/* $NetBSD: rcsclean.c,v 1.4 1996/10/15 07:00:38 veego Exp $ */ /* Clean up working files. */ /* Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert Distributed under license by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of RCS. RCS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. RCS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RCS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Report problems and direct all questions to: rcs-bugs@cs.purdue.edu */ #include "rcsbase.h" #if has_dirent static int get_directory P((char const*,char***)); #endif static int unlock P((struct hshentry *)); static void cleanup P((void)); static RILE *workptr; static int exitstatus; mainProg(rcscleanId, "rcsclean", "Id: rcsclean.c,v 5.9 1995/06/16 06:19:24 eggert Exp") { static char const usage[] = "\nrcsclean: usage: rcsclean -ksubst -{nqru}[rev] -T -Vn -xsuff -zzone file ..."; static struct buf revision; char *a, **newargv; char const *rev, *p; int dounlock, expmode, perform, unlocked, unlockflag, waslocked; int Ttimeflag; struct hshentries *deltas; struct hshentry *delta; struct stat workstat; setrid(); expmode = -1; rev = 0; suffixes = X_DEFAULT; perform = true; unlockflag = false; Ttimeflag = false; argc = getRCSINIT(argc, argv, &newargv); argv = newargv; for (;;) { if (--argc < 1) { # if has_dirent argc = get_directory(".", &newargv); argv = newargv; break; # else faterror("no pathnames specified"); # endif } a = *++argv; if (!*a || *a++ != '-') break; switch (*a++) { case 'k': if (0 <= expmode) redefined('k'); if ((expmode = str2expmode(a)) < 0) goto unknown; break; case 'n': perform = false; goto handle_revision; case 'q': quietflag = true; /* fall into */ case 'r': handle_revision: if (*a) { if (rev) warn("redefinition of revision number"); rev = a; } break; case 'T': if (*a) goto unknown; Ttimeflag = true; break; case 'u': unlockflag = true; goto handle_revision; case 'V': setRCSversion(*argv); break; case 'x': suffixes = a; break; case 'z': zone_set(a); break; default: unknown: error("unknown option: %s%s", *argv, usage); } } dounlock = perform & unlockflag; if (nerror) cleanup(); else for (; 0 < argc; cleanup(), ++argv, --argc) { ffree(); if (!( 0 < pairnames( argc, argv, dounlock ? rcswriteopen : rcsreadopen, true, true ) && (workptr = Iopen(workname, FOPEN_R_WORK, &workstat)) )) continue; if (same_file(RCSstat, workstat, 0)) { rcserror("RCS file is the same as working file %s.", workname ); continue; } gettree(); p = 0; if (rev) { if (!fexpandsym(rev, &revision, workptr)) continue; p = revision.string; } else if (Head) switch (unlockflag ? findlock(false,&delta) : 0) { default: continue; case 0: p = Dbranch ? Dbranch : ""; break; case 1: p = delta->num; break; } delta = 0; deltas = 0; /* Keep lint happy. */ if (p && !(delta = genrevs(p,(char*)0,(char*)0,(char*)0,&deltas))) continue; waslocked = delta && delta->lockedby; locker_expansion = unlock(delta); unlocked = locker_expansion & unlockflag; if (unlockednum, RCSname); if (perform & unlocked) { if_advise_access(deltas->first != delta, finptr, MADV_SEQUENTIAL); if (donerewrite(true, Ttimeflag ? RCSstat.st_mtime : (time_t)-1 ) != 0) continue; } if (!quietflag) aprintf(stdout, "rm -f %s\n", workname); Izclose(&workptr); if (perform && un_link(workname) != 0) eerror(workname); } tempunlink(); if (!quietflag) Ofclose(stdout); exitmain(exitstatus); } static void cleanup() { if (nerror) exitstatus = EXIT_FAILURE; Izclose(&finptr); Izclose(&workptr); Ozclose(&fcopy); ORCSclose(); dirtempunlink(); } #if RCS_lint # define exiterr rcscleanExit #endif void exiterr() { ORCSerror(); dirtempunlink(); tempunlink(); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static int unlock(delta) struct hshentry *delta; { register struct rcslock **al, *l; if (delta && delta->lockedby && strcmp(getcaller(),delta->lockedby)==0) for (al = &Locks; (l = *al); al = &l->nextlock) if (l->delta == delta) { *al = l->nextlock; delta->lockedby = 0; return true; } return false; } #if has_dirent static int get_directory(dirname, aargv) char const *dirname; char ***aargv; /* * Put a vector of all DIRNAME's directory entries names into *AARGV. * Ignore names of RCS files. * Yield the number of entries found. Terminate the vector with 0. * Allocate the storage for the vector and entry names. * Do not sort the names. Do not include '.' and '..'. */ { int i, entries = 0, entries_max = 64; size_t chars = 0, chars_max = 1024; size_t *offset = tnalloc(size_t, entries_max); char *a = tnalloc(char, chars_max), **p; DIR *d; struct dirent *e; if (!(d = opendir(dirname))) efaterror(dirname); while ((errno = 0, e = readdir(d))) { char const *en = e->d_name; size_t s = strlen(en) + 1; if (en[0]=='.' && (!en[1] || (en[1]=='.' && !en[2]))) continue; if (rcssuffix(en)) continue; while (chars_max < s + chars) a = trealloc(char, a, chars_max<<=1); if (entries == entries_max) offset = trealloc(size_t, offset, entries_max<<=1); offset[entries++] = chars; VOID strcpy(a+chars, en); chars += s; } # if void_closedir # define close_directory(d) (closedir(d), 0) # else # define close_directory(d) closedir(d) # endif if (errno || close_directory(d) != 0) efaterror(dirname); if (chars) a = trealloc(char, a, chars); else tfree(a); *aargv = p = tnalloc(char*, entries+1); for (i=0; i