Installing NetBSD is a relatively complex process, but, if you have this document in hand and are careful to read and remember the information which is presented to you by the install program, it shouldn't be too much trouble. Before you begin, you must have already prepared your hard disk as detailed in the section on preparing your system for install. The following is a walk-through of the steps necessary to get NetBSD installed on your hard disk. If you wish to stop the installation, you may hit Control-C at any prompt, but if you do, you'll have to begin again from scratch. Transfer the install miniroot filesystem onto the hard disk partition used by NetBSD for swapping, as described in the "Preparing your System for NetBSD Installation" section above. You then need to have "ixemul.library" in your LIBS: directory on AmigaDOS. You also need to have the "loadbsd" program in your command path. If AmigaDOS complains about loadbsd not being an executable file, be sure that the "Execute" protection bit is set. If not, set it with the command: Protect loadbsd add e Next you need to get yourself into NetBSD by loading the kernel from AmigaDOS with loadbsd like so: loadbsd -b netbsd If you have an AGA machine, and your monitor will handle the dblNTSC mode, you may also include the "-A" option to enable the dblNTSC display mode. You should see the screen clear and some information about your system as the kernel configures the hardware. Note which hard disk device(s) are configured (sd0, sd1, etc). Then you will be prompted for a root device. At this time type 'sd0*', where '0' is the device which contains the swap partition you created during the hard disk preparation. If the system should hang after entering the root device, try again with loadbsd -I ff -b netbsd This disables synchronous transfer on all SCSI devices. The system should continue to boot. For now ignore WARNING: messages about bad dates in clocks. Eventually you will be asked to enter the pathname of the shell, just hit return. After a short while you should see a welcome message and a prompt, asking if you wish to proceed with the installation. If you wish to proceed, enter "y" and then return. If you have configured your hard drive[s] correctly it should find the drive and partition that you selected to use as your root. You will be prompted for which device you want to use for your root. If you have multiple disks present with root partitions defined, you will need to be sure you enter the device name of the correct partition you want to install NetBSD on. YOU ARE NOW AT THE POINT OF NO RETURN. If you confirm that you want to install NetBSD, your hard drive will be modified, and perhaps its contents scrambled at the whim of the install program. If you are sure you want to proceed, enter "yes" at the prompt. The install program will now make the root filesystem you specified. There should be only one error in this section of the installation. It will look like so: newfs: ioctl (WDINFO): Invalid argument newfs: /dev/rsd0a: can't rewrite disk label If there are any others, restart from the the beginning of the installation process. This error is ok as the Amiga does not write disklabels currently. You should expect this error whenever using newfs. Next the install program will ask you which drive and partition you wish to use as /usr. First it will list the available drives. Choose one. Next it will give you a list of the partitions on that disk along with their sizes, types, etc.. Choose the letter that corresponds to the partition you wish to use for /usr. If you are doing a full install this should be at the very least 45M-50M large. If everything is ok the install program will then format and mount your /usr. If not then it will ask again for a drive and partition. When this completes your root partition will be mounted on /mnt and your /usr partition on /mnt/usr. An fstab will have been created and initialized to correctly mount these two file systems. This fstab will be in /mnt/etc. What you do from this point on depends on which media you're using to install NetBSD. Follow the appropriate instructions, given below. To install from an AmigaDOS partition: You first need to mount the AmigaDOS partition using the mount_ados command. If e.g. your AmigaDOS partition is the first partition on sd0 you could type: mkdir /mnt/ados mount_ados -o ro /dev/sd0d /mnt/ados You can use `disklabel sd0' to find out what types of partitions are on the disk `sd0'. Next goto the directory in which you stored the distribution sets. If e.g. you stored them in the root directory of the partition: cd /mnt/ados When there, run "Set_tmp_dir" and choose the default temporary directory, by hitting return at the prompt. Run the "Extract" command, giving it as its sole argument the name of the distribution set you wish to extract. For example, to extract the base distribution, use the command: Extract base11 and to extract the games distribution: Extract game11 If the distribution sets are in different directories, you will need to cd to each directory in turn, runing "Set_tmp_dir" and the appropriate "Extract" command(s). Continue this process until you've finished installing all of the sets which you desire to have on your hard disk. Once you have extracted all sets and are at the "#" prompt again, proceed to the section "Configuring Your System," below. To install from tape: The first thing you should do is pick a temporary directory where the distribution files can be stored. To do this, use the command "Set_tmp_dir" and enter your choice. The default is /mnt/usr/distrib. After you have picked a temporary directory, you should issue the load command: Load_tape Next, you will be told to insert the media into the appropriate drive, and hit return. Continue to follow instructions until you are returned to the "#" prompt. Go to the directory which contains the first distribution set you wish to install. This is either the directory you specified above, or possibly a subdirectory of that directory. When there, run "Set_tmp_dir" again, and choose the default temporary directory, by hitting return at the prompt. Run the "Extract" command, giving it as its sole argument the name of the distribution set you wish to extract. For example, to extract the base distribution, use the command: Extract base11 and to extract the games distribution: Extract game11 After the extraction is complete, go to the location of the next set you want to extract, "Set_tmp_dir" again, and once again issue the appropriate extract command. Continue this process until you've finished installing all of the sets which you desire to have on your hard disk. After each set is finished, if you know that you are running low on space you can remove the distribution files for that set by saying: rm set_name.?? For example, if you wish to remove the distribution files for the game09 set, after the "Extract game09" command has completed, issue the command: rm game11.?? Once you have extracted all sets and are at the "#" prompt again, proceed to the section "Configuring Your System," below. To install via FTP or NFS: First, use Set_tmp_dir to pick a temporary directory for the installation files. /mnt/usr/distrib is suggested. Configure the appropriate ethernet interface i.e. le0 if you have a 2065 or ed0 if you have a AMIGNET from Hydra Systems. ifconfig [netmask ] where is the interface name (e.g. ed0, etc.), and is the numeric IP address of the interface. If the interface has a special netmask, supply the word "netmask" and that netmask at the end of the command line. For instance, without a special netmask: ifconfig ed0 or with a special netmask ifconfig ed0 netmask 0xffffff00 You should also be able to use SLIP or PPP as the network connection. [XXX instructions for ppp or slip would be usefull perhaps the next release] If the NFS server or FTP server is not on a directly- connected network, you should set up a route to it with the command: route add default where is your gateway's numeric IP address. If you are NFS-mounting the distribution sets, mount them on the temporary directory with the command: mount -t nfs : where is the server's numeric IP address, is the path to the distribution files on the server, and is the name of the local temporary directory. Once this is done, proceed as if you had loaded the files from tape, "cd"ing to the appropriate directories and running "Set_tmp_dir" and "Extract" as appropriate. If you are retrieving the distribution sets using ftp, cd into the temp directory, and execute the command: ftp where is once again the server's numeric IP address. Get the files with FTP, taking care to use binary mode to transfer all files. Once you have all of the files for the distribution sets you wish to install, you can proceed using the instructions above as if you had installed the files from a tape. Configuring Your System: ----------- ---- ------ Once you have finished extracting all of the distribution sets that you want on your hard drive and are back at the "#" prompt, you are ready to configure your system. The configuration utility expects that you have installed the base system. If you have not, you will not be able to run it successfully (nor will you have a functional system regardless of configuration). To configure the newly installed operating system, run the command "Configure". Configure will ask for the machine's hostname, domain name, and other network configuration information. Once you have supplied `Configure' all that it requests, your machine will be configured well enough that when you reboot it it will almost be a completely functional NetBSD system. >>> Copy the kernel from the miniroot filesystem at this point <<< Once you are done with `Configure', halt the system with the "halt" command (wait for "halted" to be displayed) and reboot. Then again boot NetBSD this time with the command: loadbsd netbsd You need to do your final tweeks now. First mount your file systems like so: mount -av Your system is now complete but not completely configured; you should adjust the /etc/ file as necessary to suit your site and/or disable sendmail and other network related programs. These things can be found in /etc/netstart. Use vi, if you installed the man pages you can type `man vi' or `man ed' for instructions on how to use these somewhat non-intuitive editors. You should also put a copy of the netbsd kernel in your root partition. This can be done easily by mounting the AmigaDOS partition containing the kernel you used to start NetBSD and copying the "netbsd" file to the root: mount -r -t ados /dev/sd0d /mnt cp /mnt/netbsd / (where /dev/sd0d is the AmigaDOS partition where you have netbsd, and /mnt/netbsd is the appropriate path of the netbsd file). Once you are done with the rest of configuration unmount your file systems and halt your system, then reboot: cd / umount -av halt Finally you can now boot your system and it will be completely functional: loadbsd -a netbsd When it boots off of the hard drive, you will have a complete NetBSD system! CONGRATULATIONS! (You really deserve them!!!)