#! /usr/bin/lua -- $NetBSD: fmt-list,v 1.3 2020/11/02 20:14:01 rillig Exp $ --[[ Align the lines of a file list so that all lines from the same directory have the other fields at the same indentation. Sort the lines and remove duplicate lines. usage: ./fmt-list [-n] */*/{mi,ad.*,md.*} ]] local function test(func) func() end local function assert_equals(got, expected) if got ~= expected then assert(false, string.format("got %q, expected %q", got, expected)) end end -- Calculate the width of the given string on the screen, assuming that -- the tab width is 8 and that the string starts at a tabstop. local function tabwidth(str) local width = 0 for i = 1, #str do if string.sub(str, i, i) == "\t" then width = width // 8 * 8 + 8 else width = width + 1 end end return width end test(function() assert_equals(tabwidth(""), 0) assert_equals(tabwidth("1234"), 4) assert_equals(tabwidth("\t"), 8) assert_equals(tabwidth("1234567\t"), 8) assert_equals(tabwidth("\t1234\t"), 16) assert_equals(tabwidth("\t1234\t1"), 17) end) -- Calculate the tab characters that are necessary to set the width -- of the string to the desired width. local function tabs(str, width) local strwidth = tabwidth(str) local tabs = string.rep("\t", (width - strwidth + 7) // 8) if tabs == "" then error(string.format("%q\t%d\t%d", str, strwidth, width)) end assert(tabs ~= "") return tabs end test(function() assert_equals(tabs("", 8), "\t") assert_equals(tabs("1234567", 8), "\t") assert_equals(tabs("", 64), "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t") end) -- Group the items by a key and then execute the action on each of the -- groups. local function foreach_group(items, get_key, action) local key local group = {} for _, item in ipairs(items) do local item_key = assert(get_key(item)) if item_key ~= key then if #group > 0 then action(group, key) end key = item_key group = {} end table.insert(group, item) end if #group > 0 then action(group, key) end end test(function() local items = { {"prime", 2}, {"prime", 3}, {"not prime", 4}, {"prime", 5}, {"prime", 7} } local result = "" foreach_group( items, function(item) return item[1] end, function(group, key) result = result .. string.format("%d %s\n", #group, key) end) assert_equals(result, "2 prime\n1 not prime\n2 prime\n") end) -- Parse a line from a file list and split it into its meaningful parts. local function parse_entry(line) local category_align, prefix, fullname, flags_align, category, flags = line:match("^((%-?)(%.%S*)%s+)((%S+)%s+)(%S+)$") if fullname == nil then category_align, prefix, fullname, category = line:match("^((%-?)(%.%S*)%s+)(%S+)$") end if fullname == nil then prefix, fullname = line:match("^(%-)(%.%S*)$") end if fullname == nil then return end local dirname, basename = fullname:match("^(.+)/([^/]+)$") if dirname == nil then dirname, basename = "", fullname end local category_col, flags_col if category_align ~= nil then category_col = tabwidth(category_align) end if flags_align ~= nil then flags_col = tabwidth(flags_align) end return { prefix = prefix, fullname = fullname, dirname = dirname, basename = basename, category_col = category_col, category = category, flags_col = flags_col, flags = flags } end test(function() local entry = parse_entry("./dirname/filename\t\t\tcategory\tflags") assert_equals(entry.prefix, "") assert_equals(entry.fullname, "./dirname/filename") assert_equals(entry.dirname, "./dirname") assert_equals(entry.basename, "filename") assert_equals(entry.category_col, 40) assert_equals(entry.category, "category") assert_equals(entry.flags_col, 16) assert_equals(entry.flags, "flags") end) -- Return the smaller of the given values, ignoring nil. local function min(curr, value) if curr == nil or (value ~= nil and value < curr) then return value end return curr end test(function() assert_equals(min(nil, nil), nil) assert_equals(min(0, nil), 0) assert_equals(min(nil, 0), 0) assert_equals(min(0, 0), 0) assert_equals(min(1, -1), -1) assert_equals(min(-1, 1), -1) end) -- Return the larger of the given values, ignoring nil. local function max(curr, value) if curr == nil or (value ~= nil and value > curr) then return value end return curr end test(function() assert_equals(max(nil, nil), nil) assert_equals(max(0, nil), 0) assert_equals(max(nil, 0), 0) assert_equals(max(0, 0), 0) assert_equals(max(1, -1), 1) assert_equals(max(-1, 1), 1) end) -- Calculate the column on which the field should be aligned. local function column(entries, get_width_before, colname) local function nexttab(col) return col // 8 * 8 + 8 end local currmin, currmax, required for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do local width = get_width_before(entry) if width ~= nil then required = max(required, width) local col = entry[colname] currmin = min(currmin, col) currmax = max(currmax, col) end end if currmin == currmax then return currmin, "aligned" end return nexttab(required), "unaligned" end test(function() local function width_before_category(entry) return tabwidth(entry.prefix .. entry.fullname) end local function width_before_flags(entry) return tabwidth(entry.category) end -- The entries are nicely aligned, therefore there is no need to change -- anything. local entries = { parse_entry("./file1\tcategory"), parse_entry("./file2\tcategory") } assert_equals(entries[2].category_col, 8) assert_equals(width_before_category(entries[2]), 7) assert_equals(column(entries, width_before_category, "category_col"), 8) -- The entries are currently not aligned, therefore they are aligned -- to the minimum required column. entries = { parse_entry("./file1\tcategory"), parse_entry("./directory/file2\tcategory"), } assert_equals(entries[2].category_col, 24) assert_equals(column(entries, width_before_category, "category_col"), 24) -- The entries are already aligned, therefore the current alignment is -- preserved, even though it is more than the minimum required alignment -- of 8. There are probably reasons for the large indentation. entries = { parse_entry("./file1\t\t\tcategory"), parse_entry("./file2\t\t\tcategory") } assert_equals(column(entries, width_before_category, "category_col"), 24) -- The flags are already aligned, 4 tabs to the right of the category. -- There is no reason to change anything here. entries = { parse_entry("./file1\tcategory\t\t\tflags"), parse_entry("./file2\tcategory"), parse_entry("./file3\tcat\t\t\t\tflags") } assert_equals(column(entries, width_before_flags, "flags_col"), 32) end) -- Amend the entries by the tabs used for alignment. local function add_tabs(entries) local function width_before_category(entry) return tabwidth(entry.prefix .. entry.fullname) end local function width_before_flags(entry) if entry.flags ~= nil then return tabwidth(entry.category) end end local category_col, category_aligned = column(entries, width_before_category, "category_col") local flags_col = column(entries, width_before_flags, "flags_col") -- To avoid horizontal jumps for the column, the minimum column is set -- to 56. This way, the third column is usually set to 72, which is -- still visible on an 80-column screen. if category_aligned == "unaligned" then category_col = max(category_col, 56) end for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do local prefix = entry.prefix local fullname = entry.fullname local category = entry.category local flags = entry.flags if category ~= nil then entry.category_tabs = tabs(prefix .. fullname, category_col) if flags ~= nil then entry.flags_tabs = tabs(category, flags_col) end end end end test(function() local entries = { parse_entry("./file1\t\t\t\tcategory\t\tflags"), parse_entry("./file2\t\t\t\tcategory\t\tflags"), parse_entry("./file3\t\t\tcategory\t\tflags") } add_tabs(entries) assert_equals(entries[1].category_tabs, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t") assert_equals(entries[2].category_tabs, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t") assert_equals(entries[3].category_tabs, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t") assert_equals(entries[1].flags_tabs, "\t\t") assert_equals(entries[2].flags_tabs, "\t\t") assert_equals(entries[3].flags_tabs, "\t\t") end) -- Normalize the alignment of the fields of the entries. local function normalize(entries) local function less(a, b) if a.fullname ~= b.fullname then return a.fullname < b.fullname end if a.category ~= nil and b.category ~= nil and a.category ~= b.category then return a.category < b.category end return a.flags ~= nil and b.flags ~= nil and a.flags < b.flags end table.sort(entries, less) local function by_dirname(entry) return entry.dirname end foreach_group(entries, by_dirname, add_tabs) end -- Read a file list completely into memory. local function read_list(fname) local head = {} local entries = {} local errors = {} local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) local lineno = 0 for line in f:lines() do lineno = lineno + 1 local entry = parse_entry(line) if entry ~= nil then table.insert(entries, entry) elseif line:match("^#") then table.insert(head, line) else local msg = string.format( "%s:%d: unknown line format %q", fname, lineno, line) table.insert(errors, msg) end end f:close() return head, entries, errors end -- Write the normalized list file back to disk. -- -- Duplicate lines are skipped. This allows to append arbitrary lines to -- the end of the file and have them cleaned up automatically. local function write_list(fname, head, entries) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "w")) for _, line in ipairs(head) do f:write(line, "\n") end local prev_line = "" for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do local line = entry.prefix .. entry.fullname if entry.category ~= nil then line = line .. entry.category_tabs .. entry.category end if entry.flags ~= nil then line = line .. entry.flags_tabs .. entry.flags end if line ~= prev_line then prev_line = line f:write(line, "\n") end end f:close() end -- Load a file list, normalize it and write it back to disk. local function format_list(fname, write_back) local head, entries, errors = read_list(fname) if #errors > 0 then for _, err in ipairs(errors) do print(err) end return false end normalize(entries) if write_back then write_list(fname, head, entries) end return true end local function main(arg) local seen_error = false local write_back = true for _, fname in ipairs(arg) do if fname == "-n" then write_back = false else if not format_list(fname, write_back) then seen_error = true end end end return not seen_error end os.exit(main(arg))