NEW SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILES Eric Allman @(#)README 8.81 (Berkeley) 12/3/95 This document describes the sendmail configuration files being used at Berkeley. These use features in the new (R8) sendmail; they will not work on other versions. These configuration files are probably not as general as previous versions, and don't handle as many of the weird cases automagically. I was able to simplify by them for two reasons. First, the network has become more consistent -- for example, at this point, everyone on the internet is supposed to be running a name server, so hacks to handle NIC-registered hosts can go away. Second, I assumed that a subdomain would be running SMTP internally -- UUCP is presumed to be a long-haul protocol. I realize that this is not universal, but it does describe the vast majority of sites with which I am familiar, including those outside the US. Of course, the downside of this is that if you do live in a weird world, things are going to get weirder for you. I'm sorry about that, but at the time we at Berkeley had a problem, and it seemed like the right thing to do. This package requires a post-V7 version of m4; if you are running the 4.2bsd, SysV.2, or 7th Edition version, I suggest finding a friend with a newer version. You can m4-expand on their system, then run locally. SunOS's /usr/5bin/m4 or BSD-Net/2's m4 both work. GNU m4 version 1.1 also works. Unfortunately, I'm told that the M4 on BSDI 1.0 doesn't work -- you'll have to use a Net/2 or GNU version. IF YOU DON'T HAVE A BERKELEY MAKE, don't despair! Just run "m4 ../m4/cf.m4 >" -- that should be all you need. There is also a fairly crude (but functional) Makefile.dist that works on the old version of make. To get started, you may want to look at (for TCP-only sites), (for UUCP-only sites), and (for clusters of clients using a single mail host). Others are versions that we use at Berkeley, although not all are in current use. For example, ucbarpa has gone away, but I've left in because it demonstrates some interesting techniques. I'm not pretending that this README describes everything that these configuration files can do; clever people can probably tweak them to great effect. But it should get you started. ******************************************************************* *** BE SURE YOU CUSTOMIZE THESE FILES! They have some *** *** Berkeley-specific assumptions built in, such as the name *** *** of our UUCP-relay. You'll want to create your own domain *** *** description, and use that in place of domain/Berkeley.m4. *** ******************************************************************* +--------------------------+ | INTRODUCTION AND EXAMPLE | +--------------------------+ Configuration files are contained in the subdirectory "cf", with a suffix ".mc". They must be run through "m4" to produce a ".cf" file. You must pre-load "cf.m4": m4 ${CFDIR}/m4/cf.m4 > where ${CFDIR} is the root of the cf directory and is the name of your configuration file. If you are running a version of M4 that understands the __file__ builtin (versions of GNU m4 >= 0.75 do this, but the versions distributed with 4.4BSD and derivatives do not) or the -I flag (ditto), then ${CFDIR} can be in an arbitrary directory. For "traditional" versions, ${CFDIR} ***MUST*** be "..", or you MUST use -D_CF_DIR_=/path/to/cf/dir/ -- note the trailing slash! For example: m4 -D_CF_DIR_=${CFDIR}/ ${CFDIR}/m4/cf.m4 > Let's examine a typical .mc file: divert(-1) # # Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman # Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 # The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this # software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the University of # California, Berkeley and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, # OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # This is a Berkeley-specific configuration file for HP-UX 9.x. # It applies only the the Computer Science Division at Berkeley, # and should not be used elsewhere. It is provided on the sendmail # distribution as a sample only. To create your own configuration # file, create an appropriate domain file in ../domain, change the # `DOMAIN' macro below to reference that file, and copy the result # to a name of your own choosing. # divert(0) The divert(-1) will delete the crud in the resulting output file. The copyright notice can be replace by whatever your lawyers require; our lawyers require the one that I've included in my files. A copyleft is a copyright by another name. The divert(0) restores regular output. VERSIONID(`') VERSIONID is a macro that stuffs the version information into the resulting file. We use SCCS; you could use RCS, something else, or omit it completely. This is not the same as the version id included in SMTP greeting messages -- this is defined in m4/version.m4. OSTYPE(hpux9)dnl You must specify an OSTYPE to properly configure things such as the pathname of the help and status files, the flags needed for the local mailer, and other important things. If you omit it, you will get an error when you try to build the configuration. Look at the ostype directory for the list of known operating system types. DOMAIN(CS.Berkeley.EDU)dnl This example is specific to the Computer Science Division at Berkeley. You can use "DOMAIN(generic)" to get a sufficiently bland definition that may well work for you, or you can create a customized domain definition appropriate for your environment. MAILER(local) MAILER(smtp) These describe the mailers used at the default CS site site. The local mailer is always included automatically. Beware MAILER declarations should always be last in the configuration file, and MAILER(smtp) should always precede MAILER(uucp). One word of warning: M4 macros are expanded even in lines that appear to be comments. For example, if you have # See FEATURE(foo) above it will not do what you expect, because the FEATURE(foo) will be expanded. This also applies to # And then define the $X macro to be the return address because ``define'' is an M4 keyword. If you want to use them, surround them with directed quotes, `like this'. +--------+ | OSTYPE | +--------+ You MUST define an operating system environment, or the configuration file build will puke. There are several environments available; look at the "ostype" directory for the current list. This macro changes things like the location of the alias file and queue directory. Some of these files are identical to one another. It is IMPERATIVE that the OSTYPE occur before any MAILER definitions. In general, the OSTYPE macro should go immediately after any version information, and MAILER definitions should always go last. Operating system definitions are usually easy to write. They may define the following variables (everything defaults, so an ostype file may be empty). Unfortunately, the list of configuration-supported systems is not as broad as the list of source-supported systems, since many of the source contributors do not include corresponding ostype files. ALIAS_FILE [/etc/aliases] The location of the text version of the alias file(s). It can be a comma-separated list of names (but be sure you quote values with commas in them -- for example, use define(`ALIAS_FILE', `a,b') to get "a" and "b" both listed as alias files; otherwise the define() primitive only sees "a"). HELP_FILE [/usr/lib/sendmail.hf] The name of the file containing information printed in response to the SMTP HELP command. QUEUE_DIR [/var/spool/mqueue] The directory containing queue files. STATUS_FILE [/etc/] The file containing status information. LOCAL_MAILER_PATH [/bin/mail] The program used to deliver local mail. LOCAL_MAILER_FLAGS [rmn] The flags used by the local mailer. The flags lsDFM are always included. LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS [mail -d $u] The arguments passed to deliver local mail. LOCAL_MAILER_MAX [undefined] If defined, the maximum size of local mail that you are willing to accept. LOCAL_MAILER_CHARSET [undefined] If defined, messages containing 8-bit data that ARRIVE from an address that resolves to the local mailer and which are converted to MIME will be labelled with this character set. LOCAL_SHELL_PATH [/bin/sh] The shell used to deliver piped email. LOCAL_SHELL_FLAGS [eu] The flags used by the shell mailer. The flags lsDFM are always included. LOCAL_SHELL_ARGS [sh -c $u] The arguments passed to deliver "prog" mail. LOCAL_SHELL_DIR [$z:/] The directory search path in which the shell should run. USENET_MAILER_PATH [/usr/lib/news/inews] The name of the program used to submit news. USENET_MAILER_FLAGS [rlsDFMmn] The mailer flags for the usenet mailer. USENET_MAILER_ARGS [-m -h -n] The command line arguments for the usenet mailer. USENET_MAILER_MAX [100000] The maximum size of messages that will be accepted by the usenet mailer. SMTP_MAILER_FLAGS [undefined] Flags added to SMTP mailer. Default flags are `mDFMUX' for all SMTP-based mailers; the "esmtp" mailer adds `a' and "smtp8" adds `8'. SMTP_MAILER_MAX [undefined] The maximum size of messages that will be transported using the smtp, smtp8, or esmtp mailers. SMTP_MAILER_ARGS [IPC $h] The arguments passed to the smtp mailer. About the only reason you would want to change this would be to change the default port. ESMTP_MAILER_ARGS [IPC $h] The arguments passed to the esmtp mailer. SMTP8_MAILER_ARGS [IPC $h] The arguments passed to the smtp8 mailer. RELAY_MAILER_ARGS [IPC $h] The arguments passed to the relay mailer. SMTP_MAILER_CHARSET [undefined] If defined, messages containing 8-bit data that ARRIVE from an address that resolves to one of the SMTP mailers and which are converted to MIME will be labelled with this character set. UUCP_MAILER_FLAGS [undefined] Flags added to UUCP mailer. Default flags are `DFMhuU' (and `m' for uucp-new mailer, minus `U' for uucp-dom mailer). UUCP_MAILER_ARGS [uux - -r -z -a$g -gC $h!rmail ($u)] The arguments passed to the UUCP mailer. UUCP_MAILER_MAX [100000] The maximum size message accepted for transmission by the UUCP mailers. UUCP_MAILER_CHARSET [undefined] If defined, messages containing 8-bit data that ARRIVE from an address that resolves to one of the UUCP mailers and which are converted to MIME will be labelled with this character set. FAX_MAILER_PATH [/usr/local/lib/fax/mailfax] The program used to submit FAX messages. FAX_MAILER_MAX [100000] The maximum size message accepted for transmission by FAX. POP_MAILER_PATH [/usr/lib/mh/spop] The pathname of the POP mailer. POP_MAILER_FLAGS [Penu] Flags added to POP mailer. Flags "lsDFM" are always added. POP_MAILER_ARGS [pop $u] The arguments passed to the POP mailer. PROCMAIL_MAILER_FLAGS [Shu] Flags added to Procmail mailer. Flags ``DFMmn'' are always set. PROCMAIL_MAILER_ARGS [procmail -m $h $f $u] The arguments passed to the Procmail mailer. PROCMAIL_MAILER_MAX [undefined] If set, the maximum size message that will be accepted by the procmail mailer. MAIL11_MAILER_PATH [/usr/etc/mail11] The path to the mail11 mailer. MAIL11_MAILER_FLAGS [nsFx] Flags for the mail11 mailer. MAIL11_MAILER_ARGS [mail11 $g $x $h $u] Arguments passed to the mail11 mailer. PH_MAILER_PATH [/usr/local/etc/phquery] The path to the phquery program. PH_MAILER_FLAGS [ehmu] Flags for the phquery mailer. PH_MAILER_ARGS [phquery -- $u] -- arguments to the phquery mailer. CYRUS_MAILER_FLAGS [A5@] The flags used by the cyrus mailer. The flags lsDFMnP are always included. CYRUS_MAILER_PATH [/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver] The progam used to deliver cyrus mail. CYRUS_MAILER_ARGS [deliver -e -m $h -- $u] The arguments passed to deliver cyrus mail. CYRUS_BB_MAILER_FLAGS [undefined] The flags used by the cyrusbb mailer. The flags lsDFMnP are always included. CYRUS_BB_MAILER_ARGS [deliver -e -m $u] The arguments passed to deliver cyrusbb mail. +---------+ | DOMAINS | +---------+ You will probably want to collect domain-dependent defines into one file, referenced by the DOMAIN macro. For example, our Berkeley domain file includes definitions for several internal distinguished hosts: UUCP_RELAY The host that will accept UUCP-addressed email. If not defined, all UUCP sites must be directly connected. BITNET_RELAY The host that will accept BITNET-addressed email. If not defined, the .BITNET pseudo-domain won't work. DECNET_RELAY The host that will accept DECNET-addressed email. If not defined, the .DECNET pseudo-domain and addresses of the form node::user will not work. FAX_RELAY The host that will accept mail to the .FAX pseudo-domain. The "fax" mailer overrides this value. LOCAL_RELAY DEPRECATED. The site that will handle unqualified names -- that is, names with out an @domain extension. If not set, they are assumed to belong on this machine. This allows you to have a central site to store a company- or department-wide alias database. This only works at small sites, and only with some user agents. LUSER_RELAY The site that will handle lusers -- that is, apparently local names that aren't local accounts or aliases. Any of these can be either ``mailer:hostname'' (in which case the mailer is the internal mailer name, such as ``uucp-new'' and the hostname is the name of the host as appropriate for that mailer) or just a ``hostname'', in which case a default mailer type (usually ``relay'', a variant on SMTP) is used. WARNING: if you have a wildcard MX record matching your domain, you probably want to define these to have a trailing dot so that you won't get the mail diverted back to yourself. The domain file can also be used to define a domain name, if needed (using "DD") and set certain site-wide features. If all hosts at your site masquerade behind one email name, you could also use MASQUERADE_AS here. You do not have to define a domain -- in particular, if you are a single machine sitting off somewhere, it is probably more work than it's worth. This is just a mechanism for combining "domain dependent knowledge" into one place. +---------+ | MAILERS | +---------+ There are fewer mailers supported in this version than the previous version, owing mostly to a simpler world. As a general rule, put the MAILER definitions last in your .mc file, and always put MAILER(smtp) before MAILER(uucp) -- several features and definitions will modify the definition of mailers, and the smtp mailer modifies the UUCP mailer. local The local and prog mailers. You will almost always need these; the only exception is if you relay ALL your mail to another site. This mailer is included automatically. smtp The Simple Mail Transport Protocol mailer. This does not hide hosts behind a gateway or another other such hack; it assumes a world where everyone is running the name server. This file actually defines four mailers: "smtp" for regular (old-style) SMTP to other servers, "esmtp" for extended SMTP to other servers, "smtp8" to do SMTP to other servers without converting 8-bit data to MIME (essentially, this is your statement that you know the other end is 8-bit clean even if it doesn't say so), and "relay" for transmission to our RELAY_HOST, LUSER_RELAY, or MAILER_HUB. uucp The Unix-to-Unix Copy Program mailer. Actually, this defines two mailers, "uucp-old" (a.k.a. "uucp") and "uucp-new" (a.k.a. "suucp"). The latter is for when you know that the UUCP mailer at the other end can handle multiple recipients in one transfer. If the smtp mailer is also included in your configuration, two other mailers ("uucp-dom" and "uucp-uudom") are also defined [warning: you MUST specify MAILER(smtp) before MAILER(uucp)]. When you include the uucp mailer, sendmail looks for all names in the $=U class and sends them to the uucp-old mailer; all names in the $=Y class are sent to uucp-new; and all names in the $=Z class are sent to uucp-uudom. Note that this is a function of what version of rmail runs on the receiving end, and hence may be out of your control. See the section below describing UUCP mailers in more detail. usenet Usenet (network news) delivery. If this is specified, an extra rule is added to ruleset 0 that forwards all local email for users named ``group.usenet'' to the ``inews'' program. Note that this works for all groups, and may be considered a security problem. fax Facsimile transmission. This is experimental and based on Sam Leffler's FlexFAX software. For more information, see below. pop Post Office Protocol. procmail An interface to procmail (does not come with sendmail). This is designed to be used in mailertables. For example, a common question is "how do I forward all mail for a given domain to a single person?". If you have this mailer defined, you could set up a mailertable reading: procmail:/etc/procmailrcs/ with the file /etc/procmailrcs/ reading: :0 # forward mail for ! -oi -f $1 This would arrange for (anything) to be sent to Within the procmail script, $1 is the name of the sender and $2 is the name of the recipient. If you use this with FEATURE(local_procmail), the FEATURE should be listed first. mail11 The DECnet mail11 mailer, useful only if you have the mail11 program from (and DECnet, of course). This is for Phase IV DECnet support; if you have Phase V at your site you may have additional problems. phquery The phquery program. This is somewhat counterintuitively referenced as the "ph" mailer internally. It can be used to do CCSO name server lookups. The phquery program, which this mailer uses, is distributed with the ph client. cyrus The cyrus and cyrusbb mailers. The cyrus mailer delivers to a local cyrus user. this mailer can make use of the "" syntax; it will deliver the mail to the user's "detail" mailbox if the mailbox's ACL permits. The cyrusbb mailer delivers to a system-wide cyrus mailbox if the mailbox's ACL permits. The local mailer accepts addresses of the form "user+detail", where the "+detail" is not used for mailbox matching but is available to certain local mail programs (in particular, see FEATURE(local_procmail)). For example, "eric", "eric+sendmail", and "eric+sww" all indicate the same user, but additional arguments , "sendmail", and "sww" may be provided for use in sorting mail. +----------+ | FEATURES | +----------+ Special features can be requested using the "FEATURE" macro. For example, the .mc line: FEATURE(use_cw_file) tells sendmail that you want to have it read an /etc/ file to get values for class $=w. The FEATURE may contain a single optional parameter -- for example: FEATURE(mailertable, dbm /usr/lib/mailertable) Available features are: use_cw_file Read the file /etc/ file to get alternate names for this host. This might be used if you were on a host that MXed for a dynamic set of other hosts. If the set is static, just including the line "Cw ..." is probably superior. The actual filename can be overridden by redefining confCW_FILE. use_ct_file Read the file /etc/sendmail.ct file to get the names of users that will be ``trusted'', that is, able to set their envelope from address using -f without generating a warning message. The actual filename can be overridden by redefining confCT_FILE. redirect Reject all mail addressed to "address.REDIRECT" with a ``551 User not local; please try
'' message. If this is set, you can alias people who have left to their new address with ".REDIRECT" appended. nouucp Don't do anything special with UUCP addresses at all. nocanonify Don't pass addresses to $[ ... $] for canonification. This would generally only be used by sites that only act as mail gateways or which have user agents that do full canonification themselves. You may also want to use "define(`confBIND_OPTS',`-DNSRCH -DEFNAMES')" to turn off the usual resolver options that do a similar thing. stickyhost If set, email sent to "" are marked as "sticky" -- that is, the local addresses aren't matched against UDB and don't go through ruleset 5. This is used if you want a set up where "user" is not necessarily the same as "", e.g., to make a distinct domain-wide namespace. Prior to 8.7 this was the default, and notsticky was used to turn this off. mailertable Include a "mailer table" which can be used to override routing for particular domains. The argument of the FEATURE may be the key definition. If none is specified, the definition used is: hash -o /etc/mailertable Keys in this database are fully qualified domain names or partial domains preceded by a dot -- for example, "vangogh.CS.Berkeley.EDU" or ".CS.Berkeley.EDU". Values must be of the form: mailer:domain where "mailer" is the internal mailer name, and "domain" is where to send the message. These maps are not reflected into the message header. domaintable Include a "domain table" which can be used to provide domain name mapping. Use of this should really be limited to your own domains. It may be useful if you change names (e.g., your company changes names from to The argument of the FEATURE may be the key definition. If none is specified, the definition used is: hash -o /etc/domaintable The key in this table is the domain name; the value is the new (fully qualified) domain. Anything in the domaintable is reflected into headers; that is, this is done in ruleset 3. bitdomain Look up bitnet hosts in a table to try to turn them into internet addresses. The table can be built using the bitdomain program contributed by John Gardiner Myers. The argument of the FEATURE may be the key definition; if none is specified, the definition used is: hash -o /etc/bitdomain.db Keys are the bitnet hostname; values are the corresponding internet hostname. uucpdomain Similar feature for UUCP hosts. The default map definition is: hash -o /etc/uudomain.db At the moment there is no automagic tool to build this database. always_add_domain Include the local host domain even on locally delivered mail. Normally it is not added unless it is already present. allmasquerade If masquerading is enabled (using MASQUERADE_AS), this feature will cause recipient addresses to also masquerade as being from the masquerade host. Normally they get the local hostname. Although this may be right for ordinary users, it can break local aliases. For example, if you send to "localalias", the originating sendmail will find that alias and send to all members, but send the message with "To: localalias@masqueradehost". Since that alias likely does not exist, replies will fail. Use this feature ONLY if you can guarantee that the ENTIRE namespace on your masquerade host supersets all the local entries. nodns We aren't running DNS at our site (for example, we are UUCP-only connected). It's hard to consider this a "feature", but hey, it had to go somewhere. nullclient This is a special case -- it creates a stripped down configuration file containing nothing but support for forwarding all mail to a central hub via a local SMTP-based network. The argument is the name of that hub. The only other feature that should be used in conjunction with this one is "nocanonify" (this causes addresses to be sent unqualified via the SMTP connection; normally they are qualifed with the masquerade name, which defaults to the name of the hub machine). No mailers should be defined. No aliasing or forwarding is done. local_procmail Use procmail as the local mailer. This mailer can make use of the "" syntax; normally the +indicator is just tossed, but by default it is passed as the -a argument to procmail. The argument to this feature is the pathname of procmail, which defaults to /usr/local/bin/procmail. bestmx_is_local Accept mail as though locally addressed for any host that lists us as the best possible MX record. This generates additional DNS traffic, but should be OK for low to medium traffic hosts. THIS FEATURE IS FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPATIBLE WITH WILDCARD MX RECORDS!!! If you have a wildcard MX record that matches your domain, you cannot use this feature. smrsh Use the SendMail Restricted SHell (smrsh) provided with the distribution instead of /bin/sh for mailing to programs. This improves the ability of the local system administrator to control what gets run via e-mail. If an argument is provided it is used as the pathname to smrsh; otherwise, /usr/local/etc/smrsh is assumed. +-------+ | HACKS | +-------+ Some things just can't be called features. To make this clear, they go in the hack subdirectory and are referenced using the HACK macro. These will tend to be site-dependent. The release includes the Berkeley-dependent "cssubdomain" hack (that makes sendmail accept local names in either Berkeley.EDU or CS.Berkeley.EDU; this is intended as a short-term aid while we move hosts into subdomains. +--------------------+ | SITE CONFIGURATION | +--------------------+ ***************************************************** * This section is really obsolete, and is preserved * * only for back compatibility. You should plan on * * using mailertables for new installations. In * * particular, it doesn't work for the newer forms * * of UUCP mailers, such as uucp-uudom. * ***************************************************** Complex sites will need more local configuration information, such as lists of UUCP hosts they speak with directly. This can get a bit more tricky. For an example of a "complex" site, see cf/ If your host is known by several different names, you need to augment the $=w class. This is a list of names by which you are known, and anything sent to an address using a host name in this list will be treated as local mail. You can do this in two ways: either create the file /etc/ containing a list of your aliases (one per line), and use ``FEATURE(use_cw_file)'' in the .mc file, or add the line: Cw at the end of that file. See the ``'' file for an example. Be sure you use the fully-qualified name of the host, rather than a short name. The SITECONFIG macro allows you to indirectly reference site-dependent configuration information stored in the siteconfig subdirectory. For example, the line SITECONFIG(uucp.ucbvax, ucbvax, U) reads the file uucp.ucbvax for local connection information. The second parameter is the local name (in this case just "ucbvax" since it is locally connected, and hence a UUCP hostname). The third parameter is the name of both a macro to store the local name (in this case, $U) and the name of the class (e.g., $=U) in which to store the host information read from the file. Another SITECONFIG line reads SITECONFIG(uucp.ucbarpa, ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU, W) This says that the file uucp.ucbarpa contains the list of UUCP sites connected to ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU. The $=W class will be used to store this list, and $W is defined to be ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU, that is, the name of the relay to which the hosts listed in uucp.ucbarpa are connected. [The machine ucbarpa is gone now, but I've left this out-of-date configuration file around to demonstrate how you might do this.] Note that the case of SITECONFIG with a third parameter of ``U'' is special; the second parameter is assumed to be the UUCP name of the local site, rather than the name of a remote site, and the UUCP name is entered into $=w (the list of local hostnames) as $U.UUCP. The siteconfig file (e.g., siteconfig/uucp.ucbvax.m4) contains nothing more than a sequence of SITE macros describing connectivity. For example: SITE(cnmat) SITE(sgi olympus) The second example demonstrates that you can use two names on the same line; these are usually aliases for the same host (or are at least in the same company). +--------------------+ | USING UUCP MAILERS | +--------------------+ It's hard to get UUCP mailers right because of the extremely ad hoc nature of UUCP addressing. These config files are really designed for domain-based addressing, even for UUCP sites. There are four UUCP mailers available. The choice of which one to use is partly a matter of local preferences and what is running at the other end of your UUCP connection. Unlike good protocols that define what will go over the wire, UUCP uses the policy that you should do what is right for the other end; if they change, you have to change. This makes it hard to do the right thing, and discourages people from updating their software. In general, if you can avoid UUCP, please do. The major choice is whether to go for a domainized scheme or a non-domainized scheme. This depends entirely on what the other end will recognize. If at all possible, you should encourage the other end to go to a domain-based system -- non-domainized addresses don't work entirely properly. The four mailers are: uucp-old (obsolete name: "uucp") This is the oldest, the worst (but the closest to UUCP) way of sending messages accros UUCP connections. It does bangify everything and prepends $U (your UUCP name) to the sender's address (which can already be a bang path itself). It can only send to one address at a time, so it spends a lot of time copying duplicates of messages. Avoid this if at all possible. uucp-new (obsolete name: "suucp") The same as above, except that it assumes that in one rmail command you can specify several recipients. It still has a lot of other problems. uucp-dom This UUCP mailer keeps everything as domain addresses. Basically, it uses the SMTP mailer rewriting rules. This mailer is only included if MAILER(smtp) is also specified. Unfortunately, a lot of UUCP mailer transport agents require bangified addresses in the envelope, although you can use domain-based addresses in the message header. (The envelope shows up as the From_ line on UNIX mail.) So.... uucp-uudom This is a cross between uucp-new (for the envelope addresses) and uucp-dom (for the header addresses). It bangifies the envelope sender (From_ line in messages) without adding the local hostname, unless there is no host name on the address at all (e.g., "wolf") or the host component is a UUCP host name instead of a domain name ("somehost!wolf" instead of "some.dom.ain!wolf"). This is also included only if MAILER(smtp) is also specified. Examples: We are on host (UUCP host name "grasp"). The following summarizes the sender rewriting for various mailers. Mailer sender rewriting in the envelope ------ ------ ------------------------- uucp-{old,new} wolf grasp!wolf uucp-dom wolf uucp-uudom wolf!wolf uucp-{old,new} grasp!!wolf uucp-dom uucp-uudom!wolf uucp-{old,new} somehost!wolf grasp!somehost!wolf uucp-dom somehost!wolf somehost! uucp-uudom somehost!wolf!somehost!wolf If you are using one of the domainized UUCP mailers, you really want to convert all UUCP addresses to domain format -- otherwise, it will do it for you (and probably not the way you expected). For example, if you have the address foo!bar!baz (and you are not sending to foo), the heuristics will add the or to this address. However, if you map foo to first, it will not add the local hostname. You can do this using the uucpdomain feature. +-------------------+ | TWEAKING RULESETS | +-------------------+ For more complex configurations, you can define special rules. The macro LOCAL_RULE_3 introduces rules that are used in canonicalizing the names. Any modifications made here are reflected in the header. A common use is to convert old UUCP addreses to SMTP addresses using the UUCPSMTP macro. For example: LOCAL_RULE_3 UUCPSMTP(decvax, UUCPSMTP(research, will cause addresses of the form "decvax!user" and "research!user" to be converted to "" and "" respectively. This could also be used to look up hosts in a database map: LOCAL_RULE_3 R$* < @ $+ > $* $: $1 < @ $(hostmap $2 $) > $3 This map would be defined in the LOCAL_CONFIG portion, as shown below. Similarly, LOCAL_RULE_0 can be used to introduce new parsing rules. For example, new rules are needed to parse hostnames that you accept via MX records. For example, you might have: LOCAL_RULE_0 R$+ <@ host.dom.ain.> $#uucp $@ cnmat $: $1 < @ host.dom.ain.> You would use this if you had installed an MX record for cnmat.Berkeley.EDU pointing at this host; this rule catches the message and forwards it on using UUCP. You can also tweak rulesets 1 and 2 using LOCAL_RULE_1 and LOCAL_RULE_2. These rulesets are normally empty. A similar macro is LOCAL_CONFIG. This introduces lines added after the boilerplate option setting but before rulesets, and can be used to declare local database maps or whatever. For example: LOCAL_CONFIG Khostmap hash /etc/hostmap.db Kyplocal nis -m hosts.byname +---------------------------+ | MASQUERADING AND RELAYING | +---------------------------+ You can have your host masquerade as another using MASQUERADE_AS(host.domain) This causes outgoing SMTP mail to be labeled as coming from the indicated domain, rather than $j. One normally masquerades as one of one's own subdomains (for example, it's unlikely that I would choose to masquerade as an MIT site). The masquerade name is not normally canonified, so it is important that it be your One True Name, that is, fully qualified and not a CNAME. Normally the only addresses that are masqueraded are those that come from this host (that is, are either unqualified or in $=w, the list of local domain names). You can augment this list using MASQUERADE_DOMAIN(otherhost.domain) The effect of this is that although mail to user@otherhost.domain will not be delivered locally, any mail including any user@otherhost.domain will, when relayed, be rewritten to have the MASQUERADE_AS address. This can be a space-separated list of names. If these names are in a file, you can use MASQUERADE_DOMAIN_FILE(filename) to read the list of names from the indicated file. Normally only header addresses are masqueraded. If you want to masquerade the envelope as well, use FEATURE(masquerade_envelope) There are always users that need to be "exposed" -- that is, their internal site name should be displayed instead of the masquerade name. Root is an example. You can add users to this list using EXPOSED_USER(usernames) This adds users to class E; you could also use something like FE/etc/sendmail.cE You can also arrange to relay all unqualified names (that is, names without @host) to a relay host. For example, if you have a central email server, you might relay to that host so that users don't have to have .forward files or aliases. You can do this using define(`LOCAL_RELAY', mailer:hostname) The ``mailer:'' can be omitted, in which case the mailer defaults to "smtp". There are some user names that you don't want relayed, perhaps because of local aliases. A common example is root, which may be locally aliased. You can add entries to this list using LOCAL_USER(usernames) This adds users to class L; you could also use something like FL/etc/sendmail.cL If you want all incoming mail sent to a centralized hub, as for a shared /var/spool/mail scheme, use define(`MAIL_HUB', mailer:hostname) Again, ``mailer:'' defaults to "smtp". If you define both LOCAL_RELAY and MAIL_HUB _AND_ you have FEATURE(stickyhost), unqualified names will be sent to the LOCAL_RELAY and other local names will be sent to MAIL_HUB. Names in $=L will be delivered locally, so you MUST have aliases or .forward files for them. For example, if are on machine mastodon.CS.Berkeley.EDU and you have FEATURE(stickyhost), the following combinations of settings will have the indicated effects: email sent to.... eric eric@mastodon.CS.Berkeley.EDU LOCAL_RELAY set to mail.CS.Berkeley.EDU (delivered locally) mail.CS.Berkeley.EDU (no local aliasing) (aliasing done) MAIL_HUB set to mammoth.CS.Berkeley.EDU mammoth.CS.Berkeley.EDU mammoth.CS.Berkeley.EDU (aliasing done) (aliasing done) Both LOCAL_RELAY and mail.CS.Berkeley.EDU mammoth.CS.Berkeley.EDU MAIL_HUB set as above (no local aliasing) (aliasing done) If you do not have FEATURE(stickyhost) set, then LOCAL_RELAY and MAIL_HUB act identically, with MAIL_HUB taking precedence. If you want all outgoing mail to go to a central relay site, define SMART_HOST as well. Briefly: LOCAL_RELAY applies to unqualifed names (e.g., "eric"). MAIL_HUB applies to names qualified with the name of the local host (e.g., "eric@mastodon.CS.Berkeley.EDU"). SMART_HOST applies to names qualified with other hosts. However, beware that other relays (e.g., UUCP_RELAY, BITNET_RELAY, DECNET_RELAY, and FAX_RELAY) take precedence over SMART_HOST, so if you really want absolutely everything to go to a single central site you will need to unset all the other relays -- or better yet, find or build a minimal config file that does this. +-------------------------------+ | NON-SMTP BASED CONFIGURATIONS | +-------------------------------+ These configuration files are designed primarily for use by SMTP-based sites. I don't pretend that they are well tuned for UUCP-only or UUCP-primarily nodes (the latter is defined as a small local net connected to the rest of the world via UUCP). However, there is one hook to handle some special cases. You can define a ``smart host'' that understands a richer address syntax using: define(`SMART_HOST', mailer:hostname) In this case, the ``mailer:'' defaults to "relay". Any messages that can't be handled using the usual UUCP rules are passed to this host. If you are on a local SMTP-based net that connects to the outside world via UUCP, you can use LOCAL_NET_CONFIG to add appropriate rules. For example: define(`SMART_HOST', suucp:uunet) LOCAL_NET_CONFIG R$* < @ $* .$m. > $* $#smtp $@ $2.$m. $: $1 < @ $2.$m. > $3 This will cause all names that end in your domain name ($m) via SMTP; anything else will be sent via suucp (smart UUCP) to uunet. If you have FEATURE(nocanonify), you may need to omit the dots after the $m. If you are running a local DNS inside your domain which is not otherwise connected to the outside world, you probably want to use: define(`SMART_HOST', LOCAL_NET_CONFIG R$* < @ $* . > $* $#smtp $@ $2. $: $1 < @ $2. > $3 That is, send directly only to things you found in your DNS lookup; anything else goes through SMART_HOST. If you are not running DNS at all, it is important to use FEATURE(nodns) to avoid having sendmail queue everything waiting for the name server to come up. +-----------+ | WHO AM I? | +-----------+ Normally, the $j macro is automatically defined to be your fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Sendmail does this by getting your host name using gethostname and then calling gethostbyname on the result. For example, in some environments gethostname returns only the root of the host name (such as "foo"); gethostbyname is supposed to return the FQDN (""). In some (fairly rare) cases, gethostbyname may fail to return the FQDN. In this case you MUST define confDOMAIN_NAME to be your fully qualified domain name. This is usually done using: define(`confDOMAIN_NAME', `$w.$m')dnl +--------------------+ | USING MAILERTABLES | +--------------------+ To use FEATURE(mailertable), you will have to create an external database containing the routing information for various domains. For example, a mailertable file in text format might be: .my.domain suucp:uuhost1 .bitnet This should normally be stored in /etc/mailertable. The actual database version of the mailertable is built using: makemap hash /etc/mailertable.db < /etc/mailertable The semantics are simple. Any LHS entry that does not begin with a dot matches the full host name indicated. LHS entries beginning with a dot match anything ending with that domain name -- that is, they can be thought of as having a leading "*" wildcard. Matching is done in order of most-to-least qualified -- for example, even though ".my.domain" is listed first in the above example, an entry of "" will match the second entry since it is more explicit. The RHS should always be a "mailer:host" pair. The mailer is the configuration name of a mailer (that is, an `M' line in the file). The "host" will be the hostname passed to that mailer. In domain-based matches (that is, those with leading dots) the "%1" may be used to interpolate the wildcarded part of the host name. For example, the first line above sends everything addressed to "" to that same host name, but using the (presumably experimental) xnet mailer. In some cases you may want to temporarily turn off MX records, particularly on gateways. For example, you may want to MX everything in a domain to one machine that then forwards it directly. To do this, you might use the DNS configuration: *.domain. IN MX 0 relay.machine and on relay.machine use the mailertable: .domain smtp:[gateway.domain] The [square brackets] turn off MX records for this host only. If you didn't do this, the mailertable would use the MX record again, which would give you an MX loop. +--------------------------------+ | USING USERDB TO MAP FULL NAMES | +--------------------------------+ The user database was not originally intended for mapping full names to login names (e.g., Eric.Allman => eric), but some people are using it that way. (I would recommend that you set up aliases for this purpose instead -- since you can specify multiple alias files, this is fairly easy.) The intent was to locate the default maildrop at a site, but allow you to override this by sending to a specific host. If you decide to set up the user database in this fashion, it is imperative that you not use FEATURE(stickyhost) -- otherwise, e-mail sent to will be rejected. To build the internal form of the user database, use: makemap btree /usr/data/base.db < /usr/data/base.txt As a general rule, I am adamantly opposed to using full names as e-mail addresses, since they are not in any sense unique. For example, the Unix software-development community has two Andy Tannenbaums, at least two well-known Peter Deutsches, and at one time Bell Labs had two Stephen R. Bournes with offices along the same hallway. Which one will be forced to suffer the indignity of being Stephen_R_Bourne_2? The less famous of the two, or the one that was hired later? Finger should handle full names (and be fuzzy). Mail should use handles, and not be fuzzy. [Not that I expect anyone to pay any attention to my opinions.] +--------------------------------+ | MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL FEATURES | +--------------------------------+ Plussed users Sometimes it is convenient to merge configuration on a centralized mail machine, for example, to forward all root mail to a mail server. In this case it might be useful to be able to treat the root addresses as a class of addresses with subtle differences. You can do this using plussed users. For example, a client might include the alias: root: root+client1@server On the server, this will match an alias for "root+client1". If that is not found, the alias "root+*" will be tried, then "root". +----------------+ | SECURITY NOTES | +----------------+ A lot of sendmail security comes down to you. Sendmail 8 is much more careful about checking for security problems than previous versions, but there are some things that you still need to watch for. In particular: * Make sure the aliases file isn't writable except by trusted system personnel. This includes both the text and database version. * Make sure that other files that sendmail reads, such as the mailertable, is only writable by trusted system personnel. * The queue directory should not be world writable PARTICULARLY if your system allows "file giveaways" (that is, if a non-root user can chown any file they own to any other user). * If your system allows file giveaways, DO NOT create a publically writable directory for forward files. This will allow anyone to steal anyone else's e-mail. Instead, create a script that copies the .forward file from users' home directories once a night (if you want the non-NFS-mounted forward directory). * If your system allows file giveaways, you'll find that sendmail is much less trusting of :include: files -- in particular, you'll have to have /SENDMAIL/ANY/SHELL/ in /etc/shells before they will be trusted (that is, before files and programs listed in them will be honored). In general, file giveaways are a mistake -- if you can turn them off I recommend you do so. +------------------+ | FlexFAX SOFTWARE | +------------------+ Sam Leffler's FlexFAX software is still in beta test -- but he expects a public version out "later this week" [as of 3/1/93]. The following blurb is direct from Sam: Header: /usr/people/sam/fax/RCS/HOWTO,v 1.14 93/05/24 11:42:16 sam Exp How To Obtain This Software (in case all you get is this file) -------------------------------------------------------------- The source code is available for public ftp on sgi/fax/v2.1.src.tar.Z ( You can also obtain inst'able images for Silicon Graphics machines from sgi/fax/v2.1.inst.tar ( For example, % ftp -n .... ftp> user anonymous ... ftp> cd sgi/fax ftp> binary ftp> get v2.1.src.tar.Z In general, the latest version of the 2.1 release of the software is always available as "v2.1.src.tar.Z" or "v2.1.inst.tar" in the ftp directory. This file is a link to the appropriate released version (so don't waste your time retrieving the linked file as well!) Any files of the form v2.1.*.patch are shell scripts that can be used to patch older versions of the source code. For example, the file v2.1.0.patch would contain patches to update v2.1.0.tar.Z. (Note to beta testers: this is different than the naming conventions used during beta testing.) Patch files only work to go between consecutive versions, so if you are multiple versions behind the latest release, you will need to apply each patch file between your current version and the latest. Obtaining the Software by Electronic Mail ----------------------------------------- Do not send me requests for the software; they will be ignored (without response). If you cannot use FTP at all, there is a service called "ftpmail" available from you can send e-mail to this machine and it will use FTP to retrieve files for you and send you the files back again via e-mail. To find out more about the ftpmail service, send a message to "" whose body consists of the single line "help". Obtaining the Software Within Silicon Graphics ---------------------------------------------- Internal to Silicon Graphics there are inst'able images on the host flake.asd in the directory /usr/dist. Thus you can do something like: % inst -f to install the latest version of the software on your machine. What to do Once You've Retrieved Stuff -------------------------------------- The external distributions come in a compressed or uncompressed tar file. To extract the source distribution: % zcat v2.1.src.tar.Z | tar xf - (uncompress and extract individual files in current directory). To unpack and install the client portion of the inst'able distribution: % mkdir dist % cd dist; tar xf ../v2.1.inst.tar; cd .. % inst -f dist/flexfax ... inst> go (Note, the dist subdirectory is because some versions of inst fail if the files are in the current directory.) Server binaries are also included in the inst'able images as flexfax.server.*. They are not installed by default, so to get them also you need to do: % inst -f flexfax ... inst> install flexfax.server.* inst> go The SGI binaries were built for Version 4.0.5H of the IRIX operating system. They should work w/o problem on earlier versions of the system, but I have not fully tested this. Also, note that to install a server on an SGI machine, you need to have installed the Display PostScript execution environment product (dps_eoe). Otherwise, the fax server will not be able to convert PostScript to facsimile for transmission. If you are working from the source distribution, look at the file README in the top of the source tree. If you are working from the inst images, the subsystem contains the README file and other useful pieces of information--the installed files are placed in the directory /usr/local/doc/flexfax). Basically you will need to run the faxaddmodem script to setup and configure your fax modem. Consult the README file and the manual page for faxaddmodem for information. FlexFAX Mail List ----------------- A mailing list for users of this software is located on If you want to join this mailing list or have a list-related request such as getting your name removed from it, send a request to For example, to subscribe, send the line "subscribe flexfax" in the body of your message. The line "help" will return a list of the commands understood by the mailing list management software. Submissions (including bug reports) should be directed to: When corresponding about this software please always specify what version you have, what system you're running on, and, if the problem is specific to your modem, identify the modem and firmware revision. +--------------------------------+ | TWEAKING CONFIGURATION OPTIONS | +--------------------------------+ There are a large number of configuration options that don't normally need to be changed. However, if you feel you need to tweak them, you can define the following M4 variables. This list is shown in four columns: the name you define, the default value for that definition, the option or macro that is affected (either Ox for an option or Dx for a macro), and a brief description. Greater detail of the semantics can be found in the Installation and Operations Guide. Some options are likely to be deprecated in future versions -- that is, the option is only included to provide back-compatibility. These are marked with "*". Remember that these options are M4 variables, and hence may need to be quoted. In particular, arguments with commas will usually have to be ``double quoted, like this phrase'' to avoid having the comma confuse things. This is common for alias file definitions and for the read timeout. M4 Variable Name Configuration Description & [Default] ================ ============= ======================= confMAILER_NAME $n macro [MAILER-DAEMON] The sender name used for internally generated outgoing messages. confDOMAIN_NAME $j macro If defined, sets $j. This should only be done if your system cannot determine your local domain name, and then it should be set to $w.Foo.COM, where Foo.COM is your domain name. confCF_VERSION $Z macro If defined, this is appended to the configuration version name. confFROM_HEADER From: [$?x$x <$g>$|$g$.] The format of an internally generated From: address. confRECEIVED_HEADER Received: [.$?_($?s$|from $.$_) $.by $j ($v/$Z)$?r with $r$. id $i$?u for $u$.; $b] The format of the Received: header in messages passed through this host. It is unwise to try to change this. confCW_FILE Fw class [/etc/] Name of file used to get the local additions to the $=w (local host names) class. confCT_FILE Ft class [/etc/sendmail.ct] Name of file used to get the local additions to the $=t (trusted users) class. confTRUSTED_USERS Ct class [no default] Names of users to add to the list of trusted users. This list always includes root, uucp, and daemon. See also FEATURE(use_ct_file). confSMTP_MAILER - [smtp] The mailer name used when SMTP connectivity is required. One of "smtp", "smtp8", or "esmtp". confUUCP_MAILER - [uucp-old] The mailer to be used by default for bang-format recipient addresses. See also discussion of $=U, $=Y, and $=Z in the MAILER(uucp) section. confLOCAL_MAILER - [local] The mailer name used when local connectivity is required. Almost always "local". confRELAY_MAILER - [relay] The default mailer name used for relaying any mail (e.g., to a BITNET_RELAY, a SMART_HOST, or whatever). This can reasonably be "uucp-new" if you are on a UUCP-connected site. confSEVEN_BIT_INPUT SevenBitInput [False] Force input to seven bits? confEIGHT_BIT_HANDLING EightBitMode [pass8] 8-bit data handling confALIAS_WAIT AliasWait [10m] Time to wait for alias file rebuild until you get bored and decide that the apparently pending rebuild failed. confMIN_FREE_BLOCKS MinFreeBlocks [100] Minimum number of free blocks on queue filesystem to accept SMTP mail. (Prior to 8.7 this was minfree/maxsize, where minfree was the number of free blocks and maxsize was the maximum message size. Use confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE for the second value now.) confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE MaxMessageSize [infinite] The maximum size of messages that will be accepted (in bytes). confBLANK_SUB BlankSub [ ] Blank (space) substitution character. confCON_EXPENSIVE HoldExpensive [False] Avoid connecting immediately to mailers marked expensive? confCHECKPOINT_INTERVAL CheckpointInterval [10] Checkpoint queue files every N recipients. confDELIVERY_MODE DeliveryMode [background] Default delivery mode. confAUTO_REBUILD AutoRebuildAliases [False] Automatically rebuild alias file if needed. confERROR_MODE ErrorMode [print] Error message mode. confERROR_MESSAGE ErrorHeader [undefined] Error message header/file. confSAVE_FROM_LINES SafeFromLine Save extra leading From_ lines. confTEMP_FILE_MODE TempFileMode [0600] Temporary file mode. confMATCH_GECOS MatchGECOS [True] Match GECOS field. confMAX_HOP MaxHopCount [25] Maximum hop count. confIGNORE_DOTS* IgnoreDots [False; always False in -bs or -bd mode] Ignore dot as terminator for incoming messages? confBIND_OPTS ResolverOptions [undefined] Default options for DNS resolver. confMIME_FORMAT_ERRORS* SendMimeErrors [True] Send error messages as MIME- encapsulated messages per RFC 1344. confFORWARD_PATH ForwardPath [$z/.forward.$w:$z/.forward] The colon-separated list of places to search for .forward files. N.B.: see the Security Notes section. confMCI_CACHE_SIZE ConnectionCacheSize [2] Size of open connection cache. confMCI_CACHE_TIMEOUT ConnectionCacheTimeout [5m] Open connection cache timeout. confUSE_ERRORS_TO* UserErrorsTo [False] Use the Errors-To: header to deliver error messages. This should not be necessary because of general acceptance of the envelope/header distinction. confLOG_LEVEL LogLevel [9] Log level. confME_TOO MeToo [False] Include sender in group expansions. confCHECK_ALIASES CheckAliases [False] Check RHS of aliases when running newaliases. Since this does DNS lookups on every address, it can slow down the alias rebuild process considerably on large alias files. confOLD_STYLE_HEADERS* OldStyleHeaders [True] Assume that headers without special chars are old style. confDAEMON_OPTIONS DaemonPortOptions [none] SMTP daemon options. confPRIVACY_FLAGS PrivacyOptions [authwarnings] Privacy flags. confCOPY_ERRORS_TO PostmasterCopy [undefined] Address for additional copies of all error messages. confQUEUE_FACTOR QueueFactor [600000] Slope of queue-only function. confDONT_PRUNE_ROUTES DontPruneRoutes [False] Don't prune down route-addr syntax addresses to the minimum possible. confSAFE_QUEUE* SuperSafe [True] Commit all messages to disk before forking. confTO_INITIAL Timeout.initial [5m] The timeout waiting for a response on the initial connect. confTO_HELO Timeout.helo [5m] The timeout waiting for a response to a HELO or EHLO command. confTO_MAIL Timeout.mail [10m] The timeout waiting for a response to the MAIL command. confTO_RCPT Timeout.rcpt [1h] The timeout waiting for a response to the RCPT command. confTO_DATAINIT Timeout.datainit [5m] The timeout waiting for a 354 response from the DATA command. confTO_DATABLOCK Timeout.datablock [1h] The timeout waiting for a block during DATA phase. confTO_DATAFINAL Timeout.datafinal [1h] The timeout waiting for a response to the final "." that terminates a message. confTO_RSET Timeout.rset [5m] The timeout waiting for a response to the RSET command. confTO_QUIT Timeout.quit [2m] The timeout waiting for a response to the QUIT command. confTO_MISC Timeout.misc [2m] The timeout waiting for a response to other SMTP commands. confTO_COMMAND Timeout.command [1h] In server SMTP, the timeout waiting for a command to be issued. confTO_IDENT Timeout.ident [30s] The timeout waiting for a response to an IDENT query. confTO_FILEOPEN Timeout.fileopen [60s] The timeout waiting for a file (e.g., :include: file) to be opened. confTO_QUEUERETURN Timeout.queuereturn [5d] The timeout before a message is returned as undeliverable. confTO_QUEUERETURN_NORMAL Timeout.queuereturn.normal [undefined] As above, for normal priority messages. confTO_QUEUERETURN_URGENT Timeout.queuereturn.urgent [undefined] As above, for urgent priority messages. confTO_QUEUERETURN_NONURGENT Timeout.queuereturn.non-urgent [undefined] As above, for non-urgent (low) priority messages. confTO_QUEUEWARN Timeout.queuewarn [4h] The timeout before a warning message is sent to the sender telling them that the message has been deferred. confTO_QUEUEWARN_NORMAL Timeout.queuewarn.normal [undefined] As above, for normal priority messages. confTO_QUEUEWARN_URGENT Timeout.queuewarn.urgent [undefined] As above, for urgent priority messages. confTO_QUEUEWARN_NONURGENT Timeout.queuewarn.non-urgent [undefined] As above, for non-urgent (low) priority messages. confTIME_ZONE TimeZoneSpec [USE_SYSTEM] Time zone info -- can be USE_SYSTEM to use the system's idea, USE_TZ to use the user's TZ envariable, or something else to force that value. confDEF_USER_ID DefaultUser [1:1] Default user id. confUSERDB_SPEC UserDatabaseSpec [undefined] User database specification. confFALLBACK_MX FallbackMXhost [undefined] Fallback MX host. confTRY_NULL_MX_LIST TryNullMXList [False] If we are the best MX for a host and haven't made other arrangements, try connecting to the host directly; normally this would be a config error. confQUEUE_LA QueueLA [8] Load average at which queue-only function kicks in. confREFUSE_LA RefuseLA [12] Load average at which incoming SMTP connections are refused. confWORK_RECIPIENT_FACTOR RecipientFactor [30000] Cost of each recipient. confSEPARATE_PROC ForkEachJob [False] Run all deliveries in a separate process. confWORK_CLASS_FACTOR ClassFactor [1800] Priority multiplier for class. confWORK_TIME_FACTOR RetryFactor [90000] Cost of each delivery attempt. confQUEUE_SORT_ORDER QueueSortOrder [Priority] Queue sort algorithm: Priority or Host. confMIN_QUEUE_AGE MinQueueAge [0] The minimum amount of time a job must sit in the queue between queue runs. This allows you to set the queue run interval low for better resposiveness without trying all jobs in each run. confDEF_CHAR_SET DefaultCharSet [unknown-8bit] When converting unlabelled 8 bit input to MIME, the character set to use by default. confSERVICE_SWITCH_FILE ServiceSwitchFile [/etc/service.switch] The file to use for the service switch on systems that do not have a system-defined switch. confHOSTS_FILE HostsFile [/etc/hosts] The file to use when doing "file" type access of hosts names. confDIAL_DELAY DialDelay [0s] If a connection fails, wait this long and try again. Zero means "don't retry". This is to allow "dial on demand" connections to have enough time to complete a connection. confNO_RCPT_ACTION NoRecipientAction [none] What to do if there are no legal recipient fields (To:, Cc: or Bcc:) in the message. Legal values can be "none" to just leave the nonconforming message as is, "add-to" to add a To: header with all the known recipients (which may expose blind recipients), "add-apparently-to" to do the same but use Apparently-To: instead of To:, "add-bcc" to add an empty Bcc: header, or "add-to-undisclosed" to add the header ``To: undisclosed-recipients:;''. confSAFE_FILE_ENV SafeFileEnvironment [undefined] If set, sendmail will do a chroot() into this directory before writing files. confCOLON_OK_IN_ADDR ColonOkInAddr [True unless Configuration Level > 6] If set, colons are treated as a regular character in addresses. If not set, they are treated as the introducer to the RFC 822 "group" syntax. Colons are handled properly in route-addrs. This option defaults on for V5 and lower configuration files. confMAX_QUEUE_RUN_SIZE MaxQueueRunSize [0] If set, limit the maximum size of any given queue run to this number of entries. Essentially, this will stop reading the queue directory after this number of entries are reached; it does _not_ pick the highest priority jobs, so this should be as large as your system can tolerate. If not set, there is no limit. confDONT_EXPAND_CNAMES DontExpandCnames [False] If set, $[ ... $] lookups that do DNS based lookups do not expand CNAME records. This currently violates the published standards, but the IETF seems to be moving toward legalizing this. For example, if "FTP.Foo.ORG" is a CNAME for "Cruft.Foo.ORG", then with this option set a lookup of "FTP" will return "FTP.Foo.ORG"; if clear it returns "Cruft.FOO.ORG". N.B. you may not see any effect until your downstream neighbors stop doing CNAME lookups as well. confFROM_LINE UnixFromLine [From $g $d] The From_ line used when sending to files or programs. confOPERATORS OperatorChars [.:%@!^/[]+] Address operator characters. confSMTP_LOGIN_MSG SmtpGreetingMessage [$j Sendmail $v/$Z; $b] The initial (spontaneous) SMTP greeting message. The word "ESMTP" will be inserted between the first and second words to convince other sendmails to try to speak ESMTP. confDONT_INIT_GROUPS DontInitGroups [False] If set, the initgroups(3) routine will never be invoked. You might want to do this if you are running NIS and you have a large group map, since this call does a sequential scan of the map; in a large site this can cause your ypserv to run essentially full time. If you set this, agents run on behalf of users will only have their primary (/etc/passwd) group permissions. See also the description of OSTYPE for some parameters that can be tweaked (generally pathnames to mailers). +-----------+ | HIERARCHY | +-----------+ Within this directory are several subdirectories, to wit: m4 General support routines. These are typically very important and should not be changed without very careful consideration. cf The configuration files themselves. They have ".mc" suffixes, and must be run through m4 to become complete. The resulting output should have a ".cf" suffix. ostype Definitions describing a particular operating system type. These should always be referenced using the OSTYPE macro in the .mc file. Examples include "bsd4.3", "bsd4.4", "sunos3.5", and "sunos4.1". domain Definitions describing a particular domain, referenced using the DOMAIN macro in the .mc file. These are site dependent; for example, "CS.Berkeley.EDU.m4" describes hosts in the CS.Berkeley.EDU subdomain. mailer Descriptions of mailers. These are referenced using the MAILER macro in the .mc file. sh Shell files used when building the .cf file from the .mc file in the cf subdirectory. feature These hold special orthogonal features that you might want to include. They should be referenced using the FEATURE macro. hack Local hacks. These can be referenced using the HACK macro. They shouldn't be of more than voyeuristic interest outside the .Berkeley.EDU domain, but who knows? We've all got our own peccadillos. siteconfig Site configuration -- e.g., tables of locally connected UUCP sites. +------------------------+ | ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS | +------------------------+ The following sections detail usage of certain internal parts of the file. Read them carefully if you are trying to modify the current model. If you find the above descriptions adequate, these should be {boring, confusing, tedious, ridiculous} (pick one or more). RULESETS (* means built in to sendmail) 0 * Parsing 1 * Sender rewriting 2 * Recipient rewriting 3 * Canonicalization 4 * Post cleanup 5 * Local address rewrite (after aliasing) 1x mailer rules (sender qualification) 2x mailer rules (recipient qualification) 3x mailer rules (sender header qualification) 4x mailer rules (recipient header qualification) 5x mailer subroutines (general) 6x mailer subroutines (general) 7x mailer subroutines (general) 8x reserved 90 Mailertable host stripping 96 Bottom half of Ruleset 3 (ruleset 6 in old sendmail) 97 Hook for recursive ruleset 0 call (ruleset 7 in old sendmail) 98 Local part of ruleset 0 (ruleset 8 in old sendmail) 99 Guaranteed null (for debugging) MAILERS 0 local, prog local and program mailers 1 [e]smtp, relay SMTP channel 2 uucp-* UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program 3 netnews Network News delivery 4 fax Sam Leffler's FlexFAX software 5 mail11 DECnet mailer MACROS A B Bitnet Relay C DECnet Relay D The local domain -- usually not needed E reserved for X.400 Relay F FAX Relay G H mail Hub (for mail clusters) I J K L Luser Relay M Masquerade (who I claim to be) N O P Q R Relay (for unqualified names) S Smart Host T U my UUCP name (if I have a UUCP connection) V UUCP Relay (class V hosts) W UUCP Relay (class W hosts) X UUCP Relay (class X hosts) Y UUCP Relay (all other hosts) Z Version number CLASSES A B C D E addresses that should not seem to come from $M F hosts we forward for G H I J K L addresses that should not be forwarded to $R M domains that should be mapped to $M N O operators that indicate network operations (cannot be in local names) P top level pseudo-domains: BITNET, DECNET, FAX, UUCP, etc. Q R S T U locally connected UUCP hosts V UUCP hosts connected to relay $V W UUCP hosts connected to relay $W X UUCP hosts connected to relay $X Y locally connected smart UUCP hosts Z locally connected domain-ized UUCP hosts . the class containing only a dot M4 DIVERSIONS 1 Local host detection and resolution 2 Local Ruleset 3 additions 3 Local Ruleset 0 additions 4 UUCP Ruleset 0 additions 5 locally interpreted names (overrides $R) 6 local configuration (at top of file) 7 mailer definitions 8 9 special local rulesets (1 and 2)