/* * Copyright (c) 2004 by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 by Internet Software Consortium * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. * 950 Charter Street * Redwood City, CA 94063 * * http://www.isc.org/ */ #ifndef lint static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: ns_verify.c,v 1.3 2005/08/11 17:13:26 drochner Exp $"; #endif #define time(x) trace_mr_time (x) /* Import. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "minires/minires.h" #include "arpa/nameser.h" #include time_t trace_mr_time (time_t *); /* Private. */ #define BOUNDS_CHECK(ptr, count) \ do { \ if ((ptr) + (count) > eom) { \ return (NS_TSIG_ERROR_FORMERR); \ } \ } while (0) /* Public. */ u_char * ns_find_tsig(u_char *msg, u_char *eom) { HEADER *hp = (HEADER *)msg; int n, type; u_char *cp = msg, *start; isc_result_t status; if (msg == NULL || eom == NULL || msg > eom) return (NULL); if (cp + HFIXEDSZ >= eom) return (NULL); if (hp->arcount == 0) return (NULL); cp += HFIXEDSZ; status = ns_skiprr(cp, eom, ns_s_qd, ntohs(hp->qdcount), &n); if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (NULL); cp += n; status = ns_skiprr(cp, eom, ns_s_an, ntohs(hp->ancount), &n); if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (NULL); cp += n; status = ns_skiprr(cp, eom, ns_s_ns, ntohs(hp->nscount), &n); if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (NULL); cp += n; status = ns_skiprr(cp, eom, ns_s_ar, ntohs(hp->arcount) - 1, &n); if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (NULL); cp += n; start = cp; n = dn_skipname(cp, eom); if (n < 0) return (NULL); cp += n; if (cp + INT16SZ >= eom) return (NULL); GETSHORT(type, cp); if (type != ns_t_tsig) return (NULL); return (start); } /* ns_verify * Parameters: * statp res stuff * msg received message * msglen length of message * key tsig key used for verifying. * querysig (response), the signature in the query * querysiglen (response), the length of the signature in the query * sig (query), a buffer to hold the signature * siglen (query), input - length of signature buffer * output - length of signature * * Errors: * - bad input (-1) * - invalid dns message (NS_TSIG_ERROR_FORMERR) * - TSIG is not present (NS_TSIG_ERROR_NO_TSIG) * - key doesn't match (-ns_r_badkey) * - TSIG verification fails with BADKEY (-ns_r_badkey) * - TSIG verification fails with BADSIG (-ns_r_badsig) * - TSIG verification fails with BADTIME (-ns_r_badtime) * - TSIG verification succeeds, error set to BAKEY (ns_r_badkey) * - TSIG verification succeeds, error set to BADSIG (ns_r_badsig) * - TSIG verification succeeds, error set to BADTIME (ns_r_badtime) */ isc_result_t ns_verify(u_char *msg, unsigned *msglen, void *k, const u_char *querysig, unsigned querysiglen, u_char *sig, unsigned *siglen, time_t *timesigned, int nostrip) { HEADER *hp = (HEADER *)msg; DST_KEY *key = (DST_KEY *)k; u_char *cp = msg, *eom; char name[MAXDNAME], alg[MAXDNAME]; u_char *recstart, *rdatastart; u_char *sigstart, *otherstart; unsigned n; int error; u_int16_t type, length; u_int16_t fudge, sigfieldlen, id, otherfieldlen; dst_init(); if (msg == NULL || msglen == NULL || *msglen < 0) return ISC_R_INVALIDARG; eom = msg + *msglen; recstart = ns_find_tsig(msg, eom); if (recstart == NULL) return ISC_R_NO_TSIG; cp = recstart; /* Read the key name. */ n = dn_expand(msg, eom, cp, name, MAXDNAME); if (n < 0) return ISC_R_FORMERR; cp += n; /* Read the type. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, 2*INT16SZ + INT32SZ + INT16SZ); GETSHORT(type, cp); if (type != ns_t_tsig) return ISC_R_NO_TSIG; /* Skip the class and TTL, save the length. */ cp += INT16SZ + INT32SZ; GETSHORT(length, cp); if (eom - cp != length) return ISC_R_FORMERR; /* Read the algorithm name. */ rdatastart = cp; n = dn_expand(msg, eom, cp, alg, MAXDNAME); if (n < 0) return ISC_R_FORMERR; if (ns_samename(alg, NS_TSIG_ALG_HMAC_MD5) != 1) return ISC_R_INVALIDKEY; cp += n; /* Read the time signed and fudge. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, INT16SZ + INT32SZ + INT16SZ); cp += INT16SZ; GETLONG((*timesigned), cp); GETSHORT(fudge, cp); /* Read the signature. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, INT16SZ); GETSHORT(sigfieldlen, cp); BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, sigfieldlen); sigstart = cp; cp += sigfieldlen; /* Read the original id and error. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, 2*INT16SZ); GETSHORT(id, cp); GETSHORT(error, cp); /* Parse the other data. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, INT16SZ); GETSHORT(otherfieldlen, cp); BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, otherfieldlen); otherstart = cp; cp += otherfieldlen; if (cp != eom) return ISC_R_FORMERR; /* Verify that the key used is OK. */ if (key != NULL) { if (key->dk_alg != KEY_HMAC_MD5) return ISC_R_INVALIDKEY; if (error != ns_r_badsig && error != ns_r_badkey) { if (ns_samename(key->dk_key_name, name) != 1) return ISC_R_INVALIDKEY; } } hp->arcount = htons(ntohs(hp->arcount) - 1); /* * Do the verification. */ if (key != NULL && error != ns_r_badsig && error != ns_r_badkey) { void *ctx; u_char buf[MAXDNAME]; /* Digest the query signature, if this is a response. */ dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_INIT, key, &ctx, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if (querysiglen > 0 && querysig != NULL) { u_int16_t len_n = htons(querysiglen); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, (u_char *)&len_n, INT16SZ, NULL, 0); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, querysig, querysiglen, NULL, 0); } /* Digest the message. */ dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, msg, (unsigned)(recstart - msg), NULL, 0); /* Digest the key name. */ n = ns_name_ntol(recstart, buf, sizeof(buf)); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, buf, n, NULL, 0); /* Digest the class and TTL. */ dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, recstart + dn_skipname(recstart, eom) + INT16SZ, INT16SZ + INT32SZ, NULL, 0); /* Digest the algorithm. */ n = ns_name_ntol(rdatastart, buf, sizeof(buf)); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, buf, n, NULL, 0); /* Digest the time signed and fudge. */ dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, rdatastart + dn_skipname(rdatastart, eom), INT16SZ + INT32SZ + INT16SZ, NULL, 0); /* Digest the error and other data. */ dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, key, &ctx, otherstart - INT16SZ - INT16SZ, (unsigned)otherfieldlen + INT16SZ + INT16SZ, NULL, 0); n = dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_FINAL, key, &ctx, NULL, 0, sigstart, sigfieldlen); if (n < 0) return ISC_R_BADSIG; if (sig != NULL && siglen != NULL) { if (*siglen < sigfieldlen) return ISC_R_NOSPACE; memcpy(sig, sigstart, sigfieldlen); *siglen = sigfieldlen; } } else { if (sigfieldlen > 0) return ISC_R_FORMERR; if (sig != NULL && siglen != NULL) *siglen = 0; } /* Reset the counter, since we still need to check for badtime. */ hp->arcount = htons(ntohs(hp->arcount) + 1); /* Verify the time. */ if (abs((*timesigned) - time(NULL)) > fudge) return ISC_R_BADTIME; if (nostrip == 0) { *msglen = recstart - msg; hp->arcount = htons(ntohs(hp->arcount) - 1); } if (error != NOERROR) return ns_rcode_to_isc (error); return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } #if 0 isc_result_t ns_verify_tcp_init(void *k, const u_char *querysig, unsigned querysiglen, ns_tcp_tsig_state *state) { dst_init(); if (state == NULL || k == NULL || querysig == NULL || querysiglen < 0) return ISC_R_INVALIDARG; state->counter = -1; state->key = k; if (state->key->dk_alg != KEY_HMAC_MD5) return ISC_R_BADKEY; if (querysiglen > sizeof(state->sig)) return ISC_R_NOSPACE; memcpy(state->sig, querysig, querysiglen); state->siglen = querysiglen; return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } isc_result_t ns_verify_tcp(u_char *msg, unsigned *msglen, ns_tcp_tsig_state *state, int required) { HEADER *hp = (HEADER *)msg; u_char *recstart, *rdatastart, *sigstart; unsigned sigfieldlen, otherfieldlen; u_char *cp, *eom = msg + *msglen, *cp2; char name[MAXDNAME], alg[MAXDNAME]; u_char buf[MAXDNAME]; int n, type, length, fudge, id, error; time_t timesigned; if (msg == NULL || msglen == NULL || state == NULL) return ISC_R_INVALIDARG; state->counter++; if (state->counter == 0) return (ns_verify(msg, msglen, state->key, state->sig, state->siglen, state->sig, &state->siglen, ×igned, 0)); if (state->siglen > 0) { u_int16_t siglen_n = htons(state->siglen); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_INIT, state->key, &state->ctx, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, state->key, &state->ctx, (u_char *)&siglen_n, INT16SZ, NULL, 0); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, state->key, &state->ctx, state->sig, state->siglen, NULL, 0); state->siglen = 0; } cp = recstart = ns_find_tsig(msg, eom); if (recstart == NULL) { if (required) return ISC_R_NO_TSIG; dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, state->key, &state->ctx, msg, *msglen, NULL, 0); return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } hp->arcount = htons(ntohs(hp->arcount) - 1); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, state->key, &state->ctx, msg, (unsigned)(recstart - msg), NULL, 0); /* Read the key name. */ n = dn_expand(msg, eom, cp, name, MAXDNAME); if (n < 0) return ISC_R_FORMERR; cp += n; /* Read the type. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, 2*INT16SZ + INT32SZ + INT16SZ); GETSHORT(type, cp); if (type != ns_t_tsig) return ISC_R_NO_TSIG; /* Skip the class and TTL, save the length. */ cp += INT16SZ + INT32SZ; GETSHORT(length, cp); if (eom - cp != length) return ISC_R_FORMERR; /* Read the algorithm name. */ rdatastart = cp; n = dn_expand(msg, eom, cp, alg, MAXDNAME); if (n < 0) return ISC_R_FORMERR; if (ns_samename(alg, NS_TSIG_ALG_HMAC_MD5) != 1) return ISC_R_BADKEY; cp += n; /* Verify that the key used is OK. */ if ((ns_samename(state->key->dk_key_name, name) != 1 || state->key->dk_alg != KEY_HMAC_MD5)) return ISC_R_BADKEY; /* Read the time signed and fudge. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, INT16SZ + INT32SZ + INT16SZ); cp += INT16SZ; GETLONG(timesigned, cp); GETSHORT(fudge, cp); /* Read the signature. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, INT16SZ); GETSHORT(sigfieldlen, cp); BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, sigfieldlen); sigstart = cp; cp += sigfieldlen; /* Read the original id and error. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, 2*INT16SZ); GETSHORT(id, cp); GETSHORT(error, cp); /* Parse the other data. */ BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, INT16SZ); GETSHORT(otherfieldlen, cp); BOUNDS_CHECK(cp, otherfieldlen); cp += otherfieldlen; if (cp != eom) return ISC_R_FORMERR; /* * Do the verification. */ /* Digest the time signed and fudge. */ cp2 = buf; PUTSHORT(0, cp2); /* Top 16 bits of time. */ PUTLONG(timesigned, cp2); PUTSHORT(NS_TSIG_FUDGE, cp2); dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_UPDATE, state->key, &state->ctx, buf, (unsigned)(cp2 - buf), NULL, 0); n = dst_verify_data(SIG_MODE_FINAL, state->key, &state->ctx, NULL, 0, sigstart, sigfieldlen); if (n < 0) return ISC_R_BADSIG; if (sigfieldlen > sizeof(state->sig)) return ISC_R_BADSIG; if (sigfieldlen > sizeof(state->sig)) return ISC_R_NOSPACE; memcpy(state->sig, sigstart, sigfieldlen); state->siglen = sigfieldlen; /* Verify the time. */ if (abs(timesigned - time(NULL)) > fudge) return ISC_R_BADTIME; *msglen = recstart - msg; if (error != NOERROR) return ns_rcode_to_isc (error); return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } #endif