// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "pic.h" #ifdef TEX_SUPPORT #include "common.h" class tex_output : public common_output { public: tex_output(); ~tex_output(); void start_picture(double, const position &ll, const position &ur); void finish_picture(); void text(const position &, text_piece *, int, double); void line(const position &, const position *, int n, const line_type &); void polygon(const position *, int n, const line_type &, double); void spline(const position &, const position *, int n, const line_type &); void arc(const position &, const position &, const position &, const line_type &); void circle(const position &, double rad, const line_type &, double); void ellipse(const position &, const distance &, const line_type &, double); void command(const char *, const char *, int); int supports_filled_polygons(); private: position upper_left; double height; double width; double scale; double pen_size; void point(const position &); void dot(const position &, const line_type &); void solid_arc(const position ¢, double rad, double start_angle, double end_angle, const line_type <); position transform(const position &); protected: virtual void set_pen_size(double ps); }; // convert inches to milliinches inline int milliinches(double x) { return int(x*1000.0 + .5); } inline position tex_output::transform(const position &pos) { return position((pos.x - upper_left.x)/scale, (upper_left.y - pos.y)/scale); } output *make_tex_output() { return new tex_output; } tex_output::tex_output() { } tex_output::~tex_output() { } const int DEFAULT_PEN_SIZE = 8; void tex_output::set_pen_size(double ps) { if (ps < 0.0) ps = -1.0; if (ps != pen_size) { pen_size = ps; printf(" \\special{pn %d}%%\n", ps < 0.0 ? DEFAULT_PEN_SIZE : int(ps*(1000.0/72.0) + .5)); } } void tex_output::start_picture(double sc, const position &ll, const position &ur) { upper_left.x = ll.x; upper_left.y = ur.y; scale = compute_scale(sc, ll, ur); height = (ur.y - ll.y)/scale; width = (ur.x - ll.x)/scale; /* the point of \vskip 0pt is to ensure that the vtop gets a height of 0 rather than the height of the hbox; this might be non-zero if text from text attributes lies outside pic's idea of the bounding box of the picture. */ fputs("\\expandafter\\ifx\\csname graph\\endcsname\\relax \\csname newbox\\endcsname\\graph\\fi\n" "\\expandafter\\ifx\\csname graphtemp\\endcsname\\relax \\csname newdimen\\endcsname\\graphtemp\\fi\n" "\\setbox\\graph=\\vtop{\\vskip 0pt\\hbox{%\n", stdout); pen_size = -2.0; } void tex_output::finish_picture() { printf(" \\hbox{\\vrule depth%.3fin width0pt height 0pt}%%\n" " \\kern %.3fin\n" " }%%\n" "}%%\n", height, width); } void tex_output::text(const position ¢er, text_piece *v, int n, double) { position c = transform(center); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (v[i].text != 0 && *v[i].text != '\0') { int j = 2*i - n + 1; if (v[i].adj.v == ABOVE_ADJUST) j--; else if (v[i].adj.v == BELOW_ADJUST) j++; if (j == 0) { printf(" \\graphtemp=.5ex\\advance\\graphtemp by %.3fin\n", c.y); } else { printf(" \\graphtemp=\\baselineskip" "\\multiply\\graphtemp by %d" "\\divide\\graphtemp by 2\n" " \\advance\\graphtemp by .5ex" "\\advance\\graphtemp by %.3fin\n", j, c.y); } printf(" \\rlap{\\kern %.3fin\\lower\\graphtemp", c.x); fputs("\\hbox to 0pt{", stdout); if (v[i].adj.h != LEFT_ADJUST) fputs("\\hss ", stdout); fputs(v[i].text, stdout); if (v[i].adj.h != RIGHT_ADJUST) fputs("\\hss", stdout); fputs("}}%\n", stdout); } } void tex_output::point(const position &pos) { position p = transform(pos); printf(" \\special{pa %d %d}%%\n", milliinches(p.x), milliinches(p.y)); } void tex_output::line(const position &start, const position *v, int n, const line_type <) { set_pen_size(lt.thickness); point(start); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) point(v[i]); fputs(" \\special{", stdout); switch(lt.type) { case line_type::invisible: fputs("ip", stdout); break; case line_type::solid: fputs("fp", stdout); break; case line_type::dotted: printf("dt %.3f", lt.dash_width/scale); break; case line_type::dashed: printf("da %.3f", lt.dash_width/scale); break; } fputs("}%\n", stdout); } void tex_output::polygon(const position *v, int n, const line_type <, double fill) { if (fill >= 0.0) { if (fill > 1.0) fill = 1.0; printf(" \\special{sh %.3f}%%\n", fill); } line(v[n-1], v, n, lt); } void tex_output::spline(const position &start, const position *v, int n, const line_type <) { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible) return; set_pen_size(lt.thickness); point(start); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) point(v[i]); fputs(" \\special{sp", stdout); switch(lt.type) { case line_type::solid: break; case line_type::dotted: printf(" %.3f", -lt.dash_width/scale); break; case line_type::dashed: printf(" %.3f", lt.dash_width/scale); break; case line_type::invisible: assert(0); } fputs("}%\n", stdout); } void tex_output::solid_arc(const position ¢, double rad, double start_angle, double end_angle, const line_type <) { set_pen_size(lt.thickness); position c = transform(cent); printf(" \\special{ar %d %d %d %d %f %f}%%\n", milliinches(c.x), milliinches(c.y), milliinches(rad/scale), milliinches(rad/scale), -end_angle, (-end_angle > -start_angle) ? M_PI * 2 - start_angle : -start_angle); } void tex_output::arc(const position &start, const position ¢, const position &end, const line_type <) { switch (lt.type) { case line_type::invisible: break; case line_type::dashed: dashed_arc(start, cent, end, lt); break; case line_type::dotted: dotted_arc(start, cent, end, lt); break; case line_type::solid: { position c; if (!compute_arc_center(start, cent, end, &c)) { line(start, &end, 1, lt); break; } solid_arc(c, hypot(cent - start), atan2(start.y - c.y, start.x - c.x), atan2(end.y - c.y, end.x - c.x), lt); break; } } } void tex_output::circle(const position ¢, double rad, const line_type <, double fill) { if (fill >= 0.0 && lt.type != line_type::solid) { if (fill > 1.0) fill = 1.0; line_type ilt; ilt.type = line_type::invisible; ellipse(cent, position(rad*2.0, rad*2.0), ilt, fill); } switch (lt.type) { case line_type::dashed: dashed_circle(cent, rad, lt); break; case line_type::invisible: break; case line_type::solid: ellipse(cent, position(rad*2.0,rad*2.0), lt, fill); break; case line_type::dotted: dotted_circle(cent, rad, lt); break; default: assert(0); } } void tex_output::ellipse(const position ¢, const distance &dim, const line_type <, double fill) { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible) { if (fill < 0.0) return; } else set_pen_size(lt.thickness); if (fill >= 0.0) { if (fill > 1.0) fill = 1.0; printf(" \\special{sh %.3f}%%\n", fill); } position c = transform(cent); printf(" \\special{%s %d %d %d %d 0 6.28319}%%\n", (lt.type == line_type::invisible ? "ia" : "ar"), milliinches(c.x), milliinches(c.y), milliinches(dim.x/(2.0*scale)), milliinches(dim.y/(2.0*scale))); } void tex_output::command(const char *s, const char *, int) { fputs(s, stdout); putchar('%'); // avoid unwanted spaces putchar('\n'); } int tex_output::supports_filled_polygons() { return 1; } void tex_output::dot(const position &pos, const line_type <) { if (zero_length_line_flag) { line_type slt = lt; slt.type = line_type::solid; line(pos, &pos, 1, slt); } else { int dot_rad = int(lt.thickness*(1000.0/(72.0*2)) + .5); if (dot_rad == 0) dot_rad = 1; position p = transform(pos); printf(" \\special{sh 1}%%\n" " \\special{ia %d %d %d %d 0 6.28319}%%\n", milliinches(p.x), milliinches(p.y), dot_rad, dot_rad); } } class tpic_output : public tex_output { public: tpic_output(); void command(const char *, const char *, int); private: void set_pen_size(double ps); int default_pen_size; int prev_default_pen_size; }; tpic_output::tpic_output() : default_pen_size(DEFAULT_PEN_SIZE), prev_default_pen_size(DEFAULT_PEN_SIZE) { } void tpic_output::command(const char *s, const char *filename, int lineno) { assert(s[0] == '.'); if (s[1] == 'p' && s[2] == 's' && (s[3] == '\0' || !csalpha(s[3]))) { const char *p = s + 3; while (csspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '\0') { int temp = default_pen_size; default_pen_size = prev_default_pen_size; prev_default_pen_size = temp; } else { char *ptr; int temp = (int)strtol(p, &ptr, 10); if (temp == 0 && ptr == p) error_with_file_and_line(filename, lineno, "argument to `.ps' not an integer"); else if (temp < 0) error_with_file_and_line(filename, lineno, "negative pen size"); else { prev_default_pen_size = default_pen_size; default_pen_size = temp; } } } else printf("\\%s%%\n", s + 1); } void tpic_output::set_pen_size(double ps) { if (ps < 0.0) printf(" \\special{pn %d}%%\n", default_pen_size); else tex_output::set_pen_size(ps); } output *make_tpic_output() { return new tpic_output; } #endif