AUTH_SYS credentials by default (see .Xr rpc_clnt_auth 3 ). .Pp .It Fn rpc_broadcast_exp Like .Fn rpc_broadcast , except that the initial timeout, .Fa inittime and the maximum timeout, .Fa waittime are specified in milliseconds. .Fa inittime is the initial time that .Fn rpc_broadcast_exp waits before resending the request. After the first resend, the re-transmission interval increases exponentially until it exceeds .Fa waittime . .Pp .It Fn rpc_call Call the remote procedure associated with .Fa prognum , .Fa versnum , and .Fa procnum on the machine, .Fa host . The parameter .Fa inproc is used to encode the procedure's parameters, and .Fa outproc is used to decode the procedure's results; .Fa in is the address of the procedure's argument(s), and .Fa out is the address of where to place the result(s). .Fa nettype can be any of the values listed on .Xr rpc 3 . This routine returns .Dv RPC_SUCCESS if it succeeds, or an appropriate status is returned. Use the .Fn clnt_perrno routine to translate failure status into error messages. Warning: .Fn rpc_call uses the first available transport belonging to the class .Fa nettype , on which it can create a connection. You do not have control of timeouts or authentication using this routine. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr printf 3 , .Xr rpc 3 , .Xr rpc_clnt_auth 3 , .Xr rpc_clnt_create 3