/* Definitions for switches for C++. Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU CC. GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ DEFINE_LANG_NAME ("C++") /* This is the contribution to the `lang_options' array in gcc.c for g++. */ { "-+e0", "" }, /* gcc.c tacks the `-' on the front. */ { "-+e1", "" }, { "-+e2", "" }, { "-faccess-control", "" }, { "-fno-access-control", "Do not obey access control semantics" }, { "-fall-virtual", "Make all member functions virtual" }, { "-fno-all-virtual", "" }, { "-falt-external-templates", "Change when template instances are emitted" }, { "-fno-alt-external-templates", "" }, { "-fansi-overloading", "" }, { "-fno-ansi-overloading", "" }, { "-fcheck-new", "Check the return value of new" }, { "-fno-check-new", "" }, { "-fconserve-space", "Reduce size of object files" }, { "-fno-conserve-space", "" }, { "-fdefault-inline", "" }, { "-fno-default-inline", "Do not inline mmeber functions be default"}, { "-frtti", "" }, { "-fno-rtti", "Do not generate run time type descriptor information" }, { "-felide-constructors", "" }, { "-fno-elide-constructors", "" }, { "-fenum-int-equiv", "" }, { "-fno-enum-int-equiv", "" }, { "-fexternal-templates", "" }, { "-fno-external-templates", "" }, { "-ffor-scope", "" }, { "-fno-for-scope", "Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside" }, { "-fguiding-decls", "Implement guiding declarations" }, { "-fno-guiding-decls", "" }, { "-fgnu-keywords", "" }, { "-fno-gnu-keywords", "Do not recognise GNU defined keywords" }, { "-fhandle-exceptions", "Enable exception handling" }, { "-fno-handle-exceptions", "" }, { "-fhandle-signatures", "Handle signature language constructs" }, { "-fno-handle-signatures", "" }, { "-fhonor-std", "Do not ignore the namespace standard" }, { "-fno-honor-std", "" }, { "-fhuge-objects", "Enable support for huge objects" }, { "-fno-huge-objects", "" }, { "-fimplement-inlines", "" }, { "-fno-implement-inlines", "Export functions even if they can be inlined" }, { "-fimplicit-templates", "Emit implicit instatiations if needed" }, { "-fno-implicit-templates", "" }, { "-flabels-ok", "Labels can be used as first class objects" }, { "-fno-labels-ok", "" }, { "-fmemoize-lookups", "Enable caching of member function resolutions" }, { "-fno-memoize-lookups", "" }, { "-fname-mangling-version-", "Set the version of name mangling to use" }, { "-fnew-abi", "Enable experimental ABI changes" }, { "-fno-new-abi", "" }, { "-fnonnull-objects", "" }, { "-fno-nonnull-objects", "Do not assume that a reference is always valid" }, { "-foperator-names", "Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor" }, { "-fno-operator-names", "" }, { "-foptional-diags", "" }, { "-fno-optional-diags", "Disable optional diagnostics" }, { "-frepo", "Enable automatic template instantiation" }, { "-fno-repo", "" }, { "-fsave-memoized", "Save cache of member function resolutions" }, { "-fno-save-memoized", "" }, { "-fsquangle", "Enable squashed name mangling" }, { "-fno-squangle", "" }, { "-fstats", "Display statistics accumulated during compilation" }, { "-fno-stats", "" }, { "-fstrict-prototype", "" }, { "-fno-strict-prototype", "Do not assume that empty prototype means no args" }, { "-ftemplate-depth-", "Specify maximum template instantiation depth"}, { "-fthis-is-variable", "Make 'this' not be type '* const'" }, { "-fno-this-is-variable", "" }, { "-fvtable-thunks", "Implement vtables using thunks" }, { "-fno-vtable-thunks", "" }, { "-fweak", "Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols" }, { "-fno-weak", "" }, { "-fxref", "Emit cross referencing information" }, { "-fno-xref", "" }, { "-Wreturn-type", "Warn about inconsistent return types" }, { "-Wno-return-type", "" }, { "-Woverloaded-virtual", "Warn about overloaded virtual function names" }, { "-Wno-overloaded-virtual", "" }, { "-Wctor-dtor-privacy", "Warn when all ctors/dtors are private" }, { "-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy", "" }, { "-Wnon-virtual-dtor", "Warn about non virtual destructors" }, { "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor", "" }, { "-Wextern-inline", "Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline" }, { "-Wno-extern-inline", "" }, { "-Wreorder", "Warn when the compiler reorders code" }, { "-Wno-reorder", "" }, { "-Wsynth", "Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront" }, { "-Wno-synth", "" }, { "-Wpmf-conversions", "Warn when type converting pointers to member functions" }, { "-Wno-pmf-conversions", "" }, { "-Weffc++", "Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules" }, { "-Wno-effc++", "" }, { "-Wsign-promo", "Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed" }, { "-Wno-sign-promo", "" }, { "-Wold-style-cast", "Warn if a C style cast is used in a program" }, { "-Wno-old-style-cast", "" },