$Header: /cvsroot/src/libexec/crond/Attic/INSTALL,v 1.1 1993/05/28 08:33:59 cgd Exp $ *** This does not work on ATT SysV yet, and given the feature overlap, it may never do so. Read the comments at the top of the Makefile, then edit the area marked 'configurable stuff'. Edit config.h. The stuff I expect you to change is down a bit from the top of the file, but it's clearly marked. You don't have to create the /var/cron or /var/cron/tabs directories, since both the daemon and the `crontab' program will do this the first time they run if they don't exist. You do need to have a /var, though -- just "mkdir /var" if you don't have one, or you can "mkdir /usr/var; ln -s /usr/var /var" if you expect your /var to have a lot of stuff in it. You will also need /usr/local/etc and /usr/local/bin directories unless you change the Makefile. These will have to be created by hand, but if you are a long-time Usenet user you probably have them already. /usr/local/man is where I keep my man pages, but I have the source for `man' and you probably do not. Therefore you may have to put the man pages into /usr/man/manl, which will be hard since there will be name collisions. (Note that the man command was originally written by Bill Joy before he left Berkeley, and it contains no AT&T code, so it is in UUNET's archive of freely-distributable BSD code.) say: make all su and say: make install Note that if I can get you to "su and say" something just by asking, you have a very serious security problem on your system and you should look into it. Edit your /usr/lib/crontab file into little pieces -- see the CONVERSION file for help on this. Use the `crontab' command to install all the little pieces you just created. Some examples (see below before trying any of these!) crontab -u uucp -r /usr/lib/uucp/crontab.src crontab -u news -r /usr/lib/news/crontab.src crontab -u root -r /usr/adm/crontab.src Notes on above examples: (1) the .src files are copied at the time the command is issued; changing the source files later will have no effect until they are reinstalled with another `crontab -r' command. (2) The crontab command will affect the crontab of the person using the command unless `-u USER' is given; `-u' only works for root. When using most `su' commands under most BSD's, `crontab' will still think of you as yourself even though you may think of yourself as root -- so use `-u' liberally. (3) the `-r' option stands for `replace'; check the man page for crontab(1) for other possibilities. Kill your existing cron daemon -- do `ps aux' and look for /etc/cron. Edit your /etc/rc or /etc/rc.local, looking for the line that starts up /etc/cron. Comment it out and add a line to start the new cron daemon -- usually /usr/local/etc/crond, unless you changed it in the Makefile. Start up this cron daemon yourself as root. Just type /usr/local/etc/crond (or whatever); no '&' is needed since the cron daemon forks itself and the process you executed returns immediately. ATT notes: for those people unfortunate enough to be stuck on a AT&T UNIX, you will need the public-domain "libndir", found in the B News source and in any comp.sources.unix archive. You will also need to hack the code some.