/* $NetBSD: tc.c,v 1.40 2005/02/04 02:10:48 perry Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: tc.c,v 1.40 2005/02/04 02:10:48 perry Exp $"); #include "opt_tcverbose.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "locators.h" /* Definition of the driver for autoconfig. */ int tcmatch(struct device *, struct cfdata *, void *); CFATTACH_DECL(tc, sizeof(struct tc_softc), tcmatch, tcattach, NULL, NULL); extern struct cfdriver tc_cd; int tcprint(void *, const char *); int tcsubmatch(struct device *, struct cfdata *, const locdesc_t *, void *); void tc_devinfo(const char *, char *, size_t); int tcmatch(parent, cf, aux) struct device *parent; struct cfdata *cf; void *aux; { struct tcbus_attach_args *tba = aux; if (strcmp(tba->tba_busname, cf->cf_name)) return (0); return (1); } void tcattach(parent, self, aux) struct device *parent; struct device *self; void *aux; { struct tc_softc *sc = (struct tc_softc *)self; struct tcbus_attach_args *tba = aux; struct tc_attach_args ta; const struct tc_builtin *builtin; struct tc_slotdesc *slot; tc_addr_t tcaddr; int i; int help[3]; locdesc_t *ldesc = (void *)&help; /* XXX */ printf(": %s MHz clock\n", tba->tba_speed == TC_SPEED_25_MHZ ? "25" : "12.5"); /* * Save important CPU/chipset information. */ sc->sc_speed = tba->tba_speed; sc->sc_nslots = tba->tba_nslots; sc->sc_slots = tba->tba_slots; sc->sc_intr_evcnt = tba->tba_intr_evcnt; sc->sc_intr_establish = tba->tba_intr_establish; sc->sc_intr_disestablish = tba->tba_intr_disestablish; sc->sc_get_dma_tag = tba->tba_get_dma_tag; /* * Try to configure each built-in device */ for (i = 0; i < tba->tba_nbuiltins; i++) { builtin = &tba->tba_builtins[i]; /* sanity check! */ if (builtin->tcb_slot > sc->sc_nslots) panic("tcattach: builtin %d slot > nslots", i); /* * Make sure device is really there, because some * built-in devices are really optional. */ tcaddr = sc->sc_slots[builtin->tcb_slot].tcs_addr + builtin->tcb_offset; if (tc_badaddr(tcaddr)) continue; /* * Set up the device attachment information. */ strncpy(ta.ta_modname, builtin->tcb_modname, TC_ROM_LLEN); ta.ta_memt = tba->tba_memt; ta.ta_dmat = (*sc->sc_get_dma_tag)(builtin->tcb_slot); ta.ta_modname[TC_ROM_LLEN] = '\0'; ta.ta_slot = builtin->tcb_slot; ta.ta_offset = builtin->tcb_offset; ta.ta_addr = tcaddr; ta.ta_cookie = builtin->tcb_cookie; ta.ta_busspeed = sc->sc_speed; /* * Mark the slot as used, so we don't check it later. */ sc->sc_slots[builtin->tcb_slot].tcs_used = 1; ldesc->len = 2; ldesc->locs[TCCF_SLOT] = builtin->tcb_slot; ldesc->locs[TCCF_OFFSET] = builtin->tcb_offset; /* * Attach the device. */ config_found_sm_loc(self, "tc", ldesc, &ta, tcprint, tcsubmatch); } /* * Try to configure each unused slot, last to first. */ for (i = sc->sc_nslots - 1; i >= 0; i--) { slot = &sc->sc_slots[i]; /* If already checked above, don't look again now. */ if (slot->tcs_used) continue; /* * Make sure something is there, and find out what it is. */ tcaddr = slot->tcs_addr; if (tc_badaddr(tcaddr)) continue; if (tc_checkslot(tcaddr, ta.ta_modname) == 0) continue; /* * Set up the rest of the attachment information. */ ta.ta_memt = tba->tba_memt; ta.ta_dmat = (*sc->sc_get_dma_tag)(i); ta.ta_slot = i; ta.ta_offset = 0; ta.ta_addr = tcaddr; ta.ta_cookie = slot->tcs_cookie; /* * Mark the slot as used. */ slot->tcs_used = 1; ldesc->len = 2; ldesc->locs[TCCF_SLOT] = i; ldesc->locs[TCCF_OFFSET] = 0; /* * Attach the device. */ config_found_sm_loc(self, "tc", ldesc, &ta, tcprint, tcsubmatch); } } int tcprint(aux, pnp) void *aux; const char *pnp; { struct tc_attach_args *ta = aux; char devinfo[256]; if (pnp) { tc_devinfo(ta->ta_modname, devinfo, sizeof(devinfo)); aprint_normal("%s at %s", devinfo, pnp); } aprint_normal(" slot %d offset 0x%x", ta->ta_slot, ta->ta_offset); return (UNCONF); } int tcsubmatch(parent, cf, ldesc, aux) struct device *parent; struct cfdata *cf; const locdesc_t *ldesc; void *aux; { if ((cf->cf_loc[TCCF_SLOT] != TCCF_SLOT_DEFAULT) && (cf->cf_loc[TCCF_SLOT] != ldesc->locs[TCCF_SLOT])) return 0; if ((cf->cf_loc[TCCF_OFFSET] != TCCF_OFFSET_DEFAULT) && (cf->cf_loc[TCCF_OFFSET] != ldesc->locs[TCCF_OFFSET])) return 0; return (config_match(parent, cf, aux)); } #define NTC_ROMOFFS 2 static tc_offset_t tc_slot_romoffs[NTC_ROMOFFS] = { TC_SLOT_ROM, TC_SLOT_PROTOROM, }; int tc_checkslot(slotbase, namep) tc_addr_t slotbase; char *namep; { struct tc_rommap *romp; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < NTC_ROMOFFS; i++) { romp = (struct tc_rommap *) (slotbase + tc_slot_romoffs[i]); switch (romp->tcr_width.v) { case 1: case 2: case 4: break; default: continue; } if (romp->tcr_stride.v != 4) continue; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (romp->tcr_test[j+0*romp->tcr_stride.v] != 0x55 || romp->tcr_test[j+1*romp->tcr_stride.v] != 0x00 || romp->tcr_test[j+2*romp->tcr_stride.v] != 0xaa || romp->tcr_test[j+3*romp->tcr_stride.v] != 0xff) continue; for (j = 0; j < TC_ROM_LLEN; j++) namep[j] = romp->tcr_modname[j].v; namep[j] = '\0'; return (1); } return (0); } const struct evcnt * tc_intr_evcnt(struct device *dev, void *cookie) { struct tc_softc *sc = tc_cd.cd_devs[0]; return ((*sc->sc_intr_evcnt)(dev, cookie)); } void tc_intr_establish(dev, cookie, level, handler, arg) struct device *dev; void *cookie, *arg; int level; int (*handler)(void *); { struct tc_softc *sc = tc_cd.cd_devs[0]; (*sc->sc_intr_establish)(dev, cookie, level, handler, arg); } void tc_intr_disestablish(dev, cookie) struct device *dev; void *cookie; { struct tc_softc *sc = tc_cd.cd_devs[0]; (*sc->sc_intr_disestablish)(dev, cookie); } #ifdef TCVERBOSE /* * Descriptions of of known devices. */ struct tc_knowndev { const char *id, *driver, *description; }; #include #endif /* TCVERBOSE */ void tc_devinfo(id, cp, l) const char *id; char *cp; size_t l; { const char *driver, *description; #ifdef TCVERBOSE struct tc_knowndev *tdp; int match; const char *unmatched = "unknown "; #else const char *unmatched = ""; #endif driver = NULL; description = id; #ifdef TCVERBOSE /* find the device in the table, if possible. */ tdp = tc_knowndevs; while (tdp->id != NULL) { /* check this entry for a match */ match = !strcmp(tdp->id, id); if (match) { driver = tdp->driver; description = tdp->description; break; } tdp++; } #endif if (driver == NULL) snprintf(cp, l, "%sdevice %s", unmatched, id); else snprintf(cp, l, "%s (%s)", driver, description); }