12/6/93 7:12am. Ok here are the latest patches to the CC console and graphics subsystem. - iteconfig: is a configuration program that can dynamically change your console's settings. It has been placed under GNU Copyleft so the source is included. You will have to whip a Makefile together to build it---I use the bsd system, and mine just wouldn't make (no pun intended) sense to include. - cc-fixes.diff: these are the diffs necsessary to use the iteconfig program and you should probably apply them to your 713 kernel sources. I expect Markus will include them in the next release. Enjoy. : Whats fixed overscan: it works but is a little korny sometimes sorry. The only bug I found so far is with an width of 642 it just doesn't center correctly. I also am not happy that my overscan abilities do not match that of C='s. I will perhaps look into there method at some later time. If your curious C= is offseting the bitmap pointers by -2 bytes and doing funky things with the ddfstart under 2.0+ so that they can get a tighter fit. You'll probably notice that I have to move the screen left at certain widths (644+,674+,708+) This is becuase datafetch must be a multiple of 4 and must also not cross the $d8 boundry, what C= is doing is offseting the bitmap pointers by -2 and delaying display so they can get widths of multiples of 2 (word). I suppose I have just figured out how to do it while typeing this README...so next time we should have this ability. colors: not that anyone noticed but the /dev/view device's colormap functions were disabled by Markus. They are now implemented in a cleaner fashion so they can be used. iteconfig uses them to allow you to change the screen colors. 2024: 1024x800 sorry this mode still appears to be dead. I haven't had the time to look into it. It is enabled however and a quasi-functioning 1024x800x2 (NOTE only depths of 2) can be made to display through iteconfig if your kernel allows. AGA: someone send me a newer computer :^) ECS: ECS PAL is now working so that people with NTSC machinces can use it. X: Why is it that as the author of the Custom chips code I haven't received one letter from these people? I wonder if they relize that using the view device as it was designed will allow people to have a console open and X at the same time... HEY X PEOPLE. there is no need to use the /dev/console for X try /dev/view01. (Actually I did receive one from Philip asking for my source which I gave. no questions asked. no replies received.) Again Enjoy, Chris.