/******************************************** parse.y copyright 1991, Michael D. Brennan This is a source file for mawk, an implementation of the AWK programming language. Mawk is distributed without warranty under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, 1991. ********************************************/ /* $Log: parse.y,v $ /* Revision 1.2 1993/07/02 23:57:44 jtc /* Updated to mawk 1.1.4 /* * Revision 1993/05/05 00:08:26 mike * patch4: forgot to set $$ in LENGTH alone production * * Revision 5.4 1992/08/08 17:17:20 brennan * patch 2: improved timing of error recovery in * bungled function definitions. Fixes a core dump * * Revision 5.3 1992/07/08 15:43:41 brennan * patch2: length returns. I am a wimp * * Revision 5.2 1992/01/08 16:11:42 brennan * code FE_PUSHA carefully for MSDOS large mode * * Revision 5.1 91/12/05 07:50:22 brennan * 1.1 pre-release * */ %{ #include #include "mawk.h" #include "code.h" #include "symtype.h" #include "memory.h" #include "bi_funct.h" #include "bi_vars.h" #include "jmp.h" #include "field.h" #include "files.h" #ifdef YYXBYACC #define YYBYACC 1 #endif #define YYMAXDEPTH 200 /* Bison's use of MSDOS and ours clashes */ #undef MSDOS extern void PROTO( eat_nl, (void) ) ; static void PROTO( resize_fblock, (FBLOCK *, INST *) ) ; static void PROTO( code_array, (SYMTAB *) ) ; static void PROTO( code_call_id, (CA_REC *, SYMTAB *) ) ; static void PROTO( field_A2I, (void)) ; static int PROTO( current_offset, (void) ) ; static void PROTO( check_var, (SYMTAB *) ) ; static void PROTO( check_array, (SYMTAB *) ) ; static void PROTO( RE_as_arg, (void)) ; static int scope ; static FBLOCK *active_funct ; /* when scope is SCOPE_FUNCT */ #define code_address(x) if( is_local(x) )\ { code1(L_PUSHA) ; code1((x)->offset) ; }\ else code2(_PUSHA, (x)->stval.cp) /* this nonsense caters to MSDOS large model */ #define CODE_FE_PUSHA() code_ptr->ptr = (PTR) 0 ; code1(FE_PUSHA) %} %union{ CELL *cp ; SYMTAB *stp ; INST *start ; /* code starting address */ PF_CP fp ; /* ptr to a (print/printf) or (sub/gsub) function */ BI_REC *bip ; /* ptr to info about a builtin */ FBLOCK *fbp ; /* ptr to a function block */ ARG2_REC *arg2p ; CA_REC *ca_p ; int ival ; PTR ptr ; } /* two tokens to help with errors */ %token UNEXPECTED /* unexpected character */ %token BAD_DECIMAL %token NL %token SEMI_COLON %token LBRACE RBRACE %token LBOX RBOX %token COMMA %token IO_OUT /* > or output pipe */ %right ASSIGN ADD_ASG SUB_ASG MUL_ASG DIV_ASG MOD_ASG POW_ASG %right QMARK COLON %left OR %left AND %left IN %left MATCH /* ~ or !~ */ %left EQ NEQ LT LTE GT GTE %left CAT %left GETLINE %left PLUS MINUS %left MUL DIV MOD %left NOT UMINUS %nonassoc IO_IN PIPE %right POW %left INC_or_DEC %left DOLLAR FIELD /* last to remove a SR conflict with getline */ %right LPAREN RPAREN /* removes some SR conflicts */ %token DOUBLE STRING_ RE %token ID D_ID %token FUNCT_ID %token BUILTIN LENGTH %token FIELD %token PRINT PRINTF SPLIT MATCH_FUNC SUB GSUB /* keywords */ %token DO WHILE FOR BREAK CONTINUE IF ELSE IN %token DELETE BEGIN END EXIT NEXT RETURN FUNCTION %type block block_or_separator %type statement_list statement mark %type pr_args %type arg2 %type builtin %type getline_file %type lvalue field fvalue %type expr cat_expr p_expr %type while_front if_front %type for1 for2 %type array_loop_front %type return_statement %type split_front re_arg sub_back %type arglist args %type print sub_or_gsub %type funct_start funct_head %type call_args ca_front ca_back %type f_arglist f_args %% /* productions */ program : program_block | program program_block ; program_block : PA_block /* pattern-action */ | function_def | outside_error block ; PA_block : block { /* this do nothing action removes a vacuous warning from Bison */ } | BEGIN { be_expand(&begin_code) ; scope = SCOPE_BEGIN ; } block { be_shrink(&begin_code) ; scope = SCOPE_MAIN ; } | END { be_expand(&end_code) ; scope = SCOPE_END ; } block { be_shrink(&end_code) ; scope = SCOPE_MAIN ; } | expr /* this works just like an if statement */ { code_jmp(_JZ, (INST*)0) ; } block_or_separator { patch_jmp( code_ptr ) ; } /* range pattern, see comment in execute.c near _RANGE */ | expr COMMA { code_push($1, code_ptr - $1) ; code_ptr = $1 ; code1(_RANGE) ; code1(1) ; code_ptr += 3 ; code_ptr += code_pop(code_ptr) ; code1(_STOP) ; $1[2].op = code_ptr - ($1+1) ; } expr { code1(_STOP) ; } block_or_separator { $1[3].op = $6 - ($1+1) ; $1[4].op = code_ptr - ($1+1) ; } ; block : LBRACE statement_list RBRACE { $$ = $2 ; } | LBRACE error RBRACE { $$ = code_ptr ; /* does nothing won't be executed */ print_flag = getline_flag = paren_cnt = 0 ; yyerrok ; } ; block_or_separator : block | separator /* default print action */ { $$ = code_ptr ; code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(0) ; code2(_PRINT, bi_print) ; } statement_list : statement | statement_list statement ; statement : block | expr separator { code1(_POP) ; } | /* empty */ separator { $$ = code_ptr ; } | error separator { $$ = code_ptr ; print_flag = getline_flag = 0 ; paren_cnt = 0 ; yyerrok ; } | BREAK separator { $$ = code_ptr ; BC_insert('B', code_ptr+1) ; code2(_JMP, 0) /* don't use code_jmp ! */ ; } | CONTINUE separator { $$ = code_ptr ; BC_insert('C', code_ptr+1) ; code2(_JMP, 0) ; } | return_statement { if ( scope != SCOPE_FUNCT ) compile_error("return outside function body") ; } | NEXT separator { if ( scope != SCOPE_MAIN ) compile_error( "improper use of next" ) ; $$ = code_ptr ; code1(_NEXT) ; } ; separator : NL | SEMI_COLON ; expr : cat_expr | lvalue ASSIGN expr { code1(_ASSIGN) ; } | lvalue ADD_ASG expr { code1(_ADD_ASG) ; } | lvalue SUB_ASG expr { code1(_SUB_ASG) ; } | lvalue MUL_ASG expr { code1(_MUL_ASG) ; } | lvalue DIV_ASG expr { code1(_DIV_ASG) ; } | lvalue MOD_ASG expr { code1(_MOD_ASG) ; } | lvalue POW_ASG expr { code1(_POW_ASG) ; } | expr EQ expr { code1(_EQ) ; } | expr NEQ expr { code1(_NEQ) ; } | expr LT expr { code1(_LT) ; } | expr LTE expr { code1(_LTE) ; } | expr GT expr { code1(_GT) ; } | expr GTE expr { code1(_GTE) ; } | expr MATCH expr { if ( $3 == code_ptr - 2 ) { if ( $3->op == _MATCH0 ) $3->op = _MATCH1 ; else /* check for string */ if ( $3->op == _PUSHS ) { CELL *cp = ZMALLOC(CELL) ; cp->type = C_STRING ; cp->ptr = $3[1].ptr ; cast_to_RE(cp) ; code_ptr -= 2 ; code2(_MATCH1, cp->ptr) ; ZFREE(cp) ; } else code1(_MATCH2) ; } else code1(_MATCH2) ; if ( !$2 ) code1(_NOT) ; } /* short circuit boolean evaluation */ | expr OR { code1(_DUP) ; code_jmp(_JNZ, (INST*)0) ; code1(_POP) ; } expr { patch_jmp(code_ptr) ; code1(_TEST) ; } | expr AND { code1(_DUP) ; code_jmp(_JZ, (INST*)0) ; code1(_POP) ; } expr { patch_jmp(code_ptr) ; code1(_TEST) ; } | expr QMARK { code_jmp(_JZ, (INST*)0) ; } expr COLON { code_jmp(_JMP, (INST*)0) ; } expr { patch_jmp(code_ptr) ; patch_jmp($7) ; } ; cat_expr : p_expr %prec CAT | cat_expr p_expr %prec CAT { code1(_CAT) ; } ; p_expr : DOUBLE { $$ = code_ptr ; code2(_PUSHD, $1) ; } | STRING_ { $$ = code_ptr ; code2(_PUSHS, $1) ; } | ID %prec AND /* anything less than IN */ { check_var($1) ; $$ = code_ptr ; if ( is_local($1) ) { code1(L_PUSHI) ; code1($1->offset) ; } else code2(_PUSHI, $1->stval.cp) ; } | LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = $2 ; } ; p_expr : RE { $$ = code_ptr ; code2(_MATCH0, $1) ; } ; p_expr : p_expr PLUS p_expr { code1(_ADD) ; } | p_expr MINUS p_expr { code1(_SUB) ; } | p_expr MUL p_expr { code1(_MUL) ; } | p_expr DIV p_expr { code1(_DIV) ; } | p_expr MOD p_expr { code1(_MOD) ; } | p_expr POW p_expr { code1(_POW) ; } | NOT p_expr { $$ = $2 ; code1(_NOT) ; } | PLUS p_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = $2 ; code1(_UPLUS) ; } | MINUS p_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = $2 ; code1(_UMINUS) ; } | builtin ; p_expr : ID INC_or_DEC { check_var($1) ; $$ = code_ptr ; code_address($1) ; if ( $2 == '+' ) code1(_POST_INC) ; else code1(_POST_DEC) ; } | INC_or_DEC lvalue { $$ = $2 ; if ( $1 == '+' ) code1(_PRE_INC) ; else code1(_PRE_DEC) ; } ; p_expr : field INC_or_DEC { if ($2 == '+' ) code1(F_POST_INC ) ; else code1(F_POST_DEC) ; } | INC_or_DEC field { $$ = $2 ; if ( $1 == '+' ) code1(F_PRE_INC) ; else code1( F_PRE_DEC) ; } ; lvalue : ID { $$ = code_ptr ; check_var($1) ; code_address($1) ; } ; arglist : /* empty */ { $$ = 0 ; } | args ; args : expr %prec LPAREN { $$ = 1 ; } | args COMMA expr { $$ = $1 + 1 ; } ; builtin : BUILTIN mark LPAREN arglist RPAREN { BI_REC *p = $1 ; $$ = $2 ; if ( p-> min_args > $4 || p->max_args < $4 ) compile_error( "wrong number of arguments in call to %s" , p->name ) ; if ( p->min_args != p->max_args ) /* variable args */ { code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1($4) ; } code2(_BUILTIN , p->fp) ; } | LENGTH /* this is an irritation */ { $$ = code_ptr ; code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(0) ; code2(_BUILTIN, $1->fp) ; } ; /* an empty production to store the code_ptr */ mark : /* empty */ { $$ = code_ptr ; } /* print_statement */ statement : print mark pr_args pr_direction separator { code2(_PRINT, $1) ; $$ = $2 ; if ( $1 == bi_printf && $3 == 0 ) compile_error("no arguments in call to printf") ; print_flag = 0 ; $$ = $2 ; } ; print : PRINT { $$ = bi_print ; print_flag = 1 ;} | PRINTF { $$ = bi_printf ; print_flag = 1 ; } ; pr_args : arglist { code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1($1) ; } | LPAREN arg2 RPAREN { $$ = $2->cnt ; zfree($2,sizeof(ARG2_REC)) ; code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1($$) ; } | LPAREN RPAREN { $$=0 ; code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(0) ; } ; arg2 : expr COMMA expr { $$ = (ARG2_REC*) zmalloc(sizeof(ARG2_REC)) ; $$->start = $1 ; $$->cnt = 2 ; } | arg2 COMMA expr { $$ = $1 ; $$->cnt++ ; } ; pr_direction : /* empty */ | IO_OUT expr { code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1($1) ; } ; /* IF and IF-ELSE */ if_front : IF LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = $3 ; eat_nl() ; code_jmp(_JZ, (INST*)0) ; } ; /* if_statement */ statement : if_front statement { patch_jmp( code_ptr ) ; } ; else : ELSE { eat_nl() ; code_jmp(_JMP, (INST*)0) ; } ; /* if_else_statement */ statement : if_front statement else statement { patch_jmp(code_ptr) ; patch_jmp($4) ; } /* LOOPS */ do : DO { eat_nl() ; BC_new() ; } ; /* do_statement */ statement : do statement WHILE LPAREN expr RPAREN separator { $$ = $2 ; code_jmp(_JNZ, $2) ; BC_clear(code_ptr, $5) ; } ; while_front : WHILE LPAREN expr RPAREN { eat_nl() ; BC_new() ; $$ = $3 ; /* check if const expression */ if ( code_ptr - 2 == $3 && code_ptr[-2].op == _PUSHD && *(double*)code_ptr[-1].ptr != 0.0 ) code_ptr -= 2 ; else { code_push($3, code_ptr-$3) ; code_ptr = $3 ; code2(_JMP, (INST*)0) ; /* code2() not code_jmp() */ } } ; /* while_statement */ statement : while_front statement { INST *c_addr ; int len ; if ( $1 != $2 ) /* real test in loop */ { $1[1].op = code_ptr-($1+1) ; c_addr = code_ptr ; len = code_pop(code_ptr) ; code_ptr += len ; code_jmp(_JNZ, $2) ; BC_clear(code_ptr, c_addr) ; } else /* while(1) */ { code_jmp(_JMP, $1) ; BC_clear(code_ptr, $2) ; } } ; /* for_statement */ statement : for1 for2 for3 statement { INST *cont_address = code_ptr ; unsigned len = code_pop(code_ptr) ; code_ptr += len ; if ( $2 != $4 ) /* real test in for2 */ { $4[-1].op = code_ptr - $4 + 1 ; len = code_pop(code_ptr) ; code_ptr += len ; code_jmp(_JNZ, $4) ; } else /* for(;;) */ code_jmp(_JMP, $4) ; BC_clear(code_ptr, cont_address) ; } ; for1 : FOR LPAREN SEMI_COLON { $$ = code_ptr ; } | FOR LPAREN expr SEMI_COLON { $$ = $3 ; code1(_POP) ; } ; for2 : SEMI_COLON { $$ = code_ptr ; } | expr SEMI_COLON { if ( code_ptr - 2 == $1 && code_ptr[-2].op == _PUSHD && * (double*) code_ptr[-1].ptr != 0.0 ) code_ptr -= 2 ; else { code_push($1, code_ptr-$1) ; code_ptr = $1 ; code2(_JMP, (INST*)0) ; } } ; for3 : RPAREN { eat_nl() ; BC_new() ; code_push((INST*)0,0) ; } | expr RPAREN { eat_nl() ; BC_new() ; code1(_POP) ; code_push($1, code_ptr - $1) ; code_ptr -= code_ptr - $1 ; } ; /* arrays */ expr : expr IN ID { check_array($3) ; code_array($3) ; code1(A_TEST) ; } | LPAREN arg2 RPAREN IN ID { $$ = $2->start ; code1(A_CAT) ; code1($2->cnt) ; zfree($2, sizeof(ARG2_REC)) ; check_array($5) ; code_array($5) ; code1(A_TEST) ; } ; lvalue : ID mark LBOX args RBOX { if ( $4 > 1 ) { code1(A_CAT) ; code1($4) ; } check_array($1) ; if( is_local($1) ) { code1(LAE_PUSHA) ; code1($1->offset) ; } else code2(AE_PUSHA, $1->stval.array) ; $$ = $2 ; } ; p_expr : ID mark LBOX args RBOX %prec AND { if ( $4 > 1 ) { code1(A_CAT) ; code1($4) ; } check_array($1) ; if( is_local($1) ) { code1(LAE_PUSHI) ; code1($1->offset) ; } else code2(AE_PUSHI, $1->stval.array) ; $$ = $2 ; } | ID mark LBOX args RBOX INC_or_DEC { if ( $4 > 1 ) { code1(A_CAT) ; code1($4) ; } check_array($1) ; if( is_local($1) ) { code1(LAE_PUSHA) ; code1($1->offset) ; } else code2(AE_PUSHA, $1->stval.array) ; if ( $6 == '+' ) code1(_POST_INC) ; else code1(_POST_DEC) ; $$ = $2 ; } ; /* delete A[i] */ statement : DELETE ID mark LBOX args RBOX separator { $$ = $3 ; if ( $5 > 1 ) { code1(A_CAT) ; code1($5) ; } check_array($2) ; code_array($2) ; code1(A_DEL) ; } ; /* for ( i in A ) statement */ array_loop_front : FOR LPAREN ID IN ID RPAREN { eat_nl() ; BC_new() ; $$ = code_ptr ; check_var($3) ; code_address($3) ; check_array($5) ; code_array($5) ; code2(SET_ALOOP, (INST*)0) ; } ; /* array_loop */ statement : array_loop_front statement { $2[-1].op = code_ptr - $2 + 1 ; BC_clear( code_ptr+3 , code_ptr) ; code_jmp(ALOOP, $2) ; code_ptr++->ptr = (PTR) ZMALLOC(ALOOP_STATE) ; } ; /* fields D_ID is a special token , same as an ID, but yylex() only returns it after a '$'. In essense, DOLLAR D_ID is really one token. */ field : FIELD { $$ = code_ptr ; code2(F_PUSHA, $1) ; } | DOLLAR D_ID { check_var($2) ; $$ = code_ptr ; if ( is_local($2) ) { code1(L_PUSHI) ; code1($2->offset) ; } else code2(_PUSHI, $2->stval.cp) ; CODE_FE_PUSHA() ; } | DOLLAR D_ID mark LBOX args RBOX { if ( $5 > 1 ) { code1(A_CAT) ; code1($5) ; } check_array($2) ; if( is_local($2) ) { code1(LAE_PUSHI) ; code1($2->offset) ; } else code2(AE_PUSHI, $2->stval.array) ; CODE_FE_PUSHA() ; $$ = $3 ; } | DOLLAR p_expr { $$ = $2 ; CODE_FE_PUSHA() ; } | LPAREN field RPAREN { $$ = $2 ; } ; p_expr : field %prec CAT /* removes field (++|--) sr conflict */ { field_A2I() ; } ; expr : field ASSIGN expr { code1(F_ASSIGN) ; } | field ADD_ASG expr { code1(F_ADD_ASG) ; } | field SUB_ASG expr { code1(F_SUB_ASG) ; } | field MUL_ASG expr { code1(F_MUL_ASG) ; } | field DIV_ASG expr { code1(F_DIV_ASG) ; } | field MOD_ASG expr { code1(F_MOD_ASG) ; } | field POW_ASG expr { code1(F_POW_ASG) ; } ; /* split is handled different than a builtin because it takes an array and optionally a regular expression as args */ p_expr : split_front split_back { code2(_BUILTIN, bi_split) ; } ; split_front : SPLIT LPAREN expr COMMA ID { $$ = $3 ; check_array($5) ; code_array($5) ; } ; split_back : RPAREN { code2(_PUSHI, &fs_shadow) ; } | COMMA expr RPAREN { if ( $2 == code_ptr - 2 ) { if ( code_ptr[-2].op == _MATCH0 ) RE_as_arg() ; else if ( code_ptr[-2].op == _PUSHS ) { CELL *cp = ZMALLOC(CELL) ; cp->type = C_STRING ; cp->ptr = code_ptr[-1].ptr ; cast_for_split(cp) ; code_ptr[-2].op = _PUSHC ; code_ptr[-1].ptr = (PTR) cp ; } } } ; /* match(expr, RE) */ p_expr : MATCH_FUNC LPAREN expr COMMA re_arg RPAREN { $$ = $3 ; code2(_BUILTIN, bi_match) ; } ; re_arg : expr { if ( $1 == code_ptr - 2 ) { if ( $1->op == _MATCH0 ) RE_as_arg() ; else if ( $1->op == _PUSHS ) { CELL *cp = ZMALLOC(CELL) ; cp->type = C_STRING ; cp->ptr = $1[1].ptr ; cast_to_RE(cp) ; $1->op = _PUSHC ; $1[1].ptr = (PTR) cp ; } } } /* exit_statement */ statement : EXIT separator { $$ = code_ptr ; code1(_EXIT0) ; } | EXIT expr separator { $$ = $2 ; code1(_EXIT) ; } return_statement : RETURN separator { $$ = code_ptr ; code1(_RET0) ; } | RETURN expr separator { $$ = $2 ; code1(_RET) ; } /* getline */ p_expr : getline %prec GETLINE { $$ = code_ptr ; code2(F_PUSHA, &field[0]) ; code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(0) ; code2(_BUILTIN, bi_getline) ; getline_flag = 0 ; } | getline fvalue %prec GETLINE { $$ = $2 ; code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(0) ; code2(_BUILTIN, bi_getline) ; getline_flag = 0 ; } | getline_file p_expr %prec IO_IN { code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(F_IN) ; code2(_BUILTIN, bi_getline) ; /* getline_flag already off in yylex() */ } | p_expr PIPE GETLINE { code2(F_PUSHA, &field[0]) ; code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(PIPE_IN) ; code2(_BUILTIN, bi_getline) ; } | p_expr PIPE GETLINE fvalue { code1(_PUSHINT) ; code1(PIPE_IN) ; code2(_BUILTIN, bi_getline) ; } ; getline : GETLINE { getline_flag = 1 ; } fvalue : lvalue | field ; getline_file : getline IO_IN { $$ = code_ptr ; code2(F_PUSHA, field+0) ; } | getline fvalue IO_IN { $$ = $2 ; } ; /*========================================== sub and gsub ==========================================*/ p_expr : sub_or_gsub LPAREN re_arg COMMA expr sub_back { if ( $6 - $5 == 2 && $5->op == _PUSHS ) { /* cast from STRING to REPL at compile time */ CELL *cp = ZMALLOC(CELL) ; cp->type = C_STRING ; cp->ptr = $5[1].ptr ; cast_to_REPL(cp) ; $5->op = _PUSHC ; $5[1].ptr = (PTR) cp ; } code2(_BUILTIN, $1) ; $$ = $3 ; } ; sub_or_gsub : SUB { $$ = bi_sub ; } | GSUB { $$ = bi_gsub ; } ; sub_back : RPAREN /* substitute into $0 */ { $$ = code_ptr ; code2(F_PUSHA, &field[0]) ; } | COMMA fvalue RPAREN { $$ = $2 ; } ; /*================================================ user defined functions *=================================*/ function_def : funct_start block { resize_fblock($1, code_ptr) ; code_ptr = main_code_ptr ; scope = SCOPE_MAIN ; active_funct = (FBLOCK *) 0 ; restore_ids() ; } ; funct_start : funct_head LPAREN f_arglist RPAREN { eat_nl() ; scope = SCOPE_FUNCT ; active_funct = $1 ; main_code_ptr = code_ptr ; if ( $1->nargs = $3 ) $1->typev = (char *) memset( zmalloc($3), ST_LOCAL_NONE, SIZE_T($3)) ; else $1->typev = (char *) 0 ; code_ptr = $1->code = (INST *) zmalloc(PAGE_SZ*sizeof(INST)) ; } ; funct_head : FUNCTION ID { FBLOCK *fbp ; if ( $2->type == ST_NONE ) { $2->type = ST_FUNCT ; fbp = $2->stval.fbp = (FBLOCK *) zmalloc(sizeof(FBLOCK)) ; fbp->name = $2->name ; } else { type_error( $2 ) ; /* this FBLOCK will not be put in the symbol table */ fbp = (FBLOCK*) zmalloc(sizeof(FBLOCK)) ; fbp->name = "" ; } $$ = fbp ; } | FUNCTION FUNCT_ID { $$ = $2 ; if ( $2->code ) compile_error("redefinition of %s" , $2->name) ; } ; f_arglist : /* empty */ { $$ = 0 ; } | f_args ; f_args : ID { $1 = save_id($1->name) ; $1->type = ST_LOCAL_NONE ; $1->offset = 0 ; $$ = 1 ; } | f_args COMMA ID { if ( is_local($3) ) compile_error("%s is duplicated in argument list", $3->name) ; else { $3 = save_id($3->name) ; $3->type = ST_LOCAL_NONE ; $3->offset = $1 ; $$ = $1 + 1 ; } } ; outside_error : error { /* we may have to recover from a bungled function definition */ /* can have local ids, before code scope changes */ restore_ids() ; if (scope == SCOPE_FUNCT) { scope = SCOPE_MAIN ; active_funct = (FBLOCK*) 0 ; } code_ptr = main_code_ptr ; } ; /* a call to a user defined function */ p_expr : FUNCT_ID mark call_args { $$ = $2 ; code2(_CALL, $1) ; if ( $3 ) code1($3->arg_num+1) ; else code1(0) ; check_fcall($1, scope, active_funct, $3, token_lineno) ; } ; call_args : LPAREN RPAREN { $$ = (CA_REC *) 0 ; } | ca_front ca_back { $$ = $2 ; $$->link = $1 ; $$->arg_num = $1 ? $1->arg_num+1 : 0 ; } ; /* The funny definition of ca_front with the COMMA bound to the ID is to force a shift to avoid a reduce/reduce conflict ID->id or ID->array Or to avoid a decision, if the type of the ID has not yet been determined */ ca_front : LPAREN { $$ = (CA_REC *) 0 ; } | ca_front expr COMMA { $$ = (CA_REC *) zmalloc(sizeof(CA_REC)) ; $$->link = $1 ; $$->type = CA_EXPR ; $$->arg_num = $1 ? $1->arg_num+1 : 0 ; } | ca_front ID COMMA { $$ = (CA_REC *) zmalloc(sizeof(CA_REC)) ; $$->link = $1 ; $$->arg_num = $1 ? $1->arg_num+1 : 0 ; code_call_id($$, $2) ; } ; ca_back : expr RPAREN { $$ = (CA_REC *) zmalloc(sizeof(CA_REC)) ; $$->type = CA_EXPR ; } | ID RPAREN { $$ = (CA_REC *) zmalloc(sizeof(CA_REC)) ; code_call_id($$, $1) ; } ; %% /* resize the code for a user function */ static void resize_fblock( fbp, code_ptr ) FBLOCK *fbp ; INST *code_ptr ; { int size ; code1(_RET0) ; /* make sure there is always a return statement */ #if !SM_DOS if ( dump_code ) { code1(_HALT) ; /*stops da() */ add_to_fdump_list(fbp) ; } #endif if ( (size = code_ptr - fbp->code) > PAGE_SZ-1 ) overflow("function code size", PAGE_SZ ) ; /* resize the code */ fbp->code = (INST*) zrealloc(fbp->code, PAGE_SZ*sizeof(INST), size * sizeof(INST) ) ; } /* convert FE_PUSHA to FE_PUSHI or F_PUSH to F_PUSHI */ static void field_A2I() { CELL *cp ; if ( code_ptr[-1].op == FE_PUSHA && code_ptr[-1].ptr == (PTR) 0) /* On most architectures, the two tests are the same; a good compiler might eliminate one. On LM_DOS, and possibly other segmented architectures, they are not */ { code_ptr[-1].op = FE_PUSHI ; } else { cp = (CELL *) code_ptr[-1].ptr ; if ( cp == field || #if LM_DOS SAMESEG(cp,field) && #endif cp > NF && cp <= LAST_PFIELD ) { code_ptr[-2].op = _PUSHI ; } else if ( cp == NF ) { code_ptr[-2].op = NF_PUSHI ; code_ptr-- ; } else { code_ptr[-2].op = F_PUSHI ; code_ptr -> op = field_addr_to_index( code_ptr[-1].ptr ) ; code_ptr++ ; } } } /* we've seen an ID in a context where it should be a VAR, check that's consistent with previous usage */ static void check_var( p ) register SYMTAB *p ; { switch(p->type) { case ST_NONE : /* new id */ p->type = ST_VAR ; p->stval.cp = new_CELL() ; p->stval.cp->type = C_NOINIT ; break ; case ST_LOCAL_NONE : p->type = ST_LOCAL_VAR ; active_funct->typev[p->offset] = ST_LOCAL_VAR ; break ; case ST_VAR : case ST_LOCAL_VAR : break ; default : type_error(p) ; break ; } } /* we've seen an ID in a context where it should be an ARRAY, check that's consistent with previous usage */ static void check_array(p) register SYMTAB *p ; { switch(p->type) { case ST_NONE : /* a new array */ p->type = ST_ARRAY ; p->stval.array = new_ARRAY() ; break ; case ST_ARRAY : case ST_LOCAL_ARRAY : break ; case ST_LOCAL_NONE : p->type = ST_LOCAL_ARRAY ; active_funct->typev[p->offset] = ST_LOCAL_ARRAY ; break ; default : type_error(p) ; break ; } } static void code_array(p) register SYMTAB *p ; { if ( is_local(p) ) { code1(LA_PUSHA) ; code1(p->offset) ; } else code2(A_PUSHA, p->stval.array) ; } static int current_offset() { switch( scope ) { case SCOPE_MAIN : return code_ptr - main_start ; case SCOPE_BEGIN : return code_ptr - begin_code.start ; case SCOPE_END : return code_ptr - end_code.start ; case SCOPE_FUNCT : return code_ptr - active_funct->code ; } /* can't get here */ return 0 ; } /* we've seen an ID as an argument to a user defined function */ static void code_call_id( p, ip ) register CA_REC *p ; register SYMTAB *ip ; { static CELL dummy ; switch( ip->type ) { case ST_VAR : p->type = CA_EXPR ; code2(_PUSHI, ip->stval.cp) ; break ; case ST_LOCAL_VAR : p->type = CA_EXPR ; code1(L_PUSHI) ; code1(ip->offset) ; break ; case ST_ARRAY : p->type = CA_ARRAY ; code2(A_PUSHA, ip->stval.array) ; break ; case ST_LOCAL_ARRAY : p->type = CA_ARRAY ; code1(LA_PUSHA) ; code1(ip->offset) ; break ; /* not enough info to code it now; it will have to be patched later */ case ST_NONE : p->type = ST_NONE ; p->call_offset = current_offset() ; p->sym_p = ip ; code2(_PUSHI, &dummy) ; break ; case ST_LOCAL_NONE : p->type = ST_LOCAL_NONE ; p->call_offset = current_offset() ; p->type_p = & active_funct->typev[ip->offset] ; code1(L_PUSHI) ; code1(ip->offset) ; break ; #ifdef DEBUG default : bozo("code_call_id") ; #endif } } /* an RE by itself was coded as _MATCH0 , change to push as an expression */ static void RE_as_arg() { CELL *cp = ZMALLOC(CELL) ; code_ptr -= 2 ; cp->type = C_RE ; cp->ptr = code_ptr[1].ptr ; code2(_PUSHC, cp) ; } int parse() { int yy = yyparse() ; #if YYBYACC extern struct yacc_mem *yacc_memp ; yacc_memp++ ; /* puts parser tables in mem pool */ #endif if ( resolve_list ) resolve_fcalls() ; return yy ; }