/* @(#)rpc_svcout.c 2.1 88/08/01 4.0 RPCSRC */ /* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ #ifndef lint /*static char sccsid[] = "from: @(#)rpc_svcout.c 1.6 87/06/24 (C) 1987 SMI";*/ static char rcsid[] = "$Id: rpc_svcout.c,v 1.3 1993/08/01 18:09:17 mycroft Exp $"; #endif /* * rpc_svcout.c, Server-skeleton outputter for the RPC protocol compiler * Copyright (C) 1987, Sun Microsytsems, Inc. */ #include #include #include "rpc_parse.h" #include "rpc_util.h" static char RQSTP[] = "rqstp"; static char TRANSP[] = "transp"; static char ARG[] = "argument"; static char RESULT[] = "result"; static char ROUTINE[] = "local"; static int write_program(), printerr(), printif(); /* * write most of the service, that is, everything but the registrations. */ void write_most() { list *l; definition *def; version_list *vp; for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM) { for (vp = def->def.pr.versions; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "\nstatic void "); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "();"); } } } f_print(fout, "\n\n"); f_print(fout, "main()\n"); f_print(fout, "{\n"); f_print(fout, "\tSVCXPRT *%s;\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\n"); for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM) { continue; } for (vp = def->def.pr.versions; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "\t(void)pmap_unset(%s, %s);\n", def->def_name, vp->vers_name); } } } /* * write a registration for the given transport */ void write_register(transp) char *transp; { list *l; definition *def; version_list *vp; f_print(fout, "\n"); f_print(fout, "\t%s = svc%s_create(RPC_ANYSOCK", TRANSP, transp); if (streq(transp, "tcp")) { f_print(fout, ", 0, 0"); } f_print(fout, ");\n"); f_print(fout, "\tif (%s == NULL) {\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void)fprintf(stderr, \"cannot create %s service.\\n\");\n", transp); f_print(fout, "\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM) { continue; } for (vp = def->def.pr.versions; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "\tif (!svc_register(%s, %s, %s, ", TRANSP, def->def_name, vp->vers_name); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, ", IPPROTO_%s)) {\n", streq(transp, "udp") ? "UDP" : "TCP"); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void)fprintf(stderr, \"unable to register (%s, %s, %s).\\n\");\n", def->def_name, vp->vers_name, transp); f_print(fout, "\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } } } /* * write the rest of the service */ void write_rest() { f_print(fout, "\tsvc_run();\n"); f_print(fout, "\t(void)fprintf(stderr, \"svc_run returned\\n\");\n"); f_print(fout, "\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } void write_programs(storage) char *storage; { list *l; definition *def; for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM) { write_program(def, storage); } } } static write_program(def, storage) definition *def; char *storage; { version_list *vp; proc_list *proc; int filled; for (vp = def->def.pr.versions; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "\n"); if (storage != NULL) { f_print(fout, "%s ", storage); } f_print(fout, "void\n"); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "(%s, %s)\n", RQSTP, TRANSP); f_print(fout, " struct svc_req *%s;\n", RQSTP); f_print(fout, " SVCXPRT *%s;\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "{\n"); filled = 0; f_print(fout, "\tunion {\n"); for (proc = vp->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { if (streq(proc->arg_type, "void")) { continue; } filled = 1; f_print(fout, "\t\t"); ptype(proc->arg_prefix, proc->arg_type, 0); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "_arg;\n"); } if (!filled) { f_print(fout, "\t\tint fill;\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t} %s;\n", ARG); f_print(fout, "\tchar *%s;\n", RESULT); f_print(fout, "\tbool_t (*xdr_%s)(), (*xdr_%s)();\n", ARG, RESULT); f_print(fout, "\tchar *(*%s)();\n", ROUTINE); f_print(fout, "\n"); f_print(fout, "\tswitch (%s->rq_proc) {\n", RQSTP); if (!nullproc(vp->procs)) { f_print(fout, "\tcase NULLPROC:\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void)svc_sendreply(%s, xdr_void, (char *)NULL);\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\t\treturn;\n\n"); } for (proc = vp->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { f_print(fout, "\tcase %s:\n", proc->proc_name); f_print(fout, "\t\txdr_%s = xdr_%s;\n", ARG, stringfix(proc->arg_type)); f_print(fout, "\t\txdr_%s = xdr_%s;\n", RESULT, stringfix(proc->res_type)); f_print(fout, "\t\t%s = (char *(*)()) ", ROUTINE); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, ";\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tbreak;\n\n"); } f_print(fout, "\tdefault:\n"); printerr("noproc", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\t\treturn;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "\tbzero((char *)&%s, sizeof(%s));\n", ARG, ARG); printif("getargs", TRANSP, "&", ARG); printerr("decode", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\t\treturn;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "\t%s = (*%s)(&%s, %s);\n", RESULT, ROUTINE, ARG, RQSTP); f_print(fout, "\tif (%s != NULL && !svc_sendreply(%s, xdr_%s, %s)) {\n", RESULT, TRANSP, RESULT, RESULT); printerr("systemerr", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); printif("freeargs", TRANSP, "&", ARG); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void)fprintf(stderr, \"unable to free arguments\\n\");\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "}\n\n"); } } static printerr(err, transp) char *err; char *transp; { f_print(fout, "\t\tsvcerr_%s(%s);\n", err, transp); } static printif(proc, transp, prefix, arg) char *proc; char *transp; char *prefix; char *arg; { f_print(fout, "\tif (!svc_%s(%s, xdr_%s, %s%s)) {\n", proc, transp, arg, prefix, arg); } nullproc(proc) proc_list *proc; { for (; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { if (streq(proc->proc_num, "0")) { return (1); } } return (0); }