/* $NetBSD: smb_dev.c,v 1.40 2012/04/29 20:27:31 dsl Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Boris Popov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Boris Popov. * 4. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * FreeBSD: src/sys/netsmb/smb_dev.c,v 1.4 2001/12/02 08:47:29 bp Exp */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: smb_dev.c,v 1.40 2012/04/29 20:27:31 dsl Exp $"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Must come after sys/malloc.h */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* XXX */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static struct smb_dev **smb_devtbl; /* indexed by minor */ #define SMB_GETDEV(dev) (smb_devtbl[minor(dev)]) #define NSMB_DEFNUM 4 MALLOC_DEFINE(M_NSMBDEV, "NETSMBDEV", "NET/SMB device"); /* int smb_dev_queue(struct smb_dev *ndp, struct smb_rq *rqp, int prio); */ dev_type_open(nsmb_dev_open); dev_type_close(nsmb_dev_close); dev_type_ioctl(nsmb_dev_ioctl); const struct cdevsw nsmb_cdevsw = { nsmb_dev_open, nsmb_dev_close, noread, nowrite, nsmb_dev_ioctl, nostop, notty, nopoll, nommap, nokqfilter, D_OTHER, }; void nsmbattach(int); static bool nsmb_inited = false; void nsmbattach(int num) { if (nsmb_inited) return; nsmb_inited = true; if (num <= 0) { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC panic("nsmbattach: count <= 0"); #endif return; } if (num == 1) num = NSMB_DEFNUM; smb_devtbl = malloc(num * sizeof(void *), M_NSMBDEV, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); if (smb_sm_init()) { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC panic("netsmbattach: smb_sm_init failed"); #endif return; } if (smb_iod_init()) { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC panic("netsmbattach: smb_iod_init failed"); #endif smb_sm_done(); return; } smb_rqpool_init(); } static void nsmbdetach(void) { smb_iod_done(); smb_sm_done(); smb_rqpool_fini(); free(smb_devtbl, M_NSMBDEV); nsmb_inited = false; } int nsmb_dev_open(dev_t dev, int oflags, int devtype, struct lwp *l) { struct smb_dev *sdp; int s; sdp = SMB_GETDEV(dev); if (sdp && (sdp->sd_flags & NSMBFL_OPEN)) return EBUSY; if (sdp == NULL) { sdp = malloc(sizeof(*sdp), M_NSMBDEV, M_WAITOK); smb_devtbl[minor(dev)] = (void*)sdp; } memset(sdp, 0, sizeof(*sdp)); /* STAILQ_INIT(&sdp->sd_rqlist); STAILQ_INIT(&sdp->sd_rplist); selinit(&sdp->sd_pollinfo); */ s = splnet(); sdp->sd_level = -1; sdp->sd_flags |= NSMBFL_OPEN; splx(s); return 0; } int nsmb_dev_close(dev_t dev, int flag, int fmt, struct lwp *l) { struct smb_dev *sdp; struct smb_vc *vcp; struct smb_share *ssp; struct smb_cred scred; int s; sdp = SMB_GETDEV(dev); if (!sdp) return (ENXIO); s = splnet(); if ((sdp->sd_flags & NSMBFL_OPEN) == 0) { splx(s); return EBADF; } smb_makescred(&scred, l, NULL); ssp = sdp->sd_share; if (ssp != NULL) { smb_share_lock(ssp); smb_share_rele(ssp, &scred); } vcp = sdp->sd_vc; if (vcp != NULL) { smb_vc_lock(vcp); smb_vc_rele(vcp, &scred); } /* smb_flushq(&sdp->sd_rqlist); smb_flushq(&sdp->sd_rplist); seldestroy(&sdp->sd_pollinfo); */ smb_devtbl[minor(dev)] = NULL; free(sdp, M_NSMBDEV); splx(s); return 0; } int nsmb_dev_ioctl(dev_t dev, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, struct lwp *l) { struct smb_dev *sdp; struct smb_vc *vcp; struct smb_share *ssp; struct smb_cred scred; int error = 0; sdp = SMB_GETDEV(dev); if (!sdp) return (ENXIO); if ((sdp->sd_flags & NSMBFL_OPEN) == 0) return EBADF; smb_makescred(&scred, l, NULL); switch (cmd) { case SMBIOC_OPENSESSION: if (sdp->sd_vc) return EISCONN; error = smb_usr_opensession((struct smbioc_ossn*)data, &scred, &vcp); if (error) break; sdp->sd_vc = vcp; smb_vc_unlock(vcp); sdp->sd_level = SMBL_VC; break; case SMBIOC_OPENSHARE: if (sdp->sd_share) return EISCONN; if (sdp->sd_vc == NULL) return ENOTCONN; error = smb_usr_openshare(sdp->sd_vc, (struct smbioc_oshare*)data, &scred, &ssp); if (error) break; sdp->sd_share = ssp; smb_share_unlock(ssp); sdp->sd_level = SMBL_SHARE; break; case SMBIOC_REQUEST: if (sdp->sd_share == NULL) return ENOTCONN; error = smb_usr_simplerequest(sdp->sd_share, (struct smbioc_rq*)data, &scred); break; case SMBIOC_T2RQ: if (sdp->sd_share == NULL) return ENOTCONN; error = smb_usr_t2request(sdp->sd_share, (struct smbioc_t2rq*)data, &scred); break; case SMBIOC_SETFLAGS: { struct smbioc_flags *fl = (struct smbioc_flags*)data; int on; if (fl->ioc_level == SMBL_VC) { if (fl->ioc_mask & SMBV_PERMANENT) { on = fl->ioc_flags & SMBV_PERMANENT; if ((vcp = sdp->sd_vc) == NULL) return ENOTCONN; error = smb_vc_get(vcp, &scred); if (error) break; if (on && (vcp->obj.co_flags & SMBV_PERMANENT) == 0) { vcp->obj.co_flags |= SMBV_PERMANENT; smb_vc_ref(vcp); } else if (!on && (vcp->obj.co_flags & SMBV_PERMANENT)) { vcp->obj.co_flags &= ~SMBV_PERMANENT; smb_vc_rele(vcp, &scred); } smb_vc_put(vcp, &scred); } else error = EINVAL; } else if (fl->ioc_level == SMBL_SHARE) { if (fl->ioc_mask & SMBS_PERMANENT) { on = fl->ioc_flags & SMBS_PERMANENT; if ((ssp = sdp->sd_share) == NULL) return ENOTCONN; error = smb_share_get(ssp, &scred); if (error) break; if (on && (ssp->obj.co_flags & SMBS_PERMANENT) == 0) { ssp->obj.co_flags |= SMBS_PERMANENT; smb_share_ref(ssp); } else if (!on && (ssp->obj.co_flags & SMBS_PERMANENT)) { ssp->obj.co_flags &= ~SMBS_PERMANENT; smb_share_rele(ssp, &scred); } smb_share_put(ssp, &scred); } else error = EINVAL; break; } else error = EINVAL; break; } case SMBIOC_LOOKUP: if (sdp->sd_vc || sdp->sd_share) return EISCONN; vcp = NULL; ssp = NULL; error = smb_usr_lookup((struct smbioc_lookup*)data, &scred, &vcp, &ssp); if (error) break; if (vcp) { sdp->sd_vc = vcp; smb_vc_unlock(vcp); sdp->sd_level = SMBL_VC; } if (ssp) { sdp->sd_share = ssp; smb_share_unlock(ssp); sdp->sd_level = SMBL_SHARE; } break; case SMBIOC_READ: case SMBIOC_WRITE: { struct smbioc_rw *rwrq = (struct smbioc_rw*)data; struct uio auio; struct iovec iov; if ((ssp = sdp->sd_share) == NULL) return ENOTCONN; iov.iov_base = rwrq->ioc_base; iov.iov_len = rwrq->ioc_cnt; auio.uio_iov = &iov; auio.uio_iovcnt = 1; auio.uio_offset = rwrq->ioc_offset; auio.uio_resid = rwrq->ioc_cnt; auio.uio_rw = (cmd == SMBIOC_READ) ? UIO_READ : UIO_WRITE; auio.uio_vmspace = l->l_proc->p_vmspace; if (cmd == SMBIOC_READ) error = smb_read(ssp, rwrq->ioc_fh, &auio, &scred); else error = smb_write(ssp, rwrq->ioc_fh, &auio, &scred); rwrq->ioc_cnt -= auio.uio_resid; break; } default: error = ENODEV; } return error; } MODULE(MODULE_CLASS_DRIVER, nsmb, NULL); static int nsmb_modcmd(modcmd_t cmd, void *arg) { devmajor_t cmajor = NODEVMAJOR, bmajor = NODEVMAJOR; int error = 0; switch (cmd) { case MODULE_CMD_INIT: nsmbattach(1); error = devsw_attach("nsmb", NULL, &bmajor, &nsmb_cdevsw, &cmajor); if (error == EEXIST) /* builtin */ error = 0; if (error) { nsmbdetach(); } break; case MODULE_CMD_FINI: error = devsw_detach(NULL, &nsmb_cdevsw); if (error) break; nsmbdetach(); break; default: error = ENOTTY; break; } return error; } /* * Convert a file descriptor to appropriate smb_share pointer */ int smb_dev2share(int fd, int mode, struct smb_cred *scred, struct smb_share **sspp) { file_t *fp; struct vnode *vp; struct smb_dev *sdp; struct smb_share *ssp; dev_t dev; int error; if ((fp = fd_getfile(fd)) == NULL) return (EBADF); vp = fp->f_data; if (fp->f_type != DTYPE_VNODE || (fp->f_flag & (FREAD|FWRITE)) == 0 || vp->v_type != VCHR || vp->v_rdev == NODEV) { fd_putfile(fd); return (EBADF); } dev = vp->v_rdev; fd_putfile(fd); sdp = SMB_GETDEV(dev); if (!sdp) return (ENXIO); ssp = sdp->sd_share; if (ssp == NULL) return ENOTCONN; error = smb_share_get(ssp, scred); if (error) return error; *sspp = ssp; return 0; }