# @(#)README 8.20 (Berkeley) 5/12/96 Nvi uses the GNU autoconf program for configuration and compilation. You should enter: configure make and nvi will configure the system and build one or two binaries: nvi and tknvi. You can use any path to the configure script, e.g., to build for an x86 architecture, you might do: mkdir build.x86 cd build.x86 ../build/configure make If you're only building nvi for a single architecture, you can just use the path ./configure, and build it in this directory. There are options that you can specify to the configure command. See the next section for a description of these options. If you want to rebuild or reconfigure nvi, for example, because you change your mind as to the curses library that you want to use, enter: make distclean and then reconfigure using "configure" and whatever options you choose. By default, nvi is installed as "vi", with hard links to "ex" and "view". To install them using different names, use the configure program options. For example, to install them as "nvi", "nex" and "nview", use: configure --program-prefix=n See the section below on installation for details. If you have trouble with this procedure, send email to the addresses listed in ../README. In that email, please provide a complete script of the output for all of the above commands that you entered. =-=-=-=-=-=-= NVI'S OPTIONS TO THE CONFIGURE PROGRAM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are many options that you can enter to the configuration program. To see a complete list of the options, enter "configure --help". Only a few of them are nvi specific. These options are as follows: --disable-curses DON'T use the nvi-provided curses routines. --disable-db DON'T use the nvi-provided DB routines. --disable-re DON'T use the nvi-provided RE routines. --enable-debug Build a debugging version. --enable-perlinterp Include a Perl interpreter in vi. --enable-tclinterp Include a Tk/Tcl interpreter in vi. --enable-tknvi Build a Tk/Tcl front-end for vi. disable-curses: By default, nvi loads its own implementation of the curses routines (which are a stripped-down version of the 4.4BSD curses library). If you have your own curses library implementation and you want to use it instead, enter: --disable-curses as an argument to configure, and the curses routines will be taken from whatever libraries you load. Note: System V based curses implementations are usually broken. See the last section of this README for further information about nvi and the curses library. disable-db: By default, nvi loads its own versions of the Berkeley DB routines (which are a stripped-down version of DB 1.85). If you have your own version of the Berkeley DB routines and you want to use them instead, enter: --disable-db as an argument to configure, and the DB routines will be taken from whatever libraries you load. Make sure that the DB routines you use are at least version 1.85 or later. disable-re: By default, nvi loads its own versions of the POSIX 1003.2 Regular Expression routines (which are Henry Spencer's implementation). If your C library contains an implementation of the POSIX 1003.2 RE routines (note, this is NOT the same as the historic UNIX RE routines), and you want to use them instead, enter: --disable-re as an argument to configure, and the RE routines will be taken from whatever libraries you load. Please ensure that your RE routines implement Henry Spencer's extensions for doing vi-style "word" searches. enable-debug: If you want to build nvi with no optimization (i.e. without -O as a compiler flag), with -g as a compiler flag, and with DEBUG defined during compilation, enter: --enable-debug as an argument to configure. enable-perlinterp: If you have the Perl 5 libraries and you want to compile in the Perl interpreter, enter: --enable-perlinterp as an argument to configure. (Note: this is NOT possible with Perl 4, or even with Perl 5 versions earlier than 5.002.) enable-tclinterp: If you have the Tk/Tcl libraries and you want to compile in the Tcl/Tk interpreter, enter: --enable-tclinterp as an argument to configure. If your Tk/Tcl include files and libraries aren't in the standard library and include locations, see the next section of this README file for more information. enable-tknvi: If you have the Tk/Tcl libraries and you want to build the Tcl/Tk nvi front-end, enter: --enable-tknvi as an argument to configure. If your Tk/Tcl include files and libraries aren't in the standard library and include locations, see the next section of this README file for more information. =-=-=-=-=-=-= ADDING OR CHANGING COMPILE OR LOAD LINE FLAGS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you want to specify additional load line flags, specify the ADDLDFLAGS environment variable before running configure. For example: env ADDLDFLAGS="-Q" ./configure would specify the -Q flag in the load line when the nvi programs are loaded. If you don't want configure to use the default load line flags for the system, specify the LDFLAGS environment variable before running configure. For example: env LDFLAGS="-32" ./configure will cause configure to set the load line flags to "-32", and not set them based on the current system. If you want to specify additional compile line flags, specify the ADDCPPFLAGS environment variable before running configure. For example: env ADDCPPFLAGS="-I../foo" ./configure would cause the compiler to be passed the -I../foo flag when compiling test programs during configuration as well as when building nvi object files. If you don't want configure to use the default compile line flags for the system, specify the CPPFLAGS environment variable before running configure. For example: env CPPFLAGS="-I.." ./configure will cause configure to use "-I.." as the compile line flags instead of the default values. =-=-=-=-=-=-= ADDING LIBRARIES AND INCLUDE FILES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If the Tk/Tcl or any other include files or libraries are in non-standard places on your system, you will need to specify the directory path where they can be found. If you want to specify additional library paths, set the ADDLIBS environment variable before running configure. For example: env ADDLIBS="-L/a/b -L/e/f -ldb" ./configure would specify two additional directories to search for libraries, /a/b and /e/f, and one additional library to load, "db". If you want to specify additional include paths, specify the ADDCPPFLAGS environment variable before running configure. For example: env ADDCPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LIBS="-ldb" ./configure would search /usr/local/include for include files, as well as load the db library as described above. As a final example, let's say that you've downloaded ncurses from the net and you've built it in a directory named ncurses which is at the same level in the filesystem hierarchy as nvi. You would enter something like: env ADDCPPFLAGS="-I../../ncurses/include" \ ADDLIBS="-L../../ncurses/libraries" ./configure to cause nvi to look for the curses include files and the curses library in the ncurses environment. Notes: Make sure that you prepend -L to any library directory names, and that you prepend -I to any include file directory names! Also, make sure that you quote the paths as shown above, i.e. with single or double quotes around the values you're specifying for ADDCPPFLAGS and ADDLIBS. =-=-=-=-=-= You should NOT need to add any libraries or include files to load the Perl5 interpreter. The configure script will obtain that information directly from the Perl5 program. This means that the configure script must be able to find perl in its path. It looks for "perl5" first, and then "perl". If you're building a Perl interpreter and neither is found, it's a fatal error. =-=-=-=-=-= You do not need to specify additional libraries to load Tk/Tcl, Perl or curses, as the nvi configuration script adds the appropriate libraries to the load line whenever you specify --enable-tknvi or other Perl or Tk/Tcl related option, or build the Tk/Tcl or curses version of nvi. The library names that are automatically loaded are as follows: for Perl: -lperl for Tk/Tcl: -ltk -ltcl -lm for curses: -lcurses In addition, the configure script loads: ... the X libraries when loading the Tk/Tcl libraries, if they exist. ... the -ltermcap or -ltermlib libraries when loading any curses library, if they exist. =-=-=-=-=-= The env command is available on most systems, and simply sets one or more environment variables before running a command. If the env command is not available to you, you can set the environment variables in your shell before running configure. For example, in sh or ksh, you could do: ADDLIBS="-L/a/b -L/e/f -ldb" ./configure and in csh or tcsh, you could do: setenv ADDLIBS "-L/a/b -L/e/f -ldb" ./configure See your shell manual page for further information. =-=-=-=-=-=-= INSTALLING NVI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Nvi installs the following files into the following locations, with the following default values: File(s): Location Default Location ---------------------------------------- vi $(exec_prefix)/$(bindir)/vi /usr/local/bin/vi vi.0 $(prefix)/$(mandir)/cat1/vi.0 /usr/local/man/cat1/vi.0 Message Catalogs $(prefix)/$(datadir)/vi/catalog/ /usr/local/share/vi/catalog/ Perl5 scripts $(prefix)/$(datadir)/vi/perl/ /usr/local/share/vi/perl/ Tcl scripts $(prefix)/$(datadir)/vi/tcl/ /usr/local/share/vi/tcl/ Notes: There are two hard links to the vi program, named ex and view. Similarly, there are two hard links to the vi manual page, named ex.0 and view.0. These links are created when the program and man pages are installed. If you want to install vi, ex, view and the man pages as nvi, nex, nview, use the configure option --program-prefix=n. Other, more complex transformations are possible -- use configure --help to see more options. The default value for both "exec_prefix" and "prefix" is the directory /usr/local. The default values for "bindir", "datadir" and "mandir" are bin, share and man, respectively. To move the entire installation tree somewhere besides /usr/local, change the value of both "exec_prefix" and "prefix". To move the binaries to a different place in the "exec_prefix" directory tree, change the value of "bindir". Similarly, to put the datafiles (the message catalogs, Perl5 and Tcl scripts) or the man pages in a different place in the "prefix" directory tree, change the value of "datadir" or "mandir". These values can be changed as part of configuration: configure --exec_prefix=/usr/contrib --prefix=/usr/share or when doing the install itself: make exec_prefix=/usr/contrib prefix=/usr/contrib install The datafile directory (e.g., /usr/local/share/vi by default) is completely removed and then recreated as part of the installation process. The mandir directory must have another directory named "cat1" beneath it for the man pages to successfully install. =-=-=-=-=-=-= NVI AND THE CURSES LIBRARY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The major portability problem for nvi is selecting a curses library. Unfortunately, it is common to find broken versions of curses -- the original System V curses was broken, resulting in all vendors whose implementations are derived from System V having broken implementations in turn. For this reason, BY DEFAULT, nvi uses the stripped-down curses library that's included in its distribution. Of course, it would be preferable to use the vendor's curses library, or one of the newer implementations of curses, e.g., ncurses. To use the vendor's curses library, specify the: --disable-curses argument to the configure command. If you use the vendor's or other curses library, and you see any of the following symptoms: + Core dumps in curses routines. + Missing routines when compiling. + Repainting the wrong characters on the screen. + Displaying inverse video in the wrong places. + Failure to reset your terminal to the correct modes on exit. you have a broken curses implementation, and you should reconfigure nvi to use another curses library or the curses library provided with nvi. There are two alternative sources for curses libraries: #1: Compile the 4BSD curses library from any of the recent BSD releases: FreeBSD, NetBSD or 4.4BSD-Lite release 2. These libraries should be able to support nvi. #2: Retrieve and build the ncurses library. This library is not recommended unreservedly, at least for now, for two reasons. First, it can't be built on any system where the compiler doesn't support function prototypes. Second, it currently has a few bugs in its support for nvi. It mostly works, but it's still not quite right. One final note. If you see the following symptoms: + Line-by-line screen repainting instead of scrolling. it usually means that your termcap or terminfo information is insufficient for the terminal.