#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "stand.h" #include "net.h" #include "netif.h" #include "samachdep.h" #ifdef DEBUG int debug = 1; #else int debug = 0; #endif /* These get set by the bootp module */ extern char rootpath[], bootfile[], hostname[], domainname[]; /* Forwards */ extern int boot_nfs(); extern int boot_tftp(); extern int help(); extern int gettime(); extern int toggle_debug(); extern int cat(); #if 0 extern int name_res(); #endif extern int set_server(); extern int set_gateway(); extern int set_address(); #ifdef LE_DEBUG extern int toggle_le_debug(); #endif #ifdef NETIF_DEBUG extern int toggle_netif_debug(); #endif struct cmds { char *cmd_name; int (*cmd_func)(); } cmd_table[] = { { "cat", cat }, { "nfs", boot_nfs }, { "tftp", boot_tftp }, { "time", gettime }, #if 0 { "resolv", name_res }, #endif #ifdef LE_DEBUG { "le_debug", toggle_le_debug }, #endif { "debug", toggle_debug }, #ifdef NETIF_DEBUG { "netif_debug", toggle_netif_debug }, #endif { "server", set_server }, { "gateway", set_gateway }, { "address", set_address }, { "help", help }, { "?", help }, { NULL, NULL } }; gettime() { printf("%d\n", getsecs()); } set_server(s, argc, argv) int s, argc; char *argv[]; { if (argc != 2) { printf("usage: %s ip-addr\n", argv[0]); return; } rootip = ip_convertaddr(argv[1]); printf("server=%s\n", intoa(rootip)); } set_address(s, argc, argv) int s, argc; char *argv[]; { if (argc != 2) { printf("usage: %s ip-addr\n", argv[0]); return; } myip = ip_convertaddr(argv[1]); printf("address=%s\n", intoa(myip)); } set_gateway(s, argc, argv) int s, argc; char *argv[]; { if (argc != 2) { printf("usage: %s ip-addr\n", argv[0]); return; } gateip = ip_convertaddr(argv[1]); printf("address=%s\n", intoa(gateip)); } toggle_debug(s, argc, argv) int s, argc; char *argv[]; { debug = !debug; printf("debug=%d\n", debug); } #ifdef LE_DEBUG toggle_le_debug(s, argc, argv) int s, argc; char *argv[]; { extern int le_debug; le_debug = !le_debug; printf("le_debug=%d\n", le_debug); } #endif #ifdef NETIF_DEBUG toggle_netif_debug(s, argc, argv) int s, argc; char *argv[]; { extern int netif_debug; netif_debug = !netif_debug; printf("netif_debug=%d\n", netif_debug); } #endif help() { struct cmds *ct; printf("Commands are:\n"); for (ct = cmd_table; ct->cmd_name; ct++) printf("%s\n", ct->cmd_name); } print_info() { printf("myip: %s (%s)", hostname, intoa(myip)); if (gateip) printf(", gateip: %s", intoa(gateip)); if (mask) printf(", mask: %s", intoa(mask)); printf("\n"); printf("boot: %s:%s\n", intoa(rootip), bootfile); printf("root: %s:%s\n", intoa(rootip), rootpath); printf("swap: %s\n", intoa(swapip)); printf("domain: %s, server: %s\n", domainname, intoa(nameip)); } boot_nfs(sock, argc, argv) int sock, argc; char *argv[]; { struct stat st; int fd; char c; if (!myip) { bootp(sock); print_info(); } /* mount root filesystem */ printf("Mount %s:%s\n", intoa(rootip), rootpath); nfs_mount(sock, rootip, rootpath); printf("mounted"); getchar(); printf("Stat \"hello\"\n"); if (stat("hello", &st) < 0) printf("stat: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else { printf("%s: mode=%o uid=%d gid=%d size=%d\n", "hello", st.st_mode, st.st_uid, st.st_gid, st.st_size); getchar(); } printf("Open hello\n"); if ((fd = open("hello", 0)) < 0) printf("open: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("opened fd = %d\n", fd); getchar(); printf("Reading \"hello\"\n"); while (read(fd, &c, 1) == 1) putchar(c); printf("EOF"); getchar(); printf("Close hello\n"); close(fd); } boot_tftp(sock, argc, argv) int sock, argc; char *argv[]; { if (!myip) { bootp(sock); print_info(); } } #if 0 name_res(sock, argc, argv) int sock, argc; char *argv[]; { char buf[100], *np; if (argc < 2) { printf("resolv: "); gets(buf); if (*buf == '\004') return; np = buf; } else np = argv[1]; if (!myip) bootp(sock); (void) resolve(sock, np); } #endif cat(sock, argc, argv) int sock, argc; char *argv[]; { int fd; char c; struct stat st; char buf[100]; printf("File: "); gets(buf); if (stat(buf, &st) < 0) { printf("stat: %s: %s\n", buf, strerror(errno)); return; } printf("%s: mode=%o uid=%d gid=%d size=%d\n", buf, st.st_mode, st.st_uid, st.st_gid, st.st_size); getchar(); if ((fd = open(buf, 0)) < 0) { printf("open: %s: %s\n", buf, strerror(errno)); return; } printf("%s: open", buf); getchar(); while (read(fd, &c, 1) == 1) putchar(c); printf("%s: EOF", buf); getchar(); close(fd); } static int getline(prompt, argv, argvsize) char **argv, *prompt; int argvsize; { register char *p, ch; static char line[128]; int argc = 0; if (prompt) printf("%s", prompt); gets(line); /* skip white spaces */ for (p = line; isspace(*p); p++); while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0') { if (argc > argvsize) break; argv[(argc)++] = p; /* skip word */ for (; *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0'; p++); if (*p != '\0') *p++ ='\0'; /* skip white spaces */ for (; isspace(*p); p++); } argv[argc] = NULL; return(argc); } main() { char *argv[8]; int argc; struct cmds *ct; int s; bootdev = -1; /* network */ printf("\n>> NetBSD NETWORK BOOT HP9000/%s CPU [%s]\n", getmachineid(), "$Revision: 1.3 $"); s = netif_open(NULL); /* XXX machdep may be "le" */ if (s < 0) printf("Failed to open netif = %d: %s\n", s, strerror(errno)); for (;;) { argc = getline("netboot> ", argv, NENTS(argv)); for (ct = cmd_table; ct->cmd_name; ct++) { if (strcmp(argv[0], ct->cmd_name) == 0) { (*ct->cmd_func)(s, argc, argv); break; } } } netif_close(s); }