.\" $NetBSD: appendix_a.nr,v 1.3 1998/01/09 06:34:38 perry Exp $ .\" .\" WISC: Header: appendix_a.nr,v 1.3 88/12/07 10:42:12 nhall Exp $ .(x Appendix A .)x .bp .sz +2 .ce 3 Appendix A \fBStandards Documents\fR .sz -2 .lp The following appendix lists many of the standards documents which were consumed during development. .ip "\fBNetwork Layer\fR" .ip "ISO 8348" 15 Network Service Definition .ip "ISO 8348/AD1" 15 Connectionless-mode Transmission .ip "ISO 8348/AD2" 15 Network Layer Addressing .ip "ISO 8648" 15 Internal Organization of the Network layer .ip "ISO 8473" 15 Protocol for Providing the Connectionless Network Service .ip "ISO 8473/DAD1" 15 Provision of the Underlying Service Assumed by ISO 8473 .ip "ISO 8473/DAD2" 15 Formal Description of ISO 8473 .ip "ISO 9542" 15 End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange Protocol for use in conjuction with the Protocol providing the Connectionless-mode Network Service .ip "ISO 8208" 15 X.25 packet level protocol for data terminal equipment .ip "ISO 8878" 15 Use of X.25 to Provide the Connection-mode Network Service .ip "\fBTransport Layer\fR" .ip "ISO 8072" 15 Transport Service .ip "ISO 8073" 15 Transport Protocol .ip "ISO 8073/PDAD2" 15 Class 4 over Connectionless Network .ip "\fBFunctional Standards Profiles\fI" .ip "OSINET" 15 Implementation Agreements Among Participants of OSINET, December 1987 .ip "NBS" 15 Implementors's Agreements .ip "GOSIP" 15 Government OSI Profile