/* $NetBSD: touch.c,v 1.5 1997/05/17 19:40:47 pk Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)touch.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93"; #endif static char rcsid[] = "$NetBSD: touch.c,v 1.5 1997/05/17 19:40:47 pk Exp $"; #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "error.h" #include "pathnames.h" /* * Iterate through errors */ #define EITERATE(p, fv, i) for (p = fv[i]; p < fv[i+1]; p++) #define ECITERATE(ei, p, lb) for (ei = lb; p = errors[ei],ei < nerrors; ei++) #define FILEITERATE(fi, lb) for (fi = lb; fi <= nfiles; fi++) int touchstatus = Q_YES; findfiles(nerrors, errors, r_nfiles, r_files) int nerrors; Eptr *errors; int *r_nfiles; Eptr ***r_files; { int nfiles; Eptr **files; char *name; reg int ei; int fi; reg Eptr errorp; nfiles = countfiles(errors); files = (Eptr**)Calloc(nfiles + 3, sizeof (Eptr*)); touchedfiles = (boolean *)Calloc(nfiles+3, sizeof(boolean)); /* * Now, partition off the error messages * into those that are synchronization, discarded or * not specific to any file, and those that were * nulled or true errors. */ files[0] = &errors[0]; ECITERATE(ei, errorp, 0){ if ( ! (NOTSORTABLE(errorp->error_e_class))) break; } /* * Now, and partition off all error messages * for a given file. */ files[1] = &errors[ei]; touchedfiles[0] = touchedfiles[1] = FALSE; name = "\1"; fi = 1; ECITERATE(ei, errorp, ei){ if ( (errorp->error_e_class == C_NULLED) || (errorp->error_e_class == C_TRUE) ){ if (strcmp(errorp->error_text[0], name) != 0){ name = errorp->error_text[0]; touchedfiles[fi] = FALSE; files[fi] = &errors[ei]; fi++; } } } files[fi] = &errors[nerrors]; *r_nfiles = nfiles; *r_files = files; } int countfiles(errors) Eptr *errors; { char *name; int ei; reg Eptr errorp; int nfiles; nfiles = 0; name = "\1"; ECITERATE(ei, errorp, 0){ if (SORTABLE(errorp->error_e_class)){ if (strcmp(errorp->error_text[0],name) != 0){ nfiles++; name = errorp->error_text[0]; } } } return(nfiles); } char *class_table[] = { /*C_UNKNOWN 0 */ "Unknown", /*C_IGNORE 1 */ "ignore", /*C_SYNC 2 */ "synchronization", /*C_DISCARD 3 */ "discarded", /*C_NONSPEC 4 */ "non specific", /*C_THISFILE 5 */ "specific to this file", /*C_NULLED 6 */ "nulled", /*C_TRUE 7 */ "true", /*C_DUPL 8 */ "duplicated" }; int class_count[C_LAST - C_FIRST] = {0}; filenames(nfiles, files) int nfiles; Eptr **files; { reg int fi; char *sep = " "; extern char *class_table[]; int someerrors; /* * first, simply dump out errors that * don't pertain to any file */ someerrors = nopertain(files); if (nfiles){ someerrors++; fprintf(stdout, terse ? "%d file%s" : "%d file%s contain%s errors", nfiles, plural(nfiles), verbform(nfiles)); if (!terse){ FILEITERATE(fi, 1){ fprintf(stdout, "%s\"%s\" (%d)", sep, (*files[fi])->error_text[0], files[fi+1] - files[fi]); sep = ", "; } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } if (!someerrors) fprintf(stdout, "No errors.\n"); } /* * Dump out errors that don't pertain to any file */ int nopertain(files) Eptr **files; { int type; int someerrors = 0; reg Eptr *erpp; reg Eptr errorp; if (files[1] - files[0] <= 0) return(0); for(type = C_UNKNOWN; NOTSORTABLE(type); type++){ if (class_count[type] <= 0) continue; if (type > C_SYNC) someerrors++; if (terse){ fprintf(stdout, "\t%d %s errors NOT PRINTED\n", class_count[type], class_table[type]); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\n\t%d %s errors follow\n", class_count[type], class_table[type]); EITERATE(erpp, files, 0){ errorp = *erpp; if (errorp->error_e_class == type){ errorprint(stdout, errorp, TRUE); } } } } return(someerrors); } extern boolean notouch; boolean touchfiles(nfiles, files, r_edargc, r_edargv) int nfiles; Eptr **files; int *r_edargc; char ***r_edargv; { char *name; reg Eptr errorp; reg int fi; reg Eptr *erpp; int ntrueerrors; boolean scribbled; int n_pissed_on; /* # of file touched*/ int spread; FILEITERATE(fi, 1){ name = (*files[fi])->error_text[0]; spread = files[fi+1] - files[fi]; fprintf(stdout, terse ? "\"%s\" has %d error%s, " : "\nFile \"%s\" has %d error%s.\n" , name ,spread ,plural(spread)); /* * First, iterate through all error messages in this file * to see how many of the error messages really will * get inserted into the file. */ ntrueerrors = 0; EITERATE(erpp, files, fi){ errorp = *erpp; if (errorp->error_e_class == C_TRUE) ntrueerrors++; } fprintf(stdout, terse ? "insert %d\n" : "\t%d of these errors can be inserted into the file.\n", ntrueerrors); hackfile(name, files, fi, ntrueerrors); } scribbled = FALSE; n_pissed_on = 0; FILEITERATE(fi, 1){ scribbled |= touchedfiles[fi]; n_pissed_on++; } if (scribbled){ /* * Construct an execv argument */ execvarg(n_pissed_on, r_edargc, r_edargv); return(TRUE); } else { if (!terse) fprintf(stdout, "You didn't touch any files.\n"); return(FALSE); } } hackfile(name, files, ix, nerrors) char *name; Eptr **files; int ix; { boolean previewed; int errordest; /* where errors go*/ if (!oktotouch(name)) { previewed = FALSE; errordest = TOSTDOUT; } else { previewed = preview(name, nerrors, files, ix); errordest = settotouch(name); } if (errordest != TOSTDOUT) touchedfiles[ix] = TRUE; if (previewed && (errordest == TOSTDOUT)) return; diverterrors(name, errordest, files, ix, previewed, nerrors); if (errordest == TOTHEFILE){ /* * overwrite the original file */ writetouched(1); } } boolean preview(name, nerrors, files, ix) char *name; int nerrors; Eptr **files; int ix; { int back; reg Eptr *erpp; if (nerrors <= 0) return(FALSE); back = FALSE; if(query){ switch(inquire(terse ? "Preview? " : "Do you want to preview the errors first? ")){ case Q_YES: case Q_yes: back = TRUE; EITERATE(erpp, files, ix){ errorprint(stdout, *erpp, TRUE); } if (!terse) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); default: break; } } return(back); } int settotouch(name) char *name; { int dest = TOSTDOUT; if (query){ switch(touchstatus = inquire(terse ? "Touch? " : "Do you want to touch file \"%s\"? ", name)){ case Q_NO: case Q_no: return(dest); default: break; } } switch(probethisfile(name)){ case F_NOTREAD: dest = TOSTDOUT; fprintf(stdout, terse ? "\"%s\" unreadable\n" : "File \"%s\" is unreadable\n", name); break; case F_NOTWRITE: dest = TOSTDOUT; fprintf(stdout, terse ? "\"%s\" unwritable\n" : "File \"%s\" is unwritable\n", name); break; case F_NOTEXIST: dest = TOSTDOUT; fprintf(stdout, terse ? "\"%s\" not found\n" : "Can't find file \"%s\" to insert error messages into.\n", name); break; default: dest = edit(name) ? TOSTDOUT : TOTHEFILE; break; } return(dest); } diverterrors(name, dest, files, ix, previewed, nterrors) char *name; int dest; Eptr **files; int ix; boolean previewed; int nterrors; { int nerrors; reg Eptr *erpp; reg Eptr errorp; nerrors = files[ix+1] - files[ix]; if ( (nerrors != nterrors) && (!previewed) ){ fprintf(stdout, terse ? "Uninserted errors\n" : ">>Uninserted errors for file \"%s\" follow.\n", name); } EITERATE(erpp, files, ix){ errorp = *erpp; if (errorp->error_e_class != C_TRUE){ if (previewed || touchstatus == Q_NO) continue; errorprint(stdout, errorp, TRUE); continue; } switch (dest){ case TOSTDOUT: if (previewed || touchstatus == Q_NO) continue; errorprint(stdout,errorp, TRUE); break; case TOTHEFILE: insert(errorp->error_line); text(errorp, FALSE); break; } } } int oktotouch(filename) char *filename; { extern char *suffixlist; reg char *src; reg char *pat; char *osrc; pat = suffixlist; if (pat == 0) return(0); if (*pat == '*') return(1); while (*pat++ != '.') continue; --pat; /* point to the period */ for (src = &filename[strlen(filename)], --src; (src > filename) && (*src != '.'); --src) continue; if (*src != '.') return(0); for (src++, pat++, osrc = src; *src && *pat; src = osrc, pat++){ for (; *src /* not at end of the source */ && *pat /* not off end of pattern */ && *pat != '.' /* not off end of sub pattern */ && *pat != '*' /* not wild card */ && *src == *pat; /* and equal... */ src++, pat++) continue; if (*src == 0 && (*pat == 0 || *pat == '.' || *pat == '*')) return(1); if (*src != 0 && *pat == '*') return(1); while (*pat && *pat != '.') pat++; if (! *pat) return(0); } return(0); } /* * Construct an execv argument * We need 1 argument for the editor's name * We need 1 argument for the initial search string * We need n_pissed_on arguments for the file names * We need 1 argument that is a null for execv. * The caller fills in the editor's name. * We fill in the initial search string. * We fill in the arguments, and the null. */ execvarg(n_pissed_on, r_argc, r_argv) int n_pissed_on; int *r_argc; char ***r_argv; { Eptr p; char *sep; int fi; (*r_argv) = (char **)Calloc(n_pissed_on + 3, sizeof(char *)); (*r_argc) = n_pissed_on + 2; (*r_argv)[1] = "+1;/###/"; n_pissed_on = 2; if (!terse){ fprintf(stdout, "You touched file(s):"); sep = " "; } FILEITERATE(fi, 1){ if (!touchedfiles[fi]) continue; p = *(files[fi]); if (!terse){ fprintf(stdout,"%s\"%s\"", sep, p->error_text[0]); sep = ", "; } (*r_argv)[n_pissed_on++] = p->error_text[0]; } if (!terse) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (*r_argv)[n_pissed_on] = 0; } FILE *o_touchedfile; /* the old file */ FILE *n_touchedfile; /* the new file */ char *o_name; char n_name[64]; char *canon_name = _PATH_TMP; int o_lineno; int n_lineno; boolean tempfileopen = FALSE; /* * open the file; guaranteed to be both readable and writable * Well, if it isn't, then return TRUE if something failed */ boolean edit(name) char *name; { int fd; o_name = name; if ( (o_touchedfile = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open file \"%s\" to touch (read).\n", processname, name); return(TRUE); } (void)strcpy(n_name, canon_name); fd = -1; if ((fd = mkstemp(n_name)) == -1 || (n_touchedfile = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) { if (fd != -1) close(fd); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't open file \"%s\" to touch (write).\n", processname, name); return(TRUE); } tempfileopen = TRUE; n_lineno = 0; o_lineno = 0; return(FALSE); } /* * Position to the line (before, after) the line given by place */ char edbuf[BUFSIZ]; insert(place) int place; { --place; /* always insert messages before the offending line*/ for(; o_lineno < place; o_lineno++, n_lineno++){ if(fgets(edbuf, BUFSIZ, o_touchedfile) == NULL) return; fputs(edbuf, n_touchedfile); } } text(p, use_all) reg Eptr p; boolean use_all; { int offset = use_all ? 0 : 2; fputs(lang_table[p->error_language].lang_incomment, n_touchedfile); fprintf(n_touchedfile, "%d [%s] ", p->error_line, lang_table[p->error_language].lang_name); wordvprint(n_touchedfile, p->error_lgtext-offset, p->error_text+offset); fputs(lang_table[p->error_language].lang_outcomment,n_touchedfile); n_lineno++; } /* * write the touched file to its temporary copy, * then bring the temporary in over the local file */ writetouched(overwrite) int overwrite; { reg int nread; reg FILE *localfile; reg FILE *tmpfile; int botch; int oktorm; botch = 0; oktorm = 1; while ((nread = fread(edbuf, 1, sizeof(edbuf), o_touchedfile)) != 0) { if (nread != fwrite(edbuf, 1, nread, n_touchedfile)){ /* * Catastrophe in temporary area: file system full? */ botch = 1; fprintf(stderr, "%s: write failure: No errors inserted in \"%s\"\n", processname, o_name); } } fclose(n_touchedfile); fclose(o_touchedfile); /* * Now, copy the temp file back over the original * file, thus preserving links, etc */ if (botch == 0 && overwrite){ botch = 0; localfile = NULL; tmpfile = NULL; if ((localfile = fopen(o_name, "w")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open file \"%s\" to overwrite.\n", processname, o_name); botch++; } if ((tmpfile = fopen(n_name, "r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open file \"%s\" to read.\n", processname, n_name); botch++; } if (!botch) oktorm = mustoverwrite(localfile, tmpfile); if (localfile != NULL) fclose(localfile); if (tmpfile != NULL) fclose(tmpfile); } if (oktorm == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Catastrophe: A copy of \"%s\": was saved in \"%s\"\n", processname, o_name, n_name); exit(1); } /* * Kiss the temp file good bye */ unlink(n_name); tempfileopen = FALSE; return(TRUE); } /* * return 1 if the tmpfile can be removed after writing it out */ int mustoverwrite(preciousfile, tmpfile) FILE *preciousfile; FILE *tmpfile; { int nread; while ((nread = fread(edbuf, 1, sizeof(edbuf), tmpfile)) != 0) { if (mustwrite(edbuf, nread, preciousfile) == 0) return(0); } return(1); } /* * return 0 on catastrophe */ mustwrite(base, n, preciousfile) char *base; int n; FILE *preciousfile; { int nwrote; if (n <= 0) return(1); nwrote = fwrite(base, 1, n, preciousfile); if (nwrote == n) return(1); perror(processname); switch(inquire(terse ? "Botch overwriting: retry? " : "Botch overwriting the source file: retry? ")){ case Q_YES: case Q_yes: mustwrite(base + nwrote, n - nwrote, preciousfile); return(1); case Q_NO: case Q_no: switch(inquire("Are you sure? ")){ case Q_YES: case Q_yes: return(0); case Q_NO: case Q_no: mustwrite(base + nwrote, n - nwrote, preciousfile); return(1); } default: return(0); } } void onintr() { switch(inquire(terse ? "\nContinue? " : "\nInterrupt: Do you want to continue? ")){ case Q_YES: case Q_yes: signal(SIGINT, onintr); return; default: if (tempfileopen){ /* * Don't overwrite the original file! */ writetouched(0); } exit(1); } /*NOTREACHED*/ } errorprint(place, errorp, print_all) FILE *place; Eptr errorp; boolean print_all; { int offset = print_all ? 0 : 2; if (errorp->error_e_class == C_IGNORE) return; fprintf(place, "[%s] ", lang_table[errorp->error_language].lang_name); wordvprint(place,errorp->error_lgtext-offset,errorp->error_text+offset); putc('\n', place); } int inquire(fmt, a1, a2) char *fmt; /*VARARGS1*/ { char buffer[128]; if (queryfile == NULL) return(0); for(;;){ do{ fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, fmt, a1, a2); fflush(stderr); } while (fgets(buffer, 127, queryfile) == NULL); switch(buffer[0]){ case 'Y': return(Q_YES); case 'y': return(Q_yes); case 'N': return(Q_NO); case 'n': return(Q_no); default: fprintf(stderr, "Yes or No only!\n"); } } } int probethisfile(name) char *name; { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(name, &statbuf) < 0) return(F_NOTEXIST); if((statbuf.st_mode & S_IREAD) == 0) return(F_NOTREAD); if((statbuf.st_mode & S_IWRITE) == 0) return(F_NOTWRITE); return(F_TOUCHIT); }