/* * modload.c * * This is the interface for the kernel module loader for statically * loadable kernel modules. The interface is nearly identical to the * SunOS 4.1.3 not because I lack imagination but because I liked Sun's * approach in this particular revision of their BSD-derived OS. * * modload [-d] [-v] [-A ] [-e ] * [-o ] * * -d - debug * -v - verbose * -A - specify symbol kernel (default="/386bsd") * -e - entry point (default="xxxinit") * -p - postinstall script or executable * -o - output file (default=-".o") * * Copyright (c) 1993 Terrence R. Lambert. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Terrence R. Lambert. * 4. The name Terrence R. Lambert may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TERRENCE R. LAMBERT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE TERRENCE R. LAMBERT BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $Id: modload.c,v 1.2 1993/06/07 23:10:34 cgd Exp $ */ #define printf I_HATE_ANSI #include #undef printf #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef sun /* these are defined in stdlib.h for everything but sun*/ extern char *optarg; extern int optind; #endif /* sun*/ #ifndef DFLT_KERNEL #define DFLT_KERNEL _PATH_UNIX #endif /* !DFLT_KERNEL*/ #ifndef DFLT_ENTRY #define DFLT_ENTRY "xxxinit" #endif /* !DFLT_ENTRY*/ /* * Expected linker options: * * -A executable to link against * -e entry point * -o output file * -T address to link to in hex (assumes it's a page boundry) * object file * */ /* #define LINKCMD "ld -f %s -e _%s -o %s -T %x %s" */ #define LINKCMD "ld -A %s -e _%s -o %s -T %x %s" #define LKM_DEV "/dev/lkm" #ifdef MIN #undef MIN #endif /* MIN*/ #define MIN(x,y) ((x)>(y) ? (y) : (x)) int debug = 0; int verbose = 0; linkcmd( kernel, entry, outfile, address, object) char *kernel; char *entry; char *outfile; unsigned int address; char *object; { char cmdbuf[ 1024]; int err = 0; sprintf( cmdbuf, LINKCMD, kernel, entry, outfile, address, object); if( debug) printf( "%s\n", cmdbuf); switch( system( cmdbuf)) { case 0: /* SUCCESS!*/ break; case 1: /* uninformitive error*/ /* * Someone needs to fix the return values from the 386BSD * ld program -- it's totally uninformative. * * No such file (4 on SunOS) * Can't write output (2 on SunOS) * Undefined symbol (1 on SunOS) * etc. */ case 127: /* can't load shell*/ case 32512: default: err = 1; break; } return( err); } usage() { fprintf( stderr, "usage:\n"); fprintf( stderr, "modload [-d] [-v] [-A ] [-e ] [-o ] \n"); exit( 1); } int filopen = 0; #define DEV_OPEN 0x01 #define MOD_OPEN 0x02 #define PART_RESRV 0x04 main( ac, av) int ac; char *av[]; { int ch; char *kname = DFLT_KERNEL; char *entry = DFLT_ENTRY; char *post = NULL; char *out = NULL; char *modobj; int devfd; int modfd; char modout[ 80]; char *p; struct exec info_buf; int err = 0; unsigned long modsize; unsigned long modentry; struct lmc_resrv resrv; struct lmc_loadbuf ldbuf; int i; int sz; char buf[ MODIOBUF]; int bytesleft; while( ( ch = getopt( ac, av, "dvA:e:p:o:")) != EOF) { switch(ch) { case 'd': debug = 1; break; /* debug*/ case 'v': verbose = 1; break; /* verbose*/ case 'A': kname = optarg; break; /* kernel*/ case 'e': entry = optarg; break; /* entry point*/ case 'p': post = optarg; break; /* postinstall*/ case 'o': out = optarg; break; /* output file*/ case '?': usage(); default: printf( "default!\n"); } } ac -= optind; av += optind; if( ac != 1) usage(); modobj = av[ 0]; /* * Open the virtual device device driver for exclusive use (needed * to write the new module to it as our means of getting it in the * kernel). */ if( ( devfd = open( LKM_DEV, O_RDWR, 0)) == -1) { perror( LKM_DEV); err = 3; goto done; } filopen |= DEV_OPEN; strcpy( modout, modobj); for( p = modout; *p && *p != '.'; p++) continue; if( !*p || strcmp( p, ".o")) { fprintf( stderr, "Module object must end in .o\n"); err = 2; goto done; } if( out == NULL) { out = modout; *p == 0; } /* * Prelink to get file size */ if( linkcmd( kname, entry, out, 0, modobj)) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't prelink %s creating %s!\n", modobj, out); err = 1; goto done; } /* * Pre-open the 0-linked module to get the size information */ if( ( modfd = open( out, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) { perror( out); err = 4; goto done; } filopen |= MOD_OPEN; /* * Get the load module post load size... do this by reading the * header and doing page counts. */ if( read( modfd, &info_buf, sizeof(struct exec)) == -1) { perror( "read"); err = 3; goto done; } /* * Close the dummy module -- we have our sizing information. */ close( modfd); filopen &= ~MOD_OPEN; /* * Magic number... */ if( N_BADMAG( info_buf)) { fprintf( stderr, "Not an a.out format file\n"); err = 4; goto done; } /* * Calculate the size of the module */ modsize = info_buf.a_text + info_buf.a_data; /* amount to load*/ /* * Reserve the required amount of kernel memory -- this may fail * to be successful. */ resrv.size = modsize; /* size in bytes*/ resrv.name = modout; /* objname w/o ".o"*/ resrv.slot = -1; /* returned*/ resrv.addr = 0; /* returned*/ if( ioctl( devfd, LMRESERV, &resrv) == -1) { perror( "LMRESERV"); fprintf( stderr, "Can't reserve memory\n"); err = 9; goto done; } filopen |= PART_RESRV; /* * Relink at kernel load address */ if( linkcmd( kname, entry, out, resrv.addr, modobj)) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't link %s creating %s bound to 0x%08x!\n", modobj, out, resrv.addr); err = 1; goto done; } /* * Open the relinked module to load it... */ if( ( modfd = open( out, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) { perror( out); err = 4; goto done; } filopen |= MOD_OPEN; /* * Reread the header to get the actual entry point *after* the * relink. */ if( read( modfd, &info_buf, sizeof(struct exec)) == -1) { perror( "read"); err = 3; goto done; } /* * Get the entry point (for initialization) */ modentry = info_buf.a_entry; /* place to call*/ /* * Seek to the text offset to start loading... */ if( lseek( modfd, N_TXTOFF(info_buf), 0) == -1) { perror( "lseek"); err = 12; goto done; } /* * Transfer the relinked module to kernel memory in chunks of * MODIOBUF size at a time. */ bytesleft = modsize; for( i = 0; i < (modsize + MODIOBUF-1)/MODIOBUF; i++) { sz = MIN(bytesleft,MODIOBUF); read( modfd, buf, sz); ldbuf.cnt = sz; ldbuf.data = buf; if( ioctl( devfd, LMLOADBUF, &ldbuf) == -1) { perror( "LMLOADBUF"); /* error*/ fprintf( stderr, "Error transferring buffer\n"); err = 11; goto done; } bytesleft -= MODIOBUF; if( bytesleft < 1) break; } /* * Save ourselves before disaster (potentitally) strikes... */ sync(); /* * Trigger the module as loaded by calling the entry procedure; * this will do all necessary table fixup to ensure that state * is maintained on success, or blow everything back to ground * zero on failure. */ if( ioctl( devfd, LMREADY, &modentry) == -1) { perror( "LMREADY"); err = 14; goto done; } /* * Success! */ filopen &= ~PART_RESRV; /* loaded*/ printf( "Module loaded as ID %d\n", resrv.slot); done: if( filopen & PART_RESRV) { /* * Free up kernel memory */ if( ioctl( devfd, LMUNRESRV, 0) == -1) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't release slot 0x%08x memory\n", resrv.slot); } } if( filopen & DEV_OPEN) close( devfd); if( filopen & MOD_OPEN) close( modfd); exit( err); } #ifdef OMIT MODLOAD(8) MAINTENANCE COMMANDS MODLOAD(8) NAME modload - load a kernel module SYNOPSIS modload filename [ -d ] [ -v ] [ -sym ] [ -A vmunix_file ] [ -conf config_file ] [ -entry entry_point ] [ -exec exec_file ] [ -o output_file ] DESCRIPTION modload loads a loadable module into a running system. The input file filename is an object file (.o file). OPTIONS -d Debug. Used to debug modload itself. -v Verbose. Print comments on the loading process. -sym Preserve symbols for use by kadb(8S). -A vmunix_file Specify the file that is passd to the linker to resolve module references to kernel symbols. The default is /vmunix. The symbol file must be for the currently running kernel or the module is likely to crash the system. -conf config_file Use this configuration file to configure the loadable driver being loaded. The commands in this file are the same as those that the config(8) program recognizes. There are two additional commands recognized, blockma- jor and charmajor. See the Writing Device Drivers for information on these commands. -entry entry_point Specify the module entry point. This is passed by modload to ld(1) when the module is linked. The default module entry point name is `xxxinit`. -exec exec_file Specify the name of a shell script or executable image file that will be executed if the module is success- fully loaded. It is always passed the module id (in decimal) and module type (in hexadecimal) as the first two arguments. Module types are listed in /usr/include/sun/vddrv.h. For loadable drivers, the third and fourth arguments are the block major and character major numbers respectively. For a loadable system call, the third argument is the system call number. -o output_file Sun Release 4.1 Last change: 31 May 1991 1 MODLOAD(8) MAINTENANCE COMMANDS MODLOAD(8) Specify the name of the output file that is produced by the linker. If this option is omitted, then the output file name is filename without the `.o`. BUGS On Sun-3 machines, the config(8) program generates assembly language wrappers to provide the proper linkage to device interrupt handlers. modload does not generate these wrappers; on interrupt, control passes directly to the load- able drivers interrupt handler. Consequently, the driver must provide its own wrapper. See the ioconf.c file gen- erated by config(8) for examples of wrappers. SEE ALSO ld(1), config(8), kadb(8S), modunload(8), modstat(8) Sun Release 4.1 Last change: 31 May 1991 2 #endif /* OMIT*/