.\" $NetBSD: errors.nr,v 1.3 1998/01/09 06:34:44 perry Exp $ .\" .\"WISC: Header: errors.nr,v 1.2 88/12/06 16:06:07 nhall Exp $ .\"WISC: Source: /usr/argo/doc/kernel/RCS/errors.nr,v $ .NC "Error Handling" This section describes the various ways that the ARGO kernel handles errors. For the purpose of this description, errors are divided into three classes : user errors, remote-end errors, and internal errors. These three classes of errors and the way the ARGO kernel handles them are described below. .sh 1 "Network Layer Errors" .pp The following section describes how errors are handled by CLNP. .sh 2 "User Errors" .pp User errors occur when attempting to send a CLNP packet. These errors are reflected back to the caller of \fIclnp_output()\fR as the return value of the function. The following table indicates the types of errors possible and their associated return codes: .(b L .TS tab(+), expand box; l l. Problem+Return Code = Unsupported option selected+EINVAL Incorrect address+ENAMETOOLONG Insufficient \fImbufs\fR+ENOBUFS Can't route packet+ENETUNREACH,EHOSTUNREACH Insufficient \fImbufs\fR+ENOBUFS .TE .)b .sh 2 "Remote-end Errors" .pp An error that occurs as the result of incoming NPDU is a remote-end error. .pp In the case of CONS, the majority of these are addressing problems, PDN-generated errors (network or gateway congestion, number busy), or higher layer negotiation problems. All ISO 8208 diagnostic codes that may appear in a call clearing packet are passed up to the higher layer. Some of the higher layer protocols pass this error indication to the user level program as well. The CONS statistics that are maintained by the "glue" module include counters for each of the possible ISO 8208 diagnostic codes seen on incoming packets. In addition to these error codes, there are some codes that may appear due to device driver problems when an NPDU arrives, for example, the driver may run out of buffers. All possible errors that may occur in the CONS module are listed in the file \fC\fR, and the values listed in this file are passed to the user level program in the global integer variable \fIerrno\fR. The ARGO library \fClibisodir.a\fR includes an expanded version of \fIperror()\fR that interprets these extra values. .pp In the case of CLNP, the most remote-end errors are parsing errors. When a remote-end error is discovered, processing of the NPDU stops. The NPDU is discarded, and if error reporting is not disabled, and ER NPDU is sent back to the source of the offending packet. The following tables show the errors that may occur, and the error reason that will specified when the ER NPDU is returned. .pp The following general errors may occur while parsing an NPDU: .(b L .TS tab(+), box, expand; l l. Problem+Error Reason = NPDU arrives before interface is configured+ADDR_DESTUNREACH Packet too short or too big+GEN_INCOMPLETE Protocol identification wrong+GEN_HDRSYNTAX Version wrong+DISC_UNSUPPVERS Lifetime expired+TTL_EXPTRANSIT Incorrect checksum+GEN_BADCSUM Address section too short+GEN_INCOMPLETE Segment section too short+GEN_INCOMPLETE Options section too short+GEN_INCOMPLETE Unknown packet type+GEN_HDRSYNTAX Can't route packet (forwarding)+ADDR_DESTUNREACH .TE .)b The following errors are related to options processing: .(b L .TS tab(+), box, expand; l l. Problem+Error Reason = Duplicate option+GEN_DUPOPT Unknown option+DISC_UNSUPPTOPT Security format bad+GEN_HDRSYNTAX Security option present+DISC_UNSUPPSECURE Source route format bad+SRCRT_SYNTAX Record route too short+GEN_INCOMPLETE Record route format bad+GEN_HDRSYNTAX QOS format bad+GEN_HDRSYNTAX Priority format bad+GEN_HDRSYNTAX Error reason format bad+GEN_HDRSYNTAX Error reason on non-ER NPDU+DISC_UNSUPPOPT Error reason absent from ER NPDU+GEN_HDRSYNTAX .TE .)b .sh 2 "Internal Errors" .pp Internal errors occur as a result of a programmer error. These errors will result in a kernel \fIpanic()\fR. The following panics have been coded into CLNP: .(b L .TS tab(+), box, expand; l l. \fIPanic()\fR message+Reason = clnp_init: no raw clnp+The raw clnp protocol is not +configured into the kernel. _ clnp_srcaddr: ifp does not match interface+The ifp +passed to \fIclnp_srcaddr()\fR is invalid. .TE .)b .sh 1 "Transport Layer Errors" .pp .sh 2 "User Errors" .pp TP handles these errors in the "standard" way for 4.3BSD: it causes an E\fIxxx\fR error constant (from the list in /sys/h/errno.h) to be put into the user program's global variable \fIerrno\fR. In most routines, in particular those routines called directly or indirectly the by system-call routines, this is done by simply returning this integer value. The errors that fall into this category are described in the following table: .(b L .TS expand box tab(+); l l. Error+Meaning = EAFNOSUPPORT+Attempting to use an address family +other than AF_ISO and AF_INET. _ ENOPROTOOPT+TP was not configured at boot time. _ ESOCKTNOSUPPORT+The given socket type is not supported. _ EPROTOTYPE+Attempting to use an inappropriate transport +class for the network service. (e.g. class 0 over CLNS) +or attempting to use an unknown network service. _ EISCONN+Attempting to perform on a connected socket an action +that is permitted only on unconnected sockets. _ ENOTCONN+Attempting to perform on an unconnected socket an +action that is permitted only on connected sockets. _ EMSGSIZE+Trying to send more data than are permitted on +connect, disconnect, or expedited data PDUs. _ ENOTSOCK+The integer argument passed in the system +call is not a socket descriptor or is a socket but +has no transport pcb. _ EINVAL+Some argument to the system call is invalid. _ EOPNOTSUPP+Some command argument to the system call is invalid +or the operation is not supported. _ EACCES+An unprivileged user tried to use a privileged command. _ ETOOMANYREFS+TP ran out of reference blocks. _ ENOBUFS+TP ran out of memory (mbufs). .TE .)b Errors that should be reported to the user by \fIerrno\fR but which occur asynchronously are detected by the socket layer when the value of the field \fIso_error\fR in the socket structure is non-zero. This is used to report such errors as ECONNRESET, ECONNABORTED, and ECONNTIMEDOUT, which are really remote-end errors. .sh 2 "Remote-end Errors" .pp An error that occurs is the result of a timer or is a result of an incoming TPDU is a remote-end error. The majority of these errors are parsing errors. They also include some protocol errors. Some of these errors cause the connection to be closed locally. It is unfortunate that when a connection is closed, the kernel will not permit the user program to perform anything on the socket in question, so the user cannot inquire about the reason for disconnection. There is no clean way to pass this information to a signal handler either, since the process being signalled may be swapped out at the time. Some of these errors cause TP to return an ER TPDU or a DR TPDU to the sending site. Some have no effect on the connection locally. These errors and their effects are described below. .(b L .TS expand box tab(+); l l l. Error+Meaning+Return code or action taken = Retransmission+The remote end has not responded +ETIMEDOUT timeout+to repeated attempts to send.+ +This can occur during connection+ +or after connection establishment.+ _ Inactivity+The remote end has not sent anything +ETIMEDOUT timeout+within the last \fIx\fR time, where+ +\fIx\fR is a locally defined+ +large value.+ _ Unacceptable+An unacceptable TPDU has arrived, and the+TPDU dropped TPDU +remote end can be identified.+possibly DR/ER returned _ DR TPDU+A DR TPDU arrived, with any+Disconnect indication, arrived+value in the reason field.+so_error == ECONNRESET _ ER TPDU+An ER TPDU arrived, with any+Disconnect indication, arrived+anything in the reason field.+so_error == ECONNABORTED .TE .)b TPDUs may be unacceptable for a variety of reasons: .(b L .TS expand box tab(+); l l. Problem+Action taken by TP = No connection at destination+Respond with DR, reason: session entity reference or reference frozen+not attached to TSAP _ Invalid destination reference+Respond with DR, reason: mismatched +references _ Invalid parameter code+Respond with ER, cause: inval. param. code _ Invalid DU type+Respond with ER, cause: invalid TPDU type _ Invalid version number+ Respond with ER, cause: inval. param. code _ Invalid suffix value+Respond with ER, cause: inval. param. value _ Suffix missing or is of+Respond with DR, reason: invalid length+header or parameter length invalid _ Invalid checksum+packet discarded _ Can't find a connection+Respond with DR, reason: for (dest ref, src ref) pair+mismatched references _ Old ACK TPDU+packet discarded, possibly send ACK w/ FCC _ Class requested isn't supported+Respond with DR, reason: +negotiation failed _ Invalid TPDU size parameter+Respond with ER, cause: inval. param. value _ Illegal amount of data+Respond with DR, reason: on CR, CC, DR, or XPD+header or parameter length invalid _ Header length and length+Respond with DR, reason: indicator field of TPDU don't agree+header or parameter length invalid .TE .)b .lp The file \fC\fR is a list of the error codes and diagnostic that can be returned from the peer transport entity in a DR TPDU or an ER TPDU, and those that can be returned from the CONS, initiated by the DCE, the remote DTE, or by the local network adapter. These error values are too numerous to list here. Most of them are taken from the ISO 8208 standard and the ISO 8073 standard. The ARGO distribution contains an expanded form of the BSD library routine \fIperror()\fR that prints an error messages for a given \fIerrno\fR value. .sh 2 "Internal Errors" .pp Some internal errors are the result of a lack of resources such as buffers. These are reported to the user with the global variable \fIerrno\fR set to a value from \fC\fR. The errors that fall into this category are described in the following table: .(b L .TS expand box tab(+); l l. Return code+Problem = ENOBUFS+TP ran out of mbufs. _ EPROTONOOPT+TP hasn't been configured. _ ETOOMANYREFS+TP ran out of (unfrozen) reference numbers. .TE .)b .pp Other internal errors are coding errors or errors of misinterpretation of a specification. They result in the printing of a message on the console followed by a system panic. The following panics have been coded into TP: .(b L .TS expand box tab(+); l l. \fIPanic()\fR message+Problem = tp_emit CR/CC+The length indicator field of a TPDU is longer than the +amount of space in an mbuf; TP is attempting to send a +CR TPDU that is too large (perhaps legal but too large for +this implementation to manage). _ tp_rcvoob: unexpected cluster+An incoming XPD TPDU was put into a cluster +mbuf by a lower layer. _ tp timeout table overflow+The system ran out of structures for TP timers. _ tp: T_DETACH+The connected socket that is being detached has +no parent socket. _ tp_soisdisconnected+The socket head queue is +corrupted. _ tp_soisdisconnecting+The socket head queue is +corrupted. _ tpclnp_input: bad clnp_len +The length parameter passed by clnp +is bad. _ iso_control: SIOCDIFADDR+ioctl() system call passed down iso_control: SIOCSIFADDR+a null interface pointer _ sofree dq+The list of socket structures is +is inconsistent. .TE .)b