#! @PATH_PERL@ -w # # Id: ntpsweep.in,v 1.1 2000/02/10 08:13:40 stenn Exp # # DISCLAIMER # # Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Hans Lambermont and Origin B.V. # # Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and # that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation. This software is supported as is and without # any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the # implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular # purpose. The name Origin B.V. must not be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without prior written permission. # # Hans Lambermont / # 14 Jan 2000 require 5.0; # But actually tested on 5.004 ;) use Getopt::Long; # GetOptions() use strict; my $version = 1.3; (my $program = $0) =~ s%.*/(.+?)(.pl)?$%$1%; # Hardcoded paths/program names my $ntpdate = "ntpdate"; my $ntpq = "ntpq"; # no STDOUT buffering $| = 1; my ($help, $single_host, $showpeers, $maxlevel, $strip, $askversion); my $res = GetOptions("help!" => \$help, "host=s" => \$single_host, "peers!" => \$showpeers, "maxlevel=s" => \$maxlevel, "strip=s" => \$strip, "version!" => \$askversion); if ($askversion) { print("$version\n"); exit 0; } if ($help || ((@ARGV != 1) && !$single_host)) { warn <|--maxlevel |--version] \\ |[--host ] Description: $program prints per host given in the NTP stratum level, the clock offset in seconds, the daemon version, the operating system and the processor. Optionally recursing through all peers. Options: --help Print this short help text and exit. --version Print version ($version) and exit. Specify hosts file. File format is one hostname or ip number per line. Lines beginning with # are considered as comment. --host Speficy a single host, bypassing the need for a hosts file. --peers Recursively list all peers a host synchronizes to. An '= ' before a peer means a loop. Recursion stops here. --maxlevel Traverse peers up to this level (4 is a reasonable number). --strip Strip from hostnames. Examples: $program myhosts.txt --strip .foo.com $program --host some.host --peers --maxlevel 4 EOF exit 1; } my $hostsfile = shift; my (@hosts, @known_hosts); my (%known_host_info, %known_host_peers); sub read_hosts() { local *HOSTS; open (HOSTS, $hostsfile) || die "$program: FATAL: unable to read $hostsfile: $!\n"; while () { next if /^\s*(#|$)/; # comment/empty chomp; push(@hosts, $_); } close(HOSTS); } # translate IP to hostname if possible sub ip2name { my($ip) = @_; my($addr, $name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs); $addr = pack('C4', split(/\./, $ip)); ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyaddr($addr, 2); if ($name) { # return lower case name return("\L$name"); } else { return($ip); } } # item_in_list($item, @list): returns 1 if $item is in @list, 0 if not sub item_in_list { my($item, @list) = @_; my($i); foreach $i (@list) { return 1 if ($item eq $i); } return 0; } sub scan_host($;$;$) { my($host, $level, @trace) = @_; my $stratum = 0; my $offset = 0; my $daemonversion = ""; my $system = ""; my $processor = ""; my @peers; my $known_host = 0; if (&item_in_list($host, @known_hosts)) { $known_host = 1; } else { # ntpdate part open(NTPDATE, "$ntpdate -bd $host 2>/dev/null |") || die "Cannot open ntpdate pipe: $!\n"; while () { /^stratum\s+(\d+).*$/ && do { $stratum = $1; }; /^offset\s+([0-9.-]+)$/ && do { $offset = $1; }; } close(NTPDATE); # got answers ? If so, go on. if ($stratum) { # ntpq part my $ntpqparams = "-c 'rv 0 processor,system,daemon_version'"; open(NTPQ, "$ntpq $ntpqparams $host 2>/dev/null |") || die "Cannot open ntpq pipe: $!\n"; while () { /daemon_version="(.*)"/ && do { $daemonversion = $1; }; /system="([^"]*)"/ && do { $system = $1; }; /processor="([^"]*)"/ && do { $processor = $1; }; } close(NTPQ); # Shorten daemon_version string. $daemonversion =~ s/(;|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun).*$//; $daemonversion =~ s/version=//; $daemonversion =~ s/(x|)ntpd //; $daemonversion =~ s/(\(|\))//g; $daemonversion =~ s/beta/b/; $daemonversion =~ s/multicast/mc/; # Shorten system string $system =~ s/UNIX\///; $system =~ s/RELEASE/r/; $system =~ s/CURRENT/c/; # Shorten processor string $processor =~ s/unknown//; } # got answers ? If so, go on. if ($daemonversion) { # ntpq again, find out the peers this time if ($showpeers) { my $ntpqparams = "-pn"; open(NTPQ, "$ntpq $ntpqparams $host 2>/dev/null |") || die "Cannot open ntpq pipe: $!\n"; while () { /^No association ID's returned$/ && do { last; }; /^ remote/ && do { next; }; /^==/ && do { next; }; /^( |x|\.|-|\+|#|\*|o)([^ ]+)/ && do { push(@peers, ip2name($2)); next; }; print "ERROR: $_"; } close(NTPQ); } } # Add scanned host to known_hosts array push(@known_hosts, $host); if ($stratum) { $known_host_info{$host} = sprintf("%2d %9.3f %-11s %-12s %s", $stratum, $offset, substr($daemonversion,0,11), substr($system,0,12), substr($processor,0,9)); } else { # Stratum level 0 is consider invalid $known_host_info{$host} = sprintf(" ?"); } $known_host_peers{$host} = [@peers]; } if ($stratum || $known_host) { # Valid or known host my $printhost = ' ' x $level . $host; # Shorten host string if ($strip) { $printhost =~ s/$strip//; } # append number of peers in brackets if requested and valid if ($showpeers && ($known_host_info{$host} ne " ?")) { $printhost .= " (" . @{$known_host_peers{$host}} . ")"; } # Finally print complete host line printf("%-32s %s\n", substr($printhost,0,32), $known_host_info{$host}); if ($showpeers && (eval($maxlevel ? $level < $maxlevel : 1))) { my $peer; push(@trace, $host); # Loop through peers foreach $peer (@{$known_host_peers{$host}}) { if (&item_in_list($peer, @trace)) { # we've detected a loop ! $printhost = ' ' x ($level + 1) . "= " . $peer; # Shorten host string if ($strip) { $printhost =~ s/$strip//; } printf("%-32s %s\n", substr($printhost,0,32)); } else { if (substr($peer,0,3) ne "127") { &scan_host($peer, $level + 1, @trace); } } } } } else { # We did not get answers from this host my $printhost = ' ' x $level . $host; # Shorten host string if ($strip) { $printhost =~ s/$strip//; } printf("%-32s ?\n", substr($printhost,0,32)); } } sub scan_hosts() { my $host; for $host (@hosts) { my @trace; push(@trace, $host); scan_host($host, 0, @trace); } } # Main program if ($single_host) { push(@hosts, $single_host); } else { &read_hosts($hostsfile); } # Print header print <