/* $NetBSD: util.c,v 1.28 1998/05/15 15:12:30 fvdl Exp $ */ /* * Copyright 1997 Piermont Information Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Written by Philip A. Nelson for Piermont Information Systems Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software develooped for the NetBSD Project by * Piermont Information Systems Inc. * 4. The name of Piermont Information Systems Inc. may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY PIERMONT INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC. ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PIERMONT INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC. BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* util.c -- routines that don't really fit anywhere else... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "md.h" #include "msg_defs.h" #include "menu_defs.h" /* * local prototypes */ struct tarstats{ int nselected; int nfound; int nnotfound; int nerror; int nsuccess; } tarstats; void extract_file __P((char *path)); int extract_dist __P((void)); int distribution_sets_exist_p __P((const char *path)); static int check_for __P((const char *type, const char *pathname)); int dir_exists_p(const char *path) { register int result; result = (run_prog("test -d %s", path) == 0); return (result); } int file_exists_p(const char *path) { register int result; result = (run_prog("test -f %s", path) == 0); return (result); } int distribution_sets_exist_p (const char *path) { char buf[STRSIZE]; int result; result = 1; snprintf(buf, STRSIZE, "%s/%s", path, "kern.tgz"); result = result && file_exists_p(buf); snprintf(buf, STRSIZE, "%s/%s", path, "etc.tgz"); result = result && file_exists_p(buf); return(result); } void get_ramsize(void) { long len=sizeof(long); int mib[2] = {CTL_HW, HW_PHYSMEM}; sysctl(mib, 2, (void *)&ramsize, (size_t *)&len, NULL, 0); /* Find out how many Megs ... round up. */ rammb = (ramsize + MEG - 1) / MEG; } static int asked = 0; void ask_sizemult (void) { if (!asked) { msg_display (MSG_sizechoice, dlcylsize); process_menu (MENU_sizechoice); } asked = 1; } void reask_sizemult (void) { asked = 0; ask_sizemult (); } /* Returns 1 for "y" or "Y" and "n" otherwise. CR => default. */ int ask_ynquestion (char *quest, char def, ...) { char line[STRSIZE]; va_list ap; char c; va_start(ap, def); vsnprintf (line, STRSIZE, quest, ap); va_end(ap); if (def) printf ("%s [%c]: ", line, def); else printf ("%s: ", line); c = getchar(); if (c == '\n') return def == 'y'; while (getchar() != '\n') /* eat characters */; return c == 'y' || c == 'Y'; } void run_makedev (void) { char *owd; msg_display (MSG_makedev); sleep (1); owd = getcwd (NULL,0); /* make /dev, in case the user didn't extract it. */ make_target_dir("/dev"); target_chdir_or_die("/dev"); run_prog ("/bin/sh MAKEDEV all"); chdir(owd); free(owd); } /* Load files from floppy. Requires a /mnt2 directory for mounting them. */ int get_via_floppy (void) { char distname[STRSIZE]; char fddev[STRSIZE] = "/dev/fd0a"; char fname[STRSIZE]; char fullname[STRSIZE]; distinfo *list; char post[4]; int mounted = 0; int first; struct stat sb; cd_dist_dir ("unloading from floppy"); msg_prompt_add (MSG_fddev, fddev, fddev, STRSIZE); list = dist_list; while (list->name) { strcpy (post, ".aa"); snprintf (distname, STRSIZE, "%s%s", list->name, dist_postfix); while (list->getit && strcmp(&post[1],list->fdlast) <= 0) { snprintf (fname, STRSIZE, "%s%s", list->name, post); snprintf (fullname, STRSIZE, "/mnt2/%s", fname); first = 1; while (!mounted || stat(fullname, &sb)) { if (mounted) run_prog ("/sbin/umount /mnt2 " "2>/dev/null"); if (first) msg_display (MSG_fdmount, fname); else msg_display (MSG_fdnotfound, fname); process_menu (MENU_fdok); if (!yesno) return 0; while (run_prog("/sbin/mount -r -t %s %s /mnt2", fdtype, fddev)) { msg_display (MSG_fdremount, fname); process_menu (MENU_fdremount); if (!yesno) return 0; } mounted = 1; first = 0; } run_prog ("/bin/cat %s >> %s", fullname, distname); if (post[2] < 'z') post[2]++; else post[2]='a', post[1]++; } run_prog ("/sbin/umount /mnt2 2>/dev/null"); mounted = 0; list++; } #ifndef DEBUG chdir("/"); /* back to current real root */ #endif return 1; } /* Get from a CDROM distribution. */ int get_via_cdrom(void) { char tmpdir[STRSIZE]; /* Fill in final default path, similar to ftp path because we expect the CDROM structure to be the same as the ftp site. */ strncat (cdrom_dir, rel, STRSIZE-strlen(cdrom_dir)); strcat (cdrom_dir, "/"); strncat (cdrom_dir, machine, STRSIZE-strlen(cdrom_dir)); strncat (cdrom_dir, ftp_prefix, STRSIZE-strlen(cdrom_dir)); /* Get CD-rom device name and path within CD-rom */ process_menu (MENU_cdromsource); again: run_prog("/sbin/umount /mnt2 2> /dev/null"); /* Mount it */ if (run_prog ("/sbin/mount -rt cd9660 /dev/%sa /mnt2", cdrom_dev)) { msg_display(MSG_badsetdir, cdrom_dev); process_menu (MENU_cdrombadmount); if (!yesno) return 0; if (!ignorerror) goto again; } snprintf(tmpdir, STRSIZE, "%s/%s", "/mnt2", cdrom_dir); /* Verify distribution files exist. */ if (distribution_sets_exist_p(tmpdir) == 0) { msg_display(MSG_badsetdir, tmpdir); process_menu (MENU_cdrombadmount); if (!yesno) return (0); if (!ignorerror) goto again; } /* return location, don't clean... */ strncpy(ext_dir, tmpdir, STRSIZE); clean_dist_dir = 0; mnt2_mounted = 1; return 1; } /* * Get from a pathname inside an unmounted local filesystem * (e.g., where sets were preloaded onto a local DOS partition) */ int get_via_localfs(void) { char tmpdir[STRSIZE]; /* Get device, filesystem, and filepath */ process_menu (MENU_localfssource); again: run_prog("/sbin/umount /mnt2 2> /dev/null"); /* Mount it */ if (run_prog ("/sbin/mount -rt %s /dev/%s /mnt2", localfs_fs, localfs_dev)) { msg_display (MSG_localfsbadmount, localfs_dir, localfs_dev); process_menu (MENU_localfsbadmount); if (!yesno) return 0; if (!ignorerror) goto again; } snprintf(tmpdir, STRSIZE, "%s/%s", "/mnt2", localfs_dir); /* Verify distribution files exist. */ if (distribution_sets_exist_p(tmpdir) == 0) { msg_display(MSG_badsetdir, tmpdir); process_menu (MENU_localfsbadmount); if (!yesno) return 0; if (!ignorerror) goto again; } /* return location, don't clean... */ strncpy(ext_dir, tmpdir, STRSIZE); clean_dist_dir = 0; mnt2_mounted = 1; return 1; } /* Get from an already-mounted pathname. */ int get_via_localdir(void) { /* Get device, filesystem, and filepath */ process_menu (MENU_localdirsource); again: /* Complain if not a directory */ if (dir_exists_p(localfs_dir) == 0) { msg_display (MSG_badlocalsetdir, localfs_dir); process_menu (MENU_localdirbad); if (!yesno) return (0); if (!ignorerror) goto again; } /* Verify distribution files exist. */ if (distribution_sets_exist_p(localfs_dir) == 0) { msg_display(MSG_badsetdir, localfs_dir); process_menu (MENU_localdirbad); if (!yesno) return (0); if (!ignorerror) goto again; } /* return location, don't clean... */ strncpy (ext_dir, localfs_dir, STRSIZE); clean_dist_dir = 0; mnt2_mounted = 0; return 1; } void cd_dist_dir (char *forwhat) { char *cwd; /* ask user for the mountpoint. */ msg_prompt (MSG_distdir, dist_dir, dist_dir, STRSIZE, forwhat); /* make sure the directory exists. */ make_target_dir(dist_dir); clean_dist_dir = 1; target_chdir_or_die(dist_dir); /* Set ext_dir for absolute path. */ cwd = getcwd (NULL,0); strncpy (ext_dir, cwd, STRSIZE); free (cwd); } /* Support for custom distribution fetches / unpacks. */ void toggle_getit (int num) { dist_list[num].getit ^= 1; } void show_cur_distsets (void) { distinfo *list; msg_display (MSG_cur_distsets); list = dist_list; while (list->name) { msg_printf_add ("%s%s\n", list->desc, list->getit ? msg_string(MSG_yes) : msg_string(MSG_no)); list++; } } /* Do we want a verbose extract? */ static int verbose = -1; void ask_verbose_dist (void) { if (verbose < 0) { msg_display (MSG_verboseextract); process_menu (MENU_noyes); verbose = yesno; } } void extract_file (char *path) { char *owd; int tarexit; owd = getcwd (NULL,0); /* check tarfile exists */ if (!file_exists_p(path)) { tarstats.nnotfound++; ask_ynquestion(msg_string(MSG_notarfile), 0, path); return; } tarstats.nfound++; /* cd to the target root. */ target_chdir_or_die("/"); /* now extract set files files into "./". */ (void)printf (msg_string(MSG_extracting), path); tarexit = run_prog ("/usr/bin/tar --unlink -xpz%s -f %s", verbose ? "v":"", path); /* Check tarexit for errors and give warning. */ if (tarexit) { tarstats.nerror++; ask_ynquestion (msg_string(MSG_tarerror), 0, path); sleep(3); } else { tarstats.nsuccess++; sleep(1); } chdir (owd); free (owd); } /* Extract_dist **REQUIRES** an absolute path in ext_dir. Any code * that sets up dist_dir for use by extract_dist needs to put in the * full path name to the directory. */ int extract_dist (void) { char distname[STRSIZE]; char fname[STRSIZE]; distinfo *list; /* reset failure/success counters */ bzero(&tarstats, sizeof(tarstats)); endwin(); list = dist_list; while (list->name) { if (list->getit) { tarstats.nselected++; (void)snprintf (distname, STRSIZE, "%s%s", list->name, dist_postfix); (void)snprintf (fname, STRSIZE, "%s/%s", ext_dir, distname); extract_file (fname); } list++; } puts(CL); wrefresh(stdscr); if (tarstats.nerror == 0 && tarstats.nsuccess == tarstats.nselected) { msg_display (MSG_endtarok); process_menu (MENU_ok); return 0; } else { /* We encountered errors. Let the user know. */ msg_display(MSG_endtar, tarstats.nselected, tarstats.nnotfound, tarstats.nfound, tarstats.nsuccess, tarstats.nerror); process_menu (MENU_ok); return 1; } } /* * Get and unpack the distribution. * show success_msg if installation completes. Otherwise,, * sHow failure_msg and wait for the user to ack it before continuing. * success_msg and failure_msg must both be 0-adic messages. */ void get_and_unpack_sets(int success_msg, int failure_msg) { /* Ensure mountpoint for distribution files exists in current root. */ (void) mkdir("/mnt2", S_IRWXU| S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH|S_IXOTH); /* Find out which files to "get" if we get files. */ process_menu (MENU_distset); /* Get the distribution files */ process_menu (MENU_distmedium); if (nodist) return; if (got_dist) { /* ask user whether to do normal or verbose extraction */ ask_verbose_dist (); /* Extract the distribution, abort on errors. */ if (extract_dist ()) { goto bad; } /* Configure the system */ run_makedev (); /* Other configuration. */ mnt_net_config(); /* Clean up dist dir (use absolute path name) */ if (clean_dist_dir) run_prog ("/bin/rm -rf %s", ext_dir); /* Mounted dist dir? */ if (mnt2_mounted) run_prog ("/sbin/umount /mnt2"); /* Install/Upgrade complete ... reboot or exit to script */ msg_display (success_msg); process_menu (MENU_ok); return; } bad: msg_display (failure_msg); process_menu (MENU_ok); } /* * Do a quick sanity check that the target can reboot. * return 1 if everything OK, 0 if there is a problem. * Uses a table of files we expect to find after a base install/upgrade. */ /* test flag and pathname to check for after unpacking. */ struct check_table { const char *testarg; const char *path;} checks[] = { { "-f", "/netbsd" }, { "-d", "/etc" }, { "-f", "/etc/fstab" }, { "-f", "/sbin/init" }, { "-f", "/bin/sh" }, { "-f", "/etc/rc" }, { "-f", "/etc/rc.subr" }, { "-f", "/etc/rc.conf" }, { "-d" "/dev" }, { "-c", "/dev/console" }, /* XXX check for rootdev in target /dev? */ { "-f", "/etc/fstab" }, { "-f", "/sbin/fsck" }, { "-f", "/sbin/fsck_ffs" }, { "-f", "/sbin/mount" }, { "-f", "/sbin/mount_ffs" }, { "-f", "/sbin/mount_nfs" }, #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG_CHECK) { "-f", "/foo/bar" }, /* bad entry to exercise warning */ #endif { 0, 0 } }; /* * Check target for a single file. */ static int check_for(const char *type, const char *pathname) { int found; found = (target_test(type, pathname) == 0); if (found == 0) msg_display(MSG_rootmissing, pathname); return found; } /* * Check that all the files in check_table are present in the * target root. Warn if not found. */ int sanity_check() { int target_ok = 1; struct check_table *p; for (p = checks; p->path; p++) { target_ok = target_ok && check_for(p->testarg, p->path); } if (target_ok) return 0; /* Uh, oh. Something's missing. */ msg_display(MSG_badroot); process_menu(MENU_ok); return 1; }