#The timer granularity. #More this value is small,more pim6sd will be accurate #default if not specified : 5 #BE SURE to have to same granularity on ALL routers, #otherwise.... #granularity 5; #syntax : phyint [metric] [preference] #metric and pref are for the asserts messages #samples : #phyint ed1 disable; #phyint de0 disable; #phyint ed0 disable; #phyint gif0 disable; #---------------Protocol timer specifications---------------------------# #Notes : theses value are the default spec value! #do not touch it if you don't know what you do!! #you MUST change theses values according to the granularity value! #syntax : 'hello_period '. # number is the period in second between 2 hello messages # and coef is the coef to deterimine the hello holdtime=hello_period*coef # default if not specified: 30 3.5 #hello_period 30 3.5; #syntax : 'join_prune_period '. # number is the period in second between 2 join/prune messages # and coef is the coef to deterimine the join/prune holdtime=join_prune_period*coef # default if not specified : 60 3.5 #join_prune_period 60 3.5; #syntax : 'data_timeout '. # number is the time after which (S,G) state for a silent source will be deleted # default if not specified : 210 #data_timeout 210; #syntax : 'register_suppression_timeout '. # This is the mean interval between receiving a Register-Stop and allowing #Register to be send again. # default if not specified : 60 #register_suppression_timeout 60; #syntax : 'probe_time '. #This is the time between sending a null Register and the Register-Suppression-Timer #expiring unless it is restarted by receiving a Register-Stop. #default if not specified : 5 #probe_time 5; #syntax : 'assert_timeout '. #this is the interval between the last time an Assert is received and the time at wich the #assert is timeout #default if not specified : 180 #assert_timeout 180; #syntax :