// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "errarg.h" #include "error.h" #include "cset.h" #include "font.h" #include "lib.h" const char *const WS = " \t\n\r"; struct font_char_metric { char type; int code; int width; int height; int depth; int pre_math_space; int italic_correction; int subscript_correction; }; struct font_kern_list { int i1; int i2; int amount; font_kern_list *next; font_kern_list(int, int, int, font_kern_list * = 0); }; struct font_widths_cache { font_widths_cache *next; int point_size; int *width; font_widths_cache(int, int, font_widths_cache *); ~font_widths_cache(); }; /* text_file */ struct text_file { FILE *fp; char *path; int lineno; int size; int skip_comments; char *buf; text_file(FILE *fp, char *p); ~text_file(); int next(); void error(const char *format, const errarg &arg1 = empty_errarg, const errarg &arg2 = empty_errarg, const errarg &arg3 = empty_errarg); }; text_file::text_file(FILE *p, char *s) : lineno(0), buf(0), size(0), skip_comments(1), fp(p), path(s) { } text_file::~text_file() { a_delete buf; a_delete path; if (fp) fclose(fp); } int text_file::next() { if (fp == 0) return 0; if (buf == 0) { buf = new char [128]; size = 128; } for (;;) { int i = 0; for (;;) { int c = getc(fp); if (c == EOF) break; if (illegal_input_char(c)) error("illegal input character code `%1'", int(c)); else { if (i + 1 >= size) { char *old_buf = buf; buf = new char[size*2]; memcpy(buf, old_buf, size); a_delete old_buf; size *= 2; } buf[i++] = c; if (c == '\n') break; } } if (i == 0) break; buf[i] = '\0'; lineno++; char *ptr = buf; while (csspace(*ptr)) ptr++; if (*ptr != 0 && (!skip_comments || *ptr != '#')) return 1; } return 0; } void text_file::error(const char *format, const errarg &arg1, const errarg &arg2, const errarg &arg3) { error_with_file_and_line(path, lineno, format, arg1, arg2, arg3); } /* font functions */ font::font(const char *s) : special(0), ligatures(0), kern_hash_table(0), space_width(0), ch(0), ch_used(0), ch_size(0), ch_index(0), nindices(0), widths_cache(0) { name = new char[strlen(s) + 1]; strcpy(name, s); internalname = 0; slant = 0.0; // load(); // for testing } font::~font() { a_delete ch; a_delete ch_index; if (kern_hash_table) { for (int i = 0; i < KERN_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { font_kern_list *kerns = kern_hash_table[i]; while (kerns) { font_kern_list *tem = kerns; kerns = kerns->next; delete tem; } } a_delete kern_hash_table; } a_delete name; a_delete internalname; while (widths_cache) { font_widths_cache *tem = widths_cache; widths_cache = widths_cache->next; delete tem; } } static int scale_round(int n, int x, int y) { assert(x >= 0 && y > 0); int y2 = y/2; if (x == 0) return 0; if (n >= 0) { if (n <= (INT_MAX - y2)/x) return (n*x + y2)/y; return int(n*double(x)/double(y) + .5); } else { if (-(unsigned)n <= (-(unsigned)INT_MIN - y2)/x) return (n*x - y2)/y; return int(n*double(x)/double(y) - .5); } } inline int font::scale(int w, int sz) { return sz == unitwidth ? w : scale_round(w, sz, unitwidth); } int font::get_skew(int c, int point_size, int sl) { int h = get_height(c, point_size); return int(h*tan((slant+sl)*M_PI/180.0) + .5); } int font::contains(int c) { return c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0; } int font::is_special() { return special; } font_widths_cache::font_widths_cache(int ps, int ch_size, font_widths_cache *p = 0) : next(p), point_size(ps) { width = new int[ch_size]; for (int i = 0; i < ch_size; i++) width[i] = -1; } font_widths_cache::~font_widths_cache() { a_delete width; } int font::get_width(int c, int point_size) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices); int i = ch_index[c]; assert(i >= 0); if (point_size == unitwidth) return ch[i].width; if (!widths_cache) widths_cache = new font_widths_cache(point_size, ch_size); else if (widths_cache->point_size != point_size) { font_widths_cache **p; for (p = &widths_cache; *p; p = &(*p)->next) if ((*p)->point_size == point_size) break; if (*p) { font_widths_cache *tem = *p; *p = (*p)->next; tem->next = widths_cache; widths_cache = tem; } else widths_cache = new font_widths_cache(point_size, ch_size, widths_cache); } int &w = widths_cache->width[i]; if (w < 0) w = scale(ch[i].width, point_size); return w; } int font::get_height(int c, int point_size) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0); return scale(ch[ch_index[c]].height, point_size); } int font::get_depth(int c, int point_size) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0); return scale(ch[ch_index[c]].depth, point_size); } int font::get_italic_correction(int c, int point_size) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0); return scale(ch[ch_index[c]].italic_correction, point_size); } int font::get_left_italic_correction(int c, int point_size) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0); return scale(ch[ch_index[c]].pre_math_space, point_size); } int font::get_subscript_correction(int c, int point_size) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0); return scale(ch[ch_index[c]].subscript_correction, point_size); } int font::get_space_width(int point_size) { return scale(space_width, point_size); } font_kern_list::font_kern_list(int c1, int c2, int n, font_kern_list *p) : i1(c1), i2(c2), amount(n), next(p) { } inline int font::hash_kern(int i1, int i2) { int n = ((i1 << 10) + i2) % KERN_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; return n < 0 ? -n : n; } void font::add_kern(int i1, int i2, int amount) { if (!kern_hash_table) { kern_hash_table = new font_kern_list *[KERN_HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < KERN_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) kern_hash_table[i] = 0; } font_kern_list **p = kern_hash_table + hash_kern(i1, i2); *p = new font_kern_list(i1, i2, amount, *p); } int font::get_kern(int i1, int i2, int point_size) { if (kern_hash_table) { for (font_kern_list *p = kern_hash_table[hash_kern(i1, i2)]; p; p = p->next) if (i1 == p->i1 && i2 == p->i2) return scale(p->amount, point_size); } return 0; } int font::has_ligature(int mask) { return mask & ligatures; } int font::get_character_type(int c) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0); return ch[ch_index[c]].type; } int font::get_code(int c) { assert(c >= 0 && c < nindices && ch_index[c] >= 0); return ch[ch_index[c]].code; } const char *font::get_name() { return name; } const char *font::get_internal_name() { return internalname; } void font::alloc_ch_index(int index) { if (nindices == 0) { nindices = 128; if (index >= nindices) nindices = index + 10; ch_index = new short[nindices]; for (int i = 0; i < nindices; i++) ch_index[i] = -1; } else { int old_nindices = nindices; nindices *= 2; if (index >= nindices) nindices = index + 10; short *old_ch_index = ch_index; ch_index = new short[nindices]; memcpy(ch_index, old_ch_index, sizeof(short)*old_nindices); for (int i = old_nindices; i < nindices; i++) ch_index[i] = -1; a_delete old_ch_index; } } void font::extend_ch() { if (ch == 0) ch = new font_char_metric[ch_size = 16]; else { int old_ch_size = ch_size; ch_size *= 2; font_char_metric *old_ch = ch; ch = new font_char_metric[ch_size]; memcpy(ch, old_ch, old_ch_size*sizeof(font_char_metric)); a_delete old_ch; } } void font::compact() { int i; for (i = nindices - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (ch_index[i] >= 0) break; i++; if (i < nindices) { short *old_ch_index = ch_index; ch_index = new short[i]; memcpy(ch_index, old_ch_index, i*sizeof(short)); a_delete old_ch_index; nindices = i; } if (ch_used < ch_size) { font_char_metric *old_ch = ch; ch = new font_char_metric[ch_used]; memcpy(ch, old_ch, ch_used*sizeof(font_char_metric)); a_delete old_ch; ch_size = ch_used; } } void font::add_entry(int index, const font_char_metric &metric) { assert(index >= 0); if (index >= nindices) alloc_ch_index(index); assert(index < nindices); if (ch_used + 1 >= ch_size) extend_ch(); assert(ch_used + 1 < ch_size); ch_index[index] = ch_used; ch[ch_used++] = metric; } void font::copy_entry(int new_index, int old_index) { assert(new_index >= 0 && old_index >= 0 && old_index < nindices); if (new_index >= nindices) alloc_ch_index(new_index); ch_index[new_index] = ch_index[old_index]; } font *font::load_font(const char *s, int *not_found) { font *f = new font(s); if (!f->load(not_found)) { delete f; return 0; } return f; } static char *trim_arg(char *p) { if (!p) return 0; while (csspace(*p)) p++; char *q = strchr(p, '\0'); while (q > p && csspace(q[-1])) q--; *q = '\0'; return p; } // If the font can't be found, then if not_found is NULL it will be set // to 1 otherwise a message will be printed. int font::load(int *not_found) { char *path; FILE *fp; if ((fp = open_file(name, &path)) == NULL) { if (not_found) *not_found = 1; else error("can't find font file `%1'", name); return 0; } text_file t(fp, path); t.skip_comments = 1; char *p; for (;;) { if (!t.next()) { t.error("missing charset command"); return 0; } p = strtok(t.buf, WS); if (strcmp(p, "name") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(p, "spacewidth") == 0) { p = strtok(0, WS); int n; if (p == 0 || sscanf(p, "%d", &n) != 1 || n <= 0) { t.error("bad argument for spacewidth command"); return 0; } space_width = n; } else if (strcmp(p, "slant") == 0) { p = strtok(0, WS); double n; if (p == 0 || sscanf(p, "%lf", &n) != 1 || n >= 90.0 || n <= -90.0) { t.error("bad argument for slant command", p); return 0; } slant = n; } else if (strcmp(p, "ligatures") == 0) { for (;;) { p = strtok(0, WS); if (p == 0 || strcmp(p, "0") == 0) break; if (strcmp(p, "ff") == 0) ligatures |= LIG_ff; else if (strcmp(p, "fi") == 0) ligatures |= LIG_fi; else if (strcmp(p, "fl") == 0) ligatures |= LIG_fl; else if (strcmp(p, "ffi") == 0) ligatures |= LIG_ffi; else if (strcmp(p, "ffl") == 0) ligatures |= LIG_ffl; else { t.error("unrecognised ligature `%1'", p); return 0; } } } else if (strcmp(p, "internalname") == 0) { p = strtok(0, WS); if (!p) { t.error("`internalname command requires argument"); return 0; } internalname = new char[strlen(p) + 1]; strcpy(internalname, p); } else if (strcmp(p, "special") == 0) { special = 1; } else if (strcmp(p, "kernpairs") != 0 && strcmp(p, "charset") != 0) { char *command = p; p = strtok(0, "\n"); handle_unknown_font_command(command, trim_arg(p), t.path, t.lineno); } else break; } char *command = p; int had_charset = 0; t.skip_comments = 0; while (command) { if (strcmp(command, "kernpairs") == 0) { for (;;) { if (!t.next()) { command = 0; break; } char *c1 = strtok(t.buf, WS); if (c1 == 0) continue; char *c2 = strtok(0, WS); if (c2 == 0) { command = c1; break; } p = strtok(0, WS); if (p == 0) { t.error("missing kern amount"); return 0; } int n; if (sscanf(p, "%d", &n) != 1) { t.error("bad kern amount `%1'", p); return 0; } int i1 = name_to_index(c1); if (i1 < 0) { t.error("illegal character `%1'", c1); return 0; } int i2 = name_to_index(c2); if (i2 < 0) { t.error("illegal character `%1'", c2); return 0; } add_kern(i1, i2, n); } } else if (strcmp(command, "charset") == 0) { had_charset = 1; int last_index = -1; for (;;) { if (!t.next()) { command = 0; break; } char *nm = strtok(t.buf, WS); if (nm == 0) continue; // I dont think this should happen p = strtok(0, WS); if (p == 0) { command = nm; break; } if (p[0] == '"') { if (last_index == -1) { t.error("first charset entry is duplicate"); return 0; } if (strcmp(nm, "---") == 0) { t.error("unnamed character cannot be duplicate"); return 0; } int index = name_to_index(nm); if (index < 0) { t.error("illegal character `%1'", nm); return 0; } copy_entry(index, last_index); } else { font_char_metric metric; metric.height = 0; metric.depth = 0; metric.pre_math_space = 0; metric.italic_correction = 0; metric.subscript_correction = 0; int nparms = sscanf(p, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &metric.width, &metric.height, &metric.depth, &metric.italic_correction, &metric.pre_math_space, &metric.subscript_correction); if (nparms < 1) { t.error("bad width for `%1'", nm); return 0; } p = strtok(0, WS); if (p == 0) { t.error("missing character type for `%1'", nm); return 0; } int type; if (sscanf(p, "%d", &type) != 1) { t.error("bad character type for `%1'", nm); return 0; } if (type < 0 || type > 255) { t.error("character code `%1' out of range", type); return 0; } metric.type = type; p = strtok(0, WS); if (p == 0) { t.error("missing code for `%1'", nm); return 0; } char *ptr; metric.code = (int)strtol(p, &ptr, 0); if (metric.code == 0 && ptr == p) { t.error("bad code `%1' for character `%2'", p, nm); return 0; } if (strcmp(nm, "---") == 0) { last_index = number_to_index(metric.code); add_entry(last_index, metric); } else { last_index = name_to_index(nm); if (last_index < 0) { t.error("illegal character `%1'", nm); return 0; } add_entry(last_index, metric); copy_entry(number_to_index(metric.code), last_index); } } } if (last_index == -1) { t.error("I didn't seem to find any characters"); return 0; } } else { t.error("unrecognised command `%1' after `kernpairs' or `charset' command", command); return 0; } } if (!had_charset) { t.error("missing charset command"); return 0; } if (space_width == 0) space_width = scale_round(unitwidth, res, 72*3*sizescale); compact(); return 1; } static struct { const char *command; int *ptr; } table[] = { "res", &font::res, "hor", &font::hor, "vert", &font::vert, "unitwidth", &font::unitwidth, "paperwidth", &font::paperwidth, "paperlength", &font::paperlength, "spare1", &font::biggestfont, "biggestfont", &font::biggestfont, "spare2", &font::spare2, "sizescale", &font::sizescale }; int font::load_desc() { int nfonts = 0; FILE *fp; char *path; if ((fp = open_file("DESC", &path)) == 0) { error("can't find `DESC' file"); return 0; } text_file t(fp, path); t.skip_comments = 1; res = 0; while (t.next()) { char *p = strtok(t.buf, WS); int found = 0; int i; for (i = 0; !found && i < sizeof(table)/sizeof(table[0]); i++) if (strcmp(table[i].command, p) == 0) found = 1; if (found) { char *q = strtok(0, WS); if (!q) { t.error("missing value for command `%1'", p); return 0; } //int *ptr = &(this->*(table[i-1].ptr)); int *ptr = table[i-1].ptr; if (sscanf(q, "%d", ptr) != 1) { t.error("bad number `%1'", q); return 0; } } else if (strcmp("tcommand", p) == 0) { tcommand = 1; } else if (strcmp("family", p) == 0) { p = strtok(0, WS); if (!p) { t.error("family command requires an argument"); return 0; } char *tem = new char[strlen(p)+1]; strcpy(tem, p); family = tem; } else if (strcmp("fonts", p) == 0) { p = strtok(0, WS); if (!p || sscanf(p, "%d", &nfonts) != 1 || nfonts <= 0) { t.error("bad number of fonts `%1'", p); return 0; } font_name_table = (const char **)new char *[nfonts+1]; for (i = 0; i < nfonts; i++) { p = strtok(0, WS); while (p == 0) { if (!t.next()) { t.error("end of file while reading list of fonts"); return 0; } p = strtok(t.buf, WS); } char *temp = new char[strlen(p)+1]; strcpy(temp, p); font_name_table[i] = temp; } p = strtok(0, WS); if (p != 0) { t.error("font count does not match number of fonts"); return 0; } font_name_table[nfonts] = 0; } else if (strcmp("sizes", p) == 0) { int n = 16; sizes = new int[n]; int i = 0; for (;;) { p = strtok(0, WS); while (p == 0) { if (!t.next()) { t.error("list of sizes must be terminated by `0'"); return 0; } p = strtok(t.buf, WS); } int lower, upper; switch (sscanf(p, "%d-%d", &lower, &upper)) { case 1: upper = lower; // fall through case 2: if (lower <= upper && lower >= 0) break; // fall through default: t.error("bad size range `%1'", p); return 0; } if (i + 2 > n) { int *old_sizes = sizes; sizes = new int[n*2]; memcpy(sizes, old_sizes, n*sizeof(int)); n *= 2; a_delete old_sizes; } sizes[i++] = lower; if (lower == 0) break; sizes[i++] = upper; } if (i == 1) { t.error("must have some sizes"); return 0; } } else if (strcmp("styles", p) == 0) { int style_table_size = 5; style_table = (const char **)new char *[style_table_size]; int j; for (j = 0; j < style_table_size; j++) style_table[j] = 0; int i = 0; for (;;) { p = strtok(0, WS); if (p == 0) break; // leave room for terminating 0 if (i + 1 >= style_table_size) { const char **old_style_table = style_table; style_table_size *= 2; style_table = (const char **)new char*[style_table_size]; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) style_table[j] = old_style_table[j]; for (; j < style_table_size; j++) style_table[j] = 0; a_delete old_style_table; } char *tem = new char[strlen(p) + 1]; strcpy(tem, p); style_table[i++] = tem; } } else if (strcmp("charset", p) == 0) break; else if (unknown_desc_command_handler) { char *command = p; p = strtok(0, "\n"); (*unknown_desc_command_handler)(command, trim_arg(p), t.path, t.lineno); } } if (res == 0) { t.error("missing `res' command"); return 0; } if (unitwidth == 0) { t.error("missing `unitwidth' command"); return 0; } if (font_name_table == 0) { t.error("missing `fonts' commmand"); return 0; } if (sizes == 0) { t.error("missing `sizes' command"); return 0; } if (sizescale < 1) { t.error("bad `sizescale' value"); return 0; } if (hor < 1) { t.error("bad `hor' value"); return 0; } if (vert < 1) { t.error("bad `vert' value"); return 0; } return 1; } void font::handle_unknown_font_command(const char *, const char *, const char *, int) { } FONT_COMMAND_HANDLER font::set_unknown_desc_command_handler(FONT_COMMAND_HANDLER func) { FONT_COMMAND_HANDLER prev = unknown_desc_command_handler; unknown_desc_command_handler = func; return prev; }